Monday, November 7, 2022

One Day to Restoration or Ruination

Misrepresentations, deceptions, falsehoods, lies, even parodies aren’t the only way Biden is gaslighting. He actually said, “The American people are seeing the benefits of this economy that works for them” Biden also stated, “Families have more net worth today than they did before the pandemic.” You have got to be kidding me. Some of the statements made by Joseph Robinette Jr. make me wonder if he is taking some of Hunter Biden’s stash prior to addressing an audience. To add insult to injury, inflation is a result of his and his administration’s fiscal incompetence, if not ineptitude then what? Do you suppose there are nefarious motives for our nation’s fiscal plight? Did I mention that “inflation” is caused by Joe Biden’s profligate and reckless policies? Do you know Biden’s economic strategies have reduced the true value of Americans net worth because everything we buy costs multiple times more than it did before he took office. Biden contends, “the price of inflation is down,” and “Real incomes are up.” Wrong! I believe he is being economical with the truth. Beter stated he prevaricates.  

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Aside from lying about his party’s weakest and most endangering issue, the economy, Biden can’t even tell the truth about basic autobiographical material. You’ve heard his meritless boasts about his IQ, his plagiarism, or how he did this or that thing that he did not, in fact, do. Possibly, Joe, through no fault of his own, doesn’t know what he is doing at any given time. Case in point. Biden Gives Fetterman eyebrow-raising endorsement. Can you believe America’s barely coherent president calls John Fetterman ‘Incredibly Bright.’ You have got to be kidding me. If you need Joe Biden to defend your intelligence and ability, you really are in trouble. Biden, through White House press secretary Jean-Pierre, claimed that Fetterman was “impressive, incredibly bright and talented.” Now I ask you, the reader, what does Joe know about any of that?

Essentially, the story here is that you can’t trust a word that comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth. If anyone has ears to hear let him or her hear... there is nothing hidden that has not been disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. Vote not for the liberal insanity that constantly spews from the lips of entertainment’s, Big Tech moguls, Fake News media’s self-serving crème de la crème and their self-righteous posturing about social justice, their environs or mise-en-scène is teeming with permanently damaged progenies, overindulged offspring, and liberal degenerates.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Two Days to Restoration or Ruination

I just want to understand. Democrats claim election-denying is disqualifying for office. Despite this belief, Democrats spent upwards of forty-six million dollars, ensuring such candidates won Republican nominations for office. For the past year, Democrats and their allies in the media have zealously consumed themselves with rage over the events of Jan 6 Lest we forget the congressional Democrats subpoenaed former President Trump as their series finale to the hearings. Could the Democrats have subpoenaed him months prior to the finale? Why did they wait until the end?  I am of the opinion their hearings have always been about the election and not about defending democracy, though they claim otherwise.  

Concurrently, Democrats have embraced abortion as their signature campaign issue. They have fulminated, raved, ranted, raged... across America about Republicans controlling women’s bodies. AG Merrick Garland began publicly rounding up pro-life activists who had protested outside abortion clinics. 15 such activists have been frog-marched from their homes at the muzzle of a gun. All designed to energize Democratic voters. There has been no outrage about the AG running a base mobilization campaign for a political party. The political press, increasingly an arm of the Democratic Party, has encouraged the Left to make abortion an issue. Unfortunately for Democrats, voters cannot fill up their cars with gas. One in five Americans cannot afford all their groceries at checkout. Heating oil is already being rationed in New England. Utility costs are increasing. Inflation remains above eight percent. The Democrats are crowing about all the cool climate change legislation they passed, but voters really want meaningful help paying their bills, keeping their jobs, and keeping their businesses open. “Inflation Biden” says the economy is doing great. Come mid-term election I am of the opinion American voters will sing a different tune, as well they should. Had Democrats tried to address voters’ concerns instead of manufacturing crises through which they could advance their green agenda, perhaps progressive pundits would not now be screaming about the end of democracy. Democrats used to be pretty good at politics. Somehow, they got very bad at meeting voters at the voters’ level and addressing their concerns.

Now, if voters think crime is a problem, they are either racist or watching too much Fox News. If voters think the economy is not doing well, they really are not paying attention to just how good they have it. If voters cannot afford gas for their car, they just need to “drive in sunshine,” as the Secretary of Energy pompously proclaimed. If voters care about their daughters not competing for athletic scholarships with biological boys, they are just bigots. Insults, screams and bullying are what the Democrats offer voters who’ve been robbed, ransomed, and ruined in Biden’s economy. It is my contention that the handwriting is on the wall. Two years of wrecking the economy while insulting the voters’ intellect who were more concerned with making ends meet than election deniers, green agenda, abortion... was not the way to win the hearts and minds of everyday America. Politics 101 is pretty straightforward: Talk about the issues voters care about. Democrats chose to talk about the issues they care about and funded the very election deniers they claim are a threat to democracy. Voters, naturally, decided Democrats are not serious about “We the People.” Democrat leadership as a whole are either incapable or unwilling to address serious needs in serious times. That is why the GOP will do well on Nov. 8, 2022.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

For The Love of All That is Holy

Yet another horrendous biannual time change is upon us. For the love of all that is holy, make it stop. Most of America is about to endure yet another inconveniencing and pestiferous time change as we fall back an hourIf you don’t want to stay on Daylight Saving Time all year, you’re probably a Left-lining off the hedge’s Democrat. Because everyone hates each year’s two-time changes, but no one seems to agree on which time to stay on. Standard Time may be in effect for only four months a year, but that’s because progressives ruin everything and take more than their share of the year for Daylight Time. Adding daylight is a left-wing lie; daylight can only be redistributed. If we conserve anything at all, if we love anything about this country, it should be something called Standard Time. Does not Daylight Time mess with our circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycles, and overall health? Essentially, it’s wrecking our body and mind. Think of the children! If Daylight Time was extended all year, children wouldn’t just walk to school in the dark; they might eat lunch and have recess in the pitch black of night. How can our children possibly recover from the pandemic education debacle under such conditions?

Finally, the tongue and cheek trump card: Standard Time was created by God Himself in Genesis 1. “Let there be light,” God said, but only during standard hours. Then came Satan in Genesis 3, asking Eve, “Did God really say” the clock is standard? When she moved the hands of the clock forward an hour, all of humanity fell into sin. Now stolen daylight is irrationally extended into the evening hours when only the wicked are still awake and sinning. Righteous people clearly want more light in the morning to help with Bible reading. In all seriousness, you’d think reasonable people could agree to stop the madness of changing our clocks twice a year, but there are pretty strong feelings on both sides, and that means we’re likely to be stuck with the status quo. Again, I plead: For the love of all that is holy, make it stop.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Six Days to Restoration or Ruination

Under normal circumstances, we’d feel sorry for the guy. These times though, aren’t normal circumstances. Frail, ineffectual, and clearly deprived of reason, the shell of Joe Biden was recently in Miami, Florida to preach to an ever-shrinking choir. He there to stump on behalf of Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Charlie Crist, formerly both a Republican and IndependentBack to Biden. He actually said to the sparse Miami crowd that Crisp is running against Donald Trump incarnate,” Really! Obviously, Biden is stomping for a democrat candidate who’s poised to get a double-digit ass-kicking at the feet of Governor Ron DeSantis within in six days. Biden also said of DeSantis, “This guy doesn’t fit any of the categories I talked about. The way he deals, the way he denies. … I always say democracy is on the ballot. I really mean it.” And Unity Joe resumed: “The rest of the world is looking at us... It is really important that a state the size of Florida … comes down on the right side of history.” Oh my gosh. That’s going to change a lot of minds. Biden called the flip-flopping, party-switching Crist a man of “integrity and intelligence,” and perhaps he is when measured against the man paying him the compliment. The more things change the more they remain the same Biden’s main Florida front man failed to share some interesting data about the Crisp the candidate. Crisp is plagued by anemic fundraising, a loss of registered voters and a popular governor who’s done everything conventional wisdom says a governor in a swing state shouldn’t do, Florida’s Democrats are going into Nov. 8 pessimistic. Biden, who’s all but ignored the American people’s major concerns this election season. It feels a little too late for Democrats to bring out the big guns, if that’s what you call Biden, whose popularity among the majority of voters is in the outhouse. Just what is Joe Biden doing in Florida or Delaware anyway? As the sitting president and the bully-pulpiteer and the Democrats’ standard-bearer, shouldn’t he be campaigning in an actual swing state, like Arizona or Georgia or Michigan or Pennsylvania... for candidates who in reality have a chance? Actually, no. Biden is virulent. He’s persona non grata in states with tight Senate races, for the reason that even his fellow Democrats know it. But to keep up appearances, his handlers figured he could be safely dispatched to the once-competitive Sunshine State without risking any real damage to Democrat candidates there. The party can read the electoral writing on the wall. Unfortunately, not even the pomp and pageantry that accompanies the American presidency can get an audience full of dernier cri about Joe Biden. In summation: “C’mon people, let’s wake up! We got the President of the United States in the house! C’mon now! Just wanted to make sure you’re still here...

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Seven Days to Restoration or Ruination

How do we know Democrats are about to pay the party-political partisan piper for fueling widespread inflation? For the reason that numerous Left media MSM organizations are banging the drum and bonking the public that it’s essentially the GOP’s failing, and they’ll make it worse if they become the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate should they win. Biden and his crème de la crème woke minded advisors and illuminati are gaslighting their base and the undecided by pronouncing to all who have ears to hear that the current administration had little or nothing to do with inflation. It’s all the “pandemic and Putin’s fault,” Additionally he contends, Republican plans will further raise prices. Adding fuel to the fire, Inflation Joe’s Democrat predecessor, his apolitical appointees and MSM mouthpiece magpie types contend that the GOP have no plans. What plans they do have would only help the “the rich and big corporations.” Not so fast Joe. The Republican tax cuts benefited every tax bracket and tens of millions of Americans across the economic spectrum. Obamacare pushed up healthcare prices. Price controls put upward pressure on prices in other areas. Subsidizing some college grads at the expense of other people will raise the price of college tuition even further.

Biden’s line about “corporate greed” is ignorance personified. From oil companies to other businesses, he argues that “roughly 40%” of inflation “can be attributed to fatter corporate profit margins.” As for oil companies, per the Wall Street Journal editorial board “Keep in mind that oil majors’ current profits follow steep losses in the pandemic,” the editors write. “As oil prices plunged amid lockdowns, companies, and OPEC nations pared investment and shut-in wells." Demand for oil then bounced back.

Earlier last month, Biden lectured the oil companies, “You should be using these record-breaking profits to increase production and refining.” For all his bloviating in his usual pompous and often incoherent manner about our climate “emergency,” it’s awfully odd to hear him arguing for more oil production from companies he wants to put out of business. And it’s flat-out inexplicable, even somewhat bazar to think that punitive taxes on “windfall profits” will help consumers. Meanwhile, in regard to an impending diesel shortage... and let’s just say it isn’t the Saudi’s or Putin’s or the Republicans fault.

Elsewhere in the media, The Democrat controlled NY Times is perpetually grumbling about GOP strategies. “Few economists on either end of the ideological spectrum expect the party’s proposals to meaningfully reduce inflation in the short term,” moreover, the Times tells its readers, “Instead, many say some of what Republicans are proposing, to include tax cuts for high earners and businesses that could actually make price pressures worse by pumping more money into the economy.”

Let’s translate: Proposals won’t “meaningfully reduce inflation” because “Inflation Biden” will still be president and Republicans won’t be able to really enact an agenda at all until January 2025. It’s not “tax cuts” to avoid raising taxes, instead keeping rates where they currently are. “Pumping more money into the economy” is a strange euphemism or code word for not confiscating money through higher taxes in the first place. And these close minded left leaning MSM partisan jesters wonder why Americans don’t trust the media.

For what it’s worth, here’s some sage advice: In seven days, you the voter have a choice: Believe the Democrats who have steered the economy into its present stagnant state and the lying media lackeys who defend that record against all evidence or try something different by voting for the Republicans who have made a pretty decent commitment to America.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Nine Days to Restoration or Ruination

It is Halloween and 9 days to Restoration or Ruination. It is apparent today’s Democratic Party is now under complete control of an elitist cabal of machine politicians who control their political party for private rather than public ends. They are escalation hawks driven by pusillanimous wokeness, who continue to escalate an existing conflict as opposed to other solutions. Their modus operandi: divide us by racializing every issue and fuel anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are antagonistic and unreceptive to people of faith and spirituality, they demonize, diabolize, depreciate law enforcement, and shield criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear Armageddon. America is at a critical junction. Our leadership can work to quell both internal (such as mentioned above) and external tensions between Russia and Ukraine, Iran and Israel, China, and Tiwan... seek to bring peace, or it can continue to fan the winds of war and flames of division. Is Biden or his handlers trying to create more division among the American people in order to distract from what he is really aiming to do? If the way legacy MSM is treating the current administration’s strategy successes is any indication, an inferno is incoming. It’s patently obvious that Biden and those he surrounds himself with, many of which are woke ideologues, are trying to create more division among the American people in order to distract from what he and they are really aiming to do. For all intents and purposes, they are exploiting the political division of their geopolitical and socioeconomic rivals. Based on sound reasoning and knowing the administration’s track record, which do you think our current leadership will choose?

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ten Days and Counting to Restoration or Ruination

Biden has utterly failed to address the cause of America’s financial instability, namely: inflation, recession, reckless spending, and failing to ensure supply chains are not in jeopardy or at risk. Lest we forget student debt forgiveness. This gives us an opportunity to talk about Biden’s debt forgiveness fiat. Let’s get real. That income redistribution may alleviate the short-term pain of paying back loans, but the economic drain on taxpayers is going to be lasting and devastating. It also gives further incentives for schools to raise tuition in the future. If taxpayers are footing the bill, why not?

We are inside the two-week window, eleven days and counting before the midterms and Biden is doing interviews with transgender activists about the need to surgically sterilize kids. Did not a TikTok star and transgender activist, recently ask the president what he was going to do to help trans minors in states that do not allow mutilation surgeries for young children? Biden made his position very clear. Biden’s response: “I don’t think any state, or anybody should have the right to do that” ... Furthermore, “As a moral question and as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong.” Simply put, Biden thinks that protecting minors from making these questionable decisions is immoral and just plain wrong. It is apparent the Democrat socialists running the White House are actively trying to piss-off 80% of the country. As for me, I have yet in my lifetime to see anything like it.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Hidden Reality

Notwithstanding the secularizing phrenzy of our time, “Make America Great Again” or Build Back Better” cannot be achieved without leading America to be reverential to “God Almighty”, the “Alpha and Omega”, “I AM WHO I AM,” emphasized that “I, I am He.” “I am life and existence in bold capitals.” No other being in the universe approaches that. Any attempt to adopt a god beside Him is a delusion; there are none. It is leadership in the attributes or character of Jesus Christ, not theocratic autocracy, absolutism, or the abandonment from faith and trust in God, which can accomplish that. 

We as Americans can equivocate about all this as long as we want, but we will be nothing more than Caligula whose licentiousness was draining the Roman treasury faster than he could replenish it, or Nero fiddling while Rome burned all around him through taxation, extortion, or Nebuchadnezzar II’s worldly indulgence or Czar Nicholas II, who earned the ire of his people by failed reforms, disastrous wars, and suppression of dissent. Those leaders mentioned and others of like ilk learned by actual experience that they were not a god. Few phenomena reveal the depths to which we have sunk but that Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan, aka his “Jobs and Economic Recovery Plan” is acclaimed by various groups as the best we’ve got. What I see in America are its political, professorial, pansophical, pulpitarian apostates who betray or abandon the faith and founding principles for which America was established. Have you, the reader, not witnessed the perversion of truth to fit a political agenda? Have you the reader noticed that many of this nation’s leaders live life counter to the ideals set in place for Christianity? Have you, the reader, noticed how many of our prominent socio-political influencers often live lives marked by pride, flattery, cause division, and are more focused on things of the world than things from above?

Lest we forget the words of Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers: “Let divines and philosophers, statesmen and patriots, unite their endeavors to renovate the age, by impressing on people the importance of educating their little boys and girls, of inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love for the Deity and universal philanthropy, and in subordination to these great principles the love of their country; of instructing them in the art of self-government, without which they can never can be a wise part  in the government of societies, great or small; in short of leaving them in the study and practice of exalted virtues of the Christian system.”

The bottom line: it is neither Caligula’s and Nero’s degenerate and decadent Rome, or Nebuchadnezzar’s worldly and evil Neo-Babylonian Empire, or Czar Nickolas failed reforms. At the moment, it appears those who govern America have chosen Rome and Babylon.  For America to be “great again” we must look deeper than slogans and seek the hidden reality. America cannot be great again by God’s standards until it has become godly again in its core worldview and values.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Columbus Day is Not the Liberal Left's Real Target

Sad is it not that every Columbus Day is the same? Christopher Columbus is attacked. His statues are defiled. Public monuments in his honor are threatened or displaced. Every year, more states and cities change Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” or “Native Americans’ Day.” And left-wing nihilist professors besmirch the once-revered beau ideal who discovered America in 1492. Should Columbus be vilified instead of honored? Was he really a villain? Should we believe these attacks on his good name and character? Christopher Columbus is treated as a scapegoat. In other words, Columbus is a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

I do believe it to be more fact than fiction that the liberal Left's real target is Christianity, which formed Western civilization. Christians and all men of good quality should have no compunction about celebrating Columbus Day. We need to fight back, giving due honor to this extraordinary man who spread the Gospel and civilized a hemisphere.

Following Columbus’ first voyage, he gives us the reason to continue celebrating: “Let Christ rejoice upon earth as he does in heaven, to witness the coming salvation of so many people, heretofore given over to perdition. Let us rejoice for the exaltation of our faith, as well as for the augmentation of our temporal prosperity, in which not only Spain but all Christendom shall participate.” 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Fair or Foul Going After a Political Opponent

Do you believe, as I do that Trump derangement syndrome has a curious way of scrambling coherent thought? Witness the Democratic-media complex’s blind insistence the DOJ raid on Donald Trump’s home is just and necessary, rather than a dangerous move for their party and the Republic. In descending on Mar-a-Lago, the department and the FBI shifted the U.S. into the category of countries whose ruling parties use government power to investigate political rivals. I ask the reader, has a previous U.S. AG ever signed off on a raid on a former president’s residence, in what could be the groundwork for criminal charges? There’s going to have to be a look-see at whether or not AG Garland has misused his office for political purposes. Have they gone after a political opponent? If so, is this not beyond the pale of appropriate and acceptable behavior. No one would have ever imagined one political party would be using the FBI to attack their political opponents. This raid, acts associated with it and trumped-up charges/ accusations is really something that’s going to require an investigation. I would not be surprised if the investigation leads to abuse of power. Furthermore, this could possibly lead to an impeachment of the United States Attorney General and charges being levied against others who may be involved in this heretofore unprecedented incident in American history. What say you?

Friday, September 16, 2022

Talk About Progressive Privilege!

Talk about progressive privilege! Democrat leaders are outraged that “The Lone Star State” would bus migrants to their cities. As millions flood the border, D.C., NYC, Chicago mayors in particular have received dozens, hundreds, even a few thousand immigrants. More to the point, why have these mayors bothered to link up with Texas and work on solutions that help one and all? There is an outward impression that NYC mayor, Adams, D.C. mayor Bowser, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, and a number of other Blue State mayors and select Governors only seem to care about the broken border, when it’s affecting their cities/states. Now for the rest of the story. They didn’t seem to mind when millions of illegal immigrants ran roughshod and trodden over Texas ranges and border communities. They didn’t seem to mind when fellow Americans suffered at the hands of drug smugglers, thieves, and cartel members. But only now these Democrats are worried about this situation. Not to stop it, though, just to make it go away from their municipalities. Did not the Texas Governor reach out to Adams, Bowser, and Lightfoot inviting them to see the border? But that would have required Bowser, Lightfoot, and Adam’s to put aside their partisan bias and work with a Republican. What a novel idea, Democrats and Republicans working together for the good of America. Then again, maybe the idea itself is nothing more than a long work of narrative fiction. We can only imagine what Border Czar Kamala “The Border Is Secure” Harris thinks of the migrants Abbott just deposited on her doorstep at the Naval Observatory. Where might the DeSantis Travel Bureau deposit the next batch of illegals? Perhaps Joe Biden’s Delaware, right there on his beloved Rehoboth Beach? 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

A Word to The Wise

Meet your new CSP or KGB or Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo). As a Christian, Constitutionalist, and a Patriot, I don’t use that phrase lightly. Is it shortsighted of us to say Joe Biden’s IRS is coming after you? But that’s exactly what “Inflation Reduction” Biden’s IRS will be if the American people don’t take a stand. If you have been paying attention, you know that the Left has been weaponizing three letter agencies against political dissidents for some time now. I contend what Joe Biden’s administration is doing is more sinister, profoundly more immoral, and wicked, and more disturbing than anything that came before him. Has he and his Democrat congressional representatives not poised to hire 87,000 new IRS agents? Because to Joe Biden and the radical Left, if you don’t fall in lockstep, kneel to worship their socialist agenda, if you don’t praise, applaud, and shout approval for the erosion of your egal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people according to our legal system, social convention, rights, if you don’t smile and nod at the destruction of our Republic… we become the enemy. A word to the wise follows; Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions." ~ James Madison. What say you?


Monday, August 15, 2022

So Here We Are

So, here we are. Recession is upon us. Inflation continues to hasten. According to Biden, “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” Additionally he stated, “I don’t know anybody who’s worried about inflation.” If that was true, it was due to surrounding himself with economic neophytes, dolts, leftist ideologues and like organizations leadership. The trouble is that the Biden administration’s ineptitude isn’t just fodder for MSM and social media analysis and or opinions. Furthermore, the current administration by its actions, has displayed an ineptitude for decision making that benefits America citizenry as a whole. In essence he has little to no idea what he is doing. Additionally, this dissatisfaction, better stated, malady will persist. The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. 

Has not Biden’s policy decisions worsened the economic weight crushing the American Dream? Until our fellow Americans put two and two together and dis today’s Democrat party’s collectivists socio-economic and political dogma and America elects a president who is capable of presiding over a Statutory Republic dovetailing to the rules of logic based on empirical evidence, common sense and recognizing the United States Constitution as the supreme law of the United States of America our freedom is in jeopardy.  

Final thoughts: In the words of Abrahan Lincoln, “Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Those of us who prefer liberty and justice under a Constitutional Republic as framed by our Founding Fathers, should never be afraid to raise our voice for honesty, truth, and compassion. Exactly what is well-defined constitution that limits the power of the government and elected officials and also sets out basic structures, laws, and procedures under which the country is to be governed. The constitution must also explicitly specify the rights of the people and is intended to be followed precisely as the people who framed it intended. All legislation is also subject to judicial review, which can void any laws that are not in line with the constitution. In this type of government, the officials are also subject to review, and they can be removed from their positions if they do anything illegal or fail to live up to their duties as specified under the U.S. Constitution.

Friday, August 5, 2022

My Take on FBI Director Wray and Senate Hearings

My take on FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony in Senate hearings, 5 August 2022 follows: Whether it’s colluding with Hillary Clinton to impair Donald Trump's presidency or putting up impediments to keep Biden family corruption off the radar, and thus out of the public's eye and glare of media camaras. Too many responses to the inquiries asked of Wray appeared to circumvent the inquiry by avoiding direct responses. Wray's lack of fourth rightness or at times, beating around the bush, brings with it more questions. Has the FBI lost sight of its mission? Once respected as an organization dedicated to justice and the law, can it regain its former stature or loftiness in the eyes of the public? Is the FBI currently nothing more than a political arm of the Democrat Party? For what it's worth, I believe, an independent, hands-off, free of party affiliation FBI can rise to its former self. The caveat; free from party affiliation, leadership at the top, and oversight by Constitutionalists. What say you?

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Why Start with The Truth Part 2 of 2

What was delineated in part 1 of 2, in a nutshell, is the problem. Are you surprised? Are not leftists inclined to be attracted toward government in the first place because it’s where they can go to control other people? Do you suppose they do not want to put in the difficult tasks of supplying and delivering products and services that people of their own accord buy? Many people are of the same mindset as I. They don’t want to bring into existence or construct. They would rather take over what others built.

At the same time, this utter lack of real-world experience is shocking for an administration committed to its “American Rescue Plan” and to the nonsensical arrangement to “Build Back Better.” Should not these people at least have had a real job? Could wokeness be a big part of the problem? Some people to include myself believe that the Biden officials are more interested in pursuing social policy objectives than growing the wealth, and resources, and ensuring prosperity of America’s citizens.” Why start with the truth? The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to anything good.  

So, I ask you the reader, is wokeness, like occupational experience a big part of the problem that continues to plague Biden’s administration. Let us look no further than his choice of appointees. Rather than choosing qualified individuals for the job, Biden used skin color and gender confusion as his most important benchmarks, starting with Kamala Harris. He painted himself into a corner by promising to choose a woman of color as his running mate. Besides those two diversity boxes, Harris provides no reason to be a heartbeat away from the presidency while serving under a president who may only be one complete pulsation of the heart away from the sepulcher... Cecilia Rouse, chair of Council of Economic Advisers, has zero business experience. But she is a woman of color. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has four years of experience in business, but no background in transportation or logistics. But he is a gay man. OMB Director Shalanda Young never had a real job. But she is another woman of color. Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, is a lifetime academic and public servant with no business experience. But she is a woman. John Kerry has spent his entire life in the Swamp and has no background in anything to entitle or certify him to be climate czar. But he did marry a ketchup heiress... The list goes on and on as does the zero, zip, no, nada, nein job experience. Most of the business experience White House officials do have is venture capitalism. Do you suppose that explains why they treat our tax dollars as fodder for a venture government enterprise?

We are told we should always allow some time to elapse, for time discloses the truth. Hence the truth follows: When Joe Biden took office, the nation’s economic recovery from the government’s pandemic proper and legal behavior was not assured. In fact, aside from fighting off Coronavirus itself, stewarding the economy was the most important job. There is little doubt, Biden was not up to the task, and, though that was painfully obvious before his victory, millions of Americans didn’t care. They just wanted someone who didn’t “mean-tweet.”

So, here we are. Recession is upon us. Inflation continues to hasten. According to Biden, “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way,” Additionally he stated, “I don’t know anybody who’s worried about inflation.” If that was true, it was due to surrounding himself with economic neophytes, dolts, leftist ideologues and like organizations. The trouble is that Biden administration ineptitude isn’t just fodder for MSM and social media analysis and or opinions. It worsens the economic weight crushing the American Dream. Until our fellow Americans put two and two together and elect an incongruent administration not only with some idea of what it’s doing but with the right ideas, this dissatisfaction, better stated, malady will persist. The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. Final thoughts: In the words of Abrahan Lincoln, “Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Those of us who prefer liberty and justice under a Constitutional Republic as framed by our Founding Fathers, should never be afraid to raise our voice for honesty, truth, and compassion. Exactly what is well-defined constitution that limits the power of the government and elected officials and also sets out basic structures, laws, and procedures under which the country is to be governed. The constitution must also explicitly specify the rights of the people and is intended to be followed precisely as the people who framed it intended. All legislation is also subject to judicial review, which can void any laws that are not in line with the constitution. In this type of government, the officials are also subject to review, and they can be removed from their positions if they do anything illegal or fail to live up to their duties as specified under the constitution.

Today is the time to make our voices heard. Every day that passes it becomes more apparent we must stand together and defeat America’s enemies. Who is the enemy and where do they come from? America’s present adversaries come from within our own borders. One has to look no further than our current left leaning national, state, and local leadership and national organizations and persons who prop them up. If America is to continue to be a Constitutional Republic, we must do what is needed to hold the line against socio-political and economic systems who would lead us down the road to collectivism, wok’s illogical reasoning, violation of rights, lying, avarice... If liberty minded citizens all across our nation would but hold the line it would change the direction from which we now find ourselves marching. Every day, every election cycle becomes a battlefield for America’s soul. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the evil one’s schemes.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Why Start with The Truth Part 1 of 2

The biggest questions facing U.S. citizens today might just be this: Is Joe Biden “dropping the ball” or “laying an egg” with the intention of screwing up America? You have to start with the truth. Why start with the truth? For the reason that honesty, certainty, and reality cohere with the state of being true. Any decision making that is based on lies, half-truths and ignorance can’t lead to a good ending.

By outward appearances, President Biden, his cabinet, and his political appointees know not what they are doing. Or could the riposte be a little bit of both? There is little doubt, the “Great Reset” is a deliberate target of committed rabid leftist, for whom Biden is merely a cognitively challenged marionette. This cadre of Marxist-Woke influence “public servants” are committed to an ideology that places government authority and control at the front and center over nearly every facet of life.

Still, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is full of people who are clueless as to what they’re doing. Why? Because they have literally zero, zilch, nil, nada, nein, experience outside of government jobs or academia. As per a report by economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker, titled, Not Ready for Prime Players.  The following executive synopsis enumerates the key details of the “survey of the top 68 officials in the Biden administration, starting with the president himself”: 62% of Biden appointees who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy, and finance have virtually no business experience; Only one in eight has extensive business experience; Average business experience of Biden appointees is only 2.4 years; Median years of business experience is zero; The vast majority of the Biden economic/commerce team members are professional politicians, lawyers, community organizers, lobbyists, or government employees.”

The above-mentioned economists also compared the Biden administration’s business experience to President Trump’s cabinet officials during his last year in office. They found that the average Trump cabinet member had “13 years of business experience, and the median years of experience was 8. Furthermore, Donald Trump had 45 years in business, his Commerce Secretary 42 years, Energy Secretary 14 years, Small Business Administration administrator 18 years, Treasury Secretary 25 years, Secretary of State 14 years, Secretary of Agriculture 27 years, Education Secretary 23 years.” The result was a vibrant economy that lifted all boats. Sadly, the economic sunshine of the Trump years is a faded memory now that the radical left, SJW’s, “Wokelings”, and dare I say, “New World Orderlies” are at the helm of our floundering nation.

Monday, July 11, 2022

The Left Have Made it Plain

The “Big Guy” and his anthropomorphic like group of handlers on the Left have made it plain that they intend to liquidate fossil fuel production in America. Let alone, that the dubitable green energy infrastructure to supplant fossil fuels is nowhere to be found. If it existed, it is not in place and would never match the America’s energy requirements even if it were. Never mind that the economy will be severely disrupted, and tens of millions of America’s citizens will suffer the backwash or consequences.

Remember the “Big Guy’s” first day in office? If memory serves me right, he killed the Keystone XL pipeline. The “Big Guy” has consistently done everything possible to incapacitate oil and gas suppliers. Naturally, the market responded in kind with high gas prices, high inflation, and dare I say, likely recession sooner than later. The “Build Better Biden” has blamed essentially everyone except himself and the Pope for a mess of his own making.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day 2022 Message

Joseph Warren, a physician and one of the Sons of Liberty offered these words: "Ease and prosperity (though pleasing for a day) have often sunk a people into effeminacy and sloth. The man who meanly will submit to wear a shackle, condemns the noblest gift of heaven, and impiously affronts the God that made him free."

Now, I ask the reader, why do you suppose the first generation of American Patriots would forgo the "ease and prosperity" for the animating contest of freedom? Could the answer to that question define the spirit of American Patriotism then, and dare I say, now?

Think about this, many of us are the ideological lineages of those who once pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. Just as our forefathers were, we must be willing to "support and defend" liberty at all costs. It is not a calling for those who "love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom." As for the circumstances today, in a nation under siege by the enemies of liberty within, those in command and control of the Democrat Collectivist Party.

Recall the words of George Washington in 1777, when the obstacles to American Liberty seemed insurmountable: "We should never despair, our situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new exertions and proportion our efforts to the exigency of the times." Likewise, the aforementioned, Dr. Joseph Warren wrote: "Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend on the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves."

To avoid the tunnel vision associated with the leftist siege, and the incessant tendered disinformation, misinformation, indoctrination, propaganda... from leftist media Macaws or talking heads and illuminators we must never lose sight of so much that is good and right about our Republic. History tells us the trials and tribulations we endured, and the lessons learned. We understand that restoration and preservation of Liberty is a generational process and never rests on one political campaign or cycle. We know we are on the right side of history when the other side constantly endeavors to undermine Liberty.

President Ronald Reagen once stated; "America's best days are yet to come. Our proudest moments are yet to be. Our most glorious achievements are just ahead." Let us not fool ourselves. Understand there is no rest for Patriots. 

Patriots, remember who we are together and from what stock we came. We are sons and daughters from all walks of life, heirs to the blessings of Liberty bequeathed to us at great personal cost by our forebears, confirmed in the opinion that it is our duty to God and Country to extend that blessing to our posterity. We are bound by our "sacred honor" to that end. We will prevail, come hell or high water. We will never give up. We will never give in. Be buoyed by the remarkable power that has enlivened and invigorated Patriots from the dawn of our nation, who understood, as George Washington declared, "Our cause is noble; it is the cause of all mankind."

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Collective Woke Train of Thought

What is a woman? It’s not about women anymore. The long-drawn-out decades spent developing women’s studies departments and feminist literature are over. They are antiquated and even reactionary. They are no more. The new travail revolves around “gender neutral” language that reflects the belief that a person’s sex is a social construct and self-determined. To affirm the reality of a man or woman must be rejected. Indeed, not even Supreme Court Justice-designate would answer the question: “What is a woman?” Lest she stray off the Woke path... In the case of abortion, there can be no particularities between women and transgendered men. This collective Woke train of thought, fractured as it is, claims that since both women and the transgendered both can become “birthing persons” and have abortions. Does not this new abortion crusading reflect a sea change without women? Such an elaboration or evolution is to be expected. Leftist revolutionaries believe that history is a disputation process of never-ending struggles between those who oppress and the oppressed. This is just the beginning of our Republic’s doom and gloom. Question? Is there a relationship between a society, an aberrant subgroup within it, secular humanism that seeks to conduct human affairs based on secular, naturalistic considerations, and the inner voices behind violent behavior resulting in bloodshed? For those who contend crime, deviant social behavior, and secular humanism is a social phenomenon envisages how individuals conceive Woke’s aberrant behavior and how inhabitants perceive it, based on societal norms.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Warning! Proabortion Activists Unmistakable Evils

The radical left pro-abortionists, be they politicos or activists simply do not think about decency or morality like America’s moral majority. All they think is that the ends justify the means. They’re malefactors, and hooligans that will stop at nothing in the name of their agenda. Within their ranks are people and groups who advocate radical measures to effect change in the established order, Sadly, I fear escalation in the days, weeks, and months to come. Because no matter how often we are warned about the radical Left and the unspeakable evils they’re capable of, their actions will always speak louder than their words. Should we pity those immoral wrongdoers who advocate abortion or harming, or deriding and threatening those who oppose it? I do pity them. They are the most confused they will ever get because when they try to convince their heart and spirit of something their mind knows is a falsehood. It is a given that people pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they will pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead and the innocent blood they took and the lives they ruined. We have been forewarned in biblical scripture that the wages of sin one of the profoundest truths of the world. Sin is a master of his servant and pays wages. But the gift of God is eternal life. Is there still hope? Fortunately, God gives to those who turn from sin, life eternal.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

The Continuum of Misplaced Priories by Beltway Jacklegs

Fact! The first week of June the USMC’s official global-facing social media platform, there appeared an attribute to the small number of gender dysphoric people in military ranks. The post stated: “Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.” Dignity and respect aside, I believe the hash tag #Pride has more to do with interpolating the Uniformed Armed Service(s). I ask you, the reader could it be more about infiltrating the ranks with a leftist partisan Woke agenda? Admittedly, I do not support using the Marines or other Uniformed Armed Services platforms to promote the Left’s gender confusion orthodoxy, let alone doing so with an image of a Marine helmet and rainbow-colored non expended ammo rounds.

Fact! To add insult to injury the image of the unbelted “gay rounds” in the Marine helmet band appears to be Russian Avtomat Kalashnikov 47 ammo. No doubt some civilian social media sycophant did not know the dissimilarity between and American military ammunition and that of Mother Russia. The irony of mistakenly using Russian ammo is rich, but the virtue signaling signifies a jackleg of lower moral character or in the least a strange way of thinking. Could this one graphic image demonstrate what Joe Biden and his corps of Left-wing ideologues influenced by various socialist currents, including Marxism is all about? What these servile self-seeking bootlickers have done to debase the best our nation has to offer, is emblematic of it.

Fact! The aforementioned official global-facing social media post has nothing to do with Marine readiness and everything to do with undermining unit cohesion, which is the Corps fundamental bedrock. If mass eye rolls could vibrate and thus emit sound, the thunder from outside the Beltway, those not kissing Biden’s brass would be raucous. The “tag #Pride” dishonors generations of Marines and other uniformed military service members, past and present who honorably served. Is this not an affront to the Marines, Soldiers and Sailor who were killed during Biden’s calamitous capitulation and withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Fact! In 2012, President Obama, with Biden as his blathering inept bumbling lieutenant, officially sanctioned the initial military “Gay Pride” celebration. Like Obama, Biden is flying rainbow flags over federal buildings. Furthermore, Good Catholic Joe, instructed our Vatican Embassy to fly the Rainbow Flag. Biden even lit up the white House with rainbow spotlights. Do you suppose he did so as a virtue signal? These are things that a libertine president can do with the stroke of their pen. Fact! Here’s what our Commander-in-Chief failed to mention. June is PTSD Awareness Month. No proclamation, No announcement, Nein, nada... not a word from Biden the Uniter. Could it be he was too busy promoting “Gay Pride” to note that military suicides are the highest in 20 years?  

Finally, as a touchstone for the real-world warrior ethos, some encouraging words for our Marines, sister military personnel be they active duty, vets or retirees. Enjoy the following quotes attributed to the Monk Warrior, General (Ret) James Mattis: “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet. ... There are some a**holes in the world who just need to be shot. ... Fight with a happy heart and strong spirit. ... There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It's great. ... I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f**k with me, I’ll kill you all. ... You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted force. ... Engage your brain before you engage your weapon. ... The most important six inches on the battlefield is between your eyes. ... No war is over until the enemy says it’s over. We may think it over, we may declare it over, but in fact, the enemy gets a vote. ... I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years. ... For the mission’s sake, for our country’s, and the sake of the men who carried the Division colors in past battles — ‘who fought for life and never lost their nerve’ — carry out your mission and keep your honor clean. Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend — No Worse’ than a US Marine. And finally: “find the enemy that wants to end American Liberty and Kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”



Monday, May 30, 2022

Pause and Remember the Reason for Memorial Day

John Stuart Mill once wrote,” War is an ugly thing, but the ugliest of all things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does his personal safety is a miserable creature, who has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than he.” It is that “decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling” which accounts for why so many “miserable creatures” have relegated Memorial Day to nothing more than a date on a calendar to exploit for commercial greed, cupidity and political maneuvering. Too many of America’s citizenry are overly preoccupied partying, playing in the surf, firing up the grill and just having a good time to pause, and recognize the priceless burden borne by generations of our uniformed patriots. Similarly, many seekers or holders of public office will use Memorial Day to advance personal or partisan interests. They will use this day as a soapbox to feign Patriotism, while they are in constant violation of oaths to America’s Constitution.

Memorial Day is the one day a year when we are asked to remember those who gave their lives for this country. Most of them were in their teens or early twenties. All of them had plans for a full and long life, but they interrupted those plans because they knew that serving their country, and the risks that commitment entails, was more important than life itself. Their dreams and their expectations ended suddenly on a battlefield. Some of them are buried in unmarked graves on foreign soil or rest forever in the sea. Some became missing in the fog of war and will never be accounted for.

For those of us who served, and for the Gold Star families and friends of those who gave their lives, Memorial Day will always be the one day a year when we publicly honor our battle buddies, our brothers, our sisters, our sons, our daughters, our fathers, our mothers, our nieces and nephews, our cousins ... all those who perished, their young lives cut short, while serving America ... while fighting next to us ... while protecting you. We remember them daily. We will never forget them...
 the sound of silence military tribute lyrics - YouTube

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Armed Forces Day

On the third Saturday in May, millions of American Patriots, especially those of us who understand the price paid for the Liberty we enjoy, pause to honor those who are securing it for us every day. Armed Forces Day. is an opportunity to express gratitude to the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen serving our nation, active duty, reserve, and guard. 

The same is true today as it was in 1776 when John Adams addressed his compatriots. The following are his words: "I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these states. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is worth all the means." As we enjoy this Armed Forces Day, let us be mindful that we should never take for granted the people God places along our path.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Today's Ruminations

Today’s Ruminations: Why are thousands of radical abortion activists from across America protesting the right to terminate a baby’s life? Why are these same pro-abortion extremists engaging in violence, firebombing pro-life groups, vandalizing, and disrupting churches, forcing pregnancy centers to close and staging intimidating protests outside the homes of members of the Supreme Court? Can you envision trashing a house of worship or burning down a pregnancy center because the “Days of Rage” or the "Summer of Rage" hoi polloi may be hampered in their efforts to prematurely dispatch or deprive an unborn baby of life for the sake of convenience? That's what they're doing. Why are these pro-abortion ingrates resorting to terrorism, intimidation, coercion, aggression...? Do you suppose the pro-abortionists realize they can’t win the argument over abortion, so they are doing everything in their power to drive the pro-life majority into submission?  

Do you believe as I do, that all life is holy, pure, and inviolable, and we must respect it as we respect God, the giver of life? Throughout the entirety of the Bible, is it not clear that God knows all things, also that which is to come, and has known this from time without end?  In this way He has always known each person, each life, even before conception. Not only does God know every individual before they exist, but He even has a purpose with each of these lives. This is expressed clearly in the Word of God: “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb.  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book, they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when yet there were none of them.”

Friday, April 29, 2022

The Magic Kingdom vs Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill

Could one rightly conclude that Disney is guilty of an economic and moral failure for taking on DeSantis's Parental Rights in Education Bill? The so called “Don’t Say Gay law” prohibits public school instruction on gender and sexuality between K and 3rd grade. Will Florida take on a one billion dollar hit? Possibly. Will Disney take a bigger economic hit in the long run? More than likely. Their shares have already dropped by a third since Bill 1557 was introduced. I personally support any Bill that includes a requirement that schools must notify parents of changes to a student’s health or well-being and prohibits schools from encouraging students to withhold info from parents. I also favor the measure that allows parents to access their progenies education and health records used by the school district, allows parents to decline school healthcare services offered by the school, and requires permission from parents before administrating a health screening form/well-being questionnaire. Furthermore, “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identification should not occur in grades K-3, or in any manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students” IAW state standards. What is wrong with a Governor that gives every parent the ability to have a politician build a bridge between the parent and the school district? Finally, we have a law that affirms what parents already knew: their parental rights are fundamental.

Back to the issue of the Magic Kingdom versus Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis. Like many conservatives and Independents, both in and out of Florida, have been presenting a different alternative to America and thus her citizens to include parents. This alternative namely involves lower fuel costs, a southern border that’s strictly enforced, lower consumer prices, parental rights as it pertains to public education curriculum, i.e., CRT, social emotional learning, leftist revisionism and the 1619 project and.... As for Disney’s CEO and shareholders, I would suggest they get back to family entertainment and distance themselves from Woke politics. I believe that is what Walt would say. What say you?

Monday, April 25, 2022

A Call to Arms (Figuratively Speaking)

Let us consider all events, past and present now exposed or transpiring as they relate to the Democrat party’s Modus Operandi and their leadership. Many like myself were on target about today’s progressive party and their MSM allies. We were right about what their stolen election would mean for the American people. Many people, to include President Trump, warned of what’s to come, and now, we are living in it. Tomorrow’s forecast for America is not good. It has become apparent that every unique way imaginable will be used by the Biden administration and their handlers to betray the American people, I know they have, I know they will, I know what they are after. 

As a retired Army officer, who identifies as a Patriot, Constitutional Traditionalists, Fiscal Conservative, and Christian, I have lived through a lot, but I’ve never lived in times like these. We are now fighting for the survival of our nation. At a time like this, we need a steady flow of conservativism so that we’re able to fight on offense and to prepare ourselves for whatever comes our way. Do we need a plan of action (POA)? No! We don’t just need a POA nor a course of action (COA). We need an arsenal in place that allows us to put our COA, and pivot without missing the boat to focus our attention and resources wherever they're needed. If Doddering Joe Biden is allowed to blame Russia, or President Trump, Covid, or global warming etc. for America’s struggles, nothing will ever change for the better, especially as the prices of basic goods needed to satisfy human requirements that are needed to survive, like food, shelter, clothing... continue to skyrocket with no end in sight. It is time we do everything in our power to expose the truth to the American people and show them exactly who and what President Biden, his handlers and the Democrat Party leadership are doing. The just mentioned are the enemy within and it is up to us to expose their dark agenda.  

In summation, we as conservatives, constitutionalists, independents, moderates must focus on out-of-control spending, inflation, and Biden, Pelosi, et al $3 trillion tax scam proposed by our current POTUS and the Democrats in the reconciliation bill. To defeat the left, we as conservatives must choose men and women who will step up to the plate and run against the party of America last. Those who choose to put America First and MAGA, must go to the polls in numbers heretofore unseen with the goal of gaining control of both houses of congress. If we succeed in accomplishing this mission, we can put a halt on the Biden administration’s march to collectivism and bring about its eventual full collapse. Word to the wise: We as conservatives will not defeat the current Democrat collective alliance if no one steps up to the plate and runs on the issues and the GOP establishment runs their usual content-free DC consultant-driven campaign.