Wednesday, November 30, 2016

History and Rationale of The Electoral College

Weeks after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in this year’s presidential election, liberal politicians, progressive groups and activists are attempting to undermine/eliminate the results along with fundamental institutions created by the Founding Fathers.
Clinton appears to have won the national popular vote in 2016, primarily fueled by massive landslides in populous Democratic cities/states like LA/California, NYC/New York, and Chicago/Illinois. This has sparked efforts to do away with the state-based Electoral College. Though a huge part of the anti-Electoral College push is sour grapes in the wake of a surprise electoral defeat, it serves the broader interest of the progressive movement’s goal to both delegitimize the incoming administration and subvert the idea of federalism as enshrined in the Constitution.
The Electoral College was carefully designed by the Founders after lengthy deliberation at the 1787 Constitutional Convention. The design is this: Americans don’t cast their vote for president, but instead for electors pledged to their preferred candidate. Each state has a set number of electors based on the total number of representatives and senators. If one is so inclined, you can read about why the Founders created this seemingly complex system via social media or historical text.
Opponents of the Electoral College claim that the institution is fundamentally flawed. This narrative couldn’t be farther from the truth, as the issues surrounding the election prove exactly why the Electoral College is such an excellent system for the United States. What is lost in the Electoral College debate is the underlying attack on America’s cherished and inherited idea of federalism. 
The Founders in their wisdom designed this republic with the intent of checking ambition with ambition, and delegating specific powers to both the national as well as state governments. They created a nation in which states could operate independently, experimenting with different policies and laws to fit their people.
The elimination of the Electoral College would be just another blow to the role of the states in the American system of government. No longer would presidential candidates have to appeal to the farmers of rural North Carolina or Minnesota alongside the bankers of urban New York or the industrialists of Chicago or the moguls of Tinsel town (Hollywood). They would be incentivized to campaign directly to the interests of the largest population centers alone.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Why not Petreaus for Secretary of State

No doubt Rudi Guiliani, a staunch loyalist and the face of our grieving Nation on 9/11, would make an excellent Secretary of State.  Mitt Romney?  Steady mollifier, a proven manager-in-chief, turn-key source for dispassionate counsel. Comes now a new name, General David Petreaus.  Here is a man heavy on leadership skills, if human, failed in the way men can be, burdened with baggage from the Obama years.  But also a man with battle scars.  There is something to be said for battle scars.   
He knows combat operations, policy making, academics, and has an intuition for diplomacy, a formidable foundation. More smooth and polished than constructively disruptive and Trump-like, Petreaus can speak the bureaucratic language, even as he unmakes a bureaucracy.  He thinks big, often outside the box, even though he came from it – understands the chain of command, box of sand, four corners of cut orders.  His biggest weakness?  Ego, audacity, unforced errors, supreme self-assurance, with a weakness for press – although these can be advantages, and have been tempered by recent events.  Biggest strength?  Ego, can-do, a never say die attitude until job is done, which helped us win in Iraq, until the Obama White House reversed the win.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Progressive Left's Politics of Detestation

Are we a deeply divided nation? Maybe. But if we are divided the cause of that division comes squarely from the left, not the right. In virtually every case, the people who are cancelling reunions and refusing to talk to their friends and family members are Hillary supporters. The Times reported not a single instance of a Trump voter shun. What’s the cause of all this? I think it is identity politics.

Remember, the two candidates ran completely different campaigns. Trump’s campaign was an issues campaign, mainly economic issues. In every speech he gave, he complained about abandoned factories, lost jobs and low wages. Even if he was completely wrong about the cause of those problems (bad trade deals), his was still campaigning on issues. 
Hillary Clinton, by contrast, ran a largely issueless campaign. Do you know what her position was on international trade? Of course not. What she said in private was the opposite of what she said in public. On the Pacific trade deal, as a candidate she contradicted everything she said while she was Secretary of State. Her confidants quietly advised worried Wall Street backers that they could safely ignore what was being said publicly on the campaign trail. But none of that matters because Hillary wasn’t asking people to vote for her because of differences with Donald Trump over trade policy anyway. Or on corporate tax reform. Or school choice. Or safe neighborhoods. Or environmental policy. Or any other policy. 
Hillary’ s entire campaign, and the Democratic Party’s approach to elections in general, is based on appeals to people as members of racial, ethnic and sociological groups. Since the days of Franklin Roosevelt, the Democratic Party has approached people as groups, pitted group against group, and promised each to protect them from outsiders. In the Roosevelt era, the appeal was almost exclusively to economic groups. 

Today the Democratic party has largely abandoned economic appeals in favor of identity politics. For example, they ask blacks to vote for them because they are black, not because of any policy differences they have with their opponents. And their appeals carry with them an assault on the opposition, either express or implied: The Republican candidate is anti-black. The same approach is used with Hispanics, women, the LGBT community, etc.  

For example, here is Michelle Obama telling a black audience they had a duty to vote Democrat, no matter who is on the ticket. (And by implication, no matter what the candidate stands for or what he or she would do once in office.) Her husband was even worse. But you can check it out for yourself. Just Google the words “Obama” and “race baiting” and see how many links pop up.  

Now if the election were covered fairly, it would be obvious that one side is talking about issues and the other is not. Even the mainstream media viewed the entire election the same way Hillary Clinton did. Even the “Fair and Balanced” Fox News spent almost the entirety of election night talking about how many blacks were voting versus whites, or women versus men – as if demography were destiny at the polls.  

Identity politics works on some voters. I have heard stories, seen on news broadcasts, and were told by readers of my blog that women were actually breaking down crying at the mere mention of the election results. Are they crying because NAFTA may be renegotiated? Or the pipeline may be built? Of course not. If elections are about identity, then elections are about you in a very personal way. If the other candidate wins, you have been personally rejected. I would probably cry too if I were naïve enough to believe all that. As I have stated in past posts, Donald Trump uttered not one word during the election that was anti-black, anti-Semitic or anti-gay. Although he may have been insensitive, he really never said anything that was anti-Hispanic. In fact, it’s just the opposite. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Constabulary of Yesterday and Today in America

Almost four centuries ago, the Pilgrims at the Plymouth colony published the 1636 Book of Laws and authorized the local militia to enforce that criminal code creating, essentially, the first police department in America. Times were simpler then. The "laws in old Plymouth town combined church dicta and English common law to combat, mostly, crimes of moral turpitude like public intoxication, gambling and fornication." Offenses like drive-by shootings and position with intent to sell meth, crack cocaine and other sundry illegal drugs were considerably less common. Whatever the crime, the punishment was swift and certain – and exacting.
Crimes like arson, rape and even "smiting your parent were punishable by death." The settlement’s general court enacted the laws, passed judgment and carried out the punishment. More than just judge, jury and executioner, they were also the legislative body for the colony. Plymouth’s fledgling government was ardently devoted to law and order and to those who enforced it.
Candidates for the general court of Plymouth likely ran on a “tough on crime” platform. It would’ve been highly irregular for a candidate to side with a young Pilgrim who turned deadly violence against a militiaman. Certainly, the convening of a candidate’s political supporters at the town lodge wouldn’t have embraced the criminal element by featuring the mothers of would-be constable (cop) killers. You see, in pre-colonial days, those who kept the peace were held in high regard, and those who disrupted it found their way to the blocks, jail house or the hangman’s noose.
Nearly four centuries later, the criminals are better armed, greater in number and more violent than ever. More and more frequently, that violence is aimed toward the keepers of the peace, the modern-day militiamen and militiawomen who labor to keep our post-colonial communities safe.
Death by gunfire for police officers is up by record numbers this year, and death by ambush is up more than double. Still, some abnegate the existence of the war on police with the same confounding vigor as Holocaust deniers. Those soulless empty-minded instead glorify the desperate criminals who try to kill police officers when the cop is lucky enough to get the drop on his cowardly attacker. The reality is, American police officers are constantly on the receiving end of deadly violence today. Sometimes they subdue their attacker with appropriate force, sometimes – too frequently – it’s the cop who lay bleeding on the street.
During this Thanksgiving season– the tradition handed down to us by those very same early Americans who gave us our first laws and our first law enforcement officers – I am eminently thankful for the heroes that toil to keep our America safe. It is no small task in this expansive, violent nation that has evolved from that small settlement at Plymouth.
The Pilgrims who forged this nation would be appalled (as this writer is) by our propensity as a nation to devalue the lives of peace keepers and celebrate the lives of those who threaten the peace. The Pilgrims were smart enough to value those who enforced their early code of laws and they were devout enough to give thanks for their many blessings. Law Enforcement Officers are a blessing to those who uphold the law. Just maybe, we in America might want to re-visit the Pilgrims "Book of Laws."

Thursday, November 24, 2016

My Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Thank You, Lord, for allowing us to live in the greatest country in the world – one where we as citizens are permitted to live in freedom, to speak our minds, to debate the great issues of the day openly and without fear and, most of all, to worship You and to tell others about You and Your Gospel of saving grace and redemption. And forgive those of us who take all this for granted too often.

Yet, from the earliest commemorations of Thanksgiving here in America, this was the common denominator that brought people of the New World together. I’m so thankful to be part of a country where worshiping You is not a crime – yet. I’m thankful we have the opportunity to tell others about You. I’m thankful You have blessed this land in so many ways.

I’m thankful for Your patience with us, who, despite our countless blessings, do not often recognize from where they come. I’m thankful we have abundant food today – that we get to celebrate this solemn occasion in the warmth of our homes, with our families and friends. I’m thankful we have such abundance that we can share it with those less fortunate, not just here in our homeland, but around the world.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Suck It Up Snowflake

Academia’s activists today are clear-cutting vast swaths of civil society to make room for "reason-free zones" where feelings outrank facts -- they call them "safe spaces", more recently “cry zones” and if they had their predilections, the entirety of the continent, if not the earth itself, would be one beach lounge chair-strewn and beer cooler realm of hugging and unapologetic whining. How do we stop such nonsense that is now permeating our universities and its staffs and student snowflakes? We begin by recognizing that there's a certain breed of guilty white liberals (academia) who actually enjoy being called racist, confessing their racial sins and denouncing less advanced white people. The hot new term for this is "virtue signaling" -- a way of communicating how enlightened you are. And the buttercups through their own ignorance become no more than lemmings running to their own ruination.

How about this proposal by our local state and national legislators: "Suck it up, Wallflower" bill to punish all state and private post-secondary schools who receive state and federal funding that responded to the election of President-elect Donald Trump by coddling their students like a bunch of overindulged brats. Are not our representatives seeing what you and I are seeing? Are these universities not using tax payer dollars to set up "cry zones" so people can talk about their feelings and how sensitive they are? So why not take action to recoup taxpayer money? Sounds legitimate to me.

Here is a suggestion on dealing with the problem of misusing taxpayers money: Find out how many taxpayers dollars are being used for these "cry zones" and for all these different "safe spaces"  about so you can talk individual hurt feelings, and take whatever that number is and arbitrarily double, triple, even quadruple it and cut it from the university tax dollar spigot (budget). Does this not sound like a terrific plan, for the notion of publicly funded universities wasting taxpayer dollars to essentially powder their students' sensitive little baby butts? Which is the most absurd, my suggestion or tax payers dollars being wasted on university "hurt feeling zones"?

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Candidates Were Choices We Gave Ourselves

Over the past many weeks, old friends – some I’ve known for years have all but “unfriended” me because I supported Trump over Hillary. Does it dampen the spirit? That would be an affirmative. Who tosses away a friendship over an election? Are these friends turning into those mind-numbingly arrogant celebrities who threaten to move to another country if their candidate doesn’t win? Are these friends now convinced that people they’ve known for years who happen to disagree with them politically are not merely misguided – but malevolent, and no longer worthy of their friendship?

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Donald Trump won by tapping into America’s racist underside and I don’t think Hillary lost because she’s a woman. In my opinion, the majority of people who voted in this election did so in spite of their many misgivings about the character of both candidates. That’s why it’s awfully perilous to argue that Clinton supporters condone lying under oath and obstructing justice. Just as it’s equally perilous to suggest a Trump supporter condones gross generalizations about foreigners and women.

These two candidates were the choices we gave ourselves, and each came with a boatload of vulgarity and impropriety. Yeah, it was a campaign filled with acrimony for sure, but the winner was not decided by a racist and cowardly nation – it was decided by millions of appalled Americans desperate for real change. The people did not want a politician. The people wanted to be seen. Donald Trump convinced those people that he could see them. Hillary Clinton did not.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hasta la Vista, Ciao, Cheerio, Tata, Adieu, Goodbye

Prior to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in this year’s presidential election, numerous arrogant liberal elitists threatened to leave the United States were he to win.
The election has passed, and the America people gave the spoiled celebrities of Hollywood a-kick-in-the-rear. Despite all their earnest You Tube diatribes and pro-Hillary concerts and campaign appearances, the next president is Donald Trump. Little did they realize that many in the public are finished with these multi-millionaires positing themselves as champions of the working class, or even more remarkable, the downtrodden. Well, the story line is written, the reviews in. The script is now on the cutting room floor. They themselves are no longer chic.
Included among this cadre of pompous nitwits was every type of liberal imaginable — liberal actors, liberal filmmakers, liberal models, liberal singers, liberal TV hosts and, of course, liberal comedians like Jon Stewart. Known for hosting “The Daily Caller” on Comedy Central for nearly two decades, Stewart was an especially nasty liberal who spent much of the election season besmirching Trump and his supporters as racists, sexists, bigots and whatever else. Luckily for him, interplanetary travel does not yet exist, meaning he can stay.

The same cannot be said for the likes of Lena Dunham, a foul-mouth feminist who hates all men, but especially so white men. “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will,” she said last April at an awards ceremony held by the Association for Women in Communications. “I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there.” Ta-ta, Lena. And auf wiedershen sweetheart, as well to actress Whoopi Goldberg, and genuinely repugnant pop star Miley Cyrus, whose entire adult career has revolved around teaching young boys and girls how to be promiscuous philanderers and Jezebels without regard for love or family. She supposedly said “My heart is broken into a million pieces.” In that case, au revoir. And then let us not forget the irredeemable race hustler, “little Al” Sharpton. Prior to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in this year’s presidential election, Sharpton was among numerous arrogant liberal elitists who threatened to leave the United States were he to win.

Below is a list, though not exhaustive, of celebrities, excluding the aforementioned, who promised to leave:

Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston;  Actor Samuel Jackson;  “House of Cards” actress Neve Campbell;  “Orange is the New Black” actress Natasha Lyonne;  Cher ; Singer Ne-Yo (like so many others, plans to bug out to nearby Canada); Comedian Amy Schumer; Comedian George Lopez who claims he is moving south;  Ali Wentworth, wife of ABC newsman George Stephanopoulous; Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (she’s already back peddled and apologized); Former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Taran Kellam exemplified the entertainment elites on Twitter: Rural = so stupid.” You can taste the smugness in that one. Or there’s Linsay Lohan, who tweeted, ”Retweet if you want a recount.” “Retweet if you think Lohan makes sense…ever.’’

Of course I would be remiss if I forgot those celebs who have threatened to leave the country before past elections but little ever came of it. America has been waiting years for Alec Baldwin to keep his “unequivocal” promise to leave. Rocker Eddie Vedder, actor Matt Damon, director Robert Altman and the irrepressible Spike Lee were supposed to depart on the same boat, but they stayed. There's Michael Moore who talks about leaving but always falls short in doing so. Then again, it takes brain cells for one to speak, while any simpleton can talk. Need I say more about Moore? Besides there are few boats big enough to carry his load.

Barbra Streisand holds the record for entertainers-in-exile-who-are-still-here. Her promise to leave dates back to the Clinton-Bush Sr. campaign of 1992. She’s still here and, it is unlikely, she and others listed above will depart our shores.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Final Countdown to The Media's Kismet

With the clock ticking on Election Day, the mainstream media seems intent on committing ritual suicide by eviscerating the tattered remnants of its credibility. See, there’s some good news out there if you just look for it.
At this writing, it still looks like Felonious Anomalous Hillary will convince enough morons to vote for her to defeat Donald Trump, but who the hell knows? The polls are tightening, my past posts remain eerily prescient, and in Hades they are getting out the mittens. So, what’s next from our disgraced media drones as they face the possible repudiation of every libfascist thing they believe in? More covering up, to be sure. By the time this post is posted, it could be revealed that Hillary tried to auction off Gary, Indiana to a yet unknown Emir in return for a $1,000,000 donation to her slush fund. But then her organ grinder monkeys in the mainstream media would respond to this news by claiming that that this is all Russian lies, the notarized videotape of her explaining that Gary alone is worth $1,000,000 notwithstanding, or by claiming that these allegations are racist against foreign royalty. You get the point do you not?
Then again, the media would eagerly aid and abet any fresh opportunity dump on Donald Trump in hopes of turning everything around. The media drools at the possibility of obtaining the much-gossiped about KGB sex tape, though its delight seems to rely on the dubious notion that people would think less of him. Then again, most members of the media have never met an actual male. The media would love to obtain a new tax return showing that Trump didn’t pay taxes on money he didn’t make – remember, stolen stuff is fine unless it hurts liberals, and then it’s bad. We’ve already seen some remarkable things in the last week, have we not? It’s no shock that Hillary Clinton does not believe that the American people should go into the voting booth armed with the knowledge that one of the two major party candidates is under investigation for multiple felonies by the FBI. She and her liberal pals believe in the mushroom theory of voter information – keep them in the dark and feed them…manure.
What’s remarkable is the reaction of the press, the Fourth Estate, the ink stained wretches who afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, those proud defenders of the People’s right to know, the guys and gals who published the classified Pentagon Papers because of transparency, damn it. These heroes likewise do not believe that the American people should go into the voting booth armed with the knowledge that one of the two major party candidates is under investigation for multiple felonies by the FBI. Regardless, welcome to the countdown to the final doom of the media as we know and hate it. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Wonderful World of Freedom and it's Sacrifices

My friend Betsy is remarkable in her conservatism, words, faith and memory. I will share a few of her thoughts as it pertains to America today and Americans of distinction past and present. She tells me that another memory makes for these thoughts today, November 6 after reports came on TV November 5, 2016 that Trump was rushed off stage by security at a rally – CNN reports “the man arrested for trying to disarm a police officer inside a Donald Trump rally in Las Vegas Saturday told authorities he intended to use the gun “to kill Trump.” According to a new criminal complaint.” 

Now back to June 8, 1968. That was the date Betsy was to give an outgoing speech as President of the Junior Woman’s Club for which she had served the previous year.  The theme throughout the year had been “Born Free”.  She had her speech prepared for delivery. At the last minute, however, Betsy completely rewrote what she would say because Robert F. Kennedy had been assassinated and June 8, was the day of his burial. This evening we will read a few lines from this speech in this post. “Mourning is not enough.  When men give their lives in an effort for you and me to live in a democracy, it seems a little hypocritical to me to only mourn – and then hope it will not happen again. When a man gives his life for freedom’s sake, then men and women who want this freedom must take up the fight – or with his death so dies our freedom….In a free society we protect minority groups….but unless the minority is willing to let the majority, through vote at the ballot box, decide the destiny of our country, without continuing violence then we must insist the laws that govern free people be enforced….Through sorrow a family grows closer – so let it be at this time that our fellow brothers and sisters throughout all our fifty states unite to condemn the violence – but support peaceful protests.” 

Other assassinations or attempted assassinations of American Leaders that have occurred before or since that speech. On June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers was killed. In the driveway outside his home in Jackson, Mississippi, African American civil rights leader. Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motor cade through Daily Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. At 6:05 P.M. on Thursday April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was shot dead while standing on a balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The attempted assassination of United States President Ronald Reagan occurred on March 30, 1981, 69 days into his presidency. And now, November 5, 2016 another threat – our Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, just three days before ballots were cast to decide the next president of the United States, was rushed off stage by Secret Service because of a threat to him.

“I will add to the speech of years ago: We have mourned, remembered and gone on with our daily lives.  Now, I fear, not only to individuals, but threats to our country are possible.  It is for this reason that the vote on November 8 is so very important.” Peaceful demonstrations, which I support, should be just that -- peaceful.  At demonstrations, if and when a crime occurs, in my opinion, the event changes from a demonstration and turns into a crime scene and must be dealt with promptly and effectively.  Demonstrators committing these crimes should be treated as criminals – not demonstrators.  All law enforcement officers from the military to the patrol officers from the precinct should have the full authority and the backing of the United States Government to arrest the criminals, thus doing their sworn duty to protect the lives and property of law abiding citizens.  Charges should be made and the Judicial System determine what/or if punishment of the accused.” 
While accepting the Republican nomination for the Presidency Donald Trump told the crowd gathered at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio -- that his administration would be focused on law and order.
My vote on November 8 will be for Mr. Trump – the outsider, who has no obligation to lobbyist, political friends or financial donors from America or Foreign Countries.  I want the corruption cleared out of Washington, DC and the United States of America put back into the hands of American Citizens.
Betsy closed her 1968 speech with this poem. The words are just as important and meaningful today as in 1968: 
When God began to make His plan For man to live on every land I’m so glad he chose for me America – a land that’s  free.
I am an American who’s proud To raise our flag and shout aloud You represent God’s gift to me A country where we are “Born Free.”
I’m glad our flag waves overhead Above brave men who have said, I’ll give my life, if that need be That al American’s will be “Born Free’.”
And for all people everywhere I’ll say a very special prayer That someday soon, you too will be Where all your children can be “Born Free”.
Betsy’s closing sentence:
And if and when our prayers are come to pass – then justly we will have earned our right to say we belong to “The Wonderful World of Freedom”.

It's America or Her

Thanks to WikiLeaks and a small number of reporters who do real investigative journalism, the mask has been lifted and we are finally learning how deep and far the corruption goes in Washington with Hillary Clinton at the helm. Now let us take an imaginary journey to see what a Clinton presidency as opposed to a Trump presidency will look like:

Globalism versus nationalism: Clinton stated in one of her private speeches that she dreams of “open borders”. She also wants to increase the intake of Syrian refugees by “550% and give amnesty to illegal aliens.” What the mainstream media has not reported is that all the countries in Europe who have brought in refugees are in total chaos and destruction. Refugees are committing all kinds of crimes and terrorist attacks, on almost a daily basis, in European countries such as Germany, Belgium, France, England, Greece, Denmark and Sweden to name a few. 
Their goal is to spread Islam and inculcate Sharia Law around the world. The refugee program is funded by one of Hillary’s biggest donors, George Soros. It’s no secret his goal is to destroy sovereign nations by opening their borders and causing chaos by flooding their welfare systems to bankrupt each country in order to advance the New World Order strategy for a one world government. The intentions behind Soros and the globalists are outright malicious. Under a Trump presidency, he will close America’s borders and stop the influx of illegals into this country especially the criminals and refugees who can’t be properly vetted – which the FBI admitted publicly and even Clinton wrote in a leaked email – to weed out jihadists. In effect, this country will be safer, there will be less terror attacks and there will be more money saved that can be used to help our own citizens such as our beloved veterans and our homeless.
Establishment versus anti-establishment: We now know that Clinton used her position of power not to serve the best interest of this country but to line her own pockets with the Clinton Foundation as a front. As Secretary of State, she made decisions not based on what was best for this country; she made decisions based on who would donate the most money to the Clinton Foundation and pay her and her husband the most amount of money for speeches in exchange for favors. Is this not why Hillary Clinton set up her private server and destroyed 33,000 e-mails? Hillary knew she’d be conducting illegal activity and she put our national security at risk in doing so. This corruption will continue under a Clinton presidency further putting our country at risk and her needs before what’s best for Americans. Also, we now know that due to Clinton’s reckless behavior, her servers were hacked numerous times by foreign intelligence agencies. This means if she’s elected, our enemies could use those hacked e-mails to blackmail her. Clinton claims Trump can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes; yet, it’s been proven she can’t be trusted with even low-level classified information. Like it or not, treason is heavier than “Miss Piggy.” Trump intends to stop the rampant corruption in Washington and he’s laid out a plan to drain the swamp. He will push for a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits for members of Congress. Trump would also institute a 5-year ban on administration officials lobbying the government after they leave their positions. He would also ask Congress to institute its own 5-year lobbying ban on former congressmen and congressional staff. This may be why so many Republicans do not support Trump. They know that if Trump is elected, all the perks and the shady backroom deals they make to further themselves without their constituent’s best interests at heart will cease. 
I always suspected the Clintons were corrupt. With minimal research, I learned how corrupt the Clintons were and the amount of scandals they have been involved in. Unlike other writers covering the Clinton ignominies who have dealt with threats, harassment and at times even felt that their lives were in danger, I being a mere “no name” blogger, have dealt with nothing more than insults and belittling comments from Hillary minions and “pie-in-the sky” liberals. It’s no secret that anyone who dares to expose the Clintons get threatened, vandalized, their pets killed, their houses burned down and dozens have died in mysterious accidents. Just on this information alone, it boggles my mind that anyone could vote for someone so wicked to the core. When Trump says she’s a nasty woman and she has evil in her heart, he couldn’t be more right. On the other hand, despite the lies the mainstream media tells about Trump, personal testimony and collaboration reveals the opposite. From what I have heard, Trump and his family are wonderful good-hearted people who have throughout the years done so much to help so many.  Trump’s a billionaire who does not need to run for president and he’s risking his life and taken incredible abuse by doing so.
You may not like Trump, but he’s right to say that this election is bigger than him: it’s a movement. The people are sick of government corruption and good everyday hardworking Americans want to take their country back. There’s only one candidate who will make America great again and that candidate is not under multiple FBI investigations. It’s America or Her. I’m with America.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Election Day and The Parable of The Three Servants

Election day is almost here and I wanted to share one of my friend Betsy’s childhood teachings that applies to Mr. Trump.  When reading the parable of the Three Servants, beginning three paragraphs below, I want you to ask yourself the question; Does this parable not remind the reader of Mr. Trump’s life story? While Donald Trump did inherit wealth from his father, he is personally responsible for accumulating the great bulk of his fortune. Trump's father built affordable rental housing, mostly in Brooklyn and Queens in New York City. He had a net wealth estimated at $250 million dollars and $400 million at the time of his death.

By 2011, Donald Trump's business dealings had boosted his fortune to $2.4 billion, according to Forbes. One estimate now places his worth at $4.1 billion, although another maintains that it is as high as $7 billion.  Of course the Democrats and the media have described Mr. Trump as a millionaire who was giving his money and his wealth has come about as an inheritance. Donald Trump took his inheritance and worked hard to make his fortune. He has passed this same work ethic down to his children. Is this not a man who can be trusted to lead America and invest wisely in our future and, oh yes, use and invest the hard-working people’s tax money wisely? The parable of the three servants follows: (Matt 25:14-30)

14 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. He called together his servants and entrusted his money to them while he was gone. 15 He gave five bags of silver[a] to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip.
16 “The servant who received the five bags of silver began to invest the money and earned five more. 17 The servant with two bags of silver also went to work and earned two more. 18 But the servant who received the one bag of silver dug a hole in the ground and hid the master’s money.
19 “After a long time their master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they had used his money. 20 The servant to whom he had entrusted the five bags of silver came forward with five more and said, ‘Master, you gave me five bags of silver to invest, and I have earned five more.’
21 “The master was full of praise. ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!
22 “The servant who had received the two bags of silver came forward and said, ‘Master, you gave me two bags of silver to invest, and I have earned two more.’
23 “The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’
24 “Then the servant with the one bag of silver came and said, ‘Master, I knew you were a harsh man, harvesting crops you didn’t plant and gathering crops you didn’t cultivate. 25 I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money back.’
26 “But the master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! If you knew I harvested crops I didn’t plant and gathered crops I didn’t cultivate,27 why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.’
28 “Then he ordered, ‘Take the money from this servant, and give it to the one with the ten bags of silver. 29 To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. 30 Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Come on America – Vote for Mr. Trump and let’s celebrate together. 

Friday, November 4, 2016

America is Down to Two Choices

So, America is down to these two choices – a smug immodest man or a hollow deceitful woman! Sounds like the Garden of Eden all over, does it not?
Honestly, were you really shocked by the inexcusable eleven year old remarks or the recent allegations by a known philandering playboy? And if proven true, will the WikiLeaks Wall Street transcripts shock you or only prove what you have felt all along about a two-faced Hillary? So, really nothing has changed, only one’s perception of reality. America is still down to these two choices – a lustful man or a lying woman! One of them, barring unforeseen events, will become the next President.
The Bible says, “Be sure your sins will find you out!” Before any of us, without sin, cast the first of many stones to be thrown in both directions, have you not first examined your own heart and soul? “For in the same manner in which you judge, you shall be judged.” Both Trump and Clinton are sinners in need of a Savior’s saving grace – just like you and me. “For we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his wicked way.” Their Iniquity is surely no greater than mine or yours in the eyes of God. Sin is sin, though some more resultant than others. Both liars and adulterers shall have their part in the lake of fire.
How they respond to this public revelation of their sins, however, will reveal the character of their heart. We have heard from Trump. Next, maybe from Clinton. To disprove the WikiLeaks  release, Clinton will have to produce her manuscripts. Silence on her part will condemn. Actually, WikiLeaks Clinton Email releases may serve as condemnation enough.
Consider King David – “a man after God’s own heart.” He was a voyeuristic pleasure seeker and an adulterous murderer. I wonder what his rooftop “locker room” conversations were like about a married woman, Bathsheba? Yet, when his sinfulness was publicly exposed by the prophet Nathan, David, a politician, publicly repented. So far, nothing from Hillary. At least Donald has offered an admittance of his wrongdoings.
So, is lying less a sin than sexual desire? Prurience and homicide, as with King David, more than bearing false witness again to the nation?
All that has changed in the past few days is that God is pulling back the curtains a little bit further, exposing the sinfulness of a nation He loves very much, removing our hopes and trust for recovery from the arms of sinful flesh and revealing that He is neither a Republican nor a Democratic, but Jehovah, the Righteous God. Christians are posting everywhere, “We need to pray!” Isn’t that what God has desired all along? To hear from His children? Our perception of salvation coming to the nation from a Republican or Democratic party, from a man or a woman, is being dashed against the Rock of Truth.
America has put her hopes for the future (your children and grandchildren) in a man or a woman, Republican or Democrat, and God has raised up a liberal biased media and Julian Assange to dash all our human hopes for deliverance against the Rock of Truth – Jesus Christ. These recent revelations are actions of the Providential Hand of God moving to prepare us for a move of His Spirit. Sin must be revealed before true revival from a Holy God can follow.
So far, only one has come forth and said, “I have sinned!” What is your and my response today? Is it, “Lord, I’m glad I’m not like Donald or Hillary!” Or is it, “Lord, have mercy upon me, for I too am only a sinner saved by grace.” I guess, I am speaking to myself.
America’s future hope is not in Hillary or Donald, but in God’s people turning back to a merciful, forgiving God. The issues haven’t changed one iota since the debates. They are exactly where they were months, weeks and days ago. Only your perception of the means of our salvation has changed. And maybe not. I hope all our eyes, Republican and Democratic eyes alike, will turn to Jesus, will look full into his wonderful face, and the things of this world will grow politically dim in the light of His marvelous grace.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf and My Vote

"Growing up I loved the story of The Three Little Pigs.   Bet you remember the story too?

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and when they were old enough to make their own way their mother sent them out into the world to make their fortune.   The first little pig built his house of straw. The second pig built his house with sticks. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks.

A big bad wolf saw the little pigs and thought “What juicy tender meals they will make!”  The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to the second’s little pig’s house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down. Now, the two little pigs ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks.

The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig had a big pot of boiling water that he kept below the chimney. The wolf fell into the boiling water and that ended the big bad wolf’s scaring the little pigs.

Today I was thinking of how much this story resembles the tale of our country.

History shows that through the years “The Big Bad Wolf” has huffed and puffed at America’s door many times – Wars: The War  of Independence, the Civil War, Two World Wars – The Depression – The 9/11 attack on our own soil. In difficult times the American People have joined hands and become one Nation – a Nation built out of bricks keeping us safe. (like the three little pigs came together). 

The bricks and mortar that has been steadfast holding our country together is the Constitution of the United States.  I believe that the interpretation of this document is the most important consideration of this election. It is so important because the next president of the United States will have the possibility of electing two, three or more Supreme Court Justices. Political Correctness now seems to shut down many of our traditions and even appropriate words that we can say. We rely on the Constitution. 

Now, more than ever, I believe we must rely on our constitution to guide our country past the wolf’s huffing and puffing.  This document, written by our founding fathers, is the law by which we are governed.  It was so well written over 200 years ago that now we are still using the exact same document to run our country.

The constitution outlines all our rights as citizens. It gives a complete list of all the things that we can do, and the rights that we have. The constitution and its amendments protects us. It protects us from each other, and it protects us from our own government.   It protects us from wrongful prosecution, incriminating ourselves. It gives us our right to free speech, our right to bear arms and our right to freedom of religion.

The constitution affects every single citizen within the United States every single day. We must thank our founding Fathers when we practice the religion of our choice and when we say whatever is on our mind without fear of having our tongue ripped out or having our head chopped off as happens in some other countries."

Mr. Trump has named people he would choose as those he would appoint to the Supreme and has said:  “We have a very clear choice in this election. The freedoms we cherish and the constitutional values and principles our country was founded on are in jeopardy. The responsibility is greater than ever to protect and uphold these freedoms and I will appoint justices, who like Justice Scalia, will protect our liberty with the highest regard for the Constitution. This list is definitive and I will choose only from it in picking future Justices of the United States Supreme Court. I would like to thank the Federalist Society, The Heritage Foundation and the many other individuals who helped in composing this list of twenty-one highly respected people who are the kind of scholars that we need to preserve the very core of our country, and make it greater than ever before.” 

For this reason, I am voting for Donald Trump. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is Time for New Leadership

Today I share what my good friend has so aptly written as it pertains to next week’s election and her views, which in many respects mirror my own. Trump is a producer while politicians are designed to put obstacles in the way of productivity and skim the cream from the top of the bucket of everything created in the country. Trump Towers is a reminder that, it is the businessman, the architect, the artist, the musician, the engineer who works in tandem to create what the rest of us take for granted and expect as a part of life. Government has twisted their image from being one of servant to the people, to necessary benevolent supplier of all needs when what they are really doing is fleecing the producers, like Donald Trump.

Millions of Americans relate to him because they are doing what he does, not necessarily on the same scale, but with the same heart and intent. We are all on the same journey down a snake-invested river that is the government, taking our hard-earned money at every turn and putting up additional obstacles in the form of regulations and prohibitions to success. He is a breath of fresh air in a stale room of mediocrity and oppression. The fact that he is wealthy is not as important as what he is perceived as doing with his wealth.

Unlike the government that takes from the producer and enables the non-producer, Trump is pouring money into a broken system by hiring people who then have to turn almost half their pay check over to a bloated, Jabba-the-Hut type of government that is run by people who all think they know better than the rest of us.

The three non-political candidates who were in the presidential race represented the discontent, anger and frustration of the American people. As the Left tries to vilify Wall Street, corporate America, and those who are pulling the wagon of prosperity, the rest of America is saw the non-politicians as a source of sanity in a world gone mad with power and stupidity.

When our president says that the threat of global warming, which has been disproved on so many levels, is more important than the steady infiltration of people who want to kill and change who and what America is, the citizens are right in saying we need a course correction. Someone as successful and accomplished as Trump has proven he could be that person.

The era of the politician is over. It is time for new leadership that understands what the needs of the people are, and that is to be left alone, to create, to build, to keep their hard earned money to invest in others who want to do the same thing. Trump is that model of excellence that has always been the spirit of America ... until the socialists took over.

What have the Clintons created that is of lasting value? What have they personally done to impact or change one life for the better with their own personal resources?

Both parties are culpable and responsible for this malaise. They all get in their cozy ivory tower, while the little people bang at the door with their empty bowls saying, "Please, sir, may we have more?" How did it get to the point where the country is run by people who just take and take and take and then in the generosity of the position afforded them, they give to those they know can help them stay in this position of power? I say throw them all out, put in producers and people who understand how hard it is to make a dollar, and then try and keep it. Both parties have merged into one coalition of the takers and that is why they have both aimed their collective guns at Donald Trump. But, how can they possibly expect anyone to support them when they have thrown the person at the head of the ticket under the bus?

They are like the actors in the Truman Show. As long as he was fat, dumb and happy, and doing what the producers designed him to do, life was great. But the minute he rocked the boat, questioned authority, wanted to shift the status quo — all hell broke loose. They unmasked their true nature and attacked him with a vengeance, much like the establishment Republicans have done to Trump and his supporters. As long as they were compliant and malleable, voting for whatever pitifully flawed candidate they would trot out every four years, the people were treated with smug condescension. But the minute they demanded something new, a voice that speaks for them, the party turned up the wave machine, threatening to drown those who oppose them.

People are not stupid, and the polls show that the popularity of Congress is just below that of a used car salesman and the press. They don’t trust politicians, they have been lied to by them, and they see people like Bill and Hillary Clinton go from owning nothing to becoming multi-millionaires by doing nothing but capitalizing on the fact that they were politicians. What else have they ever done in their lives? What have they produced? What have they created that is of lasting value? What have they personally done to impact or change one life for the better with their own personal resources?

It’s easy to be generous with everyone else’s money. Hillary Clinton hasn’t driven a car in over 20 years. How can she possibly relate to the mother who has to sit in the carpool line day after day? How does she know what the 9-to-5 worker feels like, stuck in traffic, anxious on a daily basis that they will arrive to work late and get fired?

Americans are winners, and they are fighting against a force that is trying to destroy us from within.

Hillary might be a millionaire, but it is in name only. Donald Trump took the gift from his family, not the federal government, and turned it into multi-millions of dollars, tens of thousands of jobs, and millions of lives that have been touched through the years. What has Hillary ever done besides enable a perverted husband to molest and prey on innocent women while she stood by and did nothing except blame them? She is married to the general of the "War on Women" and has the nerve to say that Trump is the sexist? Oh, really? She is where she is because of men. She has pimped herself to them to get where she is today, and for that selling of her empty soul she feels we, the American people now owe her the presidency.

Trump, on the other hand, is attracting the disenfranchised, marginalized voter that both parties have taken for granted. They all say the same thing ... if the powers that be hate him, I love him. If they are going to attack him, I am going to support him.

They self-identify with a man who is attacked, condemned, belittled, mocked and scorned, because that is how they feel. They don’t relate to the money and private planes, and huge buildings. They relate to what he has gone through to get there and how, after all the tremendous success in his life, the same enemies are still trying to destroy him. Americans relate to that because that is what the Clintons and Obamas of the world keep doing to them.

So, Trump, like him or not, is a reflection of the spirit of America that was inspired by men and women who fought against oppression and said boldly to the king of the greatest empire at that time, "We have no king but Jesus," and they won. Americans are winners, and they are fighting against a force that is trying to destroy us from within, by destroying the human spirit, and emasculating men.

At the same time, we are fighting a force from without that wants to fundamentally transform this country. Trump and America say "Not on my watch."