Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas and The Battle for The Soul of America

The culture war, as we know it, is not merely a political struggle of conflicting social sentiments on abortion, LGBTQQIP2SAA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual), biology, nature of marriage... It’s a battle for the soul of America. It is a confrontation or conflict between diverse interpretations of certainty, creation, and God. It’s the colossal clash between good and evil, playing out in Christmas Decorations, tree lightings, holiday specials, timeless tradition of gift-exchanging... In the lively marketplace of modernist ideas, where the battle of worldviews echoes through the narrow passageways of debate, there emerges an intriguing phenomenon during the joyous season. It is a paradox, a revelation enclosed not in an aenigma but in tinsel and adorned with lights. It’s a revelation that the Christmas season is not merely a festival of joy and goodwill, but the very battleground of what conservative evangelical Christians rightly call the “culture war.”

During this season of peace and Christmas celebrations, the conservative Christian, whether he or she realizes it or not, finds themselves inadvertently ensnared in a universal or cosmic struggle. It is not merely about the nativity scene that represents the birth of Christ or the resonant hymns being song in the church pews; it is about the clash of values, morals, ideals the defense of truth, beauty, and goodness against the infringing shadows of relativism and secularism.

In the heart of the Christmas chronology lies the crux of this culture war, a contradiction so acute that it can only be understood by those disposed to embrace the enigmatic or mystery. The baby in the manger, surrounded by the humblest of creatures, is in fact the Lord of All, the King of kings, the Alpha and Omega... and the rallying point for an army of believers, if you will, a band of brothers and sisters clad in the full armor of God that Christians are called to put on. The full armor of God compromises the “Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit.”

It is here, in the subdued simplicity of Bethlehem, that the ultimate culture warrior enters the world stage; the Christ-child, whose birth heralds a cosmic shift. As Christians, we know that the Christmas story is not a mere historical abstract about a person but a foundational historical occurrence that shapes our worldview and fuels our engagement in the culture war. God sent His champion to earth to achieve victory over the powers of darkness. The war that has been raging in the heavens since Satan rebelled is manifest on earth. In the manger, we find the ideal concrete representation or embodiment of the values we defend at the ballot box and in the public square: God the Son Incarnate. The Star of Bethlehem wasn’t just a beacon for the Wise Men in their day; it still shines for us now, as the obvious signal of attack against the encroaching forces that seek to redefine morality, distort beauty, and discard resolved truth.

Paradoxically, the cultural clash intensifies precisely because conservative Christians believe that the Christmas story is not confined to a quaint representation in December but permeates every facet of life. Either Christ is Lord of all, or He is not Lord. His humble beginning as a baby betrays the true power that was hidden in the manager that one silent night over 2,000 years ago. Yet, in this ostensibly inconspicuous manger, there is a enigmatic revelation of divine strategy. The ultimate culture warrior does not emerge, at first, with a sword in hand or a crown of conquest. Instead, He enters the fray through susceptibility, vulnerability, and humility.

The culture war is, in essence, a collision of connected events, a battle between competing narratives about the nature of humanity, the resolution of existence, and the source of morality. It’s man as “god” or the God-man Jesus Christ. There are only two sides. And we all must choose.

In my mind’s view the Christmas narrative provides the ultimate framework for understanding the created order and all of its implications for the fight to end abortion, protect marriage, defeat the lies of transgenderism... It is a affirmation that humanity is not a product of chance or sheer biological processes but the deliberate craftsmanship of a Creator. In a world that progressively seeks to remove distinctions and revaluate, redefine, reinvent, reassess... the very essence of humanity, Christians find in the Christmas story a reaffirmation of the dignity inherent in being created in the image of God.

The paradox deepens as the narrative unfolds. The one who would be acclaimed as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords experiences the ignominy or humility of the cross. The only perfect culture warrior, born in obscurity, now faces the cruelty of crucifixion. It is a paradoxical twist that confounds the wisdom of the world, a king who conquers not through supremacy and persuasiveness but through sacrificial love.

And yet, it is precisely in this paradox that the conservative Christian finds the assurance of victory in Jesus. We fight on in the war to bring all of creation; nations, affairs of state, education, MSM and social media, arts, and sciences... into self- depreciating submission to Christ the King because He is ruling and reigning now. The baby in the manger becomes the crucified Christ, but He does not remain in the tomb. The resurrection is the triumphant climax and fatal strike to Satan and his followers that echoes through the passageways of time. The ultimate culture warrior, having faced the depths of human suffering and the agony of death, emerges victorious over sin and death.

As the Christmas season reveals, Christians participate not just in celebration but in committed confidence. It is a story that rises above the temporal writhes and ushers’ believers into a hope that extends beyond the tinsel and carols, a hope anchored in the ultimate victory of the culture warrior who is also the risen King.

Christmas manifestly stands at the epicenter of this war. The birth of Christ was an act of godly, galactic violence against the forces of evil in the spiritual and physical world. It was, in short, an act of war. More than that, it was a winning strike. It is a lighthouse of hope, a reminder of the divine intervention in human history. It reminds us that God has not abandoned or discarded His creation. He has come to redeem it. The birth of Jesus Christ is a promise of victory. Christmas is the Culture War. And in this war, we are not just God’s warriors or His soldiers. We are winners, champions, victors... Christmas secures it.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Victors on The Battlefield Dictate Peace Terms

Does history not tell us that when other nations are victorious on the battlefield, they dictate peace terms? But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace. It’s as if everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world. I ask you the reader, can we as a people, who claim to be of Christian faith standby and allow Israel to be destroyed and every man, woman and child of Jewish descent be annihilated? Is that not the goal of Israel enemies? Much of what we currently view, peruse, maybe even objectively research via press releases, newscasts from America’s newsrooms, foreign news sources, social media... can be verified with nominal effort, minimal to average intellect, and rudimentary investigation/exploration by those who possess a willingness to accept a narrative contrary to one that takes a position opposite of their own. That means putting any outrage or unsolicited opinion(s) aside and listening to the other sides views, concerns, or confessions with open- mindedness. To be specific; Without seeking, truth cannot be known at all. It cannot be declared by Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretary Generals, Supreme Leaders, Mullahs, Academia... from pulpits, lecterns, podiums, press briefings... nor set down in editorials, nor in any way prepared and sold in packets or parcels ready for use. Truth must be ground for everyone by itself out of it, with such help as he/she can get, indeed, but not without serious labor of their own. What most of the world fails to realize is that all people have inalienable rights which have been given to all humans by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect. As it currently pertains to Israel and the Jews, I forewarned you of the likelihood of world leaders yielding to the geocidal jihadists and wholly abandoning Israel in past posts. By his own words, has not the United Nations Secretary General betrayed Israel instead of Hamas? Why is it that when Hamas attacks Israel from Gaza it is war but when Israel counter attacks Hamas in Gaza it is War Crimes? With that in mind, has not the “die been cast” and course of action (COA) in the UN's mind’s eye been finalized? Has not “lawfare” attacks on Israel already commenced? By what we already know, the foes of Israel are currently engaged in lawfare, thereby charging the nation of Israel with violations of international law to halt it from rightfully ensuring its safety, sovereignty, and earthly existence. This existential threat to the rule of law is for all intents and purposes being used as a weapon against Israel, even as Hamas and Iranian proxies i.e., Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Sunni militia still holds hundreds of innocent civilians in confinement. Again, I ask you the reader, if we do nothing, could we be looking at a second Holocaust? Worse yet, be complicit by our inaction in the destruction and slaughter on a mass scale of a nation’s entire population? 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

History Tells the Tale: Victory on the Battlefield Dictate Peace Terms

The Jews must be a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. History tells us: Other nations have driven out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out, only God knows how many Chinese, and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs/Palestinians have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab/Palestinian. Some members of America’s House of Representatives call the displacement of the Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular an atrocity greater than any committed by Adolph Hitler’s far-right National Socialist Workers Party, aka Nazis.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

So Much Misinformation and So Little Facts

Is not our greatest ally in the Middle East under attack by Iranian backed satanic and diabolic terrorists hell-bent on annihilation of the Jews? And what is the response from our government and media? President Biden and some pro Islam anti-Zionists have demonized and attempted to persuade Israel to hold off on a Gaza land invasion while giving aid and comfort to its enemies. Many within MSM, to include anti-Zionist found in the bowels of social media, some within our own U.S. Congress, a significant number of students, professors/teachers and school administrators from both secondary public schools and post graduate academia have become Hamas and Iranian proxy Jihad apologists, blaming Israel for the conflict ad nauseum. Have these anti-Israel activists, demonstrators, protestors... not learned to beware of ignorance when in motion; “look out for inexperience when in action and beware of the majority when mentally poisoned with misinformation, for collective ignorance does not become wisdom.” There is so much misinformation and so little facts in the coverage surrounding Israel and their fight against Islamic Jihad. Alas, “nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Sadly, there is a segment of our ignorant, uneducated, uninformed... citizenry that has failed to recall the facts of the matter. What say you?

Monday, October 23, 2023

Like Others Before Me

Like others before me, I too, am concerned about the security of this once great Republic; not so much because of any menace or peril from without, but because of malicious and menacing forces working from within. How so you may be wondering. Let us look no further than a response to “Wokism.” Is there a growing "anti-woke" backlash? Are not moderates, traditionalists, conservatives, neoconservatives, constitutionalists... beginning to push back against, leftists, progressives, social activists, reformists, educates... who have strong liberal woke agendas? Thus, the woke who are judging the "un-woke" as, in some measure, ignoble for not being woke are now being judged by the anti-woke as inferior for being self-righteous, condemnatory, strait-laced, and exceedingly sensitive. While it might be tempting to call out, shame, ostracize or cancel those who are not woke or woke enough to racism and social injustice, doing so can create a number of problems. No one wants “wokism to be the “road to hell paved with good intentions.” In essence, the table has now been turned and the judges are now being judged. I suppose, in a manner of speaking, I'm claiming to be woke to the anti-woke who claim to be woke to the woke. Now you might be woke to me for claiming to be woke to the anti-woke... I think we just entered some kind of recursive Mobius strip wormhole.

One can only hypothecate what many theorists have long wondered. In particular, how the great complexity of life can be reconciled with the laws of thermodynamics that suggest that “all systems must inevitably decay to a state of greatest disorder.” Is there merit to this train of thought? Ponder this: History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster. I fear the latter, the second mentioned of the two is now upon America. What can we do to reverse our current course? We can do what we can, with what we have, where we are. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Tale of The Three Strategic Stooges

When reading this post, take into consideration the values of leadership. Men make history, be it good or bad, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders of honor seize the opportunity to change things for the better. Unfortunately, all too often so-called leaders tend to expect others to be determined, focused, reliable, accountable, responsible, and have integrity. These qualities that leaders expect should be traits and attributes that they already possess themselves and great leaders will not lead by coercion, persuasion, sociopolitical ideology...instead they lead by example. Do you recall the testimony of Biden’s senior military leaders about the advice they gave him on the Afghanistan withdrawal timeline? If not let me jog your memory. Prior to the pullout, his top commanders recommended he maintain a force of 2500-3500 uniformed service personnel to assure a safe and orderly departure of Americans and their Afghan cohorts and family members. Weeks and months later, our “thick as two short planks” President was queried by multiple MSM personnel about his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and his failure to follow the advice of his top military advisors. Not to sound redundant, but prior to the pullout, his top military officials, Chairman Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, General Austin Miller, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin did in fact warn him against his hasty withdrawal timeline. Lest we forget, in his infinite wisdom or lack thereof, cerebrally challenged Biden was responding to questions about life and death and American national security. Fact, here is a sampling of Biden’s response to some of the mentioned media queries...  “No, no one said that to me that I can recall” ... “No, they didn’t... “That wasn’t true.” ... “No, no one said that to me that I can recall.” It’s as if none of Biden’s handlers had bothered to tell him that news networks are disposed to record their journalists’ conversations with U.S. presidents. These lies, emitted by Lying Biden won’t be as long-remembered as, say, Bill Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman.” That’s truly ill-fated. Because as prevaricates go, this one is of far greater consequence than Wild Bill’s venture. The long and short of it, The Afghan capital of Kabul fell to the Taliban without a shot being fired. And that was after months of steady advances by the Taliban, months during which the Biden administration had every opportunity to correct course, to keep that residual force in place a little longer, to maintain control of Bagram Air Base as long as necessary. So much for the estimated $84 billion spent to arm and train the Afghan forces over the course of 20 years. And so much for the ultimate sacrifice made by “2,448” American combatants during that long war, and by an additional 13 who died in a Kabul airport suicide bombing that some argue was coming. It should not be forgotten, there is no accounting for the number of men, women, and children maimed, tortured, and slain after Biden, Milley and Austin abandoned the realm to Taliban control.

Is it conceivable that our cognitively declining president simply failed to comprehend this straight-up, simple, and consistent recommendation from his senior military leaders? Or that he heard it but forgot it soon thereafter? But those possibilities are even more disturbing than a straight-up lie. Final thoughts: First; The ultimate qualities of leadership are unquestionably integrity, honor, truthfulness...  Without it, no real success is possible, whether in the midst of a storm, on a ball field, on the battlefield, or in the Oval Office. Second; In Milley’s own words, “It was a logistical success but a strategic failure.” But he, like Secretary Austin, refuse to be held accountable. Neither of them had the honor or testes to step down in protest when President Biden chooses not to take their advice. Following the Afghan extraction fiasco, Milley had apparently found lots of orders he was pleased to carry out, including being the chief military protagonist for all of Biden’s woke agenda orders relating to diversity and social justice, which are having a calamitous effect on military readiness. Truth of the matter, Milley, with Austin in the shadows, enforced Biden’s CRT agenda, executed his faux “white supremacist” military witch hunt, which I liken to Montefalco’s "benandante" investigations as it pertained to the inquisition and persecutions of the 1500’s. Furthermore, Milley launched Biden’s military Coronavirus vaccination decree... Milley essentially converted the DOD, Biden’s pet project, Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Allow me to end this post with some good news and some words of wisdom as it pertains to leadership. The good news: Milley has this week retired from active military service. Milley’s departure will not be a net plus. At least his ineptitude and capacity for using our military as a petri dish for Biden’s woke agenda was known.” Now for the words of wisdom:” Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. 

Monday, September 18, 2023

Biden the Octogenarian Contrarian and His Misuse of Taxpayers' Dollars

Biden is using taxpayers’ dollars funding programs meant for fighting terrorists, securing our borders, rebuilding our military, raising Americans standard of living, while maliciously targeting conservatives, Christians, and the GOP, especially those MAGA’s aligned with Donald Trump. As the late great Paul Harvey would say, “Now for the rest of the story.” ... The present administration, to include the current Commander in Chief have recklessly labeled Fox News, CBN, RNC, Turning Point USA, Prolife News, parents of school age children who openly challenge CRT, LGBTQ+, Woke curriculum in our public schools... as the most objectional extremist hate groups, calling the “paths of extremism” and insisting they be deplatformed, canceled, terminated, even jailed... Biden the Octogenarian Contrarian and his party are literally and factually attempting to shut down any rival viewpoints via cooperation from sources within MSM, social media, Big Tech, teachers unions, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS... This is how liberty dies. Final thoughts follow: Benjamin Franklin, when asked what sort of government has been created, he famously responded: “A republic... if you can keep it.” I ask you, the reader, can we keep it? If so, who will lead us out of this enveloping constitutional malaise? How will he or she accomplish the undertaking?  When will the task at hand begin? 

Network, the RNC, Turning Point USA, Pro Lie News", parents of public-school age children who openly challenge CRT, LGBTQ+, WOKISM curriculum... among others, as the most objectionable extremist hate groups, calling them "paths to extremism" and insisting they be deplatformed canceled, terminated, even incarcerated... Biden the Octogenarian Contrarian is literally and factually attempting to shut down any rival viewpoints via cooperation from sources within left leaning MSM, Big Tech, DOJ, CIA, IRS, DHS... This my friends, is how liberty dies. Final thoughts follow: Benjamin Franklin, when asked what sort of government had been created, famously responded: "A republic... if you can keep it." I ask you, the reader, can we keep it? If so, who will lead us out of this enveloping Constitutional malaise? How will he or she accomplish this task? When will the task at hand begin? 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Who Are You Going to Believe

Can you believe there is actually segments of America who take exception to country music star Jason Aldean’s song; “Try That in A Small Town.” Do not the song lyrics accurately depict instances of aberrational behaviors by social deviants, rioters, radical activists, reprobates, neophyte thugs ... such as torching a U.S. flag; berating, antagonistic, pugnacious combative warlike actions against law enforcement officers, wholesale vandalism... among other belligerent acts? Were these acts not backed up by actual MSM and social media footage on video? Who are you going to believe, the radical left, race hustlers, woke militants, forces of the ignominious and infamous or your eyes?  The song then goes on to warn others not to try such behavior in small towns, implying that residents who live there would not put up with it. In my opinion, acts of abnormal, criminal, or deviant behavior, be it perpetrated in a major metropolitan city, a medium size municipality or small town by societal pariahs, thugs, hoods, muggers... should bite the proverbial bullet and serve the time for their lawless propensities. It is past time, that we the people wake up and see the madness being perpetrated across this great land and demand appropriate leadership consider the rights of the majority rather than the miniscule fractional aberrant few who for political or leftist ideological gain topple this once great land for their own illicit power and thus control, In summation, I post his opinion piece as one who identifies as a Concerned American Patriot, Christian, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Retired Army Careerist, Pro law enforcement, anti-counter culturalist and dare I say, Country Music enthusiast.  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

With Woke Curriculum in Public Schools comes Student Mental Conflict and Discordancy

Ponder the following commentary as presented: No sexual agenda, heterosexual, homosexual, GBTQ.I.A.+- or other Woke babble, should be promoted to youth under the age of 18, especially under an entity funded with taxpayer dollars. Our children need to be protected from this radical woke agenda, dare I say, indoctrination, that has besieged our country. One has to be void of a semblance of intellect to realize adolescence can be a complicated, confusing, and convoluted time. Explaining bodily changes and the proper purpose of sexuality is a task not for teachers, school board members, union officials, even presidents but for parents. Masculinity and femininity are part of God’s plan for humanity. A deep conviction must be established that the body is for God Almighty. Developing moral relationships in the midst of the modern social scene is challenging. Public school libraries and classrooms, school boards, teacher unions and DC politicos are serving up immoral toxins precisely at that naïve, capricious, and unpredictable age when it is more likely to penetrate the mind and more rapidly spreads its pernicious and toxic consequence. For parents and grandparents alike, especially those of faith, the fight to protect children from predatory and/or perverse texts in public school libraries and classrooms must continue. Parents must be alert that their children or grandchildren receive religious instruction as soon as they are capable of understanding it; and that nothing may, in the schools they attend, diminish, or mar their faith or their morals. Clearly today’s parents must be careful that public school libraries and classrooms, school boards, teacher unions, left-leaning politicians, social deviant activists, aberrant neophytes... do not blemish the faith or morals of school age children by way of woke and CRT diatribe. In short, the case against infusing "Woke" curriculum into secondary public education is indefensible. It is smoke and mirrors. It is rooted in aberrant behavior and total disregard for America's future. It is fueled by a stunning ignorance of a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning, sound educational principles, which is part and parcel of a broader rejection of reason itself.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Consummate Hate Hustlers.

Enjoy the following tongue and cheek response to another historical fubar by two mutton heads. Ben and Jerry, the ice cream duo has been busy using the proceeds from ice cream sales to promote far-left causes, now having become consummate hate hustlers. Last week, their B&J brand celebrated Independence Day by promoting this historically nescient tripe across social media: “This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.” For the record, most ‘indigenous land’ was stolen by indigenous people from other indigenous people.” The B&J post linked to a corporate page proclaiming their first turnover project is returning Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills to the Lakota tribe. The problem is, once this transfer takes place, will the Lakota turn around and give the Black Hills back to the tribes they took them from? It’s never a good idea to get history lessons from an ice cream maker with a hippy vibe that sold out to a multinational conglomerate. Perhaps in honor of the reparations that Ben & Jerry’s will not be paying, they can launch a new flavor, “Eat Crow” – though they’ve yet to launch a new suggested flavor, "Biden Brain Freeze." Notably. the most famous of indigenous people descendants, Elizabeth “Honest Injun” Warren, has not commented on the latest B&J controversy.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

June Bad for Biden, Good for America

Pride Month did not go well for the administration, nor the extreme left. It began in the shadows of anti-woke boycotts. It was criticized for parades where LGBTQI++ ... social deviants said they are coming for our children and grandchildren. And it has now ended with a Supreme Court decision that says you can’t be forced to support the movement. The justices were split along partisan lines, which in itself tells you much about the Democrat judges on the Supreme Court. The court also determined that a Christian web designer in Colorado cannot be forced to work on a same-sex wedding project. And it even goes beyond that. The decision applies more broadly, giving people the right to refuse to endorse a message they disagree with in their creative work. What you choose to endorse, or not to endorse, is protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Again, we have the same partisan split. The opportunity to think for ourselves and to express those thoughts freely is among our most cherished liberties and part of what keeps our Republic strong. Imagine telling Taylor Swift that she has to warble or pipe-up whatever lyrics the government directs her to sing because no one writes songs quite like she does. Lastly, though not directly related to pride month festivities, the Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration’s expensive and wasteful student loan forgiveness exceeded its authority by sidestepping Congress to enact a $430B plan to cancel up to $20,000 in federal student loan debts. Thus, preventing thousands of Americans taxpayers like you and me from being forced to foot the tax bill for this unlawful giveaway. Again, same old song from same partisan liberal judges. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Decline By Design


Joe Biden may go down in history as the worst “president” of the United States… but what about Barack Obama? Some people assert Obama laid the groundwork for everything that has transpired since 2020 back in 2008. If memory serves me right, Obama led to the destruction of many our cities by coddling up to BLM miscreants and siding with criminals over law enforcement doing their duties... he constrained our military and made light of America on the world stage. Some suggest, though debatable, Obama was the real architect behind the fake Russian collusion. Regardless as to validity of what we as a people may think, the devastation and destruction we’re seeing in 2023 has been over a decade in the making and most Americans have no clue what we’re up against. I ask you the reader, do you as a fellow American think the nightmare, we’ve been living for the past several years came from nowhere? Do you, the reader sense that the current administration is made up of inept simpletons or fools and that our significantly declining standard of living is the result of President Biden’s cognitive state? Lastly, it has been said that “the truth will set you free.” But not until it is finished with you. Regardless of who, what, where, when, and how, the truth could be much darker. Could this decline be by design? What say you.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

At This Moment in Time

Granted, the recently enacted Debt Ceiling Act has thwarted a probable catastrophe that would have caused widespread human, material, economic, environmental issues which exceeds the ability of the U.S. and its citizenry to deal with using its own resources. At this moment in time our government no longer risks not having enough money to meet its debt and operating expenses. The debt ceiling debate and subsequent compromise has temporarily thwarted a probable disaster that would have caused widespread human, material, economic, environmental loss... which exceeds the ability of the United States and its citizenry to cope using its own resources. For this moment in time, our government no longer risks not having enough money to meet debt and operating expenses. At this moment in time, no longer will an imminent fault undermine the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency and what remains of the world’s order. At this moment in time, we will no longer have to listen to the political left and its cohort’s diatribe that insists the only solution to the debt is to hand a blank check to the government and continue spending at will. My mind’s eyes see such reasoning as irrational and ruinous. What needs to change is not so much the budgetary process but the mindset that incumbers America with this mountain of debt. Beyond the quibbling, the most important part of the bill and thus the agreed upon compromise is the message that the present COA as it pertains to economic self-destruction has to change. At this moment in time, current government spending levels are destroying our Republic.

I am of the opinion that too many elected officials seem to think money grows on trees and their ability to think beyond the next election cycle is cause for concern. Why can they not think of the nation’s common good and plan long-term? Far from ideal, the current led GOP spending compromise takes initial steps in the right direction. However, the liberal position regarding debt is full of wrong premises. Putting it more explicitly, the progressive left has a propensity for extremes. Democrats argue that with low-interest rates, it makes sense to invest in the future. “Free” money allows the government to spend at sustainable levels and even save money by spending now rather when rates eventually go up. Really! At this moment in time, are not interest rates rising? This argument no longer holds water since interest rates are on the rise. It becomes even more dangerous and expensive to borrow. By way of illustration, the “cost of servicing the national debt now stands at $460 billion, well over half of the $842 billion defense budget for 2023.” With or without interest, the principal still must be repaid. Money is never free. Furthermore, with the stroke of a pen, Biden has increased the debt by up to “2-4 trillion dollars through stimulus bills and spending packages.” Even at low-interest rates, irresponsible spending drives massive amounts of cash into the system, causing inflation and the chaotic excessiveness of unbalanced markets. It is apparent that the current administration and congressional Democrats believes each country controls the minting of its own currency, thereby any crisis can be avoided by issuing new money to take care of all debts. Thus, at this moment in time many liberals believe that a nation’s spending ability is limitless. It will have no consequences, nor should anyone even worry about debt.

To the liberals I ask, what is the true purpose of government? At this point in time, the purpose of government is to be an advocate of a nation’s common good not a provider for the well-being of its citizens or its ever-growing population of undocumented immigrants. Those on the left seem to think they should spend whatever is needed to provide for all necessities and entitlements. They believe the government can borrow and spend at will. However, a nation cannot always borrow its way out of a crisis. There will come a time of reckoning when people will question its value, causing a crash. The landing will not be a soft one.

This is not a discussion about money or lack thereof. At this moment in time, the real issue is the liberal mindset, characterized by a refusal to operate within fiscal constraints. This rejection of restraint by the left in unimportant things has metastasized to crisis levels in our economy. The obsession with total unrestraint has the effect of turning the debate into something irrational. The enraged and radical left becomes willing to jeopardize the nation and the world economy to maintain its fantasy of unlimited free money.

The route taken between conservatives and liberals to raise the debt ceiling is of importance, if, with proviso. The economy cannot be instantly repaired by turning off the money spigot and jumping off the fiscal cliff. At the same time, a default’s impact will wreak havoc upon the world and favor America’s antagonists. As painful as it is to admit it, a deal is the lesser evil when negotiating with those whose actions will sink the ship that set sail without provisions, navigation equipment, lifeboats... The more important question is what will be done with the deal. Will it once more be used to kick the can down the road? Can it be used to inform a real debate?

At this moment in time, instead of playing cyclic games of fiscal chicken, America needs to question existential premises held by progressives, socialists, and conservatives alike about the nature of government, life, and liberty. Too many believe that life must be spent as if on a never-ending cruise underwritten by the courtesy of the federal government. At some point, the party must end. At this moment in time, America must reject the socialist mindset in which the government tries to be all things to all people through its handouts… and domination. At this moment in time, the nation must likewise reject the notion that restraint is always bad, and sacrifice must be avoided. This inquiry beyond an entitled self could provoke a reevaluation of what matters most in life. It could give rise to new devotion, fidelity and faithfulness to family, community, and the Church, giving life meaning and purpose. Moreover, what is missing is the “permanent things,” which are those standards of "courage, duty, honor, justice, and charity" that owe their existence and authority not to big governments, but to God Himself. Until then, the nation will continue staring into the fiscal abyss.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day Message: Is America Still Worth Fighting For

As another Memorial Day dawns, I’m thinking about the men and women that laid down their lives for their country… I am thinking about the soldiers I served with, some of which I commanded during my 30 years of service in the Army. I think about the depth of their sacrifice and the cause for which they forfeited their future by giving their last full measure.  By giving the full measure of their devotion, they paid the ultimate price to serve our nation. Lest we forget, each person we remember died for a cause.

President Lincoln memorialized those who died in the cause of “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Their sacrifice reminds us that “freedom is not free”, that the price of our freedom has been paid in the blood of our Uniformed Military Service personnel and the grief of those who loved them.

Now it is our turn to “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.” It falls to us to do all we can so that “this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom” and that our democracy “shall not perish from the earth.” Such resolve takes many forms: military, economic, political, and cultural among them. But most of all, it requires a spiritual commitment mirroring the commitment we remember today. Those who we remember this Memorial Day, recognized the United States of America as a Republic worth dying for.

If the extreme or revolutionary Left has its way, the America they fought and died for will cease to exist. Why? Because the Left doesn’t appreciate what made America a nation built on a hill that could not be hidden. Moreover, the moral authority of America, the "beacon on the hill" that President Ronald Reagan spoke of, was an essential part of that interest.

Today, we are leaderless and voiceless from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, at home and abroad, even as the voices of our citizens are loud and strong. ... Voices from around the globe, question whether the United States still possess any moral authority. And as the Left has taken over the center, our fellow citizens have been told that America is evil, and racist, and unjust. Sadly, because of education indoctrination, and “Woke” ideology and, CRT” historical revisionism the adolescent generations believe it. Consequently, they’ve put their faith in authoritarian left leaning ideologues, with no clue how good they’ve had it or how bad things can get. 

The bad news is that we could lose everything our military service members were willing to die for. But the good news is that there is still light at the end of the axiomatic tunnel, if the majority of Americans are still willing to fight for it. I ask you the reader, are you still one of them? Think about this, If the Left’s ideas were popular, they wouldn’t have to censor us via social media and MSM, they wouldn’t have to meddle or intrude in our elections, and they would assuredly not need Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to boost, thereby embolden their client companies, corporations, businesses...

Regardless, whether the numbers are currently on their side or our side, is America still worth fighting for? Granted, Left Wing radicals are tactically and organizationally years ahead of patriotic Americans only beginning to realize they are in a war. Can we still win the war? If so, how? The first step is understanding the adversary. We can’t save the America our men and women died for until we understand who and what we’re up against. As we reflect on the Uniformed Armed Service members that made the ultimate sacrifice, we must ask ourselves what forfeitures we are willing to make so their last breaths were not for naught.


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Truth Be Known

Remember when Bud Light recently forced the woke agenda on their customers, conservatives and political moderates alike didn’t take it lightly. What happened? They coalesced, drew a line in the sand, dug their heels in, and made their voices heard. How so? They boycotted Bud Light, and the company is hemorrhaging money hand over fist, scrambling to correct their gaffe, better stated their error in judgement.

But if the Left’s Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) agenda succeeds, it won’t matter. It won’t matter what consumers believe or what brands do, because they’ll use ESG to prop up woke companies no matter what and destroy the businesses that resist their agenda. Think about it. It won’t matter how often these business enterprises offend us, upset us, disparage us... or make our blood boil. Our boycotts and protests will fall on deaf ears, because these companies will never face the resultant consequences of their actions. If you were previously unfamiliar or ill-informed of ESG, that’s no mistake or error on your part. While we’re distracted with our Southern border crisis, Ukraine-Russia conflict, oval office mandates, CCP- U.S. relations... left wing revisionists or radicals are cautiously coordinating with the private sector to advance a policy that would destroy what remains of the free market. ESG eliminates the illusion of choice. They’re social credit scores, but for businesses, and if they succeed in bringing that kind of collectivism or Marxism to the private sector, it’s only a matter of time before they bring it to our individual lives. Specifically, penalizing us when we contest the system, and rewarding us when we conform or submit to it. 

And what happened yesterday, today, and likely tomorrow (metaphorically speaking) to us is happening all over our nation and all over the world, as globalists do everything in their power to contrive or manufacture by whatever means is necessary support for their architypes, ideals, exemplars... simply stated, it’s their way or the highway.


Monday, May 8, 2023

Reparations, History, What If's and Reality

Let’s take a moment for a quick-fire repartee as it pertains to reparations, after all it is a contentious and hot topic.  Without doubt slavery, and the systematic subjugation of African Americans was vile. Its legacy is wicked. Its surviving traces are evil. It is not a sin that is unique in the world, but it is an evil that is unique in the context of America. Its consequences remain largely with us, as anyone with eyes to see can discern for themselves.

Unlike the Japanese American WWII internment case, American reparations program would necessarily be vague, there being few if any specific legal relationships by which eligibility and liability could be established. Is there a Confederate treasury to seize or present antebellum plantations to appropriate? The few corporate relationships that existed then and now are few and far removed from vassalage. Additionally, by and large the people represented by that government overwhelmingly oppose reparations, in part because many of them believe that their government justified itself at Gettysburg and paid its debt. Think about this. As of today, “2023, millennials are the largest living adult age group in America,” born in 1981 or tater, the 72+ million American millennials would have to go back at least five, six, even seven generations to find a slave or slave owner in their lineage, if there were any at all.

But it is more complicated than that. White Americans are the most strongly opposed to reparations, and not without reason. It is not obvious that an American whose forbearers or ancestors arrived here from Ireland, or Poland, or Italy or Sicily (as my ancestors did in the early 1900’s) ... after the Civil War has sins of the father to bear and atone for on this score.  And, without diminishing the wickedness of slavery, Americans of Jewish, Catholic, Southern and Eastern European... and other historically disparaged ancestries can point to discrimination and exclusion, too. To ask white Americans with no personal connection to slavery to accept guilt for it by virtue of their being white is to ask them to accept an idea that is fundamentally alien to our political culture.

How about some historical context? Do we not stand on the shoulders of historical American Revolutionary war patriots? Indeed, we stand on the shoulders of people like John Adams, Sam Adams, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Nathen Hale, Crispus Attucks… who encountered and triumphed over what was then the largest empire in history. They said no, we will not stand for this. Thus, victory became America’s reality... Fast forward 72 years, America is embroiled in a Civil War to end slavery... Fast forward another 158 years following the end of slavery. social justice warriors (SJW), race hustlers and leftist politicos panning for future votes demanding descendants of slaves receive reparations for past wrongs. Are past wrongs deserving of compensation? If so, are we looking through dark lenses as to who deserves reparations? I suggest, if reparations become the new social norm, we need to re-examine the target recipients.

Why not expand the Reparation groupings. Why are there no ‘Reparations’ for White ancestral descendants of Civil War Union Soldiers who fought to free Black slaves from bondage? Why not reparations for survivors of uniformed serve members who perished in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam... regardless of color? Same goes for law enforcement officers, fire fighters and EMT’s killed in the line of duty. 

Should people so far removed from slavery be held accountable for the damage? I am of the opinion that no one currently living is responsible for righting the wrongs committed by long dead slave owners. I’ve said my piece, what say you, be it pro or con or ambivalent?  



Thursday, April 20, 2023

Biden's Revision of Title IX Would Degrade Womens Rights

In prior posts and commentaries, I have suggested that women’s rights are under assault by the left and some within the current administration. How so? Lest we forget, the trend of allowing trans athletes to compete according to their identified gender. The anti-biological born female shards have destroyed the aspirations of female athletes,’ girls at the top of their game.  Nothing in Title IX or its federal regulations explicitly protects LGBTQ people, but the Biden administration is advocating that the law should be interpreted to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Thus, the Biden administration has signaled that its upcoming regulation will explicitly expand Title IX to protect LGBTQ students from discrimination. If finalized as a federal regulation, it would carry the force of law. What President Biden should do is revisit, review and rethink the issue from a woman’s perspective and restore Title IX to protect women’s sports. Those who believe their rights have been violated can also bring their cases to federal courts through Title IX lawsuits. Think about this new rule that President Biden is proposing. What does it accomplish in the long run? It really just opens up the door for biologically born females to be discriminated against on the playing fields, courts, pools, tracks... It’s disturbing, discouraging, demoralizing, distressing, deploring... that we are approaching a world where biological born women are discriminated against in the name of equality.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Who’s to Blame

What say you about women’s rights in athletics and the public at large? As for me, my opinion, for what it is worth follows: For those who would suppress, menace, intimidate, harm, shout down women... and other people who stand-up for “Women’s Rights” is categorically non compos mentis or in the least display a lack of good sagacity. Have these nonsensical malefactors, fools as they may be, yet to learn, that it is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Who’s to blame for this societal absurdity? Why not put the blame where it belongs. How about government, the media, and the governing bodies of sports and Corporate America. They all seem to be delighting in allowing the transgender activists to sow chaos and provoke those who are against their ideology that are pushing for biological males in women’s sport for the sake of inclusion. 

However, it’s not just the entities mentioned that are intent on pushing this agenda on the public at large. Albeit the government and the media seem to be delighting in allowing the transgender activists to sow chaos and provoke those who are against their ideology. Some see it as a new civil rights movement. Could there be a more sinister explanation? I have heard it suggested by more than a few sources that a more sinister explanation is that the Biden administration is interested in destroying all the institutions and enshrining its own political power. It doesn’t care who it devastates in the process.  Final comment: D+E+I, do not = Equality for Women, nor the American public in general.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Escape the Left's Woke Dystopia


We as Judeo-Christian grassroot patriots must do what it takes to defeat toxic Leftist ideologies like Critical Race Theory. Is it not past time for pursuing and ridding CRT’s toxicity out of America’s classrooms, boardrooms, financial institutions, big tech, DC’s political apparatus... forever. Putting the horse before the cart, we as a free people must be able to counter a number of belief systems being propagated by the above-mentioned entities. Additionally, how do we as Judeo-Christian patriots free Americans of color and all minorities from the tyranny of the Left's victimhood mentality and inspire them to pursue their American Dream and achieve victory against the radical Left? How do we go toe-to-toe with an entity that engages significantly in finance, mass media, toxic pop culture, biased educators/school boards, teachers’ unions, Big Tech, boardroom members, Federal, State, and local politicos... et cetera? It starts by learning the ideology of the opposition, study, research, and a desire to offer more life altering stratagems… unmask and debunk even more of the Left’s venomous and racially intentional prejudiced deceit, deception, duplicity… and reach even more minorities with inspiring message about the American Dream. 

Additionally, working together with the Cross before us we can aspire to inspire people, young and old, regardless of ethnicity and economic backgrounds to expose the left leaning  Democrat’s toxic and racist lies and empower more Americans to escape the Left’s “Woke” dystopia and to love America and pledge our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

In summation, is not America, now gripped in a struggle between an increasingly liberal secular society that pushed for change and a conservative opposition that rooted its worldview in divine scripture?  If we are to help America become what our Founding Fathers envisioned, then it is up to us to call attention to the dynamic in order to help America, come to grips with the unfolding conflict and, perhaps, defuse some of the tensions we all see and/or read about daily. We must fight the good and righteous fight to save America from the extreme left and by extension win today’s culture war. What say you?

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What Are They Trying to Hide

What are they trying to hide? The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ),  an organization dedicated to the defense of Constitutional liberties secured by law... “exclusively obtained critical records showing that senior officials, including someone who is now a “principal advisor” to Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, worked through the night to get the press release on the capture of Yemini terrorists crossing at the U.S. southern border scrubbed, coordinating efforts with unknown senior FBI and Customs and Border Protection officials.”

Back story follows: Following a major document dump against Biden’s surreptitious network of especially nonelected government officials and more than likely, yet unknown private entities, operating extralegally to influence and enact government policy, that includes senior Staff Officials closely tied to HS Mayorkas and Yemeni terrorists caught after crossing the border, details of which were reported and later expurgated. Why did these yet named, Senior Biden Officials attempt to censor the details squash the incident by redacting the details reference, the Yemeni terrorists caught crossing the border? Could it be the yet named officials were doing everything they could to keep America’s citizenry from knowing the truth? It is also purported that unknown officials at the highest level of the FBI were involved. This being the case, why not identify the officials by name. They remain unidentified because the Biden Deep State redacted their names. If the allegations made by ACLJ are indeed factual, do you the reader, suppose, there is something rotten in Washinton, DC? By withholding the truth, what could the Deep State hope to accomplish other than digging a deeper hole for themselves. Fact is that’s’ exactly what the ACLJ lawsuit uncovered. Now ALCJ is going back to court in this case. Why? For the reason, that not even President Biden does not get to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes. Lest we forget, if someone pulls the wool over your eyes, they deceive you in order to prevent you from discovering something. What is that something?

At the helm of Biden’s DHS, Mayorkas has utterly neglected his duty by not having any sort of answer regarding the location of suspected terrorists caught attempting to infiltrate our southern border.  Question! Is the open border a joke or a game? I am of the opinion that neither is a joke or game.  Allowing unvetted or inadequately vetted illegal aliens into America is irresponsible at best and is deliberately gambling with American lives. 

Does not Biden’s weak border policies allow cartel smugglers of drugs and potential terrorists the opportunity to exploit an underdefended southern border and, as a result, American citizens are being exposed to increased risk of potential terrorist attacks? That being said, the ramifications of the Biden administration’s open-border policies have already been exposed. If terrorists can easily pose as asylum seekers and abuse the laws so egregiously, it raises the question: How many domestic terrorist attacks are currently being planned? How many Americans will die as a result of these intended terrorist attacks? This writer fears more will depart this life in the near future than those souls who perished on 9/11. Simply stated, Biden’s border crisis is not just a border calamity, nor just an illegal immigration problem. It’s the most evident, preventable national security threat America currently faces. Now that the horse is out of the barn, what can we do about it?  

Monday, March 13, 2023

SVP Collapse a Portend of Things to Come

Silicon Valley Bank’s (SVB) collapse should be a “wake up” call for all Americans, be they Democrat or Republican about the sad state of the U.S. economy. Perhaps the American people will finally wake up and understand that we’re living in in a valley of unmitigated bad times, that, in fact, a recession may have previously started. Who knows? But it doesn’t look good.

I feel bad for all of these people that lost whatever money they had saved and or invested in this woke bank. More distressing still, was the fact SVB officials sold off their stock before the doors were shuttered. It’s both sad and, to an extent, par for the course. Who knows whether the DOJ will go after them or be apathetic? They’re a woke company, so I guess not. And they’ll probably get away with it.

The Fed keeps raising rates and inflation keeps going in a northerly direction (the wrong direction). It’s not staying where it should be. Why are our elected officials blind to the Middle- and Working-class struggles? People can’t pay their bills. They can’t fill their tanks with gas. And if you think that’s a good sign, you are either a radical left leaning ideologue, an idiot or asleep at the proverbial wheel.  I don’t think it is a good sign. And we have an administration that’s imperceptive as in unperceptive to this. They just keep talking about the great times and how good they are. It’s not good.

Opinionated Postscript: Today, 13 March 2023 it was Scranton Joe to the rescue of the five most dominate companies in the information technology industry, saving a business sector that provides major campaign backing for Democrats nationwide. Per President Biden: “No losses will be borne by the taxpayers. Instead, the money will come from the fees that banks pay into the deposit insurance fund. Because of the actions that our regulators have already taken, every American should feel confident that their deposits will be there if and when they need them.” 

To say it clearly and simply, the bailout comes from taxpayers, who pay increased banking fees to cover banks’ increased fees to the deposit insurance fund. Furthermore, the current administration has pushed many of these banks into being more concerned about global warming. … These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all of the woke issues. Instead of protecting the shareholders and their employees, they are more concerned about the social policies. Additionally, it is apparent SVB’s risk management personnel spent too much time focused on woke “DEI" nonsense. The FDIC will reopen SVB under the auspiciousness of a larger, healthier bank, but for sure, American taxpayers will be paying for the losses of depositors who made bad business decisions to leave all their cash in one bank, uninsured.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Where does it Begin and How Does it End

It is apparent the likes of George Soros, Hansjorg Wyss, Klaus Schwab, Antonio Guterres, John Kerry, NWO and WEF billionaires, Globalists, Dark Money groups are buying off individuals within the ranks of the radical left, to include more likely than not some politicos in high places. Additionally, the already mentioned entities and groups are funneling megabucks, to include foreign money in our elections. Why would both the FEC and IRS decline to investigate the mounting evidence against the nemesis, mentioned? 

Unless one is brain dead, or lives off the grid, they in the least recognize the Soros name. On the other hand, every patriot, every conservative in the country knows of George Soros and the appalling effects his impact has had on America and other European governments. But when he was subsidizing, sustaining, and propping up leftist District Attorneys across the United States, few in the mainstream had caught on until it was too late. Now that they are embedded, how do we rid ourselves of these DA rogues, while in the meantime they push our cities, suburbs, and towns closer to societal implosion, collapse, insolvency, disintegration, ruination... etc.? Where does it begin? It begins by investigating Left wing organizations and the individuals tied to them and coordinating with likeminded attorneys general to shut them down. Whatever it takes, these rogue DAs must be recalled. For those who are waiting a sign from God before righting a wrong, remember this; "God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails." 

The Left does their most devious strategic planning behind closed doors, through layers of lies, and it’s up to you, me and the liberty minded electorate to expose them for who they are and defeat them. Lest we forget, there is some risk involved in action, there always is. But there is far more risk of failure to act. Why no one organization or top government official(s) or Chief Executive has yet to step up to the plate is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. Do you suppose we the people are the key? With God's help, we can be triumphant.  


Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Protagonists Involved in The Assault on Life

I ask you, the reader, if a war is being waged on life? If so, who are the protagonists or central characters involved in this assault on life? Is the attack on life being led by a weak, aged antediluvian or geriatric leader and a party that has succumbed to "crazy"? More to the point: Does the “Big Guy”, his VP, Kamaka Harris and those personages, causes célèbres, panjandrums... representing the Big Guy’s party’s extreme left-wing, political views know if they can silence God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Life advocates, Constitutionalists... then there will be no one to halt the aforementioned radical leftist influencers from expanding abortion and slaughtering more innocent unborn babies.

Did not America’s Border Czar recently trash pro-life Americans, calling them “extremists” while defending abortion as a “fundamental freedom”? Furthermore, Harris, like other pro-abortionists ignores the fact that ending the life of an unborn baby in an abortion denies their fundamental freedom of the right to life that the Constitution protects for everyone.

We as God’s Warriors, the Moral Majority, Pro-Lifers, and Constitutionalists are the last line of defense for the unborn. You, me, or our children could be next. This coordinated, targeted effort by Biden's Deep State to threaten, harass, and intimidate pro-life advocates into submission before the cult of abortion is just the latest front in the war on the most innocent among humanity.

As I understand it, President Biden's anarchical plan to expand abortion starts with turning our Post Offices into an abortion pill dealer. It's a direct violation of federal law, but with Biden and his cohort’s demonical obsession with abortion, that doesn't matter. Well, it matters to me. Does it matter to you?

Concluding thoughts: Abortion is not health care; it’s ending a baby’s life. Lest we forget, Abortion today, our guns tomorrow and the dangers of a totalitarian government that rule through fear, surveillance, misinformation, disinformation, and indoctrination... could be in our future.