Thursday, January 19, 2017

From BO's Blind Eyes to DJT's Open Eyes

Recent history has proved Christians have been and still are being barbarically crucified. They are tortured and executed for refusing to convert to Islam. At least six dozen mass graves, filled with thousands of religious minorities, have been uncovered. It is of little wonder why so many Christians living is Muslim nations feel abandoned. Does no one care about them, like they are not human? The annihilation is mind numbing. It must be stopped. It is all too apparent that the outgoing Obama Administration had turned a blind eye to the plight of persecuted Christians in countries that practice the “Religion of Peace.”  Thankfully, a new leader, Donald Trump will take the helm and right the ship. With proper leadership and real diplomacy an end to this genocide will finally cease.  Let us pray for Trump’s Captainship.

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