Monday, November 14, 2016

Hasta la Vista, Ciao, Cheerio, Tata, Adieu, Goodbye

Prior to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in this year’s presidential election, numerous arrogant liberal elitists threatened to leave the United States were he to win.
The election has passed, and the America people gave the spoiled celebrities of Hollywood a-kick-in-the-rear. Despite all their earnest You Tube diatribes and pro-Hillary concerts and campaign appearances, the next president is Donald Trump. Little did they realize that many in the public are finished with these multi-millionaires positing themselves as champions of the working class, or even more remarkable, the downtrodden. Well, the story line is written, the reviews in. The script is now on the cutting room floor. They themselves are no longer chic.
Included among this cadre of pompous nitwits was every type of liberal imaginable — liberal actors, liberal filmmakers, liberal models, liberal singers, liberal TV hosts and, of course, liberal comedians like Jon Stewart. Known for hosting “The Daily Caller” on Comedy Central for nearly two decades, Stewart was an especially nasty liberal who spent much of the election season besmirching Trump and his supporters as racists, sexists, bigots and whatever else. Luckily for him, interplanetary travel does not yet exist, meaning he can stay.

The same cannot be said for the likes of Lena Dunham, a foul-mouth feminist who hates all men, but especially so white men. “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will,” she said last April at an awards ceremony held by the Association for Women in Communications. “I know a lovely place in Vancouver, and I can get my work done from there.” Ta-ta, Lena. And auf wiedershen sweetheart, as well to actress Whoopi Goldberg, and genuinely repugnant pop star Miley Cyrus, whose entire adult career has revolved around teaching young boys and girls how to be promiscuous philanderers and Jezebels without regard for love or family. She supposedly said “My heart is broken into a million pieces.” In that case, au revoir. And then let us not forget the irredeemable race hustler, “little Al” Sharpton. Prior to President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in this year’s presidential election, Sharpton was among numerous arrogant liberal elitists who threatened to leave the United States were he to win.

Below is a list, though not exhaustive, of celebrities, excluding the aforementioned, who promised to leave:

Breaking Bad” star Bryan Cranston;  Actor Samuel Jackson;  “House of Cards” actress Neve Campbell;  “Orange is the New Black” actress Natasha Lyonne;  Cher ; Singer Ne-Yo (like so many others, plans to bug out to nearby Canada); Comedian Amy Schumer; Comedian George Lopez who claims he is moving south;  Ali Wentworth, wife of ABC newsman George Stephanopoulous; Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (she’s already back peddled and apologized); Former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Taran Kellam exemplified the entertainment elites on Twitter: Rural = so stupid.” You can taste the smugness in that one. Or there’s Linsay Lohan, who tweeted, ”Retweet if you want a recount.” “Retweet if you think Lohan makes sense…ever.’’

Of course I would be remiss if I forgot those celebs who have threatened to leave the country before past elections but little ever came of it. America has been waiting years for Alec Baldwin to keep his “unequivocal” promise to leave. Rocker Eddie Vedder, actor Matt Damon, director Robert Altman and the irrepressible Spike Lee were supposed to depart on the same boat, but they stayed. There's Michael Moore who talks about leaving but always falls short in doing so. Then again, it takes brain cells for one to speak, while any simpleton can talk. Need I say more about Moore? Besides there are few boats big enough to carry his load.

Barbra Streisand holds the record for entertainers-in-exile-who-are-still-here. Her promise to leave dates back to the Clinton-Bush Sr. campaign of 1992. She’s still here and, it is unlikely, she and others listed above will depart our shores.

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