Monday, January 16, 2017

The Left's Hysteria Shrouded in Darkness

Since most of the far-left liberals approach most things from an emotional standpoint, nothing they say, do, or believe makes sense. They factually do not live in reality, because if they employed lucidity and reason their conception of the world would come apart. Who likes to be incorrect or awry? Surely not the progressive left. No, Never!

In order to maintain their make-believe or pretend world, liberals employ projection as a defense mechanism. All the darkness that is within them gets projected onto traditionalists – the proverbial “Other”. All they need, then, is for someone like DJT to come along, who doesn’t express himself carefully, wait for him to say one thing that can be construed as a form of dysphemism- racist, sexist etc., and precipitously they are “proven” right. And then, the impossible happens. The receptacle liberals have projected all their detestation onto wins the presidential election. They have literally built D. J. Trump into the false Messiah…who now is America’s PEOTUS, soon to be Commander in Chief.

Hence, the hysteria. Once gripped by fear, the liberal intellect whirls the whole kit and caboodle into calamity. They can’t even be specific about their fears, just that “bad things will happen to minorities, women, gays, etc.” Are people so mindless or void of logic that they really think there are going to be mobs going around lynching or beating up minorities and those associated with the LBGT community? That abortion and gay marriage will fade away? Do they even know the only way that happens is via Constitutional Amendment, which the president has no role in, and would never happen anyway? Remember when Reagan was elected, and liberals said he would start a nuclear war? Or how some xenophobic would snuff out Obama? Or that prejudiced GOP conservatives would impeach him? And that everyone would have affordable health care now?

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