Sunday, January 8, 2017

Russian-American Leadership and Prayer

One may rightly ask, has Russian President Vladimir Putin been reading his Bible? Is he turning the other cheek? I don’t know, but I find it interesting that he’s not going to retaliate against President Obama whose administration has sent 35 Russian diplomats packing and ordered two of their U.S. compounds closed. We don’t even know if the hacking allegations are true as some say--or, is this just more fake news­­­­-- or if true, what difference did it make in the election, if any? We need to pray for President-Elect Donald Trump his administration as they will be inheriting a very difficult situation, exacerbated by Obama’s and the liberal left’s unfounded and sometimes questionable if not bizarre actions. Under our current leader’s administration and his political party’s actions or lack thereof, our world is now in a more perilous position than it was prior to Obama's accession to power. Now, I ask you, the reader, if our newly elected leaders need God’s help?

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