Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf and My Vote

"Growing up I loved the story of The Three Little Pigs.   Bet you remember the story too?

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and when they were old enough to make their own way their mother sent them out into the world to make their fortune.   The first little pig built his house of straw. The second pig built his house with sticks. The third little pig worked hard all day and built his house with bricks.

A big bad wolf saw the little pigs and thought “What juicy tender meals they will make!”  The big bad wolf went to the first house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down in minutes. The frightened little pig ran to the second pig’s house that was made of sticks. The big bad wolf now came to the second’s little pig’s house and huffed and puffed and blew the house down. Now, the two little pigs ran to the third pig’s house that was made of bricks.

The big bad wolf tried to huff and puff and blow the house down, but he could not. He kept trying but the house was very strong and the little pigs were safe inside. He tried to enter through the chimney but the third little pig had a big pot of boiling water that he kept below the chimney. The wolf fell into the boiling water and that ended the big bad wolf’s scaring the little pigs.

Today I was thinking of how much this story resembles the tale of our country.

History shows that through the years “The Big Bad Wolf” has huffed and puffed at America’s door many times – Wars: The War  of Independence, the Civil War, Two World Wars – The Depression – The 9/11 attack on our own soil. In difficult times the American People have joined hands and become one Nation – a Nation built out of bricks keeping us safe. (like the three little pigs came together). 

The bricks and mortar that has been steadfast holding our country together is the Constitution of the United States.  I believe that the interpretation of this document is the most important consideration of this election. It is so important because the next president of the United States will have the possibility of electing two, three or more Supreme Court Justices. Political Correctness now seems to shut down many of our traditions and even appropriate words that we can say. We rely on the Constitution. 

Now, more than ever, I believe we must rely on our constitution to guide our country past the wolf’s huffing and puffing.  This document, written by our founding fathers, is the law by which we are governed.  It was so well written over 200 years ago that now we are still using the exact same document to run our country.

The constitution outlines all our rights as citizens. It gives a complete list of all the things that we can do, and the rights that we have. The constitution and its amendments protects us. It protects us from each other, and it protects us from our own government.   It protects us from wrongful prosecution, incriminating ourselves. It gives us our right to free speech, our right to bear arms and our right to freedom of religion.

The constitution affects every single citizen within the United States every single day. We must thank our founding Fathers when we practice the religion of our choice and when we say whatever is on our mind without fear of having our tongue ripped out or having our head chopped off as happens in some other countries."

Mr. Trump has named people he would choose as those he would appoint to the Supreme and has said:  “We have a very clear choice in this election. The freedoms we cherish and the constitutional values and principles our country was founded on are in jeopardy. The responsibility is greater than ever to protect and uphold these freedoms and I will appoint justices, who like Justice Scalia, will protect our liberty with the highest regard for the Constitution. This list is definitive and I will choose only from it in picking future Justices of the United States Supreme Court. I would like to thank the Federalist Society, The Heritage Foundation and the many other individuals who helped in composing this list of twenty-one highly respected people who are the kind of scholars that we need to preserve the very core of our country, and make it greater than ever before.” 

For this reason, I am voting for Donald Trump. 

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