Sunday, August 28, 2016

Decline of Christianity is Undeniable 3 of 4

Christianity’s real credibility is based on the truth of God, not ideas of man. The Bible’s testimony is that man’s ideas and ways have never ceased to fail. So if Christianity is failing today, a core reason is that so much of what masquerades as Christianity is man’s way, not God’s.
The foundation on which Christianity stands is the truth taught by Christ and the disciples as faithfully recorded in the New Testament. Humans cannot change the essence of something God created and expect success. False teachings may create an attractive building that looks great, but it sits on a foundation of sand that eventually will not stand the test of time.
God will not be mocked, and He does not suffer lies. Truth will eventually expose the many distortions about God and life that false doctrines have foisted off on people.
Fourth: (Now we get to my personal thoughts) High among the reasons of a de-Christianized America is the Supreme Court, which, since the Earl Warren era began, purged Christianity from all public schools and the public square – and has been met with a puzzling lack of resistance from Middle America to the secularist revolution being imposed upon it.
FIFTH, an anti-Christian elite captured the cultural heights – the arts, elite universities, popular culture, the media – and began, through movies, books, magazines and now games, an assault on Christian beliefs and morality.
SIXTH was the social revolution of the 1960s, which began with the arrival of the baby boomers on campus in 1964. Five years later, Woodstock Nation was wallowing in the mud and rocking out to Jimi Hendrix, Joan Bias, and Country Joe & the Fish.
With the counterculture of the 60's would come its 60’s opinions and standards, that were embraced by the elites and came to dominate the culture in the time of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Given his baggage, “Wild Bill” would have been a comic figure in the 1950s. Today he is the Democratic Party’s “beau ideal of a statesman.”
Many churches came out to meet the cultural revolution halfway. The results were irrelevance and scandal – too many Elmer Gantrys in televangelist pulpits and too many predators in priestly cassocks.
What are the consequences of a de-Christianized America and West? Si monumentum requiris, circumspice. (If you would seek its monuments, look around you.)
Half of marriages end in divorce. Fewer children are being born, and of these, over 40 percent are out of wedlock. Record drug use rates, dropout rates, soaring crime and incarceration rates that rivals most of the world’s civilized societies. Despite astonishing advances in medicine, we have far more and far more varied and deadly STDs.
As Christianity dies, individualism, materialism and hedonism or self-indulgence replace it. “Selfies” could be the name for the current adult generation for whom Easter Sunday long ago took a back seat to Super Bowl Sunday. More than a million abortions a year, assisted suicide and euthanasia are seen as the milestones of social progress in the new America.
Panem et circenses,” bread and circuses, were what the late Roman Empire was all about. With us, it is sex, drugs, and rock, with variations on all three. Historically, as the faith dies, the culture and civilization to which it gave birth die, and then the people die. And a new tribe with its own gods comes to occupy the emptying land.

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