Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Why do Liberals Oppose Trump

Why do so many Americans, especially liberals oppose Trump? Perhaps they want to control everything, or always be the center of attention. Or perhaps they are driven by envy or vitriol or some other veiled motive. But whatever the reason, they are opposing God’s chosen servant and obstructing that servant’s work—and that my friend, is all the time, wrong. My suggestion to Trump and his administration personnel, don’t let the peccadillos of a few keep you from doing what’s right. In other words, don’t let other’s negative attitudes sully you and the mission God called you for; Make America Great Again. Let those of us who believe Trump was placed by God into the presidency pray for him—and if God gives you an opportunity, tactfully confront the antagonists or rivals with an apologetics type argumentativeness strategy.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump Beware of Political Establishment

The greater danger to President Trump is that the movement he led will be forsaken, its expectations made void, and the agenda that Trump rejected and routed will be re-imposed not by an existential threat but by Political Establishment (both Democrat and Republican Establishment) and its colleagues and collaborators in politics and the media. It would well serve the establishment to recall who read the tea leaves accurately, which is why Donald J. Trump took the oath of office, Jan 20 2017. While President Trump should avoid rash actions, if he is to become a transformational president, he will spurn an establishment desperately seeking to hold onto the world that is passing away.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Americans not The Media are Best Judge of Trump

Let me tell you directly; I am a Trump supporter. I voted for him, DVR'd his inauguration festivities and what I ask from him as President. I believe it is civility over diversity; discussion without disaster and good manners rather than political correctness. I for one do not want to be lectured, especially by someone who gets rich for talking in front of a camera. I proudly count myself as one of Clinton’s basket of deplorables rather than a progressive double in the Democrat Party.
I consider myself to be as intelligent and better read than the average person. No offense meant!  I have a good education via three universities.  Only one of which had a semblance of liberal bias or institute political correctness. As a result, I am an independent theorist or thinker as I believe most of the readers of my blog posts are, based on reading comments over the past few years. I don’t believe that we need a lecture from the media either. Americans not the media are the best judge of Trump. Too many Journalists (I use the term loosely) apparently believe they have some type special cosmic knowledge that mere mortals don’t have — that a Trump presidency is very dangerous. Obviously, I as a mortal, disagree with the media’s mindset.
I ask you, the reader, how does anyone know what is in another man’s heart? Has Donald Trump done anything in his life to deserve the derision against him? Real evidence doesn’t seem important to much of the Media. They have insight into the future that must be listened to even if it is vilifying to Trump, runs counter to propriety and represents a much bigger threat to American democracy than Trump.
I find it interesting that the news media are so convinced that Trump is evil because of some of the moronic comments he has made over the past year. Trump has often said something stupid or inappropriate. That doesn’t mean he is evil or tyrannical. It is my opinion, based on personal observations, the liberal media are pouring fuel onto smoldering embers. If all hell breaks loose it won’t be Donald Trump that brings it about, but his adversaries that care not about what is good for America but rather their own socialist agenda.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

From BO's Blind Eyes to DJT's Open Eyes

Recent history has proved Christians have been and still are being barbarically crucified. They are tortured and executed for refusing to convert to Islam. At least six dozen mass graves, filled with thousands of religious minorities, have been uncovered. It is of little wonder why so many Christians living is Muslim nations feel abandoned. Does no one care about them, like they are not human? The annihilation is mind numbing. It must be stopped. It is all too apparent that the outgoing Obama Administration had turned a blind eye to the plight of persecuted Christians in countries that practice the “Religion of Peace.”  Thankfully, a new leader, Donald Trump will take the helm and right the ship. With proper leadership and real diplomacy an end to this genocide will finally cease.  Let us pray for Trump’s Captainship.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pondering Obama's Departure

While pondering the last days of Barack Obama as president of the United States - not something entered into lightly considering that squandering one’s time deliberating the minutiae of the digestive process of a paramecia is more rewarding - but nevertheless watching the Obama Administration prepare for its departure, one is reminded of the old saying about “doors slamming against one’s hind end.” Dare I go off on a tangent? We are talking about Barrack Obama are we not? With his recent tantrum over the supposed Russian meddling in our election, the knifing in the back of Israel or as some have said “knife in the gut” of our closest and most reliable confederate in the Middle East, releasing dozens more of Gitmo’s most dangerous terrorists, commuting Mr/Ms Manning’s sentence for treason and an unprecedented land grab in the western United States – interestingly a region where Barack Obama has scant to no elector approbation at all – Barack Obama has indicated that he intends to bow out graciously. Hopefully doing what’s best for the country by promising a smooth transition is more than just grandstanding or lip service. Again we are talking about the architect of Obamacare and the one who promised "Hope and Change." 

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Left's Hysteria Shrouded in Darkness

Since most of the far-left liberals approach most things from an emotional standpoint, nothing they say, do, or believe makes sense. They factually do not live in reality, because if they employed lucidity and reason their conception of the world would come apart. Who likes to be incorrect or awry? Surely not the progressive left. No, Never!

In order to maintain their make-believe or pretend world, liberals employ projection as a defense mechanism. All the darkness that is within them gets projected onto traditionalists – the proverbial “Other”. All they need, then, is for someone like DJT to come along, who doesn’t express himself carefully, wait for him to say one thing that can be construed as a form of dysphemism- racist, sexist etc., and precipitously they are “proven” right. And then, the impossible happens. The receptacle liberals have projected all their detestation onto wins the presidential election. They have literally built D. J. Trump into the false Messiah…who now is America’s PEOTUS, soon to be Commander in Chief.

Hence, the hysteria. Once gripped by fear, the liberal intellect whirls the whole kit and caboodle into calamity. They can’t even be specific about their fears, just that “bad things will happen to minorities, women, gays, etc.” Are people so mindless or void of logic that they really think there are going to be mobs going around lynching or beating up minorities and those associated with the LBGT community? That abortion and gay marriage will fade away? Do they even know the only way that happens is via Constitutional Amendment, which the president has no role in, and would never happen anyway? Remember when Reagan was elected, and liberals said he would start a nuclear war? Or how some xenophobic would snuff out Obama? Or that prejudiced GOP conservatives would impeach him? And that everyone would have affordable health care now?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Factional Political Partisan Politics

It was in the beginning, Man did sin. A woman ate an apple and pointed a finger at someone else, thereby deflecting personal blame/involvement.  Hence, we have man's first scandal. For the purpose of this post, let us refer to the act as Gardengate. As time marches on we come to contemporary American politics and its scandals and finger pointing of which there is no shortage. The latest involves Russia influencing the electorate by hacking the DNC. For kicks and grins let us label this Russiagate. And yes, there was plenty of finger pointing by the candidate herself, the democratic party and lest we forget,  the forgotten self-proclaimed sages of Hollywood. They lost. No matter the manner of speechifying, crying, deflection or finger pointing.

Has the reader ever noted, regardless the scandal or circumstances surrounding the misdeed, the person/political party involved claims outrage. The event causing the indignity is usually blamed on a third party or the rival political faction/foe. The more demonstrated outrage the bigger the shadow of doubt becomes, thereby drawing attention away from the original source of given scandal. This nation's political establishment elitists have been willing actors in numerous scandals in the recent past. The alleged perpetrators are always pointing fingers, deflecting blame and shall we say involved in partisan foolishness (or stupidity). Why?  The aggrieved politician/party act, for the sake of power without regard to the premises of right argument claims. This type claim will induce or justify their conclusion. The more complex the argument, the greater becomes the number of premises to one conclusion. Hence, the scandal(s) are buried in minutia and become a meaningless footnote on the back page of some history book. Remember Watergate, Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewatergate, Clinton's Cattle Futuresgate, Benghazigate, Emailgate? The only "gate " we remember is the initial scandal listed. Why remember Watergate and not the others? Smoking gun (tapes) left little room for deflection and the actors involved were not as adept at presentation of right argument claims, thus they were unable to induce or justify their claims.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Russian-American Leadership and Prayer

One may rightly ask, has Russian President Vladimir Putin been reading his Bible? Is he turning the other cheek? I don’t know, but I find it interesting that he’s not going to retaliate against President Obama whose administration has sent 35 Russian diplomats packing and ordered two of their U.S. compounds closed. We don’t even know if the hacking allegations are true as some say--or, is this just more fake news­­­­-- or if true, what difference did it make in the election, if any? We need to pray for President-Elect Donald Trump his administration as they will be inheriting a very difficult situation, exacerbated by Obama’s and the liberal left’s unfounded and sometimes questionable if not bizarre actions. Under our current leader’s administration and his political party’s actions or lack thereof, our world is now in a more perilous position than it was prior to Obama's accession to power. Now, I ask you, the reader, if our newly elected leaders need God’s help?

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Absence of Clear Values

One of the central problems of political life today is the absence of clear values binding the political elite together, which could provide it with a narrative to engage with its citizens. This crisis of self-belief and values explains much about the conduct of political life in America specifically and the Western world generally; without such moral belief, it is difficult for political elites to inspire the public and encourage public participation in democracy. This disgust at political elites has given rise to populism, both here and abroad. Its basic premise, (I believe this to be the case) that the existing political establishment no longer represents the people, is the key to understanding its widespread appeal. Is it not apparent to even the most rabid of both conservatives and progressives, that party coalitions on both sides are broken beyond repair? The next few years or so might well see a reformation of the major political parties. Let's hope this is done in a way that increases political participation and the functioning of government, and helps us become a more robust democracy. If the political elite truly desire to represent the people, it is they who must take a first step. It is this blogger's opinion, term limits would be an ideal first step. It would provide the narrative for engaging America's citizenry. Why, one may wonder would Congress initiate new laws limiting their power, therefore their wealth? Too many of our congressional leaders are part of the swamp that President Elect Donald Trump has alluded to and they don't want it drained. I predict our existing political establishment will resist limited congressional terms.  The result will inevitably lead to continued populism growth and eventually reformation.