Thursday, August 18, 2016

We Are Rapidly Approaching a Point...

I’m telling you as sure as I am sitting here writing this post that the day is coming when every American will lose his or her God-given right to make choices that they believe are in the best interest of their well-being, safety measures, possessions and sources of income. Is it not already happening? I believe, even now, it is taking place.
Can you not feel the tension rising?  Are we not losing the right to follow our own consciences and common sense in determining our own destinies? It appears to me, that politicians, who represent the government apparently knows what’s best for you and me – and that includes inexplicable, unaccountable judges and perplexing decisions. Have we not already seen florists, bakers, caterers, photographers, videographers and others told they must accept clientele and jobs that violate their own sense of religious freedom?
Is there no end to this tyranny? Where does this end? Is all “discrimination” bad? The word simply means “an act or instance of discriminating or making a distinction.” Is it wrong for people to make dissimilarities? Have we lost our individual right to choose what we think is right and what is wrong? If so, who is wise enough to make our collective decisions for everyone?
We are rapidly approaching a point at which anti-discrimination mania or lunacy if you will, becomes tyranny. Someone has to make decisions about right and wrong. That’s ultimately what laws are all about. But, we are making so many, and, in the process, micro-managing the lives of Americans to such an extent, that individual conscience and choice is falling by the wayside. Do you suppose it’s a consequence of people becoming too easily offended? So why can’t people just make choices that conform with their own life choices? Why do they insist on seeing themselves as victims of “discrimination” only because business people set some common-sense standards in what they determine to be their own best interest? Why must people seek redress by claiming discrimination?
Everyone acknowledges today that racial discrimination in hiring is wrong. It’s arbitrary and immoral. Is it really progress to equate every lifestyle with race? Is it wise? Doesn’t it diminish what people have been forced to endure in terms of racial prejudice?

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