Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Do People Really Think...

Do people really think that there is a far-reaching epidemic of Law Enforcement Officers killing blacks in America? Do people really think transgender people are the victims of widespread acts of murder Do people really think Planned Parenthood is the only healthcare option for women? We would know if we just bothered to do our own research. We could sidestep much of the emotional propaganda and get to the heart of today’s issues if people chose to distinguish between opinion, hearsay and objectivity.
For instance, more black babies are aborted in NYC than born alive. In “2014, there were 1,100 aborted for every 1,000 born alive. Among whites, 228 were aborted for every 1,000 born alive. Among Hispanics, 557 were aborted for every 1,000 born alive.” The black community is the only demographic in NYC where there are more deaths than births, yet no “social justice warriors” are talking about this systemic racism. No one is talking about innocent black lives being ravaged by the abortion industry. There are few marches, less demonstrations and no die-ins. Activism says women have no health options but Planned Parenthood. Facts say otherwise. See “GetYourCare.org” and you will find many better taxpayer-funded comprehensive options.

Have you, the reader, not heard the rhetoric being bandied about by the progressive left that vulnerable communities are targets of the more powerful? Is there any group more vulnerable and less powerful than the unborn? But our society has shown that nonsensical violence is okay if we only attire it in egalitarian euphemisms so we can conceal the dismembered trafficked aborted body parts, right Hillary? Reasonably stated Barack?

Nowhere is victimhood more parroted than in the pro-abortion LGBT activist community. In the debate about binary biological gender, our nation is enmeshed in a deceptive debate about access to bathrooms. Does not everyone have access to bathrooms?  LGBT organizations promote the myth that there is an epidemic of homicides of "transgenders", blaming it on “hate”. All homicides are heartbreaking, but we're talking about 11 people in one year according to FBI stats from 2015. Just like pro-abortion militants, it's never about the truth. It's about advancing an agenda, no matter the lie.

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