Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Election Mathematics is Obvious and Music of Reason

After examining 9 million records in Pennsylvania a renowned mathematician, Bobby Piton identified 521,879 unique last names. These unique names have no parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, or cousins who have the same last names. This is either a phenomenon that begs for a cause or explanation, or a surreptitious plan formulated in secret by persons unknown to purposely change election results. Did Piton’s testimony point out blatant voter fraud through incontrovertible evidence, as it pertains to 2020’s presidential election? Following his testimony, Twitter allegedly, permanently banned his twitter account. If so, why? To some, “obvious” is the most dangerous word in mathematics. To others mathematics is the “music of reason.” According to my way of thinking, life like elections, is a math equation. To gain the most, you must know how to convert negatives into positives. Hence, it appears something is rotten in the state of Pennsylvania and likely in the states of Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona... with voting irregularities as they are it is little wonder why the Electoral Integrity Project rates the U.S. right down there with some of the world’s lowest bottom dwellers (lowest-ranked nations), as it relates to elections chicanery and associated malfeasance. We are just a step or two ahead of Syria, Ethiopia, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, North Korea, Venezuela... Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves. What say you?

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Cumulative Battle for The Future of America

In an Army career spanning 30 years (65-95), I have witnessed the end result of socialism, communism, neo-Marxism, Maoism and radicalism. I have observed its oppression of people in East Berlin. I have fought its combatants in Southeast Asia, and its proxies in the deserts of the Middle East and Africa. Though, in my wildest dreams, did I ever in my lifetime expect that America would one day become the cynosure of the battle between totalitarianism and liberty. Many Americans believe communism is an abstract concept, something that only affects faraway nations, without realizing that it has already arrived at our doorstep. Communism has spread in America under names like socialism, progressivism, liberalism, neo-Marxism, Maoism... among others, in a gradual progression over years of systematic subversion and sedition by first the Soviets, followed by the Chinese and now from within our own borders and institutions. Those who espouse socialism, thereby Marxist doctrine now occupy congressional seats of power within the Democrat Party, to include its leadership. Academe’s rank and file now embrace collectivism and actively indoctrinate their students, who in turn rail against our democratic form of government. Home spun domestic revolutionary organizations/groups by which activists and hooligans alike, at the behest of outside firebrand demagogues attempt to seize control of the economy and the government by direct means, all in the name of syndicalism... and so on and so forth. This cumulative battle for the future of America, and with it, the rest of the world is now coming into play on our home turf, as evidenced in our just concluded, yet contested presidential election. This is a conflict that transcends partisanship and party affiliation.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse and 2020's Election

Given recent witness attestations of voting irregularities and bolstered by arithmetic calculations, the election night ballot drops for President elect Biden and the progressive left’s connivance with Big Media and Silicon Valley’s global center for high technology and innovation. It is more reasonable than not to assume that a jacquerie of sorts was engineered by some within the DNC, the DC establishment, elitists, and globalists who used, both the Four Horsemen of Media (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and ABC) and the 4 Horsemen of Technology (Goggle, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and occasionally Microsoft) in an attempt to steal the election. The afore mentioned antagonists of the state crossed the line and may very well, have influenced, better stated, altered the 2020 election. This being as it is, something even more Herculean in Silicon Valley was in the offing than straightforward censorship.  

For years, behavioral psychologists, who focus on understanding and modifying individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors relied heavily on empirical evidence and theories of human behavior and cognition. Dr. Robert Epstein, a senior psychologist with the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology,  has warned that Google, which accounts for more than 90 percent of Internet searches, can easily determine elections by adjusting algorithms to favor one party over the other. Given that most people see only the first few entries on a search, the rest might as well be inconsequential. "Google's search algorithm can easily shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more – up to 80 percent in some demographic groups – with virtually no one knowing they are being manipulated”...he based his calculations on experiments he conducted along with Ronald E. Robertson, a computational methodologies research scientist whose research interests revolve around “how online platforms shape society broadly, and his current focus is on information steering on search engines and other ranked list interfaces.”

In July 2019, Mr. Epstein, a Democrat with a Harvard Ph.D., warned Congress that this was a real threat to election integrity and that Google may have shifted “2.6 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016.”  He said that in the 2020 election, Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) could shift as many as 15 million votes from President Trump to Joe Biden. Furthermore Dr. Epstein further states that he believed the SEME technique had cost Mr. Trump this time a "bare minimum" of at least six million votes. Couple this with the unprecedented amount of early voting, with more than 100 million ballots cast before election day out of 156.8 million. The damage could have already been done. Furthermore, Epstein asserted that “just based on the first 150,000 searches that we've looked at, and that's about 1.5 million search results and over a million web pages, we're finding very substantial pro-liberal bias in all 10 or at least nine out of 10 search results on the first page of Google search results...” Given Dr. Epstein's calculations, the Election Night ballot dumps for Joe Biden and the Democrats' collusion with Big Media and Big Tech, we are seeing the 21st Century equivalent of what Democrats in 1876 called the "stolen election."

In concluding this post, I ask the reader, who are these individuals who would fix an election of such magnitude and why? These select actors may be distinguished by power, wealth, influence, education, corporate ties... in short, these wanna be dynasts, tetrarchs, heads of state believe in government by oligarchy. They favor rule by meritocracy, technocracy and plutocracy as opposed to the merits of political egalitarianism and populism. Simply put, there are those believe in a power structure which authority rests with a small number of people. In the words of a friend mine, as it relates to 2020 election protagonists; “To the faithful, we’ll call these forces the “powers and principalities” mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.” As for me, I see people who resort to guile, subterfuge, putsch or coup against democracy, liberty, republic as an anathema to humankind.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving Message

In these times of divisiveness, social unrest, political intrigue, and Covid-19, why not take a few moments for some spiritual introspection and attitude adjustment. Do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains to be experienced. Go outside into the fields, nature, and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God. Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you and be happy on this 2020 Thanksgiving Day.

Monday, November 23, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Epilogue

Admittedly, there are some unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our 2020 presidential election. Sadly, the confidence in the security and integrity of our elections based on dishonest maneuvering, deception, deviousness, and mismanagement have forever tainted and brought into question 2020 election results and for that matter, future election outcomes. One must look no further than the Swamp varmints infesting DC itself... The leftist/Marxist fringe groups with the intent to aggressively confront their avowed ideological enemies... Academia’s progressive socialist political homogeneity is problematic because of its  bias research and teaching, thereby academic credibility becomes questionable as does the quality of investigation, examination and instruction. Note: University professorial (PhD) staff identifying as progressive/socialist to those identifying conservative ratio is 12.7:1... Mainstream media,  because of their own leftist dogma and the corrupt industry in which they employ/manipulate their craft, commentators and journalists are more likely to report facts and statistics that liberals want you to learn and less likely to report facts and statistics that conservatives want you to learn. This is distortion theory of media bias, wherein a typical presidential election, only about 7 percent of D.C. news correspondents vote for Republicans. The bigger picture: a new consensus has emerged in MSM: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else... Silicon Valley is a political monoculture that’s intolerant of different views.  Just as conservatives saw the political biases of Hollywood’s social culture reflected in movies and television, conservatives now sense their political isolation from the digital world birthed by Silicon Valley’s tech giants. And there is evidence to support this claim. Several Facebook news curators have confessed they were ordered to subjectively inject or remove stories into the site’s trending news section based on ideology. This reveals a broad perception of industry-wide anti-conservative preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience. Better stated, it is  prejudice... Albeit, not one to promote conspiratorial theories, I submit, that opportunist and/or operatives representing the Deep State/NWO elites helped fund and sustain the election chicanery/coup to oust our 45th and current President... Let us not forget the millions of ill-informed and ignorant who were conned or bought off with the promise of free stuff. The epilogue: The lessons that ought to have followed the 2016 election; lessons about the value of understanding other Americans, the necessity of countering tribalism, and the significance of the free exchange of ideas to a representative/democratic society, as evidenced in the 2020 presidential election have not been learned.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Here, and Now and Future of Christianity and Judaism in America

In our postmodern age, direct Mephistophelian, “cancel culture terrorists”, antitheists bigotry against Christians, the rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic incidents, and Socialist’s/Marxist’s abhorrence of Christianity and Judaism is not frequently manifested. Hatred of God is usually veiled as secularism or pretentious indifference. Such attitudes seem to be more in keeping with postmodern societies. Thus, I never thought in 2020, I would see such an upsurge of anti-Semitic incidents, vandalization, invectiveness, public denunciation and inflammatory hatred of God, like the manifestations that have arisen in our nation’s cities, towns and settlements. As the "Cancel Culture", continues to rage across the U.S. destroying symbols of historical figures, they have now apparently targeted statues depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary as well as torching church and synagogue buildings and vandalizing places of worship with Satanic epigraphs. Has not, 2020 seen a rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian incidents in America? 

These perpetrators are lost soul activists that follow an ideology in which fraternity demands absolute equality. this ideology makes equality for all unfeasible, better stated, a pipe dream, because it cannot be consummate. Is it not apparent the social contract, complete with an impervious system that guarded against the excesses of hate has now vanished? Had Dante seen these scenes of distruction, desecration of statues depicting Jesus and Mary, blasphemous graffiti inscribed on walls in the burned out ruins of churches and Temples, he might very well have used them to illustrate his descrition of Hell.  ,  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Left's Inept Strategy

If one is to believe the majority of MSM news outlets, the punditocracy and Democrats themselves, Joe Biden will become our nation’s 46th president in six days. As one journalist wrote: The Democrat contender's campaign seems to be in "run out the clock" mode this week. If Biden’s handler’s stratagem works and he is elected, we as a nation are screwed. With some optimism based on recent history, I am here to tell you, the elite or influential class of experts or political commentators are wrong. The mentioned bare-minimum stratagem may prove to be “the dumbest political blunder since Hillary Clinton decided there was no need for her to pound the pavement in Michigan during her 2016 campaign.” And just like 2016, the liberal left intelligentsia is in for an additional substantial set back this time. If the Democrat Party proves to be as inept in strategic planning as it has in the past and those opposed to transforming America from a Republic to a Socialist country show up in mass on November 3rd and cast their ballot for Trump we will be part and parcel in MAGA. Furthermore, If Trump is reelected, we will again see the left go through another state of profound emotional disturbance resulting in deep depression, accompanied by wailing with pain, grief, and anger. Let us pray the silent majority, regardless of ethnicity, cultural background, gender, be they  Christians, Jews, or other peoples of faith, conservatives, constitutionalists... go to the polls in record numbers and vote overwhelmingly for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote against the megalomaniacs of the left who are only concerned with increasing their own wealth and power.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Nine Days to Glory or Ignominy

Nine days to glory or ignominy. Nine days and counting from a Presidential election that will most likely change the course of American history. A word to the wise: Be prepared for what is to come. No matter what happens or who occupies the White House, the Left-wing politicos and their egalitarian/Marxist radical ruffians will keep pressing forward. They will be in the streets of our urban cities and rural towns. They will lay waste to everything we hold dear in order to overthrow our government. And they will be on Mainstream News networks, social media platforms, in our public schools and in our state capitals and local municipal government offices trying to persuade us that what's transpiring right in front of our eyes isn't what's occurring in front of our eyes. We will hear the Left’s self-appointed leadership, and those supporting the insurrection/revolution tell us the riotous mayhem we see are peaceful protests and violent actors are mere moral activists. Truth be known, the Left is intent on the destruction of the American way of life, and a win or loss in one election will not dissuade them in their goal of fundamentally transforming the United States. How much resistance the Left will face at the federal, state and local level is yet to be determined. How much opposition the Left will incur from the citizenry and people of faith is also up in the air.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Core of America’s Problems: Family, Education, Ecclesiastical, and Government Representation

Problems! Problems! Problems! America has problems that need to be addressed now or face the inevitable consequences. With our marriages. The way we parent our kids. With our discipline, we fail to teach accountability to our offspring for fear of hurting their feelings, and there is no direct repercussion(s) for failing to meet standards. We just take the easy route and ignore the reality of future footprints for our actions. This is the problem in our public schools today. The quality of our education is questionable at best and teachers have been deprived of the means they need to be effective, and to educate and discipline our young people who spend much of their lives in educational settings. Why are we allowing others to establish what is best for our children? Where is that getting us? This is the problem within some Denominational Churches and cults, where apostacy is pontificated, dogmatized, and sermonized by influential charlatans/frauds with heretical views. A few of which in positions of authority have been known to take advantage of innocent and unsuspecting congregants, only to have a deviant act swept under the rug. And we allow this! Where is this getting us? And the same is true with our government. Our purported representatives make rules for us that do not apply to themselves. They take sweet heart deals, campaign donations, lucrative contracts, perks, money... from lobbyists and foreign governments. Many of these representatives are self-serving, thus no longer serve us. And we, allow them to get away with it. Why are we allowing this? We see our Republic falling into a dark abyss while we just stand there with our heads up our posterior and do nothing. Remember one thing: if we fail to hold ourselves to a higher standard, a standard of what we know to be just and righteous; if we fail to hold our spouses and our children to the same standards, if we are unwilling or unable to provide a consequence when they do not meet the standard; and if our schools, churches and our government fail to hold themselves accountable to those they serve, there is but one thing to look forward to… dark days ahead! Again, why are we allowing this?

Friday, October 9, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: Climate Change and The New Green Deal

Tides of Tyranny: Climate Change and The New Green Deal: Are the forest fires in California and Northwest United Sates caused by poor forestry management or climate change? Is the uptick in Hurrica...

Climate Change and The New Green Deal

Are the forest fires in California and Northwest United Sates caused by poor forestry management or climate change? Is the uptick in Hurricanes making landfall in the Gulf Coast States and Southeastern  U.S a result of a change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels? Is a small change in temperature the difference between normalcy and cataclysm? Do you think Coronavirus is partly to blame for some of these natural catastrophes plaguing America and the world in general? Is the resolution to this environmental dilemma the Green New Deal?  When it comes to climate change policies, left leaning Democrats are doubling down on stupid. Instead of learning from the failures of a prior administration’s clean energy agenda, Democrats are driving over the climate change cliff by supporting the Green New Deal. The Deal itself is an affront to liberty and a wake-up call for Americans and American businesses to the perils of socialist Democrats who seek to control every aspect of our lives. Putting it bluntly, their self-serving heads are up their posteriors and greedy hands in our pockets.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What if Biden Wins and Democrats Control

This is not a National Security Co-ordination Team analysis of what will happen or how will it happen or how likely it is to happen. Instead, it is this writer’s anatomization about what could happen, given the current political scenario. Could Biden and his handlers markedly alter America, pivoting the U.S. from a multiparty democracy into an actual one-party state? Given enough time it is possible. Imagine, an alternate reality in which what could happen does happen. Would this not become a single identifiable moment of divergence or conflict of the political norm that established a previously distinct recognizable political existence? Should the above become a reality, would we not be mired in the darkest of timelines, trapped in a dystopian nightmare? 

Here's a hypothetical representation of the passage of time as it relates to events to show what the answers to those questions may be... President Biden’s inauguration speech is filled with standard Democrat catchphrases, with a focus on unifying the nation and formality and propriety has returned to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. However, Biden does noticeably stumble a few times during his acceptance speech, now and then seeming a little confused while staring into the teleprompter. 

Some analysts are wise enough to see through this fraud... While Biden is assuring the nation that he represents a return to normalcy the Democrat Apparatchik has a different agenda. Their agenda involves critical legislation that will address climate change, undocumented workers, income inequality, Second Amendment revisions, health care, racial justice... To accomplish the Left’s agenda format Biden will issue a series of executive orders on major policy initiatives because of the need to recover from the genus Beta coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House coordinate a series of legislative actions to unleash the moment that Schumer eliminates the filibuster. With the ejection of the filibuster, Democrats begin shoehorning through all bills their base has ever wanted... Return to Paris Climate Accord; Enacting the Green New Deal which AOC promises will take trillions of dollars of wealth from corporations and give it to working people, primarily communities of color; Coal power plants shutter due to the newly announced burdensome regulations; The price of gas hits the roof at record levels, as do heating and cooling costs for hundreds of millions of people; A carbon tax is instituted to drive up the price of all economic activities not reliant on renewable energy; The unemployment rate hits all-time highs, thanks to immediate layoffs and impending economic failures in the energy sector; Record numbers of illegal aliens cross the U.S. at the southern border in response to the promise of free health care via Democrat Congressional Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill. All this regardless of costs associated with the legislation.

Inevitably the stock market crashes, IRA's are lost, foreclosures are rampant, America enters another great depression and like the dinosaurs of the Middle to Late Triassic epochs that met their fate by way of  the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, and for all intent and purpose, so too does the Republican Party and our Republic in response to Biden's executive orders and Democrat congressional enacted legislation. The Democrat Party now controls information and language by means of MSM, social media and Academia, the food rations and medical care a person receives, their personal interactional relationships, and virtually everything else. But the Party's power extends beyond these external factors. It even controls the way people think. Part of this is through the expressed word, as referenced above, and the techno police tasked with implementation and enforcement of same. If Biden and his party are victorious in 2020, the United States faces an apocalyptic future brought on us by America herself.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: Democratic Party's Blue Line Perception Commentary

Tides of Tyranny: Democratic Party's Blue Line Perception Commentary: Here’s the reality so penned by Tucker Carlson as it pertains to Joe Biden and his radical liberal anti-police cohorts. Since the summer, ha...

Democratic Party's Blue Line Perception Commentary

Here’s the reality so penned by Tucker Carlson as it pertains to Joe Biden and his radical liberal anti-police cohorts. Since the summer, has not the Democratic Party told all who would listen that Members of the Blue Line are profoundly immoral and wicked, that they are the cause of death of innocent people of color, especially those of Black persuasion? By his words or lack thereof, Biden and the Democrat leadership has sided with those who desire to abolish, defund, or “reimagine” a citizen-led approach to law enforcement. Adding salt to the wound, the Democrats put it in their party platform. 

What a buffoon it’s hard to believe they’re running that guy — silly old fool. But behind Joe Biden’s vacant smile and laughably outdated assumptions about an America that does not exist and hasn’t for many years, it is a group of hard-eyed handlers right behind him and they know exactly what’s going on and they have a purpose for it. These people want power. They know that effective, honest, independent local law enforcement stands in the way — in their way. The left already controls the FBI completely. They want your Police Department to come to heel. That’s their plan and if dead cops are the price, they think it’s worth it.

Truth be known, good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because men and women of personal fortitude stand ready to do what it takes to thwart abhorrent criminal behavior or violence when situations warrant their presence. And they do so on behalf of the people they swore to defend and protect. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: Prophetic Winter

Tides of Tyranny: Prophetic Winter:   This post is long, but I feel it is important enough to share. Much of what is stated below is profoundly prophetic and thought provoking....

Prophetic Winter


This post is long, but I feel it is important enough to share. Much of what is stated below is profoundly prophetic and thought provoking. None of what is written was penned by me, though I acknowledge a strong feeling that something is about to happen that causes apprehensiveness of portentous events to come as stated below.

PLEASE NOTE: What is stated in parentheses is the commentary of Rose Sharon, a friend who believes the Lord is speaking to her and “possible interpretation of these dreams.”


 "Between Friday, August 28th and Thursday September 4th, I had a series of glimpses that got longer each night. I saw a calendar of December (This repeated calendar theme shows there is a timing of events. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens" and 1 Chronicles 12:32 tells of the sons of Issachar who were "...men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do". God is revealing and giving an understanding of the times so that we can be prepared and know what to do). I saw a finger... (This is the finger of God, like was seen by Belshazzar in Daniel chapter 5, "Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote." The finger of the Lord gave a message of swift and coming judgment, just as He is doing again in our time). I saw a finger underline slowly, like it was pushing, slowly and forcefully under the name 'December'. Flipped over to January and underlined it just as slow, and it was pushing (I believe this indicates that December and January will be very hard and very slow months, that will have to be pushed through).

 First thing I saw was long food lines (It is interesting that this is the very first thing the Lord shows Dana in the dreams- food lines. Very long food lines indicates famine, which the Lord has warned many of His servants is coming. That famine was shown first in the dream indicates that this judgment will be seen first in order, and that it is likely underway before December). I saw people what seemed like hours, and they were standing in line, not in cars (This could indicate an EMP or smaller nuclear bombs or even other covert activities that will have taken out parts of the power grid and rendered vehicles or gas stations in those areas useless). I saw this throughout the nation. I saw ships in ports on both East and West coasts. They were just sitting idle- there was nothing moving at sea, nothing. And I saw a headline that said, "The Baltic Dry Index is Dead" (The Baltic Dry Index tracks dry bulk shipping/ large shipping containers and stocks. This indicates no more worldwide shipping or delivery of products between nations). It said that nothing was moving in trade around the world. And one thing that I noted, there were no Christmas lights. It was December; there were no holiday displays, no sales mentioned. No Christmas lights, no Christmas displays, no Santa Claus...no Christmas type things goes on (Bear in mind that Christmas marketing and displays go up very early to encourage buyers to spend more money. We often see these begin to appear right after Halloween; usually the very next day. This part of the dream seems to suggest that something significant happens to halt all consumerism by the beginning of November, and that conditions are severe enough to render holiday decoration and celebration unthinkable or useless. Americans love Christmas. This would only occur under the most dire straights).

 There was a great sadness over the land. People seemed very dazed and they seemed very confused (This reminds me of the effects of what was shown to Dana in a previous dream concerning what would happen before and after November, when he was shown a headline regarding "Shock and Awe in the US". The purpose of a Shock and Awe military campaign is to render a population dazed and confused, so they will be incapable of fighting or resisting). But there were Christians who stood out because they had faith. They had hope in Christ (This is a wonderful part of the dream! The Lord has repeatedly shown that during these trying times, His people will be sent forth to minister! These are the times leading up to the Great Harvest). And they appeared like, they looked like burning charcoal and they were carrying torches wherever they went (More good news! The Christians who minister to others at this time appear like burning coals. In the Word, we see burning coals from the Altar of God as a symbol of refinement in the fire. I Numbers 16:46, we see Moses say to Aaron, "Take your censer and put incense in it, along with burning coals from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them." We also see Isaiah, right before his commissioning from the Lord, touched by a burning coal, "...one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” You will want to read all of Isaiah 6, as this chapter parallels what the Lord has shown in this dream). And a lot of people rejected their approach, but they kept their faith. They didn't back down from telling people about Jesus, and they kept telling people that they desperately needed Jesus at that moment. It was, 'You need Jesus now!' 'You need Jesus now!' 'You need Jesus now!' 'Don't wait; you don't have tomorrow. You need Jesus now!' (This shows a great urgency, as if it will soon be too late). And a lot of it was rejected, but there were some who were coming and surrendering and praying and being saved in the dream (Again, something wonderful. Not all will call on Jesus and be saved, but some will! Pray for people to turn to Jesus during this time).

I saw what looked like shopping malls that had been converted into shelters or living quarters. It reminded me of Hurricane Katrina when it came through, and the football stadium (During Hurricane Katrina, the Louisiana Superdome was used as a "Shelter of Last Resort" for people who had no where else to go). The businesses in those malls were shuttered (Again, we are seeing that businesses are shut down and not operating as usual), but I saw people on cots and I saw food outreach going on. And I saw people who were misplaced. This was not like a homeless shelter. This was like something had happened and people were in shelters. I continued to see shuttered properties (Economy and consumerism halted/ shut down).

I saw people in their homes who were wearing coats, while they were looking out closed curtains (People do not wear coats in their homes unless they have no heat. This is another indicator that something is wrong with the power grid, in at least large portions of the US). And that's been the consistent thing in the dreams, people inside their homes, looking out whats going on. And when people were looking out their curtains, the curtains come back far enough that I could see more of the snow-like stuff that was on the road- it was dingy, it was dark; it was grey (I'm sorry to say, but this sounds just like nuclear fallout, Nuclear "Winter"; this may indicate that some areas in the US have been met with small nuclear bombs, or perhaps other covert means that would result in parts of the electrical grid being taken down. This would happen before a planned invasion to 'soften' the population). It wasn't white, like pure snow after a fresh snowfall.

 I saw headlines that said, "Nationwide Outages Plague Southwest". Another headline that said, "Americans Don’t Know Who To Blame For Darkness" (Again, further indications of covert actions to partially dismantle our power grid). And some of the darkness in the areas, it stretched into Canada; it was North. It wasn't everywhere, but I saw America with, as lights flickering. And it was like I saw the whole country outline of the United States of America, including Alaska and Hawaii, and it was like a light; right before a light goes out it flickers, it starts flashing. That is what it looked like. It was like America was a light bulb about to go out (I believe this part of the dream is literal and figurative. It seems the nation will go dark at some point. The Lord has warned of this through many of His servants. But it also could mean that America will be thoroughly judged and humbled, to a point of 'lights out')

 I saw vultures with food hanging out of their mouths (Vultures are a symbol of depression and death. They also feed on the dead. I believe these vultures are another sign, like in his other dreams, of sweeping darkness and depression leading to many suicides of individuals, but also a spirit of death and depression over the nation.) These vultures were heavy. A word I don't like to use is the word 'fat', but these vultures were fat. And they had rotting food hanging out of their mouths (The vultures have glutted themselves on so much dead flesh that they cannot even swallow what is in their mouths, so it is left hanging. This sadly indicates a great number of victims that will succumb to depression and/or suicide- Pray that people repent and turn to Jesus now, so that they are not swallowed by this devious enemy). I saw depression as a figure, as a creature, and it had a face mask on with a smile (This reminds me of the infamous beaks worn by plague doctors in 17th-century Europe, which many have compared to the current C3r0n4v1r3s/'plague' masks [I can't spell it out correctly r my post gets flagged and rendered unable to share. Fakeb00k has taken away my tagging abilities as it is]) It would indicate further parallel between the shutdowns and all the mayhem they have caused to the spikes of depression and coming suicide. The mask with a smile suggests that this was the plan all along. The 'help' and the 'cure' is intended to harm). But it was choking people and pushing them down on the ground.

 And then I saw the St. Louis Arch (A lot can be said about the St. Louis Arch. It is the world's tallest arch, the tallest man-made monument in the Western Hemisphere, and the tallest stainless-steel monument in the world. It was built as a monument to the westward expansion of the United States, and it was officially dedicated to "The American People". The arch was envisioned by Luther Ely Smith in 1933, is 630 ft in width and 630 ft in height, and sits just above the Mississippi River. It is said the arch typifies "the pioneer spirit of the men and women who won the West, and those of a latter day to strive on other frontiers." When objections arose to the initial 30 million dollar project back in 1933, about how that money could be spent on more 'practical things', Smith's daughter said her father would respond to those objections by saying that "spiritual things were equally important." This arch seems to have a deep and not so settling spiritual component to it, as a gateway.) And I saw people standing under the St. Louis Arch in very expensive business suits. All of them had very expensive watches. And at their feet were these briefcases, larger than briefcases. Almost like, it reminded me of a nuclear suitcase, a nuclear briefcase that they talked about in the 80's (Russia and the US are the only known countries with nuclear bombs sized to fit into suitcases or large briefcases. Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking GRU defector, claimed that such Russian-made devices exist and detailed their use. According to Lunev, the number of "missing" nuclear devices (as found by General Lebed) "is almost identical to the number of strategic targets upon which those bombs would be used." Lunev suggested that suitcase nukes might be already deployed by the GRU operatives on US soil to assassinate US leaders in the event of war- read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suitcase_nuclear_device . This could indicate Russian involvement and strategically placed nuclear weapons that will be detonated at a set time in the future).

 And suddenly, all of their alarms went off at the same time (their watch alarms) and they hit them (pushed the alarm button to acknowledge and silence the alarm, turn it off) and they grabbed the briefcase and they got into these black SUVs.

And, of course, the Mississippi River goes right through there, it divides the country (North to South). And I saw them get into the black SUVs and they went East; they were going all over the place (Dana motions his hands in every direction, not just East). Each of them had a Wall Street Journal newspaper under their arms (This indicates a destruction of business/ trade) and they had heavily tinted sunglasses (The black tinted SUVs and tinted sunglasses symbolize hidden/ covert plans and activities).

 And the next headlines that I read were about market crashes, about yields being lost (Yields are a return measure for an investment over time, usually shown as a percentage. Yields being lost shows that the Stock Market and investments will likely be halted/ lost). And one of the headlines declared sympathy for the Swastika (This means that Antisemitic sentiment will again approach pre-WW2 levels. Bear in mind that the Nazis wanted to destroy Jews and Christians. This indicates that hatred for the Jewish people and Christian believers will sharply increase soon). I saw tired crowds. I saw tired people. I saw many who had lost the resolve to fight due to the emotional overcast of the nation.

 And I heard Christians, that group of Christians that was going around with hope, I heard them saying that they remembered what Jesus had said about the Winter and having to flee in the Winter (This verse has come into my mind often over the last couple of months. It is from Matthew 21:20-21 and says, "Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again." It refers to the time of the end after the Antichrist reveals himself in the temple. Believers have been encouraged to pray that our flight will not take place in the Winter, but I realized that although I have known of this verse for decades, I neglected to pray that. Could the believers in Dana's dream be discussing the same sentiments and wondering how close the Great Tribulation is? I believe so. Please pray regarding this). But they kept encouraging one another in the faith. I saw lights all over the country, and I knew that these lights were churches (This represents the light of God. John 8:12 records, "Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” In Matthew 5:14-16 we learn our role is to shine the light of Jesus, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.". The meaning of this part of the dream is clear. Those who are in Christ Jesus will shine His light during these tumultuous times. Praise the Lord!) Whether they were churches like we think of today, or whether they were house churches (Dana is possibly seeing a changing or a shift in how believers meet during the coming months, possibly more home-based church gatherings like we see in the book of Acts). And I felt in my spirit, I did not hear this, but I felt they were keeping warmth and hope in their communities (Believers, you will have a very important part to play in these days. Its not about us. Its about Jesus who deserves the reward of His suffering- the hearts and souls of the lost. Pray for the Harvest! Pray that the Lord uses you according to His plans and purposes that He had in mind from before you were even born).

 And that White Figure (The Lord Jesus) rose out of those lights and He said, “Brace yourself! Brace, brace, brace yourself on the Word and My promises and do not rely upon your own strength.” (Again, the Lord is being ever so kind to warn us of what is coming so that we can prepare spiritually, emotionally, and physically. He is giving us specific instruction on how to prepare: We are to brace ourselves in the Word of God and hold tightly to His every promise. They are all YES and AMEN! We will stand by His Spirit and in His might, not our own. Take all these things to heart).

(I pray that I have given insight to this dream from the Lord and not my own mind. However, I am flawed and liable to error. Please pray for discernment and ask the Lord to speak what He will to you. If a word or prophecy is truly from the Lord and we reject it, we are actually rejecting God, not His messenger. On the other hand, we don't ever want to receive a message that is not from the Lord. Pray for humility and ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking to the churches of today. You are a warrior in His End-Times Army, and you must take your place in the battle. May God bless and help you all to overcome, in Jesus' Name. -Rose of Sharon)


Monday, September 7, 2020

Commonality is Ineptocracy

It seems curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost. Hence, there are consequences because of previous actions in NYC’s, Chicago's, San Francisco's, LA's... upscale sections of their cities. In other words, consequences of doing wrong always catch up with the wrongdoer. Its heretofore liberal residents are apoplectic with rage as there are several new homeless shelters packed with pill poppers, crackheads, the mentally depraved, registered sex offenders... It appears the homeless now residing there are causing turmoil. Then again one could say the same thing about Austin, San Diego, Seattle, Portland... What do all these municipalities have in common? Ineptocracy. All the mentioned cities are symptomatic of a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing , and where the members of a society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.  

How many of those people blindly vote Democrat, yet are opposed to homelessness in their own neighborhoods? Do these folks, who just a few months ago were clamoring to defund the police, expect police protection from those shooting drugs up in the streets by their homes? Do they just hope that sexual deviancy in the streets will astonishingly cease? Against this backdrop, the cities previously mentioned and other Democrat run cities are stopping cars at random checkpoints to enforce quarantine rules, but lets people commit crimes and like monopoly they get out of jail free.  


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Socialism’s Democrat's Primary Goal is to "Dethrone God, and Destroy Capitalism"

Here’s the Reality: Democratic National Convention moderators omitted hallowed and sacred words from the Pledge of Allegiance during panel discussions: “under God.” Does this not imply that today’s Democratic Party’s is increasing its disdain for traditional religious teaching on marriage, the family, and church, to name but a few? As the post-convention progresses, we should not be surprised when Democratic Party and committee leaders take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance. They are usually trying to take Him out of everything else. Karl Marx claimed religion was the "opiate of the people" and that the future worldwide communism must take the place of religion. Does not history testify to the fact that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot... Mao persecuted Christians?  Did not Marx claim Socialism’s primary goal was to "dethrone God, and destroy capitalism," as they go together? Did not Marx also attack the biblical “nuclear family” as a hinderance to socialism?  And so, it is not a coincidence that many of today’s new Democrat socialists’ trailblazers’ goal is to disrupt the nuclear family. I fear under today’s ever evolving Democrat party leadership the Church will become the Left’s next target of opportunity. I feel it is incumbent that we as constitutionalists, conservatives, patriots, and Christians to call evil for what it is. To remain silent in the face of impending tyranny is to condone it. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

America's Choice Freedom or Despotism

America is in trouble. Big trouble! What else can we presume when we nightly witness self-proclaimed Antifa anarchists, BLM social deviants and Marxists insurgents looting our places of commerce, banking, and propagating violence. Does not what we see on select MSM outlets amount to open rebellion? What bothers me is the fact that while neighborhoods burn, city officials do next to nothing. 

What else can we conclude when the dominant media, self-proclaimed entertainment elites and left leaning politicians fall over themselves making excuses for societal malefactors/criminals in the name of redistribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges. Like Antifa, BLM and Marxists, too many local, state, and federal officials excuse the deviant behavior under the guise of social justice. 

What else can one conclude when large corporations, a major political party, Soros funded networks and professional sports leagues rush to pledge hundreds of millions to buy themselves protection from subversive organizations like BLM or be victimized by cancel culture piranhas.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

To Remain Silent is Guilt by Complicity

If you are like me, there are reasons enough to cast doubts on the explanations behind the nationwide anarchy and turmoil prompted by the police killing of George Floyd in particular and others of color in general. This may be a lot of things, this moment we are living through, … But it is definitely not about black lives, and remember that when they come for you... And at this rate, they will. As might be expected, the truth hurts. Why? MSM's self-serving crème de la crèmeentertainment's nonpareil, academia's Marxist indoctrinators, BLM reprobates, progressive elites and finally, SJW’s who strive to validate their own ego by seeking attention, in their usual fashion (by any means necessary). It is the before mentioned who intentionally misrepresent those of differing opinions and intent and use it to fan the flames of anarchy within America’s streets and to further divide this once great nation. They do this out of animus, abhorrence of law and order, and political power. Mainstream Media's  editorials/commentaries are evidence enough of the distain they have towards President Trump, the Constitution, Conservatives, the church, and America's historicity as we know it. They and their ilk are willing to destroy America for no other reason than self-aggrandizement and power over the masses.

I must agree, as do many others, no matter what progressive modes of media, SJW’s, BLM, Marxists, Democrats, revolutionary militants, and social deviants assert, no matter what they tell you, black lives matter is but a guise, smokescreen, pretense, masquerade... The only way to reason with Antifa, BLM and other extremists who foster violent anarchy in hopes of a coup d'état or putsch is for federal, state and local government authorities to implement strict and swift stern measures on those involved in unlawful riotous behavior and yes, treasonous abnegation of well-defined and established laws by those officials elected/appointed to such offices requiring adherence and enforcement of established laws. The longer we, the people remain distant (silent), the deeper, wider, and darker the chasm becomes making it all the more difficult to bridge.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Real BLM Narrative

Black Lives Matter is a movement composed of diehard faction of Marxists, they are parasitic on genuine outrage and genuine injustice. Black Lives Matter Global Network/movement doesn’t hide its out of touch with issues of modern society, although many of them are stated in broad terms. BLM seeks to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” Don’t believe me? Check the organization’s website. Note: The use of Marx-Lenin linguistic style used for casual communication in the movement’s website.


Although the organization states that “We are unapologetically Black in our positioning,” it focuses heavily on something that traditionally has not been part of African American activism; sexual orientation and gender identity: We (BLM) make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. …  We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence. … We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.”

And now I bring you my somewhat biased perspective. I believe BLM is one of several factions that are bent on the destruction of America as a Republic. They promote false narratives and are liable for the anarchy they precipitate. 

Additionally, BLM is encouraging anti-police violence. Based on website info and research, the movement’s four basic objectives regarding law enforcement are as follows: They want to disenfranchise law enforcement from the community. They want to defund law enforcement. They want to lessen law enforcement’s community link. They want to reduce law enforcement’s prominence in the community. Essentially BLM aims to dissolve law enforcement in its entirety.

It has become more apparent over the last few months that BLM’s motive for dissolving law enforcement revolve around not altruistic motives but it is because police officers are protectors or guardians of the rule of the law, and the Black Lives Matter movement is a black nationalist revolutionary Marxist movement that is tied into a much larger international movement referred to as One World One Struggle.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

BLM and Who's Playing Whom

Here's the Reality: The Black Lives Matter protests and riots ended more Black lives in a few weeks than the police took in all of 2019. Fact: Black Lives Matter is rolling in the dough. the movement raked in more money following Floyd's unfortunate death than they have in the history of their existence.  All this while innocent Black children are slain in their yards, their houses, parent's cars, and local playgrounds, and Black neighborhoods are terrorized, and Black businesses are looted and destroyed. and what did BLM spokespersons say? they said nothing.. Truth be known, by their silence they are complicit in the deaths of those killed, businesses looted and destroyed. Or, maybe they view the carnage and destruction as no more than collateral damage.

Something just does not add up. Black Lives Matter is laughing all the way to the bank while everyday American citizens of all ethnicities pay the price.  Why is BLM now making money hand over fist? This nation's progressive leadership (Democrats), Corporate CEO's/Boards, entertainment elites, and Soros neophytes are the Pied Pipers of the BLM movement. One plays the music. The other dances to it. When is enough, enough? Now is when enough is enough.  It is time to follow the money trail. The only entities that benefit from the Black Lives Matter movement are the Marxists, and of course their race hustling America hating comrades in media, government, entertainment, multi-national conglomerates... 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

We Need the Blue

The alleged “crisis” of racist police targeting black males for slaughter is in fact superficially plausible, but actually wrong. This rhetoric is a pretext for societal disorder, a Reichstag Fire for validating a revolutionary political agenda toburn down this system and replace it,” as a BLM spokesperson aptly put it. This legitimizing of an illiberal political ideology and violent tactics by civic, business, and cultural leaders now threatens to dismantle the Constitutional order and American civic identity of which American exceptionalism and political freedom are the fruit.

Here’s a reality that has more likely than not, been missed by liberal activists, BLM, left-wing organizations’ spokespersons, academia, the haters of police in general and even some proponents of law enforcement officers. Let me enlighten, or dare I say educate those who protest the very existence of police and those who can inform the uninformed about the facts of police racism as it pertains to Black, Hispanic, and White deaths at the hands of law enforcement and vis versa.

A 2019 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that “white officers are no more likely than Black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians.” Furthermore, according to Manhattan Institute study found that “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” Additionally, the studies reveal “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.” 

Each and every year, without exception, whites who are shot and killed by police officers in the U.S. far outnumber blacks and Hispanics who meet that same fate. In 2019, for instance, the totals were 370 whites, 235 blacks, and 158 Hispanics, were shot and killed by law enforcement officers. Is there a hint of anti-black racism anywhere in these figures? Not a hint! Don’t believe me! Do the research yourself and just maybe, the truth will st you free, that is if you can stand the truth.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fourth of July 2020 Message

What are America's patriots to do? It seems the United States is at a disintegration juncture, and in certain circles, there’s prodigious pressure to denounce and dishonor our history. If you live in specific parts of the country, this might feel like America’s last Independence Day. But all isn’t lost, and we would be well-served to remember America has been here before. Our ability to overcome social unrest and restore the rule of law is what makes the great American experiment work. It’s what makes us great and proud. 
Granted, if you live in certain parts of the country, this might feel like America’s last Independence Day. What are we as Americans to do? Well, my friends, one must remember our Republic has been there before. We have in the past been able to overcome social unrest and restore the rule of law. What is required of us today is the same right-minded and may I add, righteous allegiance required at our nation’s founding and other tumultuous moments between 1776 and the here and now.
This Fourth of July, our Independence Day, we as American patriots should remind our fellow citizens, loved ones, and friends why they too should proclaim their pride in our nation’s founding, it’s Founding Fathers and vociferate or call out at the top of one’s voice, that the forces of divisiveness, revulsion, wrath and cancel culture cannot stand.
Let us recall what President Lincoln once stated: “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” The choice is now on our watch, as it’s come to so many before: “live free or die.” As for me, I choose to live, and to fight those who would destroy our Republic and do so as a proud American Veteran

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Time for The Curtains to Come Down on Counterculture Actors

It has been said that an optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. As a pessimist, I fear this is true. Today's counterculture movements actors appear to have two rules: Anything can happen and something must happen. I can't believe I said that. The last thing I need right now is to have my body riddled with bullets by annoyed collectivists of the cultural revolution over yet another post deriding the counter culture, radical liberals and the uninvited miscreants such as those now camped out in CHAZ or CHOP or, whatever they want to call that Marxist-Leninist-Maoist amalgam in Seattle’s Capitol hill precinct. And they and their malevolent behavior really pisses me off. Why? They’ve taken over parcels of property in downtown Seattle that doesn’t belong to them by force, just like those vile white European inhabitants of old. They’ve driven off law enforcement. They have their own armed band of insurrectionists. They issue mandates and still bank on, taxpayers to bring them clean port-a-potties and soft drinks. And, of course, sandwiches and snacks. The bright side of this dark cloud; At least the collectivist cockroaches are confined to a six-block area of Seattle. Now, where’s the Raid?

When Antifa and other groups’ militants took over a six-block section of Seattle’s Capitol Hill precinct, the liberal media treated the occupation blithely. They portrayed the takeover as a way activists, with limited resources can garner attention from an unjust and tyrannical establishment. Too many conservatives assume that the CHAZ, will end up something like the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic or end like Occupy Wall Street movement. Both, a mere asterisk in history. Not so fast! The tenants have already changed the name to CHOP, which means Capitol Hill Organized Protest. Others think a childish display of progressive emotions of persons who will soon tire of their games and leave when the trash piles up, water is turned off and port-o-potties along with toilet paper are removed.

Regardless of what activist movements of the past called themselves, there is a difference this time around. These are not ridiculous mixed-up adolescents that act as if they are pubescents. They are revolutionaries with weapons and an itinerary. In case you have been in a monthlong coma, these terrorists have infinite media coverage that amplifies their effect far beyond Chaz or Chop or Seattle.

Here’s the reality: CHAZ now CHOP, a self-declared autonomous zone is a threat, as are its unsolicited denizens. They are violent revolutionaries that put forward their edition of class struggle to mimics across America. This is not civil defiance, but a methodical effort to remove sections of the U.S. from the rule of law. In other words, these revolutionaries have placed a restriction on the authority and influence of law in society, especially when viewed as a constraint on individual and institutional behavior; hence the principle whereby “all members of a society, to include government, are considered equally subject to publicly disclosed legal codes and processes." These violent players have proven their intentions by pelting police with Molotov cocktails, rocks, bricks, tire irons... Even now, they impede police, firemen and EMS from responding to emergency calls in their subjugated area, thus endangering further the residents they have commandeered. Indulging them with legitimacy will only inspire them to propagate. The only way to fight against these vicious actors is to deprive them of their stage. 

The role of these insurrectionists is not to overthrow the American government. They serve to propose radical goals that will captivate the public and facilitate the movement of all society, especially the moderates, toward a revolutionary target. By presenting a root-and-branch objective, they make slightly fewer draconian proposals seem more reasonable and helps the radical activists come across to moderates as the lesser evil. All too often centrists are willing to cede a little to avoid losing all. Kowtowing by Local, State and Federal officials, celebrities, Silicon Valley Technocrats and other crucial or essential liberals is the main strength of any extreme activists’ movement, not its anarchists and allied activists. Thus, liberals following a policy of surrender are the greatest danger to the nation. Both MSM and Social media that favorably portray these anarchic experiments are also more dangerous than the insurrectionists are. Both convey legitimacy upon the lawbreakers. Both help spread the class struggle narrative that has resulted in more misery around the world, than one can shake a stick at.

The most efficient way to end the experiment is to condemn and unmask these architects or actors. They are always found in civil upheavals ceding far more than what anarchists/revolutionaries demand. Paradoxically, their heads are more often than not the first to roll when, thanks to their limitations, revolutions succeed. We, the American people are being blinded by the curtains in the windows of our eyes. Either we open these curtains and see the production for what it is or keep the curtains closed and never see what's behind them. I am of the opinion, it's time for a final curtain call for all the actors. Like Gone With The Wind, the counterculture movement's latest theatrical dramas have run their course.  It is time for a final curtain call for all actors involved in this tragedy and recognize them for who and what they are; Marxist-Leninist-Maoist extremists’ composed of anarchists, revolutionaries, domestics and external terrorists aided by Left-wing politicians and Deep State autocrats bent on the destruction of the United States of America and all for the want of power.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Riots, Riots Everywhere

First it was Minneapolis-St. Paul, then NYC, LA, Phoenix, Denver, Louisville, Memphis, Atlanta, Columbus, Portland... Seattle.  Riots, riots everywhere and all that was right was no more. Riots, riots everywhere nor a business left intact.  All were looted, trashed, and burned everything for the want of leadership and subversion from outside sources.

Which brings one to question leadership’s role and its competency in dealing with the true miscreants involved in the actual violent public disturbances. Who oversees those cities and states? Who oversees the police in those cities? Democrats. Democrat Mayors, Democrat bureaucrats and Democrat Governors. Why do these things keep happening in primarily Democrat controlled municipalities and states? Is it encouraged by local, state governing guidance? Is it a result of sound strategy? Or, could it be the lack thereof?

Progressives have long been the party to claim racial inequality, but this inequality seems to happen, most often on their watch. It's like a rinse and repeat strategy. Employ policies that citizens view as biased, unjust, and oppressive then watch the riotous demonstrations morph into chaotic calamity. Sadly, Democrat leaders typically benefit from these riots, politically, as they tend to run back to their protestation of racial disparity. These types of remonstrations are starting to look like the firefighters who start a fire to be praised for putting it out. One thing they all have in common is weak leadership. The second thing is, well, you probably know by now. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Gone, Extinct, No More, Compliments of "Cancel Culture"

First, it was the Jihad Culture’s contention that Gone With The Wind was a reminder of institutional slavery and has to go. And so it is now Gone. Just like yesterday’s wind, it is no more. The classic film has met the same fate as the Dodo bird and the Tasmanian Devil. Both are now extinct, gone the route of the Pony Express. Now it is Aunt Jemima. SJW’s joined by academia gurus and a myriad of radical activists claim it is “an image that harkens back to the antebellum plantation... is that kind of stereotype is premised on this idea of Black inferiority and otherness.” Did Quaker Oats, a subsidiary of PepsiCo suddenly become “WOKE”? Or, are they acquiescing to a minority of a subgroup within a subculture who has awakened from a societally induced slumber, thus “were self-aware,” and now are “WOKE.” Judging by the social upheaval we currently daily witness, they indeed are “WOKE.” As one who is somewhat skeptical of Corporate and Social Activist Group agendas, Progressive Politics, and revisionists of history, I find it hard to swallow those product representative icons, statues, Memorials, trademark images will now cause others to presently question the dominant paradigm and strive for something better. In no way do I believe Quaker Oats, or any large business enterprise who are threatened with the possibility of being “Canceled” by those identifying with the “Cancel culture” or “Call-out culture,” would acquiesce to the demands of SJW’s, and so on and so forth Truth is, “Cancelling” them out, would result in a sharp decline in relevance and the bottom line... profit$. It’s not the cause resulting in change. It the power of the bottom line.