Monday, November 21, 2016

Suck It Up Snowflake

Academia’s activists today are clear-cutting vast swaths of civil society to make room for "reason-free zones" where feelings outrank facts -- they call them "safe spaces", more recently “cry zones” and if they had their predilections, the entirety of the continent, if not the earth itself, would be one beach lounge chair-strewn and beer cooler realm of hugging and unapologetic whining. How do we stop such nonsense that is now permeating our universities and its staffs and student snowflakes? We begin by recognizing that there's a certain breed of guilty white liberals (academia) who actually enjoy being called racist, confessing their racial sins and denouncing less advanced white people. The hot new term for this is "virtue signaling" -- a way of communicating how enlightened you are. And the buttercups through their own ignorance become no more than lemmings running to their own ruination.

How about this proposal by our local state and national legislators: "Suck it up, Wallflower" bill to punish all state and private post-secondary schools who receive state and federal funding that responded to the election of President-elect Donald Trump by coddling their students like a bunch of overindulged brats. Are not our representatives seeing what you and I are seeing? Are these universities not using tax payer dollars to set up "cry zones" so people can talk about their feelings and how sensitive they are? So why not take action to recoup taxpayer money? Sounds legitimate to me.

Here is a suggestion on dealing with the problem of misusing taxpayers money: Find out how many taxpayers dollars are being used for these "cry zones" and for all these different "safe spaces"  about so you can talk individual hurt feelings, and take whatever that number is and arbitrarily double, triple, even quadruple it and cut it from the university tax dollar spigot (budget). Does this not sound like a terrific plan, for the notion of publicly funded universities wasting taxpayer dollars to essentially powder their students' sensitive little baby butts? Which is the most absurd, my suggestion or tax payers dollars being wasted on university "hurt feeling zones"?

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