Monday, November 7, 2016

It's America or Her

Thanks to WikiLeaks and a small number of reporters who do real investigative journalism, the mask has been lifted and we are finally learning how deep and far the corruption goes in Washington with Hillary Clinton at the helm. Now let us take an imaginary journey to see what a Clinton presidency as opposed to a Trump presidency will look like:

Globalism versus nationalism: Clinton stated in one of her private speeches that she dreams of “open borders”. She also wants to increase the intake of Syrian refugees by “550% and give amnesty to illegal aliens.” What the mainstream media has not reported is that all the countries in Europe who have brought in refugees are in total chaos and destruction. Refugees are committing all kinds of crimes and terrorist attacks, on almost a daily basis, in European countries such as Germany, Belgium, France, England, Greece, Denmark and Sweden to name a few. 
Their goal is to spread Islam and inculcate Sharia Law around the world. The refugee program is funded by one of Hillary’s biggest donors, George Soros. It’s no secret his goal is to destroy sovereign nations by opening their borders and causing chaos by flooding their welfare systems to bankrupt each country in order to advance the New World Order strategy for a one world government. The intentions behind Soros and the globalists are outright malicious. Under a Trump presidency, he will close America’s borders and stop the influx of illegals into this country especially the criminals and refugees who can’t be properly vetted – which the FBI admitted publicly and even Clinton wrote in a leaked email – to weed out jihadists. In effect, this country will be safer, there will be less terror attacks and there will be more money saved that can be used to help our own citizens such as our beloved veterans and our homeless.
Establishment versus anti-establishment: We now know that Clinton used her position of power not to serve the best interest of this country but to line her own pockets with the Clinton Foundation as a front. As Secretary of State, she made decisions not based on what was best for this country; she made decisions based on who would donate the most money to the Clinton Foundation and pay her and her husband the most amount of money for speeches in exchange for favors. Is this not why Hillary Clinton set up her private server and destroyed 33,000 e-mails? Hillary knew she’d be conducting illegal activity and she put our national security at risk in doing so. This corruption will continue under a Clinton presidency further putting our country at risk and her needs before what’s best for Americans. Also, we now know that due to Clinton’s reckless behavior, her servers were hacked numerous times by foreign intelligence agencies. This means if she’s elected, our enemies could use those hacked e-mails to blackmail her. Clinton claims Trump can’t be trusted with the nuclear codes; yet, it’s been proven she can’t be trusted with even low-level classified information. Like it or not, treason is heavier than “Miss Piggy.” Trump intends to stop the rampant corruption in Washington and he’s laid out a plan to drain the swamp. He will push for a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits for members of Congress. Trump would also institute a 5-year ban on administration officials lobbying the government after they leave their positions. He would also ask Congress to institute its own 5-year lobbying ban on former congressmen and congressional staff. This may be why so many Republicans do not support Trump. They know that if Trump is elected, all the perks and the shady backroom deals they make to further themselves without their constituent’s best interests at heart will cease. 
I always suspected the Clintons were corrupt. With minimal research, I learned how corrupt the Clintons were and the amount of scandals they have been involved in. Unlike other writers covering the Clinton ignominies who have dealt with threats, harassment and at times even felt that their lives were in danger, I being a mere “no name” blogger, have dealt with nothing more than insults and belittling comments from Hillary minions and “pie-in-the sky” liberals. It’s no secret that anyone who dares to expose the Clintons get threatened, vandalized, their pets killed, their houses burned down and dozens have died in mysterious accidents. Just on this information alone, it boggles my mind that anyone could vote for someone so wicked to the core. When Trump says she’s a nasty woman and she has evil in her heart, he couldn’t be more right. On the other hand, despite the lies the mainstream media tells about Trump, personal testimony and collaboration reveals the opposite. From what I have heard, Trump and his family are wonderful good-hearted people who have throughout the years done so much to help so many.  Trump’s a billionaire who does not need to run for president and he’s risking his life and taken incredible abuse by doing so.
You may not like Trump, but he’s right to say that this election is bigger than him: it’s a movement. The people are sick of government corruption and good everyday hardworking Americans want to take their country back. There’s only one candidate who will make America great again and that candidate is not under multiple FBI investigations. It’s America or Her. I’m with America.

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