Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Absence of Clear Values

One of the central problems of political life today is the absence of clear values binding the political elite together, which could provide it with a narrative to engage with its citizens. This crisis of self-belief and values explains much about the conduct of political life in America specifically and the Western world generally; without such moral belief, it is difficult for political elites to inspire the public and encourage public participation in democracy. This disgust at political elites has given rise to populism, both here and abroad. Its basic premise, (I believe this to be the case) that the existing political establishment no longer represents the people, is the key to understanding its widespread appeal. Is it not apparent to even the most rabid of both conservatives and progressives, that party coalitions on both sides are broken beyond repair? The next few years or so might well see a reformation of the major political parties. Let's hope this is done in a way that increases political participation and the functioning of government, and helps us become a more robust democracy. If the political elite truly desire to represent the people, it is they who must take a first step. It is this blogger's opinion, term limits would be an ideal first step. It would provide the narrative for engaging America's citizenry. Why, one may wonder would Congress initiate new laws limiting their power, therefore their wealth? Too many of our congressional leaders are part of the swamp that President Elect Donald Trump has alluded to and they don't want it drained. I predict our existing political establishment will resist limited congressional terms.  The result will inevitably lead to continued populism growth and eventually reformation. 

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