Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Final Countdown to The Media's Kismet

With the clock ticking on Election Day, the mainstream media seems intent on committing ritual suicide by eviscerating the tattered remnants of its credibility. See, there’s some good news out there if you just look for it.
At this writing, it still looks like Felonious Anomalous Hillary will convince enough morons to vote for her to defeat Donald Trump, but who the hell knows? The polls are tightening, my past posts remain eerily prescient, and in Hades they are getting out the mittens. So, what’s next from our disgraced media drones as they face the possible repudiation of every libfascist thing they believe in? More covering up, to be sure. By the time this post is posted, it could be revealed that Hillary tried to auction off Gary, Indiana to a yet unknown Emir in return for a $1,000,000 donation to her slush fund. But then her organ grinder monkeys in the mainstream media would respond to this news by claiming that that this is all Russian lies, the notarized videotape of her explaining that Gary alone is worth $1,000,000 notwithstanding, or by claiming that these allegations are racist against foreign royalty. You get the point do you not?
Then again, the media would eagerly aid and abet any fresh opportunity dump on Donald Trump in hopes of turning everything around. The media drools at the possibility of obtaining the much-gossiped about KGB sex tape, though its delight seems to rely on the dubious notion that people would think less of him. Then again, most members of the media have never met an actual male. The media would love to obtain a new tax return showing that Trump didn’t pay taxes on money he didn’t make – remember, stolen stuff is fine unless it hurts liberals, and then it’s bad. We’ve already seen some remarkable things in the last week, have we not? It’s no shock that Hillary Clinton does not believe that the American people should go into the voting booth armed with the knowledge that one of the two major party candidates is under investigation for multiple felonies by the FBI. She and her liberal pals believe in the mushroom theory of voter information – keep them in the dark and feed them…manure.
What’s remarkable is the reaction of the press, the Fourth Estate, the ink stained wretches who afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, those proud defenders of the People’s right to know, the guys and gals who published the classified Pentagon Papers because of transparency, damn it. These heroes likewise do not believe that the American people should go into the voting booth armed with the knowledge that one of the two major party candidates is under investigation for multiple felonies by the FBI. Regardless, welcome to the countdown to the final doom of the media as we know and hate it. 

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