Wednesday, August 31, 2016

This Election is Different

Polls aside, no one knows what’s going to happen on Nov. 8. As much as media personalities, writers, political pundits, and I pontificate, if any of them – myself included – could see the future, we’d already have won the Mega Million Jackpot and be sitting on a Caribbean beach drinking a margarita or a Fruit Cocktail for those who abstain from alcohol. Since we’re not playing the lottery, we have to make a best guess. Whatever happens, whoever wins, there will be an assemblage of people who will have a lot of explicating to do.

Every election has supporters; both teams have enthusiasts. Some devotees do and say senseless or foolish things. This is evidenced by some of the replies I receive from blog posts I have written. But rarely do the candidates say ludicrous or irrational things. This year has already proved to be different. This year, one candidate says whatever he wants, whether he means it or not, and isn’t afraid to say the exact opposite and move on. The other does whatever she wants, legal or not, then lies about it while posting herself atop a pile of evidence to the contrary. 

How can someone defend Hillary Clinton’s claims of having always been truthful about her secret, private email server when it’s unequivocally fallacious? How can someone recover from spending 24 hours defending Donald Trump’s statement that President Obama and Hillary “founded ISIS” when the next day he kneecapped them by claiming he was only being sarcastic? Then again, it is Donald Trump we are talking about and he can be rather sardonic.  These two characters securing the nominations of their parties have not only thrown the future of America into confusion, but their real and perspective supporters as well.  Whatever happens, whoever wins, there will be a horde of fervent keepers who will be in dire need of a reputation rehab. and many more crying in their beer.

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