Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Calibrates a Very Particular Event

In its essence, Christmas celebrates a very particular event, situated strictly in time and place. The Christmas baby was born in an identifiable year to flesh-and-blood parents in an actual village ruled by a named official of the Roman empire. It was the particularities that frightened the Jacobins, the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution, and in association with Robespierre they instituted the Terror of 1793-1794.  The Jacobians much preferred in their austerity to celebrate abstractions when they chose to celebrate at all. To replace Christmas, the Jacobins instituted holidays in honor of Virtue, Talent, Labor, and so on. A lotta fun, those French revolutionaries.

The enemies of Christmas, historically, have always been utterly humorless in this way; completely lacking in levity, mistrustful of human spontaneity and vivacity. They are therefore antithetical to the spirit of true religion, which is to see beyond the occasional gloom of the world to the luminous truth shining beneath. Angels can fly, goes the old saying, because they take themselves so lightly. What the Grinches of history have most hated about Christmas is that it was meant to give pleasure, in food and drink, in family and friendship, in faith and song.

And if one of those songs is "I Want a Boob Job for Christmas"? As G.K. Chesterton, a Christian apologist, pointed out, “wherever there is joy, there is apt to be vulgarity, as we tend to run away with ourselves when we are most celebratory. The Christmas of Christians survives all the vulgarity of secular excess. Or so Chesterton believed, and I'm not going to disagree. In our supposedly post-Christian age, Chesterton wrote that even secular people "will go on observing forms that cannot be explained; they will keep Christmas with Christmas gifts and Christmas benedictions; they will continue to do it; and suddenly one day they will wake up and discover why."

The joke is that Christmas, even in this attenuated form, remains the greatest evangelical tool Christians have at their disposal. One thing that is unquestionably theirs to which everyone else pays tribute, sometimes grudgingly but much more often with great, exhilarating abandon. There are some bells that can't be un-rung, some declarations, once made, that can't be unsaid. There is one star in the heavens that can never go dark.

We have a rich heritage in God, and now is not the time to forget it. Now is not the time to do the bidding of the enemy and follow Satan and his fallen angels, demons, succubus’s, rakshasas as personified by past and present secular left leaning politicos who are anti-American, are against the ideals that America promotes and for many people that can mean different things. Some people might see the political climate, and some might see a Nike or wine commercial and take a negative stance on the matter. Similarly, with the concept of pro-Americanism, people can see these different parts of America and be proud and feel inspired by what we promote.

Now, are recent and current anti-America and anti-theists U.S. Presidents, coconspirators of a great coup? Not enough evidence yet. One thing for certain we are to place our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Him there is our hope. The hinge of history is not on the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC, but on the door of a Bethlehem stable.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Oh, by Gosh, by Golly

Was it not Marxist netroots and criminal activists within Antifa and BLM who popularized wearing of face masks when plundering and burning hundreds of America’s neighborhoods? Was it not this same type of social deviants who made mask wearing vogue while partaking in carjackings and smash-and-grab robberies? Could it be that these champions of criminal coteries could then wreak destruction on private property under the cover of anonymity and that way never be nailed for their criminal acts?

Was it not Dr. Anthony Fauci, the featured star on the televised White House Task Force on Covid-19, and others of his ilk who adapted the Antifa and BLM face-hiding masks for the masses when the pandemic initially kicked in? Then along comes Dr. William Schaffner, not to be confused with Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. Dr. Schaffner, a physician who regularly appears on CNN is apparently urging everyone to wear masks at home on Christmas, regardless of vaccination status. Furthermore, the CNN Covid talking head also recommended “people get tested on Christmas Eve morning or Christmas morning before gathering with family.” 

Oh, by gosh, by golly, it’s no longer time for mistletoe and holly’, but time to wear face masks at Christmas, regardless of vaccination status. Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of government mandated masking, slaves to decreed vaccine passports or pillaging, looting and heists by Antifa, BLM, Carjacker, and Smash-and-Grab reprobates?


Sunday, November 7, 2021

Finger Pointing BBB Joe Biden is Confused and Out of Touch

In his most gnarled and bizarre public address to date, on passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, “Build Back Better” Joe Biden rambled on that Americans are COVID “confused” and “worried.”  Imagine! It’s not befuddled Joe B. who’s confused. It’s we the American people who are confused.

Fresh back from the UN’s latest Climate Change Conference snake pit where everything was about ‘Build Back Better” (BBB), while without much thought, concern, or care went ahead blithely ignoring that the Republicans, with the help of Independents, and Moderate Democrats took back the entire State of Virginia while he was playing “BBB” in Glasgow, but it’s the American grassroots that are “confused”! It is apparent, a confused BBB Joe Biden insists on building the taxpaying middle-working class American people back Better.

It is time that we, the American people reminded President Biden and others who share his vision for the ruination of our Republic, that we pledge our allegiance, not to him, not to those of his ilk and their misguided unconstitutional mandates or edicts, but to the “Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Let me emphasize that being an active, engaged citizen means being a patriotic American every day. My personal message to President Biden follows: No law, no mandate, no finger pointing by you will make a citizen a patriot or a subservient minion as you have become for the anti-American left. Lest we forget, Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. In the words of John Adams, “A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored.” Liberty, once lost, is lost forever. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. Without America there is no free world, nor will America remain so.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Declinning Covid Vaccination on Religious Grounds

Uniformed Military Service, Federal employees, and military contractor personnel, who refuse to be Covid vacinated on religious grounds who have demonstrated their commitments to the United States Constitution and the Nation’s future comfort, security, and prosperity. A legal decision by the Court should demand that the Nation return the favor. Telling the previously mentioned personnel that they must accept/receive a vaccination they oppose according to their sincerely held religious beliefs, or face court martial, dishonorable discharge, and other life altering disciplinary measures, disgraces the sacrifices these patriots and heroes have made. To President Biden, Sectretary of Defense Austin and the Army, Navy, USMC, Air Force Service Chiefs and Military Chiefs of Staff, you will be remembered by your works. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. Take heart for those who refuse the jab on religious grounds.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Divide, Conquer and Control

Let’s face it, Facebook's algorithm is effectively potent... It detects what we look at and gives us more of the same, and it's often something that makes the reader piqued, provoked, annoyed... or where we enjoy the other side receiving a prompt slap down or kick in the ass. Simply stated Facebook algorithms encourages the propagating of division, disconnection, detachment, disunity, disaccord, conflict... This being so, could Facebook be in league with Biden’s not so moderate political party? It is apparent to those of us with an IQ higher than that of an amoeba that the end goal of both Facebook and today’s Democrat Party might be indistinguishable. Is there a possibly that the two have combined forces for a particular purpose? In this case mutual protection and cooperation or maybe divide and conquer.

One must remember, if you make people uniform, you can control them. If you teach people to read, and think, and question things, you lose control. So, the best idea is to separate people if you wish to maintain a desired outcome. The result is called divide and conquer. By dividing people, they're not a threat, you can control them. It’s all about power. What say you?


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Good News, Bad News, Ugly News

Good News. Today we know a great deal about the coronavirus and the threat, or lack thereof that it poses to American citizens. Most importantly, we know that the virus does not affect populations equally, which is why one-size-fits-all mandates make absolutely no sense. Additionally, young, healthy people with no preexisting conditions commonly encounter only mild symptoms from the virus. Virtually 98% of all COVID-19 deaths in the United States have occurred in those over 40.  Meanwhile, people who have high BMI’s or overweight face a much higher risk of severe symptoms and hospitalization. Furthermore, IAW CDC study and prevention revealed 78% of people who have been hospitalized, needed a ventilator, or died from Covid-19 have been overweight or obese.”  

Bad News. In his sweeping vaccine mandate on 80 million Americans, Biden and his public health bureaucrats make no distinction between groups based on age, overall health, or any other known risk factors. Nor do they consider the nearly 1 in 3 Americans who already have contracted and recovered from the virus, and thus have developed natural immunitywhich multiple studies have shown is far more effective and longer lasting than the immunity achieved by vaccination. Question! Why should those who are naturally immune be penalized for refusing a vaccine that, for them, is probably medically unnecessary and lacks the evidence based on study/research. 


Ugly NewsBy the same token, thousands of American uniformed military personnel face a less-than-honorable discharge if they choose not to get vaccinated under Biden’s order. Our troops on the hole are young and in superb physical condition, and thus have weathered the pandemic storm better than almost any other group or members of humanity. The United States military has experienced  far fewer coronavirus cases and deaths related to previously stated submicroscopic infectious agentThis being the case, why exactly does Biden want to jettison thousands of our nation’s finest patriots simply for refusing a vaccination that all evidence suggests most of them do not need? The president’s absurd, unscientific, unnecessary, and unlawful vaccine mandate is now being echoed by some left-wing politicians across the nation. And the fire continues to spread... Despotic politicos across the nation have mandated vaccinations of all health care workers. Failure to comply results in termination of employment. In what bizarro world does it make sense to fire nursesphysicians, and other healthcare employees in the name of public health? What’s next? Hospice care workers. To add fuel to the pyrethe Biden administration is threatening to terminate fire thousands of unvaccinated Border Patrol agents. On the other hand, the record number of illegal aliens streaming across the border are exempt from what amounts to authoritarian rules American citizens are forced to live under. In fact, the Biden administration knowingly has released thousands of coronavirus positive illegal immigrants into American communities. POTUS 46 and other liberal politicians continue to move the goalposts every time someone has the mettle to ask when we can have our constitutional liberty restored. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Call to Arms to Battle The Left

You and I must remind our loved ones, neighbors, coworkers, Americans of all colors, people of faith, regardless of denominational affiliation, not to be intimidated by the deliberate vindictiveness and mean spiritedness of the radical Left. We must ensure the current and especially the next generation isn’t poisoned by the noxious fumes of deceit, mendacities, falsehoods... being spewed by this nations, self-proclaimed celebutante, powerful personages or pretentious Federal, State, and Local politicos, our secondary and post-secondary educators and educrats, MSM, Big Tech magnates, secular-humanists... that would indoctrinate/propagandize them to loathe America. Furthermore, it is imperative that we prepare our current and future generation of young people that while they may be tested for standing true to their Conservative principles, faith, values, and suppositions… they are not fighting alone, and they are able to win in the American Culture War against the political Left. The war is won, one battle at a time. It is my prayer that one day soon we can echo the words of President Ronald Reagan: “America is, and always will be, a shining city on a hill.” To God be the glory...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What's President Biden's Real Message

Several days ago, when President Biden sanctioned the drone strike that killed Zemari Ahmadi and nine members of his family, including seven children in Afghanistan. The Administration bragged about taking out a top ISIS target. But they stretched the truth. Ahmadi was just an aid worker, working for a California-based organization, bringing water to suffering Afghan village residents. This act of reckless neglect of the truth coupled with the needless deaths of 13 uniformed service personnel begs the question: Do not the lives of innocent victims and soldiers alike mean nothing to those who sit on the throne of power? Apparently not. The watchword or catchphrase for this administration’s foreign policy amounts to “No lives matter.” 

Closer to home, I have questions as they relate to the real message or catchphrase of Covid-19 to Americans?  It’s OK for government to subject American citizens to despotic demands to allow a vaccines, that have yet to be studied adequately to determine long term effects against their will and better judgement. It’s OK for the government to spy on all of us. It's OK for the TSA to abuse us for the privilege of traveling in our own country. It’s OK to mandate where we can and cannot go. It’s OK for the head of state to dis 80 million Americans who for personal reasons refuse the decreed jab. It’s OK when the government levy’s hefty fines against small business owners who fail to heed unconstitutional precepts... Don't worry, it's only temporary... And the Biden beat goes on like a broken record. To not question what appears to be an unconstitutional directive is to contribute to the fall of this Republic and its citizenry, those very people the President and Congress swore to protect. 

Final note to spin commentary: For the record, I have no issue with persons who choose to be vaccinated. It’s a personal choice. It’s their constitutional right to say yea or nay. I question whether the vaccines are being used as a political tool to further divide and segregate Americans? I also feel Americans have individual Constitutional Rights that cannot be superseded by a U.S. president, regardless of party affiliation.

Monday, September 13, 2021

American Dream is Turning Into A Nightmare

 “Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs. Talk about bullying in schools,” Biden said in remarks at the White House. The president also announced plans to order private businesses with more than 100 employees to get vaccinated. All federal workers along with government contractors must also get the vaccine. Then Monarch Biden dropped a bombshell threat on Republican governors. “If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.” Does Biden really think that Red State Governors will stand pat and allow him to decree what their state residents, will and will not do? Did Biden really believe that state elected Executive Chiefs would not fight the president and radical Democrats to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every state citizen?

Additionally, the American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical ruling Democrat party. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Many Red State Governors have vowed to stand up and defend freedom and promised to sue the president. The big question: Does the President have the authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business, public schools... albeit, the vaccine may be itself lifesaving? For what its worth, I am aghast at Biden’s unconstitutional edict. His pronouncement has Marxism written all over it. Is this not America?  And do we as Americans still believe in freedom from tyrannical autocrats?


Friday, September 3, 2021

The Never-ending Bad Dream

Do you get, as I do the unsettling sensation that leadership is absent from the gates of the nation? Is it just me that has not mumbling Joe frequently implied that his handlers set the guidelines and determine when and where he’s allowed to take questions from the press? This being so, who is pulling the strings behind the curtains? And who is telling the president which reporters to call on at press conferences? I have heard it said that White House staffs oftentimes suffer the delusion that the voters elected them. It is the way of arrogance, and there is hardly a greater citadel of pomposity than the White House. Every time presidents forget this; they vacate their seat in the gates and give it to the bureaucracy, better stated, the powers to be.

It is said “A wise leader will give due consideration to the advice of his or her staff.” Conversely, a foolish leader loses functional leadership when he or she becomes a sycophant of aides, assistants, counselors, cabinet officers... and all the other beasts who inhabit the zoo of big agencies, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave being the biggest animal house of all.

Sadly, the Biden White House internees’ look as if they have seized the gates of leadership, and the president has become the minion or sycophant rather than America’s Chief Executive par excellence. If this be the case, and I believe this to be true, there is chaos in the gates. Biblical history shows that whatever happens in the gates of leadership, for good and ill, determines what happens in the city, and what happens in the city dictates what happens in the nation. History has taught us that a Darwinian strain constantly runs through places of great power like the White House, in which the survival of the fittest becomes a grappling match, or a elbowing contest to see who can snuggle up closest to the president in the gates. On top of all the other crises America faces, now comes this threatening issue about who controls the president. Who really sits in the gates of the nation at this precarious moment?

Historically cities, in antiquity, were to be sanctuaries of order. They were walled off from the chaos outside. Enormous gates maintained the order of the city. But everything depended on who occupied the gates, and what they were willing, or could be enticed, bribed, beguiled, cajoled... to allow in. According to Isaiah 14, Lucifer’s aim is to “overthrow cities” to achieve his goal of bringing chaos to the world. That assault works its way incrementally through institutions crucial for the order of society; families, churches, schools, businesses, civil governments... all the way to the steps of White House itself. 

Joe Biden, as any president, must seek good counsel, but because of his issues with aging whether merely perceived or actual, he does need wise advisors, and he needs to be able to discern the hubristic from the truly humble public servants. Thus far he has surrounded himself with a group of unperceptive shlubs. America needs prayers. It also needs a leader to MAGA, and one who will surround himself or herself with a group of wise counselors that puts America First.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Story of A Fall Part 3

Even the simple-minded Marxist ideologues among us can look at the scenes of the Kabul airport and hear the frantic media reports of people who are trapped in Afghanistan trying to get out, be it by plane or otherwise.  I ask you, the reader, knowing what we now know, is there a realm where it is possible to have everyone out by the end of August? In Joe Biden’s Bizzarro world, it is easy.  Have we not heard Bumbling Joe say repeatedly, “Oh, Americans have safe passage to the airport? The Taliban is assisting them.” Really! You and I know, as do most people that this is a treacherous journey for American citizens, Afghan partners and Allies. Especially so, for those who are in outlying provinces, to say nothing about negotiating through Taliban controlled Kabul checkpoints or interior chokepoints. So, this is a Bizzarro world that has been created by President Biden, by the administration. I don’t see how we can have everyone out by the end of the month, much less honor those commitments we have made to our own citizens and our Afghan partners. I fear thousands of Western citizens and permanent residents will remain stranded in Afghanistan, abandoned by Biden, his administration, and advisors to face the inevitable Taliban retribution. 

As for Biden and his team, what were they thinking? In defeat he and his team threaten the triumphant Taliban with possible exclusion from international diplomacy as the price of its intolerant adherence. We are to assume that in between executing women, men marrying 9-year-old brides... the Taliban will fear losing the chance to visit the United Nations in NYC. Biden has defied a Supreme Court ruling and assumed that it was a good thing to have broken the law. Under his watch, the fate of America’s border, equal enforcement of the laws, economy, energy, safety from crime, foreign policy, and racial relations have imploded. And in seven months no less.


Today’s final thoughts: The real problem is that Joe Biden does not have today, nor has he ever had the strength of character to lead the United States.  This comment is not a political statement. It is the truth.  Those who can be honest with themselves know this to be a reality.  Biden’s history is full of his character failures in the form of political corruption; both himself and members of his family. When a leader takes over a senior position, their responsibilities begin immediately, no excuses, dithering, or indecisiveness.  Yet, passing the buck has already started. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Story of A Fall Part 2

Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by former President Donald Trump’s planned withdrawal. Really? If the truth of the issue matters let’s get straight to the point. A kaleidoscopic Trump repeatedly demonstrated that he was willing to use air power to protect U.S. personnel and to bomb an Islamic would-be caliphate. The Taliban knew that and so struck when Trump was gone. Biden claims he was bound by Trump’s decision to withdraw and thus cannot be blamed for his reckless operation of a predetermined departure. But all Biden has done since entering office is destroy Trump entente cordiale, nullifying past agreements on energy leases, system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic with Latin America and Mexico on border security, and pipeline contracts...

No sooner did Biden claim he was hamstrung by Trump than he
stopped and began moving in the opposite direction to defend not just his own abandonment of Afghanistan but the calamitous manner of it. Biden argues that he has no choice while asserting he would have done nothing differently if he did. If real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance, Biden, and his team of crème del crème Military and Political consultants are mere trees without roots.

In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense would resign. We have heard for too long their careerist boasts about assigning climate change as their chief challenge. In doing so they have demonstrated they
value success in their career above all else and seek to advance it by any possible means. For too long they have virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials to Congress. For too long they have patted themselves on the back about canceling alleged white supremacists from their ranks. For too long they have sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing one-dimensional advert to evidence of their current woke credentials. In other words, they pontificated on anything and everything, except their plans to prevent an embarrassing military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies, and the deaths of many innocent compatriots and Afghan partners.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Story of A Fall

Contrary to what President Biden has stated in the past what we are witnessing in Afghanistan is a historical repeat of the Saigon moment, but in grander scale. I witnessed, via media footage American military helicopters evacuating our embassy in Kabul. The footage invoked striking similarities with the 1975 retreat from Vietnam’s Saigon. President Joe Biden rejected any similarities between the past and current hasty pullouts. As a retired Army Officer (65-95), I cannot help but see Vietnam emanations of the ongoing retreat even more embarrassing, however, given that Biden had explicitly promised that the withdrawal from Afghanistan would not turn into another fall of Saigon. To add insult to injury, Biden insisted early in July that the Taliban’s capabilities were not remotely comparable to the North Vietnamese forces and no hasty retreat would happen. Now for the rest of the story. The story of a fall… It all began with the death of innocent people, ended with the death of innocent people. I can still recall the images of innocent people falling from New York City’s World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 and more recently innocent Afghans falling from US military aircraft on 8/18. It is debatable if the events of September 11, 2001, could have been prevented. There is little doubt the events that led to people falling from a U.S. Air Force C17 Transport Plane following takeoff from Kabul, could have been prevented had the Operation Plan outlined an extraction plan in the appropriate annex. 

Biden’s blame game includes the Afghan Army’s unwillingness to hold the line and fight the Taliban to the end. I ask Biden and you the reader, why do you suppose the American-nurtured Afghan military of the last 20 years faded into obscurity following the encirclement of Kabul? Could it be the Afghan troops apparently calculated that their own paltry chances with the premodern Taliban were still better than fighting as a dependency of the postmodern United States, despite its powerful diversity training programs?

Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon, and politically weaponized intelligence communities. And why not, when President Joe Biden trashes both American oil and gas extractors and the Saudis, only to beg the Kingdom to rush to export more of its loathed oil before the U.S. midterms? Why not, when Biden asks Russia’s Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less raucous in their selection of U.S. targets?
And why not, when our own military spars with the mercurial “cancel culture” blatherskites of “white supremacy” as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly racist nation?


Sunday, August 15, 2021

America's Wake-up Call Part 2 of 7

 While touted as promoting “Equality Act,” this legislation would be more appropriately termed the “Inequality Act” … as it would position the government to lord over churches and other faith-based institutions, potentially dictating who they hire, how their facilities are used, and even punishing them for not falling in lockstep with a view of human sexuality that directly contradicts orthodox biblical teaching. If passed and signed into law, this act would cause a significant loss of religious freedom in America, and every Bible-believing citizen would suffer the consequences. As an American of Christian faith, I am raising my voice, and implore you to do the same and to say “No!” to the Equality Act. This disastrous legislation is not about equality at all, but is a direct attack on faith, family, and freedom, and the religious liberty and conscience protections of all Americans. The Equality Act attacks the privacy of children in school locker rooms, the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values, the equality of female athletes by forcing them to compete against boys, the safety of battered women in shelters, the consciences of doctors who refuse to abort babies, the protections of taxpayers to not fund abortions, the freedom of business owners to refuse work that conflicts with their moral values, and the God-given rights of all Americans to live according to their beliefs. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

America's Fiscal Ticking Time Bomb

After but a few of hours of research, reference the approved infrastructure legislation and the upcoming Democrat proposed reconciliation package, I am both disappointed and angry that Congress has advanced a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill on the American taxpayers. I am frustrated and mad as hell at the Rhinos who voted for it, thus giving it a measure of bipartisan support. Now is not the time to put America in even more debt. The government has increased America’s national debt by $5.2 trillion just since the start of Tired Joe’s Presidency but adding to that with two more multitrillion-dollar spending packages over and above what the Swamp Politicos have already spent, that threatens to return us to the kind of inflation that most of America has never experienced.  

In addition to the $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill, Democrats are also striving to pass a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, which adds hundreds of billions to the National Debt. The Bill includes funding for fake and appropriate ‘Pay-Fors’; Sets Up a $3.5 Trillion Left-Wing rigged lottery Jackpot; Massive Amounts of Wasted Transportation Spending (namely it spends as much on Mass Transit and Amtrack as it does on highways); Entrenches Climate Activism in the Department of Transportation; Corporate Welfare for the Energy Sector; Applies Social Justice Approach to Broadband Internet; Wasteful Protectionist Mandates... Nothing like universal day care, tuition-free community college, climate change initiatives, open borders, free healthcare, higher taxes, higher inflation (possible hyperinflation), higher consumer costs... such is the ticking time bomb the United States Congress is unleashing on its middle and working class and retired citizens.


The time has come for Congress and the President to realize and understand the effect such aggressive and reckless spending will have on America’s citizenry and their future. If the collective heads of our elected DC Representatives were not up their collective butts, they would see the importance and understand the consequences of passing a $3.5 trillion package that is the largest piece of legislation in “the history of the world.” I suppose this is what we should have expected when we are dealing with embedded congressional Liberals, Socialists, Marxists, Radical Islamists...

Monday, August 9, 2021

America's Wake-up Call Part 1 of 7

It is of the utmost importance that Christian, Jew, conservative, political non-affiliated Americans, Black, White, Brown, circle the wagons and hold true to our values as left-leaning ideologues seek to exploit the crisis to push their anti-biblical policies. If the Equality Act becomes law, almost no institution of faith, regardless of denomination, K-12 secondary or post-secondary private school/college, house of worship, business or non-profit... will escape the tentacles of this pernicious bill. Rest assured, if the Senate passes the bill, Biden will sign it and it will become law. Imagine an America where religious affiliated healthcare facilities are coerced into performing abortions. Where Bible-believing churches could be compelled to hire clerics and other employees who reject the teachings of God as written in the Bible, where the church and could be required to host same-sex wedding ceremonies. Where Christian schools are required to cater to the preferences of students who identify as transgender, threatening the privacy and safety of our youth. Is this not disastrous legislation? Is this not an all-out assault on parental rights, on the family, on the unborn, and on millions of people of faith in our nation? What we are being legislatively told to do, is isolate our faith within our own mind, and that is where it must stay! What say you?

Sunday, August 1, 2021

As Goes the Pulpit, So Goes the Pew, As Goes the Pew, So Goes the Culture

Are you, as I am, alarmed at the abandonment of biblical truths as stated in the Word of God being proclaimed by “Woke” preachers within ever increasing evangelical pulpits across America? I say beware, of those pastors spewing far-left ideology from the pulpit. It is toxic as far as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is concerned. In the last few years, I have watched with dismay as Mainline Protestant Denominations slowly moved away from biblical principles/truths.  

In recent years, I have seen the same subtle bend toward leftist ideology slowly permeating the wider evangelical church. From what I have seen, read, and heard; those same battles fought in the mainline protestant denominations are now making inroads in evangelical churches. It is the same contretemps, the same jargon, and the same colloquialism repeating themselves with such punctiliousness that it warrants concern. More pastors are falling into the trap of woke culture because it is becoming vogue and appeals to the flesh.

Bowing to woke culture allows you to avoid rejection by culture and society. It is a popular message that resonates with many millennials, generation Z, X, and A demographic cohorts and is now being sermonized from many evangelical pulpits; traditionally Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching churches. We have gone so far that it should cause great concern to all Christians of all denominations.

I believe, "as goes the pulpit, so goes the pew. As goes the pew, so goes the culture." As a believer in Christ, A seminary graduate and an ordained clergyman, I put the full blame on us, right in our laps, because we want to be liked, loved, and followed on social media by millions of people. Pastors are the culprits. We need to be about Jesus, not about being liked, because that is toxic as far as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is concerned. Let it not be said of us; we as lay people, clerics and ministry leaders acquiesced to societal pressure and who are tempted to vacillate irresolutely between biblical truth and the heretical secular world.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My Take on Animal Farm 2.0 Commentary

I happened upon a commentary I found interesting and somewhat thought provoking. Thus, I share Animal Farm 2.0 with you. In Butjadingen, Deutschland, there exists a farm unlike any nearby, nor for that matter anywhere else to my knowledge. Now, to the meat of story. Animal Farm 2.0 has “animals commonly found on farms; cows, chickens, pigs, geese, dogs... However, the farm exists more to serve the animals than to contribute to the food supply. Hof Butenland, as the place is called, is an animal sanctuary, a kind of retirement home. The farm owners boast that their cows do not have to produce milk and pigs can sleep late. No animal serves humans, and all co-exist as equals. All the animals must do is live peacefully in their final years.”

At the same time, the farm makes a political and ecological statement about how food is produced. "Neighboring farmers see the experiment’s philosophy as a threat to their livelihood. Jan Gerdes and partner Karin Mück, the farm’s legal owners, make no secret that they see their policy of total equalitarianism for all species as a revolutionary move that will help save the planet. They would like to see all farms modeled on theirs."

The place is revolutionary. For what it’s worth, a featured newspaper article paints a glowing picture of life on the farm. “The farm takes the scenario in George Orwell’s Animal Farm a step further. The animals have not revolted and taken over the farm, expelling all humans. Instead, the animals are in charge, with humans doing their bidding. The socialist framework has also been changed and updated. These animals are no longer engaged in the revolutionary struggle. They have advanced to live under utopian socialism where everything is provided to them. Animals are free to roam the 100-acre farm and live in its red brick barns built in 1841. There are no pigs that dominate the other animals as in Orwell’s story. Everyone gets along in perfect harmony.” The “animals in the Butjadingen eco-equal paradise do not have to worry about supporting themselves. Like their eco green social human counterparts, they live off other people’s money. The farm survives due to the generosity of rich human outsiders who donate to the enterprise." The funds allow free veterinary care for all while a large vaned wheel rotated by the wind to generate supplies the electricity.  

It is said “visitors come to marvel at this pastoral scene of peace and love. They might later send care packages with hand-written notes addressed to a favorite cow or pig, all of which are curiously given human names." There is a catch. "Not every animal can live in Hof Butjadingen as space is limited." Nor does this carefully fenced-in sanctuary boast of entirely free migration across borders policy. Its privileged occupants are "old farm pets, rescue dogs, and abandoned or research animals. The latter enjoy a special status. Indeed, in her violent activist days, farm-owner Karin Mück spent some time in solitary confinement after breaking into a laboratory to “liberate” its test animals.

However, as in Animal Farm, "not all are equal. One species is especially exploited. The humans are constantly working to make sure the animals do not have to work. The land is no idyllic paradise where everything naturally takes care of itself. "Two full-time employees are needed to make sure the animals have food, protection, and water. When the animals get old, they arrange to have them duly euthanized.” Additionally, animal coequality at Butjadingen is carefully choreographed.: Some animals need not apply. The inescapable reality is that not all animals get along. Some will eat others if given a chance. Thus, no retiring circus lions and tigers or used up wolves make it to Hof Butenland. The "diet is strictly and by necessity vegan…” Hof Butenland is an example of unreal egalitarian schemes. “Despite being a farm, it highlights all the leftist themes: political, ecological, or metaphysical." And like all socialist experiments, the farm is an artificial development detached from reality. It survives by living off the economic system it seeks to undermine. "The problem with the farm is not the animals. They are the victims of artificial constructs that seek to put them in human contexts." Such delusional schemes eventually fail because everything against nature fails. Left to itself, the system will fall apart and revert to the savage ways of the wild. The animals at Animal Farm 2.0 could eventually suffer a tyranny far worse than those in George Orwell’s original tale.  What’s my take on the story? That’s life, that’s what all the authoritarians say... But my heart just ain't gonna buy it.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Trangender Men Competing Against Women

 “There’s no crying in baseball.” Tom Hanks could be head saying “In a League of Their Own.” Does the same go for mendacity, equivocation, cheating? Supposedly not. There is no cheating in sports. This being so, is allowing natural-born men to participate in women’s sports based on gender identification, not in essence, sanctimoniousness or cheating? Here lies the problem: While trans students may identify themselves as women, their genetics replicate otherwise. In the unadulterated form, sports should celebrate physicality: the natural female and male forms as they exist, not as they are altered through steroids or hormonal replacement. Do we allow steroids in professional sports? No! So why should we allow genetic enhancement or alteration drugs in amateur sports?

Any deliberation, that leads to a decision that allows biological men, born and built with testosterone to compete in women’s sports is a hurried and blithe pronouncement to include biological men, born and built with testosterone, with their height, their strength and aerobic capacity of men, is beyond the sphere of reason and tolerance. Allowing biological men to compete in women’s athletic events is lame, wrong, flawed... it inhibits, humiliates, deflates, demeans, discriminates, cheats, and excludes women. What say you?

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