Saturday, December 27, 2014

Authoritative Principle for Governing Applies to All

Laws or rules in a free society should have similar characteristics; there should be "rule of law." Rule of law means that laws are certain and known in advance. Laws envision no particular outcome except that of allowing people to peaceably pursue their own objectives. Finally, and most importantly, laws are equally applied to everyone, including government officials.

Let's look at our country and ask whether we live under rule of law. Just about every law that Congress enacts violates the requirements for rule of law. How do we determine violations of rule of law? It's easy. See whether the law applies to particular Americans, as opposed to all Americans. See whether the law exempts public officials from its application. See whether the law is known in advance. See whether the law takes action against a person who has taken no aggressive action against another. If one conducts such a test, he will conclude that it is virtually impossible to find a single act of Congress that adheres to the principles of the rule of law. The supreme tragedy is Americans do not want rule of law. Or would they, if enlightened and afforded the opportunity? 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

All Because of One Special Child

Lest we forget, there was a time in America when people and even presidents were unafraid to stand for traditional values and encourage others to do the same. At this special time of the year, let us all renew our sense of wonder in recalling the story of the first Christmas in Bethlehem. Some celebrate Christmas as the birthday of a great and superior philosopher and teacher. Others of us believe in the divinity of the child born in Bethlehem.  We believe that he was and is the promised Prince of Peace. Like the shepherds and wise men of the Christmas story, we Americans, have always tried to follow a greater light, a star, if you will. Be it at lonely campfires along “No Man’s Land” on the Western Front, or in the darkest of days of the Great Depression, through war and peace, the twin beacons of faith and freedom have brightened the American sky. At times, our footsteps may have faltered, but trusting God’s help, we have up to this point, never lost our way. Regardless of what moral relativists, current political leaders and Liberal Court Justices may say or decree, let this holiday season be for us a time of reaffirmation and re-dedication.  This Christmas day, in millions of homes, let the glow of the Christmas tree or candle serve as a reflection of the love of Jesus. Let us keep in mind that if it were not for one special child there would be no Christmas nor life eternal.  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas and an Empty Headed Ideology

The Liberal Left are resourceful little creatures that possess what appears to be diminutive minds and their culture war is unending. For most of the past two decades, they have continued their assault on Christmas. They maintain the use of the word is offensive to non-Christians, and therefore politically incorrect. Really, "Christmas" politically incorrect. The Christmas tree has been replaced by the Holiday Tree. Happy Holidays has replaced Merry Christmas. All this in the name of political correctness.

Those behind the war on Christmas are multicultural equivocators who consider themselves the acculturated gatekeepers of the common good. And may I add, dreadful people without even a hint of the spirit of the true reason for the season. Again, rather than leaving a nation whose traditions so clearly annoy them and perhaps moving to another that does not celebrate Christmas, they remain and have the audacity to try and change their country, in this case America. One could suggest those opposed to Christmas move to Afghanistan, North Korea or possibly Iran where their views on feminism, gays, education and the likes would be most welcome.

Political correctness is an empty-headed ideology that everyone should refuse to support. It seeks to undermine and limit freedom. Those that use it as their “big stick” seek to fundamentally transform the culture, behavior and actions of a nation. As for me, I am old school; a traditional fundamentalist not a revisionist, a Christian, and a patriotic veteran, and I dislike those who espouse multicultural relativism. Did I say I love Christmas? If not, I do.

During the Christmas season, I will always wish those I come into contact with a “Merry Christmas," notwithstanding, that said greeting might just fracture the glass psyche of a moral relativist’s. That is a cross, I am willing to bear. To the readers of my blog: I wish you a merry Christmas, and a politically incorrect Happy New Year. Finally, stand-up, stand tall, stay the course and be proud when confronting the political correct liberal left. Remember, we are in the right.  Dare I say, “Merry Christmas” one more time? 

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Holiday Wishes for Obama

Every now and then I read something that I find both satirical and true or theologically enlightening. I will share a piece written by Wayne Allyn Root in its entirety. Hope you find the humor in it as I did.
When reading this piece remember it's just past Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us, so cheer up and smile.

"Many of us are already shopping for holiday gifts. So that inspired me to think up a holiday gift list that I hope and pray Obama receives for Christmas! Here are 15 perfect holiday gifts for Obama.
*Obama's Secret Service disarmed- since he doesn't think rest of us need guns for protection.
*Remove the fence around the White House- since Obama doesn't think we need a fence at our Southern border.
*A Christmas dinner at White House prepared and served by illegal immigrants who just arrived from the Ebola Zone- since he thinks rest of us shouldn't worry about Ebola (or illegal immigration).
*And of course, that White House Christmas dinner prepared with careful adherence to the standards of Michelle's "nutritious" public school lunch program. That should beyummy!
*Health insurance cancellation for Obama family- just like the rest of us. After all Michelle's policy doesn't provide coverage for pregnancy, Viagra or mental health issues. It's gotta go.
*The end of all criminal background checks for anyone hired at White House. Why not let Obama enjoy the same policy his EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) tried to enforce on every business in America.
*May Sasha & Malia enjoy their 2015 school year at a fine inner city public school. After all, Obama believes those teachers unions really "care about the kids."
*Since Obama is such a believer in climate change, may he spend the last 2 years of the Presidency riding around in a Prius, instead of his heavy, gas-guzzling bullet-proof limousines. And of course Air Force One has to go too. From now on, Obama flies coach...on American (the perfect airline for a guy who wants to fundamentally change America).
*If Obama comes under withering fire from terrorists, may he call his favorite General and find him asleep with orders that he not be disturbed for the night. A little taste of the last moments of our heroes at Benghazi might be the ideal Christmas gift!
*To remind him of the economy he created, may Michelle work in a part-time job with no benefits. It might do her some good to experience the real Obama economy.
*Since he doesn't want any of us to have coal anymore, I hope Obama gets coal in his Christmas stocking hanging above White House fireplace. May it always remind him of the plentiful cheap energy he took away from middle class Americans, in order to double our electric bills.
*Also in that Christmas stocking two books he ought to read: the book that best describes what Obama has done to America, my national bestseller, "The Murder of the Middle Class" and then there's the biography about Obama "The Audacity of a Dope."
*Don't forget an intrusive IRS audit under the tree. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.
*A crash language course in Hebrew, followed by a week underground in an Israeli bomb shelter with the citizens of Israel whose lives he's placed in peril.
*And my last Christmas wish for Obama…
IMPEACHMENT in the New Year...prison time for fraud for every Obama aide involved in Obamacare…and a partridge in a pear tree."
Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Our America

American citizens are insistently barraged with calamitous news of the appalling unlegislated Obama presidency-numerous scandals, manufactured crises, economic chaos, aid to America's enemies and betrayal of her allies, "high crimes" and growing calls for impeachment. Perhaps even more alarming is the ascendency of millions of dumbed-down, degraded, dependent low-information voters – not to mention untold millions of undocumented aliens – who know nothing, and understand less, about what is really happening to America. No doubt about it: Several generations of allowing the nation's schools and universities, entertainment, news media, government and even many of its churches to become dominated by the "progressive" left has taken a heavy toll. Nevertheless, all that accounts for only one America. There are two.

For if approximately half the country is dependent, deceived and seduced, what about the other half – the tens of millions of right-thinking Americans, the patriots, the soldiers and veterans, the businesspersons and creators, the dreamers and opportunists, and all the hard-working blue collar citizens who thank God for the blessing of living in the greatest country on earth? There is little doubt that America is still home to millions of real Americans – people that reason, sense, hope, hold dear and preserve the values and faith of their nation's founders. Multitudes of men and woman have put their lives on the line for the real America. Its entrepreneurs, its risk-takers, its patriots, its law enforcement officers and its uniformed military are still very much alive.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Let us Honor The Honorable

While many in the nation, from Oakland to New York, rally in protest over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, I keep wondering: What about good and morally upright law enforcement officers? As with our military personnel, we are often quick to hang the allegedly corrupt but slow to honor those who serve honestly to protect. Take a moment and think about these following statistics via the internet:

“On average, over the last decade, there have been 58,261 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,658 injuries."

"A total of 1,501 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 58 hours or 150 per year."

"There were 100 law enforcement officers killed in 2013."

"The deadliest day in law enforcement history was September 11, 2001, when 72 officers were killed while responding to the terrorist attacks on America."

"New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state."

In fact, while citizens have been rallying in Ferguson, Missouri, and New York, in just the past month, a dozen law enforcement officers have been killed across our country by the criminal element or accidents incurred while in the line of duty.

The truth is that most of the time across the country, injuries occur between police officers and the general populus not because the officers have a power problem but because civilians are breaking the law. If they obeyed the laws of the land or paused to respect authority a little bit more, the injuries to both civilians and law enforcement would be diminutive.

Let me apply the words of our Savior whose birth we celebrate each and every Christmas day reminding us of the sacrifice he and many of our law enforcement officers have made: "Greater love has no one than this: that one lay down his life for another."

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Are we Free to Express Displeasure

When the people fear employing their expressive liberties because of how the governmental targets they criticize might use the authority of the government to stifle them, we are no longer free.
Expressing ideas, no matter how forthright or unabashed, is the personal exercise of a natural right that the government in a free society is unable to affect, directly or indirectly. Yet, when the government is successful in reducing public dialog, be it written or spoken, so that it only contains words and ideas of which the government approves, it will have triumphed in establishing tyranny. This tyranny, if it comes, will not occur abruptly. It will begin gradually and triumph before we know it. The question to ask oneself is, has it already begun?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Islam and the Constitution in Conflict

How should we view Islam? Is not Islam a theocracy? And as such, does it really constitute a religion? Is not Islam an amalgamation of political, legal, and religious ideologies? In other words, law, religion and state are forged together to form what Muslims refer to as “The Nation of Islam.” It is given the sovereign qualities of a nation with clerics in the governing body and Sharia law all in one. This is a Theocracy, not a religion. This being the case, why is this nation’s chief executive, members of its legislative and judicial branches using the cloak of the US Constitution to protect a theocracy? I am in favor of federal laws prohibiting racial and religious discrimination. I am not opposed to one’s rights to practice their religious faith. I am opposed to those who seek special dispensation because of their religious belief when in fact, Islam is not by definition a religion. To cater to one group’s perception of what’s right in their eyes to the detriment of the whole is not the most effective way of dealing in accordance with what is good, proper and just. What we need from our elected officials is conformity with fact, reason, truth, or some standard or previously established law. I believe too many of our elected officials are acquiescing to what is politically correct and expedient. Why else would Sharia Law even be considered as the rule of law in certain municipalities if this were not the case?

Can we put a halt to the Washington’s perception and acceding to Islam’s autonomy demands based on religion? In my opinion we can. Why not ask our current leaders and future presidential and political candidates the type questions I previously mentioned? It might help determine who we support. I for one will do just that prior to campaigning for and casting my future ballot. Suggestion; start with local candidates and work your way up the food chain.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Another Day Another Race Targeting Claim

There is no doubt that the recent circumstances surrounding the death of a New York City resident, Eric Garner, leads me to believe he indeed was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows you cannot resist arrest for breaking the law. A law by the way, was put on the books not by law enforcement officials but by local elected bureaucrats. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different. He would not be on the roles of the deceased today. Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers, by law are duty-bound to make the arrest. From what I have seen on video, Garner, a black American, resisted being taken into custody.

What the public needs to know and the main street media along with Mayor de Blasio and race baiter extraordinaire Al Sharpton failed to mention is that Garner had a history of more than “30 arrests on charges including assault and grand larceny.”  At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation. Sharpton along with other like-minded liberal trolls claim he was being targeted for being black. If he was targeted at all, it was because of his past criminal deviancy. Yes, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, Garner was no choirboy, nor was he looking forward to bettering himself through college or entrepreneurship (at least through legal means).  

The question we have to ask ourselves, did the choke-hold put on Garner actually cause or contribute to his death? Or was Garner’s death a result of his health issues? After all Garner suffered from a number of health problems, including “hypertensive cardiovascular disease, acute and chronic bronchial asthma, obesity, diabetes and sleep apnea.” One could argue that Garner’s poor health was the main cause of his death not a choke-hold. Regardless to contributing factors surrounding Mr. Garner’s demise, his death was not a result of racial targeting. It was a result of poor judgment on the deceased’s part.

Monday, December 1, 2014

From Not Viable to Less Viable with the Stroke of a Pen

Just the other day someone asked me when I was going to comment on President Obama’s Executive Order authorizing amnesty for five million illegal immigrants. For what it’s worth the following posting sums up my feelings about Obama’s executive action. Note: I am not against legal immigration nor do I oppose amnesty on an individual case by case basis. This should be considered only under extraordinary circumstances and within the framework of the rule of law.

A couple of weeks ago, the President addressed the nation about his intention to pursue amnesty for illegal immigrants through executive action. This decision, counter to his own statements over the last few years, represents the very height of Presidential arrogance and signifies a dangerous shift from a nation of laws to a nation of men. In order to achieve some sort of gain for his political party, the President risks damage to the rule of law in our nation, but he also threatens a more immediate impact on those here legally, those following the legal process to gain entry into our country, and others struggling to find work in a fragile economy. Our border states will also be further stressed as they deal with another, almost certain surge of additional illegal immigrants looking for similar treatment from this White House. On top of the just mentioned concerns with President Obama’s Amnesty Executive Order we have a possible conundrum with Social Security and Medicare as it relates to amnesty for the illegal immigrants.

Are you aware that federal law states that people who pay taxes and are deemed “lawfully present in the United States” can collect benefits under two popular entitlement programs? They may also receive survivor and disability benefits. Fact; The five million immigrants granted protection from deportation will be eligible for both Social Security and Medicare and all rights therein.  If you have what are generally regarded as the most popular entitlement programs – and they are not viable in the long run – and now you are making them even less so by adding large numbers of low income individuals then that is going to have a sizable and harmful impact on those people who spent a lifetime contributing into a Federal Government mandated “safety net” program. Some proponents suggest that analysis, of course, relies on the assumption that the long term finances of the two programs are not improved by lawmakers. The question to ask oneself is, when was the last time lawmakers improved anything without costing taxpaying Americans more money? It certainly was not Obama's "Affordable Healthcare" program. Do you suppose it was Obama’s “Shovel Ready Job” project or his “Cash for Clunkers” scheme or how about his “Clean Air” initiatives?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Perpetuation of Racism

It’s been a century and a half since the end of servitude and slavery in America. While some of black America seem to have gotten the word, many others have not. Is it not time that America asked itself, “Why is that?” Well, one of the reasons is that there is money to be made in race baiting and keeping the word slavery alive.

Have not more than a few “people of the cloth” made money by exploiting the myth of racism and minority repression today? Has not the Democratic Party attained political influence and made its well-to-do, white enablers fortunes at the government feeding trough, exploiting racism and the myth of slavery? Has not a host of businesses evolved that are now dependent upon “slavery reparations,” also known as welfare assistance way of life dollars, for their existence or lucrativeness?  Has not the myth of modern-day slavery built a mindset of entitlement into black thinking, resulting in a failed worldview that guarantees a life of failure and deprivation? 
All of which brings us to Ferguson. It’s a tragedy when anyone’s life ends before its time. That’s true of both a black teenager who made some poor decisions, and a white policeman who thought deadly force was his only option to save his own life. Ferguson burned and violence was unleashed. Quoting Michael Savage, “thanks to the reckless liberal media, the lawless administration…exploiting the shooting to smear police departments across the nation, phony civil rights demagogues, race-baiting politicians and radical hate groups.”

If the mentioned type racist mentality exists today, and I believe it does, it exists at the upper levels of our government down into the depths of communities like Ferguson, which are one or two poor decisions away from anarchy. Why do I say this? Look no further than Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” that transferred hundreds of billions of dollars into bank accounts of those who made the problems worse.

But atlas, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon. A Ferguson, Missouri, prosecuting attorney, who is a democrat  and a grand jury gave us some respite from the evils of race baiting. Yes, they did this in spite of the unethical, ongoing, subversive interventions from the attorney general of black America and the president of black America, on the side of the Brown family, swayed a grand jury guided by the search for truth. For fact-finding is the essence of the law – the law is not an abstract idea of imagined social justice that exists in the arid minds of the perpetually aggrieved. 
Now I ask you, is there hope for tomorrow in this racially divisive country? I am not sure about tomorrow but today the sunshine is looking a little brighter through the dark clouds of exploited racism. At present, we should give thanks for a prosecuting attorney and grand jury who grasped the evidently archaic idea of ordered liberty. That was a good day for American justice. To illuminate the darkness of the perpetrators of racism we must defeat the left’s war on civil society. To do this we must speak out in defense of law enforcement and others trying to safeguard the community and advocate the rule of law. Most importantly, we as a nation need to again, embrace the God of our Founding Fathers and "seek the Lord while He may be found; call on him while He is near." And just maybe, racism and its perpetrators will become a memory of the distant past.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Message 2014

From what I understand, Americans and Christians in general are increasingly turning to Philippians 4:6-7 which the apostle Paul begins with these words: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Be anxious for nothing? One must admit it is a lot easier said than done these days. Look no further than the morning or evening newscasts or  headlines, and you’ll quickly discover ample reasons to agonize: Home grown terrorism, Islamic Jihad, Russian and Ukrainian tensions, beheadings, kidnappings, global pandemic and the angst list grows.

No wonder so many people believe that things in America are “out of control.” And my feeling is that many of the world’s citizens feel the same way about their nation, though their angst list may differ somewhat. And it is therefore no surprise that Americans and many Christians favorite verse these days contains not only a command against apprehension or uneasiness but a remedy for it: “prayer with thanksgiving.” The New International Version translates this verse this way: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” In other words don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything.

The Apostle Paul adds that our prayers need to be coupled “with thanksgiving.” By “thanksgiving” the apostle is not referring to the once-a-year American or Canadian practice of ingesting large portions of turkey, stuffing and accompanying foods of choice but to the invaluable and healing mindset of thankfulness.

Regularly expressing thanks to God and other people for the good things they have brought into your life is a powerful remedy to lessen anxiety. Reflecting on the ways God has protected and provided for you in the past can protect you against the fear of an uncertain future.

Expressing thankfulness should not be reserved for a particular day in a year but needs to become a way of life. As a blogger I use the written word to express myself about events that I find troubling or inspiring. As a Christian, I fear not for my future but instead give daily thanks to my God for his blessings in my life.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Why not Question He Who Reigns

I question two components of President Obama’s amnesty plan; his steps to secure the southern border of the United States. And his proclamation that the newly authorized illegal aliens would not be eligible for subsidized health insurance plans under Obamacare. You are probably wondering why I question President Obama and his executive order.

His past deceit speaks volumes of his character. Notwithstanding this unconstitutional immigration travesty, have we so soon forgotten Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting and Obamacare that was designed to exploit the “stupidity” of American voters and elude honest accounting by hiding both its cost and taxes necessary to pay for it? I for one have not. Obama claims he was unaware of these travesties or incidents prior to them being publicly exposed. I for one believe he or someone in his administration knew something about each of the just mentioned events/programs.

Obama’s hypocrisy know no bounds. Regardless of what he say’s to a national audience. He is not going to change anything. Obama knows everything he’s doing. He knows who he lies to. He knows why he misrepresents his administration and himself, and he anticipates getting away with inaccuracies. He knows he’s not going to be called on it, As Rush Limbaugh explained. “You’re not going to stop Obama by pointing out his … hypocrisy.”
The point is much larger than Obama is a charlatan or fraud. He is exactly what he claims that he is not. And he knows the American people are not ready for a totalitarian or an authoritarian. He knows the American people would not support that. And that’s why he often lies. … He knows he’s violating the Constitution and the trust of the majority of this nation’s citizens. There is though a glimmer of hope as I understand it. Obama, out of ignorance may be paving the road for future GOP presidents to act similarly to contravene laws that Democrats revere. What a web we often weave and find ourselves entangled in.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Will of God in One's Life

A friend I hold in high esteem recently asked me if I had any suggestions or insights on knowing what the will of God is as it pertains to her life. The question posed was one that would require some thought. The question asked is apropos to everyone. What is the will of God for one’s earthly life? Thus, I decided to share my response to both my friend and all who read this posting.

Knowing God’s will is sometimes difficult because it requires patience. It’s natural to want to know all of God’s will at once, but that’s not how He usually works. He reveals to us a step at a time—each move a step of faith—and allows us to continue to trust Him (see James 4:17). Too often, we want God to give us specifics.  As we walk with the Lord, obeying His Word and relying on His Spirit, we find that we are given the mind of Christ (see 1 Cor. 2:16). We know Him, and that helps us to know His will. We find God’s guidance readily available. If we are walking closely with the Christ and truly desiring His will for our lives, God will place His desires in our hearts. The key is wanting God’s will, not our own (Ps 37:4). All this said, how do we really know what He has in store for our lives? As the psalmist said: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps. 119:105). In essence the journey begins through God’s written word. You will never go wrong in consulting Scripture. Just be sure you pay close attention to the context and the peace of God will guide and guard our hearts and minds (Phil. 4:7).

God also leads us through the inner prompting of the Holy Spirit (Phil. 2:12-13). The inner prompting of the Holy Spirit gives us a sense of God’s leading, although that leading is not always what we might call a feel good experience. One must remember that the mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps (Prov. 16:9). The inner prompting is crucial, because much of the time we simply cannot figure it out. Let us not forget that man’s steps are ordained by God.
Additionally, God leads us through the counsel of wise, experienced, faithful, trustworthy people. Wise and trustworthy counselors are persons who want for you only what God wants. Such persons will stay objective, listen carefully, and answer deliberately. Often they won't give you an answer at the time you ask for it. They want to sleep on it; they want to think and pray about it.
Finally, and most importantly, God leads us into His will by giving those who seek His will an inner assurance of peace (Col. 3:15). God's inner assurance of peace will act as an adjudicator in your heart. The will of God for our lives is not theory; it is reality. The bottom line: we have to live out His will in the real world. Doing God's will demands a decision. And that decision requires Faith and Action. You can't see the end, so you have to trust Him in faith and then step out. You have to act. Faith and obedience are inseparable.  
To my young friend and others who read this posting, I in fact did contemplate the question asked. My posting was written following a passage of time which enabled me to think, pray about and respond to the previously stated question: How do I know what the will of God is as it pertains to my life? To all I say, earnestly seek and you will find His will for your life.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day Message 2014

Veterans Day to this writer is more than a day off from work, or the opportunity to hear the same old rhetoric from some politician who espouses veteran issues but continually does little to address the issues they in fact claim to champion.

Veterans Day is in fact a special day that I take serious and display that seriousness in my thoughts, prayers and actions. You ask, why Veterans Day is so special to me. You see, I share a common bond with veterans both living and dead. As a retired veteran, I appreciate the sacrifice they made. For this reason I will always embrace our veterans with more than a nod and lip service.
Come with me, if you will, let us take part in an American Veteran’s journey through time. Let us experience some of the trials they endured when called upon. Most of us, if not all of us can only imagine what horrors our “Doughboys” faced in the “War to End All Wars.” The numbers tell the tale. In four years more than 10 million soldiers would die on the battlefields of Europe. Among them are 50,000 American veterans. These 50,000 die in only 7 months.

Two decades later, my father would be part of a first wave that would assault a beach protected by tens of thousands of land mines, beach obstacles and high ground that was fortified by a well-armed and prepared adversary. Two thousand American Veterans would pay the ultimate sacrifice on that 2 mile wide beach code named, “Omaha.” World War II would result in the deaths of 405,000 American Military members.

Within a decade of World War II’s conclusion, Americans Veterans would find themselves enduring not only a merciless enemy but the harshest of winters in a most desolate of lands. This war, the Korean War or “The Forgotten War,” would find our veterans standing steadfast in the face of human wave after wave while at the same time braving the elements. Fifty thousand veterans would perish in a most inhospitable and hostile land.

The next war is the story about time and memories. It was the year I became an Airborne Infantry soldier, it was the year I became a veteran. The time was 1965, a different kind of year, a water shed year when one era was ending in America and another beginning. It was the year that America decided to intervene in the affairs of obscure and distant Vietnam. It was yet another year in which the American veteran would again go to war. In the broad, traditional sense, that “we” who went to war was all of us, all Americans, though in truth at that time the larger majority had little knowledge of, less interest in, and no great concern for what was beginning so far away. For ten years our soldiers, your veterans, would stand tall in the Central Highlands, the Citadels of Hue, the hills surrounding Khe Sanh and the battles for the towns and cities of South Vietnam during the Tet Offensive of 1968. While our veterans were doing the honorable thing, many people at home were doing the dishonorable thing. Through it all, the veterans, our veterans continued to march the honorable route. Fifty-eight thousand would die on the battlefields of Vietnam.

The 1990’s would have us travel roads that veterans like myself are all too familiar with. First there was “Desert Storm”; America’s veterans liberated Kuwait. Next came the “Battle of Mogadishu”; America’s veterans fought, rescued and extracted Task Force Ranger survivors. Next came the invasion of Haiti, again our veterans came through. They restored order in a very short time with little loss of life.

The new centennial brought with it and continues to bring more conflicts, deeper ideological divisions and radical fundamentalism. Veterans brought temporary stability to Iraq by toppling a tyrant who outwardly supported terrorism. Our veterans continue fighting and serving on ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, West Africa and in the skies over Syria and elsewhere around the globe. Our veterans are Citizen Soldiers, (Guardsman and Reservists). They are Professional Soldiers. They are America’s Veterans. They are America’s Patriots. Without the Veteran there is no America.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Slippery Slope of Indifference

Is it just me or have other’s not noticed the West’s abject indifference to the plights of Christians can also be found in our own declining State Department led by our ostensibly Islamic commiserating administration. Harsh tokens of Obama’s disinterest are everywhere. From clearly admonishing the rights of a German family fleeing Germany, to ignoring the appalling quandary of a Christian Woman fleeing Sudan, to near lethargy when close to three hundred Christian girls were kidnapped from a school in Nigeria. Obama has made it rather clear he’s not interested in defending religious liberty, especially those of Christian faith.

Apparently, the world has learned little from history, including very recent history. One only has to look as far as the Internet and other media forms to find beheadings, crucifixions, stoning of women and murders of tens of thousands of innocent people. And what were their crimes that warranted such displays of barbarism? Their crime was their Christian faith.

 As Americans, we should take these actions or inaction, if you will, to heart because in the last two decades we have lost vast amounts of our own rights of religious freedom. Let me remind the readers that ‘it’s a long slide down a slippery slope before the great fall into the abyss of religious irrelevancy’. When the drafters of our Constitution wrote that citizens were to exercise religious freedom, I am fairly certain they gave little thought to political correctness or non-Christian religious groups, fringe or otherwise. Most likely they intended that our God given inalienable rights did, and would always include the freedom to live our lives according to our Judeo-Christian faith.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

There is a Difference

You've seen this a lot in the last decade and a half: Liberals declaring a moral equivalence between radical Islam and Christianity. There’s usually requisite reference to the Crusades. True enough, Christianity, like most religions, has had some less-than-flattering moments. But then again its history. Can one point me to any mass graves, severed heads or burned-out buildings done in the name of Christianity during our lifetime? Christianity is an easy target for the progressive left; it has seen its share of violence in the distant past. It is easy to point fingers at the Holy Papal of Rome. Additionally, the left loathes Christianity. And why does the Left abhor Christianity? Because it preaches independence and a Supreme Being, not a supreme leader. Christianity has one Savior born 2,000 years ago. Look no further than the voting booths during a voting cycle to see the many redeemers of the progress left and those whose lives are are grounded on Christian faith as written in the Bible. Both, the Christian and the Progressive are based on faith – one in a creator, the other in legislation. But while you can believe there is no God, you can’t prove it. It’s all speculation. On the other hand, it can be proven that progressive policies are failures, that they do definite damage. The recent past century is littered with more than 100 million bodies of victims of progressive’s attempts to produce innumerable manifestations of heaven on earth. No such equivalent exists for Christians. Christianity and the Judeo-Christian belief system, upon which the vast majority of the civilized world is based, took more than a few millenniums to arrive at the point where it is today. And there were growing pains, the Crusades among them. But that was 1,000 years ago. To be continued...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween, Not my Favorite Day OK.

Other than the fact my sister was born on Halloween the day itself is my least favorite day of the year. Why you ask? The days of fall festivals and little kids ringing doorbells and dressing as innocent fairy tale figures  and cartoon characters have taken a backseat to the supernatural forces such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils.  Halloween has strong roots in paganism and is now associated closely with worship of the Enemy of This World, Satan. It is a holiday that generally glorifies the evil things of this world, rather than the good and wholesome. I ask the reader these questions; Is it not apparent that 21st century America is consumed with interest in the "the dark side" of the paranormal? Is it not true that the mysterious realm of demonic spirits and other-worldly beings literally fills our culture? If you think otherwise, you obviously are not watching television or going to the movies during the weeks leading up to Halloween. The world operates virtually unaware of the oppression, depression and very tangible torment daily added to millions of lives by unseen spiritual forces – often filtering through the portal of popular entertainment. As Christians we play into the hand of Satan and his demonic hosts when we approach demonic warfare as a theoretical game of curiosity rather than a life-threatening conspiracy from the netherworld. It is hard not to liken our culture as a mischievous or evil spirit on speed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Pro-Gun Arguement

Let me share with you, the reader, what I consider the best written pro-gun argument that I have ever read. Prior to casting your next ballot for a candidate think about what follows and research what the candidates reveal about their sentiments towards 2d Amendment Rights. 

"As the Supreme Court hears arguments for and against Gun Bans, I offer you another stellar example of a letter written by a 2d Amendment Rights Advocate, that places the proper perspective on what a gun means to a civilized society. Interesting take and one you don't hear much... Read this eloquent and profound letter and pay close attention to the last paragraph of the letter.

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some. When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.

The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats. The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.

There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations. These are the people who think that we'd be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job. That, of course, is only true if the mugger's potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat - it has no validity when most of a mugger's potential marks are armed.

People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that's the exact opposite of a civilized society. A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.

Then there's the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury. This argument is fallacious in several ways. Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser. People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don't constitute lethal force, watch too much television, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst. The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier, works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker. If both are armed, the field is level.  
The gun is the only weapon that's as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter. It simply would not work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn't both lethal and easily employable.

When I carry a gun, I don't do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I'm looking to be left alone. The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don't carry it because I'm afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn't limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation... And that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act!! "

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Freedom of Speech and Religious Conscience

This blog is a continuation of what was written previously, reference; Perspective on economic representation and casting our ballot based on conscience. I will briefly address another area, we as both Americans and Christians need to examine prior to voting in our upcoming elections.

There is no doubt that the rights the First Amendment protects–freedom of speech and freedom of religion–are increasingly the most attacked. Some of the most recent high profile cases have revolved around the ongoing attempts by the government via Obamacare to force religious groups to provide contraceptive coverage in their health plans and taxpayers to fund elective abortion coverage in theirs.

Just this month, the mayor of Houston demanded pastors turn over any sermons related to the topics of equal rights, civil rights, gay rights, and gender identity. These requests threaten to have a chilling effect on religious and political speech that is protected by the First Amendment.   Apparently, speaking about other cultures, other religions and issues of personal conscience is no longer acceptable-we must now accept them. And as we are seeing with the issue of same-sex marriage in this country, acceptance no longer means live and let live, the tolerance monitors want you to embrace and endorse. I can except one’s choice of lifestyles as I can one’s choice of religious belief but not necessarily endorse it as inclusive for the whole.

Now I ask you, the reader, is religious freedom and freedom of speech not one of our most important Constitutional rights?  Without question, promoting and defending it is one of our most important battles. Just as gay rights and other religious beliefs are protected by the first amendment so it is with all elements of society to include persons of Christian faith. This writer believes one group is not exclusive of the other.

In conclusion, we as Americans and Christians should accept differing views of other people, in religious or political matters, and fairness toward people who hold differing views but not acquiesce to the will of those who espouse a divergent position which is consciously antagonistic to our belief system. 

Think about what is written and cast your vote for the candidate or candidates who would most represent the inclusive rights of all Americans to include those of Christian faith based conscience. 

More pre-election thoughts worth pondering to follow in future blogs.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Perspective on Economic Representation

As my readers know I am an opinionated blogger. My opinions are based on what I perceive as being relevant in the world of socio-political-economic and theological importance, both in the world in general and America specifically.

 I agree with many political pundits that America’s elected representatives have lost their bearing and are going in the wrong direction. Why, are so many of our representatives no longer standing on the principles that made our nation great? Why are we pouring money down the drain on Federal Government programs that are ineffective, inefficient, wasteful and ripe with fraud? Why not rid ourselves of all programs that are duplicate in nature, ineffectual, unproductive, uneconomical, and are susceptible to fraud. What our representatives need to do is “treat the real disease.” Put a halt to the waste of tax payer’s money. To waste money on broken programs and ineffectual programs is morally reprehensible, especially when the debt of such programs steals the future of the next two or three generations to follow. America has reached a decisive moment. We will either start living within the confines of realism and responsibility or we will participate in this nation’s downfall.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Surppression of Freedom of Speech

Has political ineptness reached an all-time low when government officials don’t realize a sermon is a speech? It has reached that depth in Houston, Texas. Heretofore, I thought Texas was the state leading the way in fighting for constitutional freedoms. Incidentally, I respect all people and persuasions even though I may disagree with their way of thinking, but Houston Texas mayor’s subpoena move against several area pastors is nothing but a political maneuver to suppress dissenting voice and religious opinion.
I dislike and find, vulgar, sacrilegious and hate language as much as anyone. But America has a protection for its expression: It’s called the First Amendment, and I am tired of people trampling it by improperly interpreting it as a right for only feel-good expression or political correct reasons. Even repulsive language is protected under that leading tenet of our Bill of Rights. And if that constitutional decree does not protect the basest of language, then what is freedom of speech all about? It was not a coincidence that America’s Founding Fathers saw that liberty and power – corrupted in the wrong hands – could even be used to suppress the very liberties and power they were trying to secure and protect we the people.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Ever Present Influence List

Have you not noticed how media people love to appoint people they like to positions of influence? The media elite decide what matters, even if what it says matters does not in fact matter to the average person. But then, who has influence has little to do with how many people care about or follow that person. It has everything to do with who the media decides to anoint with the signature “influential.” Conversely, if the media elite decides it doesn't want something or someone to be significant, they won’t be. Hence, Time magazine this week released its list of “The 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014.” Some on the list are impressive; others are known for accomplishing nothing. The list also is populated with singers, actors, a transgender-ed kid, bloggers, etc., like you’d expect. But, with a few exceptions, the list involves people who do nothing or next to it. It makes sense for the participation award generation to hold up people with little to no achievements, but should the media be presenting them like they've done something or are laudable of veneration? I think not. But then again, I have failed to make anyone’s list of who’s who for doing anything and doing nothing. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

So, What's Left

With the mid-term elections just weeks away I will be addressing issues that are germane to not only this blogger but to all who possess a strong work ethic and believe in liberty, honor, patriotism, country and faith in the God of our Founding Fathers.

 Can you tell me why American citizens should respect the law? Is it because it's the right thing to do? Not necessarily. Slavery was once the law. Abortion is the law of the land today. Even in America, it is not unusual for laws to be unjust, unfair, and immoral. Is it because laws represent the will of the people? It is not always so. Currently, the law is too often precipitously created from vague statutes written by bureaucrats who face little or no consequences for ruining people’s lives. Well, is the law equally applied? Not on your life. One's political affiliation and how well someone is connected to the powers to be can have a direct impact on whether an individual is prosecuted for breaking the law and the seriousness of the penalty to be enacted. This being the case, what's left? Why should anyone respect capricious, immoral laws that are not correspondingly applied and do not mirror the will of the people? It has become apparent, under President Obama and the Democratic Senate majority , the law in America has become nothing short of what one can get away with. And we are likely to reap what we have sown (consequences) for many years to come. I will close with a George Orwell line; "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Think about what is written and cast your vote accordingly.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Our Military's Mission is not Virus Prevention

What is going on in the mind of President Obama? Why is he sending U.S. military personnel to wage war on Ebola? Has he lost his ability to reason? My concern, and I assure the reader it is shared by others, is that these soldiers, who will be exposed to an environment where the virus is prevalent, could bring it to the United States and potentially spread the malady as they rotate back to America.
The American public is being told that the deployed service members would be responsible for command, control, logistics, civil affairs and medical assistance, even though U.S. officials emphasized that their exposure to Ebola would be limited. Who of right mind and sound reasoning actually believes exposure would be limited. Does anyone really think in Washington and CDC? Apparently not.
This is a president who thinks like a community organizer and portrays a commander-in-chief who takes his responsibility for his military service members seriously. At a time when our military has been at war for more than a decade, suicide among veterans is occurring at alarming rates, PTSD is out of control and families are being destroyed as a result of decade long wars. The last thing the president should be doing is sending soldiers, airman, sailors and Marines into West Africa to fight Ebola.
The vast majority of deploying military personnel do not possess the criteria to fight in an endemic setting. As Douglas MacArthur once told West Point Cadets, “Your mission remains fixed, determined and inviolable. It is to fight and to win the nation’s wars.” In other words, the mission of the military is to fight wars not viruses. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ebola Concisely Defined but Uncertainty Remains

The news of Ebola virus has been unsettling to most Americans and the developed nations of the world in particular. Hence, I decided to research it enough to gain a basic understanding of said virus and the potential peril to a nation’s populous if Ebola is not contained. The repercussions of Ebola outbreaks to any country’s citizens is alarming in the least. Ebola has been described by “authorities” as a rather simple virus (as simple as a firestorm). Ebola is distantly related to measles, mumps and rabies. It is also related to certain pneumonia viruses: to the para-influenza virus, which causes colds in children, and the respiratory syncytial virus, which can cause fatal pneumonia in a person who has AIDS. Ebola seems to have developed the worst elements of all the above viruses and probably more. Again, this is information I have heard, read and researched, albeit, on a limited basis. It may be as simple to contain and as many experts claim. Then again, do they really know? Or, is it the highly infectious, deadly virus that will suddenly appear in this nation’s or other nation’s cities and towns and rapidly infect its population? Is there a viable cure that will save the majority of a country’s citizens? If there is no cure, why then are we allowing infected persons into our nation and its medical treatment facilities? Why not limit access to those from West Africa and treat the disease in West Africa if for no other reason than public safety. I contend that America and the rest of the world's developing nations can wage a successful campaign against this ravaging disease in West Africa without endangering their own people. Then again, maybe we are a day late and a dollar short in prevention and containment. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Success and Failure is Choice.

If ever there was a display of envy by an American president it was when Obama pledged the rest of his term fighting income inequality (when not fund raising and golfing). Imagine the audacity one possesses when they publicly proclaim that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that's not "just."  Maybe it is just me, but Obama's statement appears to be the rationale for pilfering an economic system on the verge of collapse, not social justice. The other guy has it, you want it, I will take it. President Obama's words speak volumes of his economic philosophy, and fundamental ideology. It conceals a most important deviation from American ideals and common sense because it ends up not advancing, but betraying, those who support it. Obama and his pawns have not empowered their legion of followers, they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, victimization and anger, instead of adeptness and hope. 

President Obama’s premise that you diminish income inequality by demeaning the successful, seeks to deny the successful the outcomes of their choices. Why, you may ask? Because, for the most part, income variation in a free society in general and America in particular is a result of different choices leading to different outcomes or consequences. Simply put; those who choose prudently and sensibly have a greater likelihood of success; those who choose unwisely and recklessly have a far greater likelihood of failure. Choose wisely my friends, your future depends on it.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Reality; Islamic Terrorists are Islamic OK

Here’s what Americans need to realize. More important than dealing with the threat of ISIS, Obama wants Americans to know the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.” As he said, no religion “condones the killing of innocents.” The question we need to ask ourselves is; why is Obama trying to make Islam appear peaceful and non-confrontational when the totality of history clearly points out the opposite is true. Fact; Islam is not a peaceful religion, and the president knows it. Do you suppose Obama’s use of force against ISIS or ISIL or IS is nothing more than a deceptive tactic meant to conciliate Americans unaware of the true nature of Islam? Fact; The jihadists and the radicals of the Islamic world are not extreme at all, they’re the ones who are following Muhammad, the last prophet of God. Unless one is blinded by their own ideology he or she has to be aware that there are Muslims all over the world perpetrating acts of extremism along with raping, slaying, and subjugating their fellow human beings explicitly for religious motives. These aren't “bad people doing bad things who happen to be Muslims; these are bad people doing bad things” because they are people of Islamic faith who have been radicalized. One word of caution; it’s a mistake to believe that Muslims are all bad people. In fact, most of them I have interacted with, particularly in the United States, are honest, law abiding citizens. Then again, I was raised in North Florida where our largest ethnic minority other than blacks were Syrian, Lebanese and Persian (Iranian). All were hard working liberty minded immigrants and first generation Americans.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wake-up and Engage

Serious fires are burning around the world and President Obama is playing golf, fundraising and issuing unnecessary executive orders regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. At home and abroad, when it comes to the big issues, Obama is increasingly missing in action or focused on less important matters. Take the border crisis. We recently learned that Obama and company ignored multiple warning signs over the past two years that a crisis was building on the U.S. southern border. In an attempt to look like he’s doing something, Obama asked Congress for billions in “emergency” funds to address the security and humanitarian issues on the border.

And then there are national security and foreign policy matters, which apparently are tiresome for the president. From the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas and the growth of Islamist terrorist networks throughout the Middle East and Africa, to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Perhaps that is because when you lead from behind, you lead from nowhere – you find yourself constantly reacting, and as appears to be the case with Obama, increasingly disengaging. He seems completely tangential and tentative of how to develop a strategy to contain aggression and terrorist threats in the Middle East.

Obama has shown a propensity to pick and choose what issues he wants to engage and the time and manner in which he wants to do so. Unfortunately, that is not how the world works: Ignoring the hard issues does not make them go away. It only makes them worse.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Islamic Terrorism, Leadership and The Church

While the deaths of innocent Palestinians who were used as human shields in Gaza are being lamented, much of the world is meeting the inhumane slaughter of Christians with near triviality. While demonstrations in Europe, America and the United Nations point their finger at Israel for defending itself against Hamas, the Middle East and Central Africa are losing entire communities of Christians.

In Africa, Islamic Terrorists have kidnapped and killed hundreds of Christians, and a half million Christians Arabs have been forced from Syria. Meanwhile, too few media outlets travel to Iraq to cover the Nazi-like wave of terror that is taking power, while the United Nations and its member’s leaders are concentrating on other matters of little consequence. Furthermore, where are the celebrities and rock stars? Does not the slaughter of Christians seem to activate their self-insolated social web?

The Islamic state, is not just a loose group of fanatic Islamic terrorists, but a military force that needs to be reckoned with. To deal with it properly all military options must be on the table. The President must take a hands- off policy when it comes to strategy and tactics. An airstrike at Obama’s discretion hamstrings field commanders and emboldens those Islamic terrorists we wish to destroy. Does not the president realize that Islamic jihadists truly excels in its butchery?  Some say that it “rivals the death orgies of the Middle-Ages.” The Church in particular must cease remaining silent in the wake of Christian persecution. By Church, I mean all Christians, regardless of denomination. If you believe the Bible and possess a moral and ethical core, remain silent no more.