Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Is Santa Real? If not, Is There a Christmas or a God?

Is there a Santa Claus bearing gifts? Only if you’re a Left-leaning secular Social Progressive  is Kris Kringle or Saint Nicholas other than a figment of one’s imagination that gives others “free stuff.” If there is no Santa, does this mean there is no Christmas? By extension, if there is no Christmas, is there a God? Indeed, God Almighty exists. We can categorically affirm, as we commemorate His birth, Yes, there is an Almighty God. The universe literally cries of His existence but only for those who have eyes to see. Paraphrasing Christian theologian’s past and present we can more accurately say about God, He lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, even 10,000 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue existing as He has always existed. One must remember, "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it... The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God -- children born not of natural descent, nor human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us... We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. Out of his fullness, we have all received grace in place of grace already given. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known." In truth, there is a Christmas and a God. The greatest Christmas gift reminds us of how God gave of His Son and that Jesus Christ gave us the greatest gift of all. Christmas is meant to be a symbol of the heart -- love, charity, compassion, commemoration, and remembrance of the gift of eternal life made possible by the Savior. How do I know what I speak of? Because the Bible is the ultimate source of truth. There is a God. Furthermore, my faith rests on the assurance that what I hope for will come about and the certainty that what I cannot see exists. There is an Almighty God. He is the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. It is because He lives we can face tomorrow, that being said, there is a God thus Christmas is real. Merry Christmas to friends, followers and readers alike.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Why Not Thanksgiving

Tides of Tyranny: Why Not Thanksgiving: In this globalized world that looks less like a brotherhood of man and more like a simmering cauldron of fractious tribes, our national in...

Why Not Thanksgiving

In this globalized world that looks less like a brotherhood of man and more like a simmering cauldron of fractious tribes, our national indissoluble traditions may be our one saving grace. We should continue to commemorate the celebration meal of Pilgrims and the Native American Wampanoag’s; we should continue to celebrate the feelings of charity and gratefulness essential for our own lives. We as Americans, as a nation are faced with this challenge: Will we remain bonded together in thanksgiving or divided by imagined wrongs. If we desire to have a flourishing future America in which many are bound into one people, Thanksgiving can’t be ceded to those who are working tirelessly to place unbridgeable barriers between us.
If history has taught us little else, it has taught us that others have faced perceived insurmountable grief and challenges before us. However, the highly colorful patchwork of our diverse citizenry is woven together to form a fabric that is as sturdy as it is aesthetically pleasing.  A Nation comprised of individuals living in a land where we are free. Reflecting on the words penned by President Lincoln a century and a half ago, and looking through the lens of freedom, we see that we truly do have much to be thankful for.  In my case it’s Christ in me, the hope of glory, family, friends to include those on Facebook and Twitter, every Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman and Coastguardsman who continue to make this possible, and strangers who offer a kind word. The freedom to worship in our own personal ways. The freedom to express our views and listen to the views of others.  Yes, it is indeed a good time to pause to give thanks. Despite those who would abandon historicity, tradition and acquiesce to those who espouse identity politics, historic revision, collectivism under its many guises, and the secularization of America, I am thankful to live in the land of the free and home of the brave.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Chick-fil-A ‘s Judas Kiss

Tides of Tyranny: Chick-fil-A ‘s Judas Kiss: To think It all started with “ marriage is between a man and a woman .” From there the battle lines were drawn. Between righteousness an...

Chick-fil-A ‘s Judas Kiss

To think It all started with “marriage is between a man and a woman.” From there the battle lines were drawn. Between righteousness and sin, good and evil, Christianity and secularism, diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures versus traditional faith-based scripture truths. We as a people, as a culture, as a nation must choose the path we walk, for better or worse. It is said: “In each of us, two natures are at war – the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them and, one of them must conquer. But in our own hands lies the power to choose – what we want most to be we are.” Hence, the battle lines are drawn.
To say I was distressed, disheartened and disappointed, is an understatement when I learned that Chick-fil-A has felt de rigueur to divert funding from the Salvation Army, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and other faith-based charities that are associated with Christianity, or religious groups whose doctrine of faith runs contrary to the LGBTQ community/advocates dogma. Regardless of who donates to what charitable organization, no business should be discriminated against simply because its owners donate to a church, the Salvation Army, or other religious organization(s).
Like many Conservative Christians, I feel the restaurant chain has bitten the hand that has fed it since its inception. Why would those in charge now turn their backs on the values of its founder, Truett Cathy? One can rightly conclude the current Chick-fil-A President and CEO, Tim Tassopoulos has applied the Judas Kiss to the memory of Truett Cathy. Governor Mike Huckabee summed it best when he accused the current Chick-fil-A leadership of “selling out.” Furthermore, one must wonder how long before Chick-fil-A is open on Sundays. Don’t be surprised if your local Chick-fil-A hosts a Sunday morning Drag Queen Story Hour with gender-fluid bovines wearing feather boas and stiletto hooves.
Are we not inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage and what psychiatry calls sexual perversion or deviancy (Paraphilia)? Truett Cathy once said; “I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage, is all about.” This being said, there’s still a glimmer of hope that righteousness will prevail at the end of the day.  In the words of MLK, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Monday, November 18, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: History or Historical Revision

Tides of Tyranny: History or Historical Revision:

History or Historical Revision

This post was written in response to a progressive friend who took exception on some comments I made on social media as they referred to the erasure of select Civil War and Revolutionary War Icons and memorials erected in their honor. I am one who encourages open dialogue. Without discourse, knowledge and understanding are mere words.
The North should never be "ashamed of winning the Civil War." All things considered; we are a better nation for it. Reference Confederate monuments, why the rush to rid the country of these tangible reminders of the practice of racial segregating within America at the time and the action of arranging laws or rules according to an implemented system of white, dare I say, even Arian supremacism. For the sake of time and subject matter, Arian supremacism is a subject deserving scrutiny that can be shelved until a later date.
Back on topic; we need to be aware that people in power at the time thought it was appropriate to do what they did, to include slavery, even Jim Crow? I believe making these monuments/artifacts disappear allows certain persons to re-write history. Do you think to keep them in place might stand as a salient reminder of times past? Last comment on Civil War monuments: As a society, we benefit from learning about our own historical past in all its complexity.
Now the Founding Fathers are being besieged for some of the very reasons why Confederate Leaders were and are still being targeted. There is a difference between the two groups. Yes, many Civil War and Revolutionary War notables were slave owners. Without, Washington, Jefferson, Adams…there would be no United States of America. The Founding Fathers, a group of predominately wealthy plantation owners and businessmen, united thirteen distressed colonies, fought for independence from England and penned a series of influential governing documents that steer the nation to this day. Why then are there persons/groups advocating Washington and Jefferson’s faces removal from Mount Rushmore? Why are some of these same persons/groups promoting these same Founding Fathers names be removed from public buildings, streets and federal monuments? Even many of our post-secondary education institutions are renaming institutional structures previously named in honor of Washington, Jefferson…One might ask why? Does it have to do with identity politics, political correctness or historical ignorance? It is certainly an immense moral failing on the part of many of our Founding Fathers that they owned slaves, and probably not something we spend enough time recognizing. However, you’ll notice that I used the term “Founding Fathers” to refer to Jefferson and Washington. Whatever their personal failings, these were men who played an undeniable and critically important role in the creation of the United States of America. They did great deeds and shaped our very history. There are, therefore, understandable and reasonable arguments for their public commemoration. Washington owned slaves, but helped win the war, and played a critical role in national stability and shaping the presidency. Jefferson owned slaves, but he also authored the Declaration of Independence.
You can argue that one aspect might outweigh the other, but there is an argument worth exchanging views. There is an exchange of views to be had about whether Washington and Jefferson’s positives outweigh their moral failings. To an extent, that same debate can be made about America’s more recent or more contemporary political leaders/events. The historicity of a claim about the past is its factual status. This being so, does not historicity denote historical certainty, validity, factuality and focuses on the true value of knowledge claims about the past? Historical revision does not alter historicity past.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fools Gold

When I see news feeds of Elizabeth Warren, AKA “Pocahontas,” Bernie Sanders and to a lesser extent Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke on the Presidential trail giving a stump speech a sobering portrait comes to mind. The image is representative of the dramatic rise in socialism's popularity in America, particularly among the millennial cohort of American voters, now the largest single-age block of eligible voters in America. The three mentioned presidential aspirants set the table with the promise of “Free Stuff.” All three presidential hopefuls imply that “Free Stuff” will Make America Greater Again and all will be happy in Camelot. This may come as a shock to those who rally around the candidate’s flagpole but “Free Stuff” is no more than fool’s gold. The promise of “Free Stuff” is based on class warfare that claims “only the wealthy will pay” for it. Think again! 

What the Democrat Left presidential candidates are espousing is no more than the political and economic philosophies of Karl Marx, Mikhail Bakunin, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin…Their philosophical beliefs, with minor variants or disparities centered on class conflict, class warfare and class struggle as a central tenant and a practical means for effecting radical social and political changes. What better way to win the hearts, minds, and souls of the largest segment of a nation’s eligible voters than to claim, “only the rich will pay.” Has this not led to seismic manic movements, not unlike those seen in the Middle Ages’? Saint Vitas dance appears to be alive and well among today’s millennials and leftist leaning political fringe? What’s not to like about building 3 million new low-cost housing units, a Green Marshall Plan, Green Industrial Mobilization, Green Apollo Program, Canceling Student loan debt, making public universities tuition-free, universal childcare, universal health care…Sounds great does it not? Who would not desire a boatload of “free stuff”? But, there’s a reason why it has yet to happen: “Free Stuff” is not Free. The price tag would be astronomical.

In summation: This writer contends that our presidential challengers are long on promises but short on economic analysis, calculations, and reality. If we keep meandering down this road to nowhere, we face certain socio-economic calamity. Why not alter our course and go down the highway less traveled to Balanced Budget Way and Bipartisan Boulevard?

Monday, September 30, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Call to Arms

Tides of Tyranny: Call to Arms: Is God dead … and have we killed him? My point is not that God went the way of the Tasmanian Tiger or Dodo flightless bird, but that too ma...

Call to Arms

Is God dead … and have we killed him? My point is not that God went the way of the Tasmanian Tiger or Dodo flightless bird, but that too many people in America no longer believe inJesus Christthe Son of God or Jehovah God, and that this corruption of faith will in all probability only increase. In other words, will likely continue. Have we not seen this scenario, for the most part, turn out to be the case in Western Europe, where only small percentages of people say they believe in God? But has not America been an exception to this trend and remains so today? Not so fast my friends.

IAW Pew Research data, a slight majority of Americans say they believe in God with absolute certainty. Conversely, just over a half of Americans say religion is important to them. More, recent data shows that roughly “half of Americans say they favor a greater role for religion in society, compared to only 18% who say they oppose that.” That’s a startling stat, especially when set side by side with our West European brethren, which are not so keen on any faith-based religious belief much less Christian faith-based religion. But before we start going head over heels for American exceptionalism, we need to recognize something is acutely off-center. Despite America’s perceived strong religious feelings or beliefs, we continue drifting aimlessly in the direction of Western Europe’s tumultuous secular seas.

Consider this. Did not same-sex marriage take hold in much of Western Europe before it reached America? The U.S. trailed behind, but not for long. Has not the views that were once prevalent among the general public changed over the last several years from a majority opposing same-sex marriage to a majority now supporting it. Let us cognate on gender and how grammatical gender is now only loosely associated with natural distinctions of biological sex. Americans are becoming more accepting of a person’s identity that does not conform unambiguously to conventional ideas of the male or female gender. Why support? Transgenderism pop culture, media, academia and many within today’s Democrat Party promotes it. The idea that gender is based on feelings, rather than an objective standard tied to biology is now vogue. The result: a large percentage of Generation Y now say gender identity is a matter of choice. From what I have read and heard many Americans are fine using transgender pronouns. This cultural change was fast in coming. So much so, it is like being spun around on a fast circling merry-go-round amusement park ride and it raises the obvious question: If America is so faithful, why does it keep acquiescing on all the highly charged sociopolitical cultural issues? Pardon the insensitivity, this being the case, what good is our religious convictions? The answer, it appears, is not much good at all. Though we may not be secularizing like the rest of the West, we aren’t stringently observing traditional forms of Judeo-Christian beliefs. This being as it is, does this make America, a nation of people practicing religious heresy? Stop the ride, you want to get off? Too late!

If Americans increasingly view religion as a subjective thing with no bearing on the actual world, by inference, these same Americans must reason that religious belief is a matter of opinion, not objective truth. Herein lies the essential problem and it explains the contradiction of America as a nation with both vibrant faith-based religions and defining culture.

What we have in America is a root-and-branch separation of God from reality. We as a culture have rejected a God who created and gave order to the universe, sets moral norms, defines our being and binds our consciences to a moral code in today’s world. Essentially, we have kept God but discharged the long-established traditional package.

By discarding the package are we not rejecting God completely? If believing in God has no impact on the way we view realities in this world, whether they be gender, marriage, or who counts as a person worthy of dignity and respect, then what God are we even paying homage to? Could it be that the anti-theists are right when they accuse us of worshipping a God of our own making or production?

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Warning! Hunting Season Delayed

Tides of Tyranny: Warning! Hunting Season Delayed: Why did Universal Pictures postpone their plans to release The Hunt , a motion picture that depicts liberal elitists stalking and slaughteri...

Warning! Hunting Season Delayed

Why did Universal Pictures postpone their plans to release The Hunt, a motion picture that depicts liberal elitists stalking and slaughtering supporters of President Trump? Again, why would Hollywood withdraw The Hunt? Tinseltown may be prejudiced and they may even be anti-conservative, but they aren’t as stupid as some of the words that come from their lips might suggest. There is little doubt that, like mainstream media, the U.S. film industry and the people associated with it suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and loathes Deplorables. But there’s one thing they hate even more…” empty seats at the box office.”

However, those of my political and theological persuasion think otherwise. Let me be clear. There are significant numbers of Conservative, law-abiding gun owners, and Christian Deplorables who are undoubtedly not amused at the idea of a motion picture that satirizes the blood-spattered demise of proponents holding political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, smaller government, and socio-politically traditional notions.

I have no doubt that today’s Democrats, Socialists, abortion/euthanasia advocates and the likes of Waters, AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley, Pocahontas, Sanders… would be absolutely entertained by the film’s unrestrained bloodshed. Why would the above-named antagonists or groups be amused at such a scenario? Let me answer this question with a question. Are not these same groups, for the most part, comprised of left-wing political adherents of an ideology, that is uncompromising and dogmatic?  It would come as no surprise that these ideologues and/or radicals might find the movie knee-slapping, side-clenching entertaining. I find the mere thought of such a screenplay sickening, then again, I am a deplorable law-abiding gun-owning Christian with traditional conservative viewpoints and values. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Buyer Beware: Socialism is Toxic

Tides of Tyranny: Buyer Beware: Socialism is Toxic: Despite the historic evils of socialism, Democrats are proposing an evolving agenda of Medicare for all, free college tuition, higher ta...

Buyer Beware: Socialism is Toxic

Despite the historic evils of socialism, Democrats are proposing an evolving agenda of Medicare for all, free college tuition, higher taxes, guaranteed basic income, abortion on demand, Green energy and most recently payment of reparations for the injustices of slavery past. I ask the rank and file, the politician and the bureaucrat: Where's the injustices of slavery. I ask the rank and file, the politician and the bureaucrat: Where's the money coming from? Therein lies the problem. Do we rob Peter to pay Paul? In other words, do we take something away from one person to pay another, leaving the former at a disadvantage; expressed in a different way, discharging one debt only to incur another. That's problematic is it not?

Even as we look at America’s own romance with socialism, we can see little success. Has not our efforts in America's five-decade war on poverty, as well-intentioned as it may have been, has been a complete failure? After trillions of dollars in taxpayers’ expenditures on the War on Poverty, destitution not only persists, it has become a flourishing line of work. What investors/stakeholders would allow a CEO to disburse money without the expectation of attaining a profit? As the happening now, frontline AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley  type socialist/leftist wave makes its way to the halls of Congress, I, like many Americans fear that we may return to the doomed, if selfless, efforts of LBJ’s Great Society, when throwing taxpayers money at social programs made us feel virtuous and with any luck guaranteed election/re-election to Washington’s political Swamp. A wide-ranging shift in thinking must occur. Success must be measured not by the amount of taxpayer’s money thrown at poverty resolutions, but by the results.  In other words, how many people are escaping poverty as a result of an initiated program. Today’s Democrats, like Millennials have yet to differentiate equality and equity. Here lies the Conundrum. The difference between equity and quality is quite clear, but those who are not aware of the shades or nuances of the English language often fail to distinguish the variance between these two words. The difference is not great but is based upon the fact that not everyone has been created equally by our creator and has requirements different from others. Are not some people born with high IQ’s while other’s flounder at the lower end of the intelligence scale? Are not some people tall while others are vertically challenged? Are not some people overweight, while others maintain current height and weight standards? Do you expect all of them to eat the same quantity and quality of food? Therein rests the difference between equity and equality.

Is it not past time that we as conservatives begin to combat utopian socialism, welfarism and neo-Marxism? We must target and oppose today’s trendy left politicos who espouse radical collectivist political views. Contrary to academia, history, both recent and past tell us that socialism is not about justice, it's not about equality, it's not about lifting-up the poor and downtrodden. It's about one thing only: Power for the ruling class. And, the more power they get, the more they thirst for. They want to run health care, run transportation and finance, run energy, education, run everything including marriage and religion​. They want the power to decide who wins and who loses, who's up and who's down, what's true and what's untrue, and even who lives and who dies. Today’s Democrats want to rewrite our nation’s history and eliminate the parts they disagree with.   

​Is there a danger with propagating socialism? Is socialism sensible? Does it even resonate with America’s working or middle class? Facts are facts, this being so, socialism may sound reasonable, but it never works. As often than not it comes with the promise of free healthcare, free education, more and better jobs for all. Some advocates have ​the​ best of intents: to reduce poverty by evening the playing field. But there are basically no long-lasting instances of it working to lessen poverty. Contrary to those who advocate socialism as a means to an end, it generally increases poverty to all citizens in all walks of life but those whose hands wield the power. Data tells us that Baby Boomers ​and Generation X​ (I, being one) are far more cynical of socialism. Generations preceding Millennials have seen enough to recognize socialism for what it is and where it eventually leads. Both Baby Boomers and Generation X have experienced the benefits of Capitalism. Think about it. Has capitalism not unlocked more doors of opportunity for society than it has closed? The problem with millennials and Generation Z isn’t that they’re budding socialists or collectivists, but that they’re idealistic enough to fall into the trap of believing people like Bernie Sanders, AOC, Pocahontas...Essentially, young people have been duped by the deluded of generations past, acceding to their ignorance.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Bad Apple Proverb: There's One in Every Bunch

Tides of Tyranny: Bad Apple Proverb: There's One in Every Bunch: Are you of the same opinion as I that coaches have a responsibility to ensure their teams maintain a semblance of appropriate demeano...

Bad Apple Proverb: There's One in Every Bunch

Are you of the same opinion as I that coaches have a responsibility to ensure their teams maintain a semblance of appropriate demeanor and decorum when representing an organization, a team, especially their nation? There are reasons why I ask this prosaic, better yet pedestrian question. In recent days, I, like many sports fans have expressed revulsion at some of the unpatriotic and dare I say, subversive behavior displayed by a few members of the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. I am betwixt as to where the majority of fault lies. Is it with the players, their progenitors, the coaches or a combination thereof?

Co-Captain Megan Rapinoe made headlines by taking a knee during the national anthem in solidarity with disgraced football player Colin Kaepernick; A game later, Rapinoe protested by refusing to sing or place her hand over her heart; furthermore, during the same World Cup play, Rapinoe addressed a gathering of reporters, fans and bystanders about President Trump in a profanity laced tirade. To make matters worse, moments after their championship game, one of Rapinoe’s classless teammates deposited the American flag on the field of play. This flagrant act demeans those men and women who served and the thousands who died serving this nation and were laid to rest in a flag draped coffin. There is little doubt Rapinoe is only one of a few halfwit knuckleheads who took it on themselves to show their asses and true character for all the world to see. Do I assume most players on the women’s soccer team are reflective of the inappropriate behavior displayed by Rapinoe and her minions? By no means do I think that. As circumstance would have it, one bad apple did not spoil the bunch. Team member Kelley O’Hara’s quick reactions saved the flag from further desecration. Thus, earning her merited praise on social media and a big thank you from all of us who love America, her flag and all it represents. Is not Kelley O’Hara’s response to further defilement of our flag proof enough that decorum and patriotism still exists, despite the Rapinoe’s within the sports world?

Why Rapinoe and some of her teammates chose to use the Women's World Soccer Cup venue as a platform to make a political statement deserves condemnation. One can only assume Rapinoe and a few others of her strain are infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome and issues of expression and association. If I may, allow me to use the analogy of maintaining a healthy fruit bearing apple tree to that of sustaining appropriate propriety on a sports team. Agriculturists tell us we are to avoid removing too many leaves and we should not prune away more than 25 percent of the leaf-bearing crown of the apple tree. Likewise, if a sports team, in this case, the USA’s Women’s World Cup Soccer Team have more than a few Social Justice Warriors who use the venue for political, feminine or LBGTQ rights as an excuse to be rude, condescending, and with hints of vehemence for the purpose of relieving their frustrations or validating their sense of unwarranted moral superiority, a tree trimming to remove the blight may be the order of the day. This being the case, why did the coach not prune his rooster of the bad apples? Could it be that sometimes, it is hard to tell whether an apple is just bruised or whether the apple is rotten and needs to be thrown away? As for me, it is time to prune the tree of its rotting fruit. The pruning process should begin with Rapinoe and her coach. Rapinoe's behavior and her coach's indifference and lack of oversight had a negative influence on some of her teammates, thereby influencing them to engage in unfortunate, ill-advised and regrettable anti-patriotic behavior.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Rejection of Religious and Moral Ideals is Cancero...

Tides of Tyranny: Rejection of Religious and Moral Ideals is Cancero...: A suggestion espoused by some within America’s body of Christians today is that the United States of America was once occupied for the m...

Rejection of Religious and Moral Ideals is Cancerous to Individual Liberty Part 1of 2

A suggestion espoused by some within America’s body of Christians today is that the United States of America was once occupied for the most part by a population having an emotional reaction or feeling of reverent joy towards Jehovah-God. True enough many did but inferring ‘most of a population’ may be taking it a step too far. There has been and always will be a great deal of worldly people who act worldly in the USA, as there is throughout the globe. With respect to history, the presence of a significant population of, agnostics, anti-theists, polytheists...is a significant symbol that a social order is, to an extent, free. Conversely, absolute uniformity of any kind is typically only accompanied by a despotic government. In that sense alone, the lack of religious belief in the United States today can be viewed, even by Christians, as somewhat positive. But an equally fair analysis of our present state also reveals that our acute moral decomposition is destroying entire communities and creating a great deal of distress.

From the amount of reliable data available and blessed with reasonable cognitive capacities; I am led to believe that being born into a household with both a married father and mother reduces the likelihood of a child growing up in poverty. If one desires their progenies to stay out of poverty and penal institutions, the formula is very simple: Short of having an abortion, don’t have children until you’re married, a “position so proscribed in our current society that those who voice such a claim are often deemed to be racists.” If assertion of such an opinion makes one a racist, then label me such. What’s particularly troubling about America’s struggles isn’t that people are choosing to ignore their religious leaders, it’s that most Americans have completely rejected the need for any religion or even some secular objective moral standard by which we all must be held accountable. This has created a society in which virtually anything goes, until, that is, most people decide that a behavior should not be tolerated.

The dread of a largely irrational oppression of the majority is now more fact than theory; it’s supported by undeniable evidence. Consider, society’s current fixation with sexual harassment. When was the last time one could turn on local or national news or visit a social news media website without seeing personal allegations and accounts of a recognizable celebrity or public figure who has been or will be charged with sexually harassing someone? I’m sure we can all agree that people shouldn’t be sexually plagued.  While at the same time, why cannot we agree that our children should not listen to music in which singers lyrically exalt sexually harassing, objectifying, simply put; treating women as mere objects of sexual desire? Or conversely, treating men as mere objects of sexual desire?

Monday, June 10, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 3 of ...

Tides of Tyranny: God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 3 of ...: Fast forward from yesterday to today. Is God sovereign? Yes! Do we have choices in the course of human events? Yes! Are we held responsibl...

God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 3 of 3

Fast forward from yesterday to today. Is God sovereign? Yes! Do we have choices in the course of human events? Yes! Are we held responsible for the choices we make? Yes! Does God’s sovereignty give us license to make poor decisions? No! As is expected, being knowledgeably aware of how God’s divine intervention and His consent relate brings with it a degree of tension, and in that tension our faith can proliferate and in so doing bear fruit.

What each one of us does in our lives, every vote that we cast, every leader that ascends, all of it happens under the providence of God. However, God’s sovereignty does not grant us license for godless or iniquitous choices.

So as election 2016 is now history past and 2020 general election proceeds forward, take comfort in knowing that God stands in control amidst all this chaos. But remember, we are called not merely to rest in His control, but to actively display His character in the choices we make. Leaders may rise under His providence, but if we choose them, we will be held accountable for both the good and the bad.

Final comment: Has not God called every believer to be a cultivating force in the beliefs, pursuits, and practices of society? Is there not a biblical case for Christian activism? Yes! Where and when does it begin? It commences here and now. Our immediate disputants are but not limited to those antagonists who are advocates of secularism, humanism, liberalism, antisemitism, classism, ageism, sexism, Islamism, Marxism, socialism, totalitarianism…One World Government (NWO).

Monday, June 3, 2019

God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 2 of 3

Just because something transpires under God’s providence does not mean that He consents to it or determines that it occurs. Does not Scripture tell us that we are all sinners? And do we not know that God neither approves of our sin, nor does He desire for us to persist with our errant ways?

Finally, does not the Word of God tell us that He provides grace for our transgressions, and the greater the misdeeds, the greater God’s grace?God reigns over human affairs and, in His divine intervention, leaders rise and fall. But we absolutely should not assume that all human affairs meet God’s approval. 

Undeniably, insight into the difference between God’s providence and His assent creates tension.The primary illustration of this tension is Jesus’ crucifixion. Did not Pilate, in a rare egalitarian move, places Jesus before the people? Was not the authority Pilate’s? Yet, did he not give the choice to the people and did not the people shout out “crucify Him!”? Christ, the creator, was crucified on the very sapling He brought into existence and was put to death under the authority which He granted to Pilate. 

At no point was Jesus Christ in an indeterminate state. At no point in time did God call that event good. Was the crucifixion a malevolent act? Yes! Was it ordained by God before the foundation of the world? Yes! Was it perpetrated by ignoble men, who stood culpable with blood on their hands? Yes! Did God redeem that atrocious act of malice, so that the very blood on their hands had the power to save them? The answer is in the affirmative. The redemptive power was in the blood which was shed for them and mankind.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 1 of ...

Tides of Tyranny: God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 1 of ...: Regardless of one’s political opinions, the idea of God’s control in a system brings with it some cynicism. Especially, as it relates to...

God’s Transcendence and Man's Cynicism Part 1 of 3

Regardless of one’s political opinions, the idea of God’s control in a system brings with it some cynicism. Especially, as it relates to voting, the will of the people and the candidates themselves. If the past is any indication of future elections, many Christians will again be in a quandary. How so? If God, in His providence chooses the world’s leaders, then should we not, as the Bible directs, yield to their authority? Again, I ask does this not present a conundrum for those believers in Christianity who may lean ideologically Left or Right?

This winding path often lead wayfarers to two very different destinations. They will either affirm God’s kismet but be at odds with His choice; or they will deny His providence at which point His involvement no longer matters. Here lies the dilemma for the Christian believer. Does God’s will or providence equal His endorsement or approval?

As Christians we don’t just want to know God’s will, but to accept it as being so. Thus, if the answer is the affirmative, God’s providence equals His approval, then God has chosen select leaders (whomever they may be), He must approve of the national leaders and we should throw our weight behind those select leaders.

So, God’s providence and control is void of cognitive dissonance as to God’s providence and control. We must seek the following:  Does God’s providence equal His approval? Is there a problem with this line of reasoning? Yes! The problem with this line of reasoning is that it quickly abandons reason and contravenes the character of God. In order to circumvent or navigate this kind of question, we must recognize that God’s providence is absolute, but His approval is not. Just because something transpires under God’s providence does not mean that He consents to it or determines that it occurs.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: The Left's Sustained Assault on Christianity

Tides of Tyranny: The Left's Sustained Assault on Christianity: In a short communiqué following the indiscriminate killing of Muslims in New Zealand, Hillary Clinton wrote that her heart broke for “th...

The Left's Sustained Assault on Christianity

In a short communiqué following the indiscriminate killing of Muslims in New Zealand, Hillary Clinton wrote that her heart broke for “the global Muslim community.” But in her following postings, not a word about Sri Lanka Christians or the global Christian community. Obama similarly wrote in his tweet about New Zealand that he was grieving with “the Muslim community” over the “horrible massacre in the Mosques.” But in his posting about Sri Lanka, there is no mention of Christians or churches.

Is it coincidental or is there an underlying reason why neither former President Obama and former Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton failed to mentioned Christians being martyred or churches being destroyed? Based on Obama and Hillary’s social media posts, there is room for supposition, inference and implication. The interpretation is that the Left has essentially prohibited mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa, Middle east and elsewhere.

When all is said and done, the left’s decree is that nothing negative or evil, no matter how true, may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing positive, no matter how true, may be said of Christians or Christianity.

Clinton’s post-New Zealand social media post also included these words: “We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms. White supremist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped." To her credit Mrs. Clinton made sure to condemn Islamophobia, but she wrote not a word about the far more destructive and widespread hatred of Christians in the Muslim world. She calls on world leaders everywhere to condemn white supremacist terrorists, one of the smallest hate groups on the surface of the earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Terra firma.

Does not the mentioned communications and social media posts tell us much about former President Obama and former Democrat Presidential Candidate Clinton?  By the same token, does not the written conveyance of the messages as it relates to acts of violence perpetrated by radical Islamic fundamentalists and a race supremacist tell us a lot about the left’s agenda and much more of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?

Indeed, one of the most befuddling aspects of liberalism is its habit of ignoring, denying, or tolerating atrocities done in the name of Islam, all the while eagerly pointing the finger at Christians and conservatives on the rare occasion that mass violence is carried out by an alleged member of that group. The stark contrast was especially on display when liberals did not hesitate to blame conservative Christians for a Planned Parenthood shooting but refused to make similar indictments of Islam after a terrorist attack in California.

As I have alluded to in past commentaries, many liberal politicians have become outright apologists for Islam. Has not Hillary Clinton called for people to stop using the term "radical Islam" because it is offensive to Muslims? Evidentially she does not want the word Islam attached to any act of terror. This is a woman so desperate to make rationalizations for the religion that when a Muslim kills 14 people, she insists he had nothing to do with himself killing 14 people. The people were killed not by a Muslim, but apparently by some ethereal, furtive, brown-skinned apparition. For his part, President Obama has in the past lectured Americans for their "less than loving" behavior towards Muslims. Does not Obama’s chastisement of Christians and Hillary Clinton’s defending Muslims following Islamic terrorist attacks speak volumes of their peremptory, philosophical, theological and sociopolitical inclinations?

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Another American Icon Targeted and Cleansed

History has a way of repeating itself. When all reminders of a nation’s history are removed, they are bound to be forgotten, and a forgotten history among later generations, opens the doorway for repeated history. All the destruction of monuments in recent history, to include the here and now has been due to a minority of people disliking the facts behind these reminders. First it was Robert E. Lee, then Stonewall Jackson…The Confederate Flag…generic Confederate symbols. Now we are talking about Christopher Columbus, General Washington, …Thomas Jefferson…having their image and names cleansed from historical memorials.

The long arm of the Politically Correct Schutzstaffel (SS) has done it again. They have reached back into recent history, specifically the 1930’s and indicted, convicted, condemned, and removed a statue honoring the late singer Kate Smith. Smith, who popularized “God Bless America” and was a female forerunner in early television, recorded songs that today in hindsight are viewed as xenophobic. By whom, we can only imagine.

As for Kate Smith, when these PC masqueraders of indignity of the present, with respect to the past accomplish anything promoting America, as did this great singer, then we can talk. Am I implying to expurgate Ms. Smith is over the top and unjustified? Your damn right! When was the last time anyone from the rank and file of the Corps of the Politically Correct effectuated anything constructive to Make America Great? When was the last time any of these PC charlatans went to a combat zone to entertain our troops? Smith did. She donated her time to entertain troops during World War II. The PC crowd gives her no credit for that. Who’s next? Bob Hope!

Suggestion to those on the Left who embolden and use the PC righteous pawns, why not focus on efforts that will significantly help the underprivileged and marginalized. How about providing food for America's hungry, shelter for homeless vets, border security for those living on our Southern border? Meaningless imagery improves nothing. Does this not describe today’s Democrat?

Final comments follow: Can those who identify as liberal ideologues really think history can be re-written by removing statues, historical names from text books, or ignoring historicity?  "Any fool can criticize and complain, and most fools do."

Friday, April 19, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Passion and Resurrection and Man’s Spiritual Deafn...

Tides of Tyranny: Passion and Resurrection and Man’s Spiritual Deafn...: Pilate thought that, by scourging Jesus, he would satisfy the mob and so be able to set Him free. This is how the weak always think: compr...

Passion and Resurrection and Man’s Spiritual Deafness

Pilate thought that, by scourging Jesus, he would satisfy the mob and so be able to set Him free. This is how the weak always think: compromise, give in to evil to appease it. However, this only makes things worse. Does this not say something about we as a nation/people sometimes deliberate and act in order to get a particular result? Those who would inflict the pain bound His hands and brought Him to the post amid flurry of fists, jostling, and braying gawkers. His docility, nobility of soul/spirit, and disinclination to defend Himself contrasted with the pitiless, pointless, and loathing of His adversaries. How foolish an illusion that by tying His hands He would be restrained! Could He not have commanded the fetters that bound Him, “unfasten” and they would fall to the ground? 

What is extraordinary is that Jesus gave Himself up to be publicly humiliated, spat upon, beaten and scourged with a leather-thonged whips whose ends contained pieces iron and bone chips. Picture if you will, His groans, His Body writhing in agony, His flesh torn by the flagellum. This was the flesh of the God-Man! He stood, full of dignity, humble and without complaint, conversing with the Eternal Father (first person of the Trinity) within Himself. 

Can you imagine at that moment what the Son of God was thinking? Do you suppose Jesus was thinking about the blessed civilization that would one day be built on the merits of His Passion? Regrettably, I believe, Jesus foresaw that at a certain moment in time Christian nations/peoples would turn against Him and would be converted to and dominated by secularists, globalists and anti-Christian socio-political entities? Because this world would deny a personal God, it would also deny man’s personhood and individuality. 

In this trodden anti-civilization, or as some might say, syndicalists, mankind would affirm total equality, thus succumbing to enslavement in the direction of a rebellious Globalist or New World Order type dystopian rule. This dystopia would deny property, and therefore justice; would deny the family, and therefore purity; would deny religion, and therefore all that is sacred; would deny tradition, and therefore history. By inverting all values, this anti-civilization would produce substantial chaos, eminent nihility in which the former-Christian peoples would expire. This anti-civilization is the absolutism of substance, of mechanism, of obscurity, and of apostacy/atheism.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Feminists Beware of Identity Ideology

Tides of Tyranny: Feminists Beware of Identity Ideology: Let me begin this commentary on a positive note. Fundamentally, I acknowledge feminists’ assessment that American society has in the ...

Feminists Beware of Identity Ideology

Let me begin this commentary on a positive note. Fundamentally, I acknowledge feminists’ assessment that American society has in the past operated essentially as a patriarchy in which men dominate and to an extent repress females. Taking it one step further, I find suppression of woman specifically abhorrent among those global cultures whose religious norms or code of behaviors place womenkind in subservient, docile, self-effacing and cowering roles. This being said, my perception of debates, exchange of views, general dialogs about women’s rights inevitably or out of political necessity turn into partisan diatribes. It seldom fails that these invectives often lead some to fall into the trap of defining women and women’s issues solely in terms of procreation.

More recently a newer threat to addressing women’s rightful needs has come to the national forefront via Mainstream Media outlets, social websites, discourse and treatise. Rather than just reducing women’s needs and priorities to issues pertaining to their biological and reproductive capabilities, this radical dogma now threatens to erase biological women from the dialog altogether. The rapidly changing and ever-expanding ideology of supposed gender identity threatens to undermine women’s pecuniary, communal, and political progress in revolutionary ways. How so? Is not the term gender identity now being propagated by many progressives, politicians, secularists, and LBGTQ community activists to express an individual’s self-perception as male, female, both, neither, or something along that line or shall we say, spectrum? Has not the word gender in legal documents historically been understood to mean genetic sex or XX/XY genotype?  In addition, have not laws and policies been implemented to achieve gender equality specifically for females regardless of age? This being as it is, policies that treat people based upon their gender identity undermine decades of efforts to remedy historical and societal inequalities that disproportionally affect women and girls by benefiting any male who self identifies as a woman is contentious, problematic, and questionable. Gender identity ideology, and the scheme it demands, pose threats to Women’s Rights.

Individuals who identify as transgender, or anything else should be treated with dignity and respect and are entitled to the same human rights and protections as anyone else. However, these human rights and legal protections such as the rights to life, expression, and assembly, and freedom from infliction of pain and inhumane treatment apply to all human beings by virtue of our humanity, not because of group identification in any class identity subset. 

When America and many other Western governments and Intergovernmental Organization bureaucrats assert special rights for particular favored identity groups through new readings of decrees, laws, and treaties, they undermine the universality of human rights and the legitimacy of the human rights movement.

We as U.S. citizens must insist that Federal and State bureaucracies to include the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches and various other entities stay within the Constitutional authority granted them to safeguard fundamental rights for all men, women, and children. If not, we can only imagine what’s next.  U.S., doctors giving 13-year-old girls mastectomies, throwing 14-year-old girls into menopause, and surgically castrating 16-year-old boys. I misspoke. It’s already happening.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Socialism: The Rest of The Story

Tides of Tyranny: Socialism: The Rest of The Story: Does not history tell us that Socialism is a failed political and economic system? Why? Because Socialism and all that accompanies it is a...

Socialism: The Rest of The Story

Does not history tell us that Socialism is a failed political and economic system? Why? Because Socialism and all that accompanies it is a flawed system based on unsound principles that aren’t consistent with human behavior and can’t nurture the human spirit. A stagnate Cuban economy and the rapid demise of socialist Venezuela has apparently had little impact on younger Americans who think the U.S. government is a large ATM and all they need do is insert a card and money will slide out. Truth is, all these outcomes we see in Cuba and Venezuela are likely if Socialism were to replace Capitalism as our economic and political system. No if, ands, or buts about it. In both Cuba and Venezuela, the status quo is unsustainable, earning potential is limited, property rights but for a few are nonexistent, personal motivation is but abstract, national healthcare is lacking, taxes high and people are hungry, worse yet, some are starving. 
Polls and research indicate one of the top issues for Millennials and Generation Z is the national debt, rapidly approaching 25 trillion. Question? Have these same young people considered that socialist programs will significantly add to the debt? Apparently not, because to them, it seems that feelings are more important than observable results. 
Socialist policies, in one form or another, are part of the platforms of some of the announced Democratic presidential candidates. America’s new Democrat Socialists beat a hasty retreat from historic truth when confronted with historical indisputable facts as it pertains to Socialism’s failings.  Is the concept, we can’t afford it, an economic mantra accepted and taught to children/young adults by Leftist leaning elitists/academia? No! For the most part Millennials and Generation Z persons are less likely to accept as true, that one must live within one’s means. 
Woe to America, if the younger generation were to be the difference in electing Ocasio or Sanders or Pocahontas or any other number of self-proclaimed socialists to this nation’s House of Representatives, its Senate or its highest office. Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” 
Will this be the generation that fulfills his prophecy? Much is riding on the next election. It’s so important to preserve America’s Constitutional Republic, and make sure citizens understand that we need to preserve it. Remember this: Socialism is a mild word for what it is. It’s a form of extremism and government control that will take over our lives.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Socialism is a Direct Threat to America

Tides of Tyranny: Socialism is a Direct Threat to America: One of the societal maladies produced by what passes for today’s American Public and Post-Secondary Education systems, is the unawareness or...

Socialism is a Direct Threat to America

One of the societal maladies produced by what passes for today’s American Public and Post-Secondary Education systems, is the unawareness or ignorance some young people, specifically Generation Y or millennials and Gen Z, have about socialism. This ignorance is a direct threat to the future of our Republic. For young people who weren’t alive during the geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and the revulsions that came from Socialism and its wicked cousin Communism, the notion that they can get free stuff from the government is compelling, one might rightly conclude addictive. Excluding Uniformed Service Members, most young people today have sacrificed little for America. Too many of the Y and Z Generation adults have bought into the idea that White wealthy Americans, conglomerate, and big corporations are malevolent because they have pilfered money from others, to include the underprivileged, minorities of color, the disenfranchised and essentially those unable to rub two pennies together. The rest of the story in detail will follow in my next post.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Tides of Tyranny: Today's Reality of Sociopolitical Abortion Part 2 ...

Tides of Tyranny: Today's Reality of Sociopolitical Abortion Part 2 ...: America seems to no longer follow the fundamental logic by which things were probable, or so it appears. Appalling things, like New Y...

Today's Reality of Sociopolitical Abortion Part 2 of 2

America seems to no longer follow the fundamental logic by which things were probable, or so it appears. Appalling things, like New York's abortion law are now deemed fitting for the public. The liberal and degenerate of society extols the mass murder of babies that the system calls "abortion" or "freedom of choice." 

Short of combat on the battlefield, no one should have the right to kill a human except in self-defense. Even if the human is only 8 months and 29 days old. Regardless to one's affiliation or how our country's leadership (executive, judicial & legislative) chooses to paint the portrait, third trimester termination of a fetus, a child, a human life is murder. 

Is it not interesting how both the Third Reich’s National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), and America’s Radical Progressive/Socialist Left’s behavior towards an innocent and defenseless subset of humanity is reminiscent of each other? Did not both political organizations dispatch millions of innocent beings who they deemed undesirable or inconvenient? The only non-common denominator is one group has paid in full for their transgressions, the other’s recompense will be doled out at a future date, determined by Jehovah-God. 

Sorry Democrat Party, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Gov. Cuomo, Gov. Northam, Planned Parenthood, Et al. I contend there is little difference between your championing abortion on demand than Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Eichmann, Goring, Goebbels, and the Third Reich being proponents for the extermination of all European Jews and others deemed conveniently expendable. Have I crossed the socio-political line in what I say? I think not.  If I have, so be it. Facts are facts. With few exceptions, does not today’s Democratic Progressive Left like their Nazi party counterparts promote the liquidation of a human subset?  

Does not a culture of death deny the sanctity, dignity, and personal humanity of the unborn? Are not all human beings persons? If a person is a being, such as a human, can we not conclude that as a being, he/she has certain capacities or attributes consisting of personhood? This being so, why is there a godless mindset that draws an arbitrary distinction between what it means to be human and a person? Pro-abortionist zealots wrongfully claim the unborn is not a person, and therefore conclude abortion is moral. In their pride, they elevate their personal worth above the unborn. They deny the very essence of humanity they also held when they were born. 

As for me, I will not allow the godless acts of others to keep me from fighting for righteousness. I challenge all persons to rise-up and defend the defenseless from being put to death. Why not work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life. And let us affirm a fundamental truth: All children born are made in the image of God, born or unborn. The only way to defend the dignity of every person is to prohibit the abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb. 

The Democrat progressive wing and their secular socialist Left have drawn the battle lines. If America is to survive the secularist’s onslaught we must put on the Armor of God, raise His standard and fight the good fight? For America’s sake, I pray we win the day.