Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Factional Political Partisan Politics

It was in the beginning, Man did sin. A woman ate an apple and pointed a finger at someone else, thereby deflecting personal blame/involvement.  Hence, we have man's first scandal. For the purpose of this post, let us refer to the act as Gardengate. As time marches on we come to contemporary American politics and its scandals and finger pointing of which there is no shortage. The latest involves Russia influencing the electorate by hacking the DNC. For kicks and grins let us label this Russiagate. And yes, there was plenty of finger pointing by the candidate herself, the democratic party and lest we forget,  the forgotten self-proclaimed sages of Hollywood. They lost. No matter the manner of speechifying, crying, deflection or finger pointing.

Has the reader ever noted, regardless the scandal or circumstances surrounding the misdeed, the person/political party involved claims outrage. The event causing the indignity is usually blamed on a third party or the rival political faction/foe. The more demonstrated outrage the bigger the shadow of doubt becomes, thereby drawing attention away from the original source of given scandal. This nation's political establishment elitists have been willing actors in numerous scandals in the recent past. The alleged perpetrators are always pointing fingers, deflecting blame and shall we say involved in partisan foolishness (or stupidity). Why?  The aggrieved politician/party act, for the sake of power without regard to the premises of right argument claims. This type claim will induce or justify their conclusion. The more complex the argument, the greater becomes the number of premises to one conclusion. Hence, the scandal(s) are buried in minutia and become a meaningless footnote on the back page of some history book. Remember Watergate, Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewatergate, Clinton's Cattle Futuresgate, Benghazigate, Emailgate? The only "gate " we remember is the initial scandal listed. Why remember Watergate and not the others? Smoking gun (tapes) left little room for deflection and the actors involved were not as adept at presentation of right argument claims, thus they were unable to induce or justify their claims.

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