Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is Time for New Leadership

Today I share what my good friend has so aptly written as it pertains to next week’s election and her views, which in many respects mirror my own. Trump is a producer while politicians are designed to put obstacles in the way of productivity and skim the cream from the top of the bucket of everything created in the country. Trump Towers is a reminder that, it is the businessman, the architect, the artist, the musician, the engineer who works in tandem to create what the rest of us take for granted and expect as a part of life. Government has twisted their image from being one of servant to the people, to necessary benevolent supplier of all needs when what they are really doing is fleecing the producers, like Donald Trump.

Millions of Americans relate to him because they are doing what he does, not necessarily on the same scale, but with the same heart and intent. We are all on the same journey down a snake-invested river that is the government, taking our hard-earned money at every turn and putting up additional obstacles in the form of regulations and prohibitions to success. He is a breath of fresh air in a stale room of mediocrity and oppression. The fact that he is wealthy is not as important as what he is perceived as doing with his wealth.

Unlike the government that takes from the producer and enables the non-producer, Trump is pouring money into a broken system by hiring people who then have to turn almost half their pay check over to a bloated, Jabba-the-Hut type of government that is run by people who all think they know better than the rest of us.

The three non-political candidates who were in the presidential race represented the discontent, anger and frustration of the American people. As the Left tries to vilify Wall Street, corporate America, and those who are pulling the wagon of prosperity, the rest of America is saw the non-politicians as a source of sanity in a world gone mad with power and stupidity.

When our president says that the threat of global warming, which has been disproved on so many levels, is more important than the steady infiltration of people who want to kill and change who and what America is, the citizens are right in saying we need a course correction. Someone as successful and accomplished as Trump has proven he could be that person.

The era of the politician is over. It is time for new leadership that understands what the needs of the people are, and that is to be left alone, to create, to build, to keep their hard earned money to invest in others who want to do the same thing. Trump is that model of excellence that has always been the spirit of America ... until the socialists took over.

What have the Clintons created that is of lasting value? What have they personally done to impact or change one life for the better with their own personal resources?

Both parties are culpable and responsible for this malaise. They all get in their cozy ivory tower, while the little people bang at the door with their empty bowls saying, "Please, sir, may we have more?" How did it get to the point where the country is run by people who just take and take and take and then in the generosity of the position afforded them, they give to those they know can help them stay in this position of power? I say throw them all out, put in producers and people who understand how hard it is to make a dollar, and then try and keep it. Both parties have merged into one coalition of the takers and that is why they have both aimed their collective guns at Donald Trump. But, how can they possibly expect anyone to support them when they have thrown the person at the head of the ticket under the bus?

They are like the actors in the Truman Show. As long as he was fat, dumb and happy, and doing what the producers designed him to do, life was great. But the minute he rocked the boat, questioned authority, wanted to shift the status quo — all hell broke loose. They unmasked their true nature and attacked him with a vengeance, much like the establishment Republicans have done to Trump and his supporters. As long as they were compliant and malleable, voting for whatever pitifully flawed candidate they would trot out every four years, the people were treated with smug condescension. But the minute they demanded something new, a voice that speaks for them, the party turned up the wave machine, threatening to drown those who oppose them.

People are not stupid, and the polls show that the popularity of Congress is just below that of a used car salesman and the press. They don’t trust politicians, they have been lied to by them, and they see people like Bill and Hillary Clinton go from owning nothing to becoming multi-millionaires by doing nothing but capitalizing on the fact that they were politicians. What else have they ever done in their lives? What have they produced? What have they created that is of lasting value? What have they personally done to impact or change one life for the better with their own personal resources?

It’s easy to be generous with everyone else’s money. Hillary Clinton hasn’t driven a car in over 20 years. How can she possibly relate to the mother who has to sit in the carpool line day after day? How does she know what the 9-to-5 worker feels like, stuck in traffic, anxious on a daily basis that they will arrive to work late and get fired?

Americans are winners, and they are fighting against a force that is trying to destroy us from within.

Hillary might be a millionaire, but it is in name only. Donald Trump took the gift from his family, not the federal government, and turned it into multi-millions of dollars, tens of thousands of jobs, and millions of lives that have been touched through the years. What has Hillary ever done besides enable a perverted husband to molest and prey on innocent women while she stood by and did nothing except blame them? She is married to the general of the "War on Women" and has the nerve to say that Trump is the sexist? Oh, really? She is where she is because of men. She has pimped herself to them to get where she is today, and for that selling of her empty soul she feels we, the American people now owe her the presidency.

Trump, on the other hand, is attracting the disenfranchised, marginalized voter that both parties have taken for granted. They all say the same thing ... if the powers that be hate him, I love him. If they are going to attack him, I am going to support him.

They self-identify with a man who is attacked, condemned, belittled, mocked and scorned, because that is how they feel. They don’t relate to the money and private planes, and huge buildings. They relate to what he has gone through to get there and how, after all the tremendous success in his life, the same enemies are still trying to destroy him. Americans relate to that because that is what the Clintons and Obamas of the world keep doing to them.

So, Trump, like him or not, is a reflection of the spirit of America that was inspired by men and women who fought against oppression and said boldly to the king of the greatest empire at that time, "We have no king but Jesus," and they won. Americans are winners, and they are fighting against a force that is trying to destroy us from within, by destroying the human spirit, and emasculating men.

At the same time, we are fighting a force from without that wants to fundamentally transform this country. Trump and America say "Not on my watch."

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