Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pondering Obama's Departure

While pondering the last days of Barack Obama as president of the United States - not something entered into lightly considering that squandering one’s time deliberating the minutiae of the digestive process of a paramecia is more rewarding - but nevertheless watching the Obama Administration prepare for its departure, one is reminded of the old saying about “doors slamming against one’s hind end.” Dare I go off on a tangent? We are talking about Barrack Obama are we not? With his recent tantrum over the supposed Russian meddling in our election, the knifing in the back of Israel or as some have said “knife in the gut” of our closest and most reliable confederate in the Middle East, releasing dozens more of Gitmo’s most dangerous terrorists, commuting Mr/Ms Manning’s sentence for treason and an unprecedented land grab in the western United States – interestingly a region where Barack Obama has scant to no elector approbation at all – Barack Obama has indicated that he intends to bow out graciously. Hopefully doing what’s best for the country by promising a smooth transition is more than just grandstanding or lip service. Again we are talking about the architect of Obamacare and the one who promised "Hope and Change." 

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