So, America is down
to these two choices – a smug immodest man or a hollow deceitful woman! Sounds
like the Garden of Eden all over, does it not?
Honestly, were you
really shocked by the inexcusable eleven year old remarks or the recent allegations by a known
philandering playboy? And if proven true, will the WikiLeaks Wall Street
transcripts shock you or only prove what you have felt all along about a
two-faced Hillary? So, really nothing has changed, only one’s perception
of reality. America is still down to these two choices – a lustful man or a
lying woman! One of them, barring unforeseen events, will become the next
The Bible says, “Be
sure your sins will find you out!” Before any of us, without sin, cast the
first of many stones to be thrown in both directions, have you not first
examined your own heart and soul? “For in the same manner in which you judge,
you shall be judged.” Both Trump and Clinton are sinners in need of a Savior’s
saving grace – just like you and me. “For we have all sinned and come short of
the glory of God. All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone
to his wicked way.” Their Iniquity is surely no greater than mine or yours in
the eyes of God. Sin is sin, though some more resultant than others. Both liars
and adulterers shall have their part in the lake of fire.
How they respond to
this public revelation of their sins, however, will reveal the character of
their heart. We have heard from Trump. Next, maybe from Clinton. To disprove
the WikiLeaks release, Clinton will have to produce her manuscripts. Silence on
her part will condemn. Actually, WikiLeaks Clinton Email releases may serve as condemnation enough.
Consider King David –
“a man after God’s own heart.” He was a voyeuristic pleasure seeker and an
adulterous murderer. I wonder what his rooftop “locker room” conversations were
like about a married woman, Bathsheba? Yet, when his sinfulness was publicly
exposed by the prophet Nathan, David, a politician, publicly repented. So far,
nothing from Hillary. At least Donald has offered an admittance of his
So, is lying less a
sin than sexual desire? Prurience and homicide, as with King David, more than
bearing false witness again to the nation?
All that has changed
in the past few days is that God is pulling back the curtains a little bit
further, exposing the sinfulness of a nation He loves very much, removing our
hopes and trust for recovery from the arms of sinful flesh and revealing that
He is neither a Republican nor a Democratic, but Jehovah, the Righteous God. Christians
are posting everywhere, “We need to pray!” Isn’t that what God has desired all
along? To hear from His children?
Our perception of salvation coming to the nation from a Republican
or Democratic party, from a man or a woman, is being dashed against the Rock of
America has put her
hopes for the future (your children and grandchildren) in a man or a woman,
Republican or Democrat, and God has raised up a liberal biased media and Julian Assange to dash all our human hopes for deliverance
against the Rock of Truth – Jesus Christ. These recent revelations are actions
of the Providential Hand of God moving to prepare us for a move of His Spirit.
Sin must be revealed before true revival from a Holy God can follow.
So far, only one has
come forth and said, “I have sinned!” What is your and my response today? Is
it, “Lord, I’m glad I’m not like Donald or Hillary!” Or is it, “Lord, have
mercy upon me, for I too am only a sinner saved by grace.” I guess, I am
speaking to myself.
America’s future hope
is not in Hillary or Donald, but in God’s people turning back to a merciful,
forgiving God. The issues haven’t
changed one iota since the debates. They are exactly where they were months, weeks and days ago. Only your perception of the means of our salvation has changed. And maybe
not. I hope all our eyes, Republican and Democratic eyes alike, will turn to
Jesus, will look full into his wonderful face, and the things of this world
will grow politically dim in the
light of His marvelous grace.
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