Friday, September 23, 2016

The Perils of Multiculturalism is Extinction Part 5 of 5

Now ask yourself, does this post not have validity? Does this commentary not produce a chilling apprehension of what might very well be happening? Has this post not convinced the reader everything enumerated was proceeding systematically, unobtrusively, menacingly, yet ubiquitously across America today? Every discussion is being suppressed. Over 100 languages tear the foundation of our educational system and national cohesiveness. Barbaric cultures that practice female genital mutilation, terror, honor killings, cock fighting, Voodoo and worse–grow as we celebrate ‘diversity’. American jobs vanish into the Third World as avaricious corporations create a Third World in America—take note of California and other states—to date, 20 million illegal aliens and growing, fast. Indeed, California is becoming “Mexifornia.”
If you look around you, our President and this Congress are dismantling America by either design or fault. Call it ‘multi-culturalism’ or ‘diversity’ or ‘one world government’ or ‘globalism’. In the end, it will mean the finish of the United States of America as a free, cohesive, sustainable and functioning society. Does it not remind you as it does me of George Orwell’s book, “1984.” In that story, three slogans are engraved in the Ministry of Truth building: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.” Has it yet to dawn on you, the reader, that our nation and the future of this great republic are deeply in trouble and worsening fast. An invasion of diseases, clashing cultures, languages, balkinization, mounting environmental dilemmas accelerate by the day. If this immigration monster isn’t stopped within a few years, it will rage across the United States like a Southern California wildfire and destroy everything in its path, especially the American Dream.
Finally, immigrants drive our population into doubling within the next 60 years to over 600 million people. Remember this–the line never ends as the world grows by 80 million desperate people annually. Dr. David Bartlett once stated: “Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way–aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases in population, locally, nationally or globally?” If you as an American citizen continue standing by saying nothing, this country is going down the proverbial train. Everything you work and hope for—will not be there for your children. It’s time for your participation. Conviction without action is worthless.
We are in America, are we not? Has not English been spoken since its inception? At one time, every immigrant that attained citizenship learned to speak English. But many of today’s hundreds of thousands of illegal and legal immigrants along with some of our several “generations past” immigrants, now citizens, steer America’s language and culture into a fragmented multilingual mass of manure. Without the ability to speak to ourselves, do we not fracture at the core of our national foundation? Without a common language, are we as a people communicating one to another? Chaos in our cities, classrooms and within society in general, display little reason to sustainment of a multiculturalism mindset. What I see is common place ill-mannered comportment. Without the ability to speak to ourselves, do we not fracture the core of our national foundation? Have the American people not witnessed the fracturing of other, once prosperous and prominent nations? Have you ever wondered why these once prosperous counties leaders allowed the degradation of their own languages and cultures? The follow-on question requires some introspection. Why would America and her leaders allow the presence of, or support for the presence of, multiple distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society to displace their languages and culture? Why would you allow the degradation of our own culture and language?

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