Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Message 2014 - Stop, Look, Listen and Act

To all who have ears, listen.  To those who seek peace, open your eyes. The truth of the matter is that mankind has lost much of its humanity and has little heart to seek its return. Deceit has replaced truth as the standard to be expected from too many in political office. Political Correctness is now an accepted doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by the unscrupulous few in the halls of power. Credibility of current leadership, both here and abroad is for the most part gone. Have you really listened to their excuses? Have you seen the finger pointing? Do you not hear their lies and recognize smoke and mirror tactics used by those who betray truth for convenience? What has become of America? What has become of the civilized world? I see America where the anarchic, unaccomplished, oblivious and ineffectual rule. I see an America where basic tenants of a civil society including faith, family, freedom of speech and individual rights, have been rejected by a majority of those in authority.

To the persecuted Church I say peace be with you during these dark days of trials and tribulation. To the Western World and its churches I say stop appeasing those who assault and demean Christianity. Stop ignoring secularism within the Church for it is an anathema. Stop being willfully blind toward Islam. Radical Islamists seek to destroy the West. They seek to destroy all vestiges of Christianity to include the believer. For those who seek harmonious existence with persons of Islamic faith who believe in and adhere to the immutability of Shariah, you are ill-informed. We are unalterable adversaries. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy. As Christians we must unite and persuade our political leaders to halt the spread of Islamic ideology.  As the Church, we must speak out against the destruction of Christian villages and murders of Christians throughout  the Muslim world. Let your leaders know that you will no longer support the political party that placates Islam at the expense of the Christian faith and its followers. For those who stand in the pulpit,  I say take the calculated risk and let your congregation know the realities that face today's Church. This calculated risk is a known risk for the sake of a real gain. I am not asking the Church leader to take a risk for the sake of a risk, for that is a fools choice.

To my reader I ask, have you heard the message? Are your eyes now open to the truth? If so, share this message with others. May your New Year be one blessings and of positive change.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lack of Honor and Integrity Equals Betrayal

If it had not been Christmas week I would have broached this topic sooner.  I, a career Army veteran, like many Americans are thoroughly disgusted by the betrayal of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate and the President. How dare our political leaders burden the military and retirees with more of the responsibility for budget cuts while immigration and other entitlement programs remain unaffected by the Ryan-Murray budget deal. How can President Obama and members of Congress sleep at night after telling current retirees, medically retired service-members, and future retirees that they must sacrifice their benefits as part of a budget deal? Hello Murray, Hello Ryan, did you not read your own recommended legislation? What is it with our legislators? Is everyone serving in Congress unable to read proposed legislation prior to approving it? I do believe Pelosism ("You have to pass it before you know what's in it.") is now contagious in Washington. I ask a similar question posed by Allen West. Is "six billion dollars in disrespect to our military retirees preferable to offending illegal immigrants?" Here is a thought to ponder Mr. President and Mr/Ms Congressional Representative. When is the last time you experienced the pain of losing a loved one, a friend or peer in a conflict, usually in a far away land, to an enemy we know almost nothing about? When is the last time you really looked a Wounded Warrior in the eye and in your heart acknowledged their sacrifice? Your actions by voting 'yes' to the bill speak for you. Let me guess, you now opt for the Hillary view point; “what difference at this point does it make?  Once upon a time, this great nation honored the selfless service of the men and woman in uniform. There once was something about honoring a sacred oath to a veteran.  Imagine an oath that has no boundaries. Like our southern borders, it no longer exists. The president, the majority of Congress and most of his cabinet appointees represent the antithesis of leadership with values. Their honor is seriously in doubt. Why do I say this? Is not honor a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service and integrity in everything you do?  Let us look no further than the last value I mentioned. Does not one who claims to possess integrity do what's right, legally and morally?  Is not integrity a quality one develops by adhering to moral principles? The passage of the Ryan-Murray budget bill which reduces a promised  military retirement pension for veterans is evidence enough that Obama and a majority in Congress lack core leadership values. Furthermore, by his actions, Obama has proved himself to be a "leader" of doubtful character. What little respect I had for him, I no longer have. I believe he is presently unsuitable to be Commander-in-Chief, otherwise he would have vetoed the Ryan-Murray Budget Bill. He had the last word. He chose to do nothing.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Message 2013

"The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus. He shall be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."-Luke 1:30-33.

The hope of Christmas is that God has sent a very personal message to mankind, His Son. His Son, whom he appointed heir to all things and through whom all things were made (to include this world), provides forgiveness of sins through His death for sins on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. His Son  now sits down at His right hand and Jesus' name is above all names and authority. The Son, Jesus Christ is God's message to mankind. Often we think of the baby in the manger because such a scene is innocent and serene.The manger was the beginning of the incarnation-God taking on flesh. The cross was always in view. Every time you think of the manger, think of the man of sorrows on the cross bearing our sins. The baby in the manger is the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.

I do wish all my blog readers a wonderful and most joyous Christmas. I have one special request. Please pray for those Christians worldwide who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Government Orchrastrated Victimization

 Is it not ironic that in our time, it is government that has put on a mask and played the role of thief?

I am concerned about the direction America is heading. As a nation, we have lost the inspiration and vision that originally characterized what made us great and become a nation of takers seeking perks and giveaways from an increasingly socialistic government. Entitlements in all their many forms is forcing America toward social unruliness, not experienced since the 1930's. Our government actively encourages, requires, and deceives what were once proud and independent people into taking WIC for food stuffs, and other forms of welfare. Entitlements not earned do nothing more than train people to be powerless, slothful, fraudulent and to take little or no responsibility for their individual actions. If you doubt what I say look no further than Detroit. What do we see? The city itself is in shambles. It's inhabitant's for the most part have been conditioned to expect what amounts to socialist benefits. Those who had a work ethic departed the city long ago for opportunity elsewhere. Driving through Detroit is like taking a trip to a third world nation or worse, an otherworldly place not of this earthly realm. I only mention Detroit to feature the most glaring example of what government by socialism really does. It crushes the human spirit. It inhibits productivity and if continued unabated will inevitably lead to class warfare. Detroit is a prime example of a society, if you will, that has been destroyed by governmental coercion, socialism, corruption and overreaching power of the state. What has happened in Detroit is now raising its ugly head in other large urban areas. I believe urban blight and economic chaos if continued could lead to anarchy in the streets of our nation. What do you think will happen if America's citizens continue to be taxed at extreme rates to pay socialist benefits to the work adverse? When you start telling them which mandated curriculum their children must study? When you start giving jobs to people based on race or gender or sexual orientation/identification instead of ability? What are the consequences if you suppress those who have worked and those persons who still work and limit their freedom of choice? Will it not stifle productivity and if continued long enough could it lead to social unrest or worse nationwide pandemonium?  


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

If ever their was an American horror classic it is Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue, not to be confused with Nightmare on Elm Street. Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 American horror slasher film written and directed by Wes Craven. That particular movie featured several 'B' actors and was Johnny Depp's featured film Debut. Set in the fictional Midwestern town of Springwood, Ohio, the plot revolves around several young people who are stalked in their dreams by Freddy Krueger. The young people are unaware of the cause of this strange phenomenon, but their parents hold a dark secret from days gone by.

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue is a 2008 American horror story, though not a slasher film, but results nonetheless are not pretty. This American horror story was written and directed by a cabal of hard-left ideologues. This soon to be classic debuts Barack Obama as Freddy Krueger, not to be confused as Krueger the slasher. Set in the all too real inside-the beltway of Washington, DC, the plot revolves around several ideological masked leftist leaders who wittingly contribute nothing to alleviate America's vexing problems - crime, widespread human degradation and immorality, dependency on government handouts, rampant political corruption and overwhelming public debt, sky-high taxes and a pervasive socialist mindset. Unfortunately, much of the citizenry are unaware of the cause of these before mentioned vexing issues, but their elected leaders hold a dark secret from which they themselves actively participate in.

The current cast consists of Joe Biden as a stand-in for Krueger, John Kerry as Sergeant Garcia , Eric Holder as Lieutenant Don Thompson, Kathleen Sebelius as Nancy Thompson, Penny Pritzker as Marge Thompson, Chuck Hagel as Glen Lantz. Hillary Clinton even makes a cameo appearance as an insignificant extra. But then again, "what difference does it make?"

The script for Nightmare on Elm Street contains graphic violence but again it is a fictional movie with fictional characters. The death and destruction is the result of a writer's imagination. Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue on the other hand contains little violence but much drama. It's characters are real and leave little to the imagination.These real life actors seek not the destruction of certain individuals but the dismantling of individual liberties.

The 1984 film was met with rave critical reviews. It was an instant financial success. The film's budget was a mere $1.8 million dollars. It grossed $25.5 million, a surplus by any standard. On the other hand the 2008 version is losing money at a rate greater than $1 trillion year, a deficit by even the most liberal standard.

Now tell me, which Nightmare script would you prefer watching? Remember one is imaginary the other is real.

Friday, December 13, 2013

War for America

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty...and what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?" -Thomas Jefferson

I fear, a not to distant civil uprising is not out of the question as a foreboding dread grasps the nation ever so tightly especially, outside dense urban population centers. Everyday, everywhere a class of America's citizens are being pummeled by a government gone wild. Middle or working class America and small business owners are being sacrificed at the Executive Alter of President Obama and his progressive socialist acolytes (mindless followers) who are blinded by an ideology of wealth redistribution, control through class polarization and economic idiocy. Anyone with a brain wave knows you cannot keep expanding entitlements, sow seeds of discord among the classes, and continue acquiescing to multi-cultural political correct interests. The continuance of this mindset or trend is folly fraught with danger.

I ask the reader, why, we as a nation are mired in this apparent sea of socio-political discontent? I contend that there is a cabal of both liberal democrat and to a lesser extent republican political elite who put their interests above America's interests. They will say what the minority wants to hear and do whatever it takes to buy the vote. During the coming weeks I will lay the foundation for my beliefs and ask pertinent questions that will hopefully enlighten the ignorant, inform the uninformed or misinformed,  inspire those citizens who feel betrayed by an ever growing government and help ignite the fires of liberty as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Absence of Truth in Leadership

I have heard it said that one should never argue with or listen to an idiot. It only brings you down to his level.  Therefore, I choose not to lower myself to their level. I choose not to argue with close minded left wing politically correct liberals much less their Marxist leaning supporters. The truth of the matter is that Barrack Obama was not equal to the task he was elected to do. In all honesty, does anyone with an once of good sense think Obama is capable of being a good steward of the nation's highest office? Though I voted for someone else, I was hopeful that he could fulfill his promise of complete government transparency. To his throngs of followers I ask, where is the transparency? Did Obama not make that promise? I know his legions of faithful followers will and do make excuses for his failed promise of transparency. Let me cut to the chase. To be transparent one must be honest, innocent of deceit, open, direct, forthright, ingenuous etc. Obama's record of transparency has failed to pass the litmus test. He has lied often enough to win numerous Pinocchio Awards from both left and right news publications. Scandals during his watch and subsequent cover-ups  have diminished his credibility. President Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Nixon lied about Watergate and attempted a cover-up. He was forced to resign. Obama lied to the American people reference doctors and insurance as it related to the Affordable Health Care Act. Obama and Eric Holder lied about DOJ's "Fast and Furious" operation. Obama and his administration tried to cover-up data collection on American citizens by the NSA. Obama and his administration lied and is still covering up the Benghazi Consulate attack. Why then is Barrack Obama still in office? Why was he elected president in the first place? The truth is that Barrack Obama was not properly vetted. He instead "was given a pass-held to a lower standard-because of his skin color." In short, Obama is a "small minded man, with neither the temperament, nor the intellect to serve as President." The man has little or no honor. The truth is how he perceives it to be and if you question him you are viewed as insignificant or worse, a constitutional conservative. Pure and simple, Obama is nothing about health care or insurance or the middle class or the economy or national defense but is about politics and control. I ask the reader if Obama is mendacious. Does not the actions of Obama and his administration perpetuate distrust? Is the President spurious by design or character flaw? Why should anything promoted by Obama, containing Obama's name or associated with Obama's politics be good for America's greatness?

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Which Road to Travel

Here is food for thought. Is not the redistribution of wealth a Marxist dream? Is Obamacare for all practical purposes, taking a disproportional amount of money from the middle class so that it can be redistributed to the poor? And who do the poor people vote for? Think about it. If your middle class, you now have to pay for health care at higher rates and forty million other peoples costs too. We, the  middle class are being screwed. We know it. Obama and his marionettes know it. We cry foul they cry victory. The middle class weeps in despair, Obama and his supporters dance with joy.

Obamacare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them as dependent on government as the poor, many of which would be working if the government had not already made them government dependent. Even Obama's IRS predicts that "health care insurance for a typical family by 2016 will be twenty thousand dollars per year." What does the average family make per year? Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy thousand dollars? You do the math. Now, you begin to understand the dynamics involved.

We have allowed political elitists to intrude into our personal lives. We have allowed them to make health care decisions for us. We have allowed our representatives in Washington to spend our hard earned money on other people who choose not to work. Yes, I said it and I mean it. A good percentage of the forty million "other people" are simply "work-averse." I resent that attitude which the liberal elite cultivates. It keeps them in power and is a tool they will use to destroy the middle class. Now ask yourself, is there still hope for the middle class? Can the burden of entitlement costs be lifted off our shoulders? The answer is yes, and it must be done quickly.

We must defeat this evil by supporting men and woman who represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers dream. We need heroes and heroines in pubic office who believe in liberty and will fight to triumph over tyranny. We need to elect people of principle and character to serve as our representatives in Washington. We need to elect honorable men and women to serve America and her interests. It has been said that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I contend that Obama's road was paved with evil intentions and no good will come to those who travel it. Let us unite and stop paving his road to hell.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankgiving Message 2013

Thanksgiving is upon us. We as a nation have been so blessed by God.  I am so thankful for the Pilgrims and the Puritans who immigrated to America from England to worship God as they pleased. We should all thank God for those men and woman, who in the face of European persecution, refused to compromise their religious convictions who in the 17th century crossed the Atlantic and settled in America. I am thankful to the Founding Fathers that shared the convictions of most of their constituents that religion was "indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions." As Americans we should all be thankful for those 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. This nation has been so blessed to have statesman who put American interests ahead of their own. These 56 men of character sought God's wisdom in making decisions that would forever impact America's destiny. Like the Pilgrims and Puritans our Founding Fathers equated liberty as a gift from Jehovah God.

Let us also thank God for America's spiritual movements and those great men and women who were called to lead these movements. Let us thank God for the First Great Awakening, for it brought Christianity to the slaves and was an apocalyptic event that challenged established authority. And  let us not forget to thank God for the Second Great Awakening which reached out to the unchurched. And let us give recognition to our God for the Third Great Awakening which ignited a fire that revitalized interest of men and women in Christian perfection.

None of these spiritual movements would have been possible without men and woman of faith heeding the call to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let each of us thank God, for Christ centered ministers and evangelists who when called, went. Thank you for the likes of John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, John Newton, Charles Finney, James Finley, Charles Spurgeon, Dwight Moody, William and Catherine Booth, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham and the many others, past and present who answered the call.

This time of year, whether in good economic times or bad, is when Americans gather with their families and friends and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal together. I do hope all who read my blog have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I do ask that my readers, while thanking God for their bountiful blessings remember those who are persecuted for His name sake.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Say What?

The more I listen to people talk of Obamacare the more ignorant and misinformed I believe they are. The Democratic left claims Obamacare is what this nation needs to improve America's health care system. The GOP right calls it a train wreck. As I stated in a past blog it is neither an improvement nor is it a train wreck.

Obamacare was never meant to help Americans receive affordable health care, or make the lame to walk, or the blind to see, or heal the sick, or lower the debt, or expand the economy. As I stated in the past and I state again "Obamacare was created to fail." Obamacare was a purposeful ploy to damage America's economy, kill jobs and bring about the death of America as we know it in favor of life under socialism. It's Obama's grand design. Were not two of Obama's mentors Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers? Were not both men radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism?

Obama claims the conservative party is ruining America, while he is the one plotting the actual destruction of this once proud and prosperous nation. He trumpets to all who listen that he is saving the middle class, while he is busy burying them. You ask me what evidence I possess that substantiates what I profess or believe?

The evidence is more than the dismal implementation of Obamacare...Or the disastrous effect of new taxes on the economy...Or the decline of full time jobs...Or the ever increasing debt...Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates...Or the physicians who will either retire or opt out of participating in Obamacare. And what about the hospitals who opt out? Most people do not even realize hospitals can opt out of Obamacare. Talk about health care crisis of unforeseen proportions. We, the middle class  are about to experience the ride of a lifetime, the ride to ruination and government subservience. All that has been said, all that will be said and all of what is to come will be proof enough to make those of us who have the most to lose regret the re-election of Obama as President. Those who still ardently support Barrack Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act are blind to the truth. They have no voice of their own. They are no more than urban lemmings. They are his tools, his cretins.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Veterans Day Thoughts

Veterans Day, what does it really mean to most Americans? What does it mean to me?  And what does it mean to the readers of this blog?

My answer to the first question is wrought with uncertainty, doubt and some trepidation. I am unsure if mainstream America, mainstream media and a good many of her political leaders gives more than lip service to veterans and the day set aside to honor them.

I feel many Americans have pulled the welcome mat from under the Veterans feet. I see apathy setting into our communities consciousness as it pertains to commemorating Veterans Day. I ask myself, why apathy? Why this feeling of ambivalence towards the veteran? Look around! How many communities have planned or held events to honor America's veterans? And how many people attended these events? Undoubtedly, there are some communities who held or will hold commemorative events. But they are fewer in numbers than 10, 15, 20, 30 years ago. Why so few honor those veterans who served and are still serving this country is perplexing. Though, at the same time predictable. Too many people actually believe what they hear coming from mouths of the entertainment elite, some media moguls, liberal mal-contents and more than a few bureaucrats. It amazes me how many of these same people serve their own self-interests yet ignore the plight of our disadvantaged veterans. Did you know thousands of our vets are homeless and the rate increases exponentially on an annual basis. Thousands more are suffering from battle related injuries suffered while in the service of our nation.

Why do we, as veterans, remain silent when our hard fought interests are at stake? Remain silent no more. Our Constitution enables us to be heard. All we must do is speak. Tell others of your sacrifices both at home and abroad while serving in the armed forces. It is unconscionable that vets are homeless. It is a disservice by the government to make veterans wait, in some cases years to adjudicate service connected injuries. It is sadder still, that our wounded warriors and their families must depend on the generous donations of private organizations to sustain them and their families. Thank God for these organizations or some of America's finest could not make it. If we can give billions of dollars to foreign regimes who dislike America, why can't we first take care of our vets in need? I ask all readers to pose that question to your representatives in Washington.

I feel certain that many of America's veterans would have preferred staying home, living a life of leisure and leaving the battle field decision making to others. But, our veterans chose to lead and affect change however slight or great that change may have been. They, not the politician, not the bureaucrat, not the progressive elite were willing and did make the sacrifice.

To all Veterans, past and present, I salute you. To the American Veteran, the words "Duty, Honor, Country"  have significant meaning. God Bless America's Veterans.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

America's Pinocchio

I have come to realize over the past few months and especially the last few weeks that President Obama shares some similarities with the fictional Pinocchio. Pinocchio is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. President Obama is the Commander and Chief of the United States. Pinocchio was created at the hands of a woodcarver  in a small village in Italy. Obama was born in either a small village in Kenya or somewhere else, yet to be substantiated. It all depends on who reads what and who you believe. Some literary analysts have described Pinocchio as an epic hero. Some left leaning liberals claim that Obama is in fact a hero. Both characters appear to experience rebirth' through metamorphosis, a motif found in fantasy, and  in Obama's case speculative narrative that is driven by the more progressive elements of this nation's multicultural leftist elite.

The zombie like masses of the left want to liken Obama to Pinocchio. That is, Pinocchio as envisioned by Walt Disney. Like Disney, the more liberal elements of the democratic party portray Obama as likable and innocent of deviant behavior. He can do no wrong and if a perceived wrong has been committed, it was the fault of someone else. Always somebody else. In reality, Pinocchio was written by Carlo Collodi not Walt Disney. Pinocchio was a character who was prone to telling lies and fabricating stories for various reasons. I suppose he was in many ways not unlike our current President and many in Congress. After all, both do stretch the truth to evade unwanted consequences. I know, many of my readers will accuse me of crossing that unseen line.

Let me remind the reader that after the NSA scandal broke, Obama denied knowledge of the event. He did the same for the "Fast and Furious" scandal, the" IRS Targeting" scandal , the "Benghazi" scandal and most recently the Affordable Care Act debacle. You know, "If you like it, you can keep it." Really, if we like our doctor or our insurance policy we can keep it? He even guaranteed us that our rates would not increase. He stated matter-of-fact "the rates will be lower."  The President in truth, either misinformed the American people out of ignorance or he misled us intentionally. I contend that President Obama misled the public and did so intentionally. Then again this is only speculation on my part.

Other character flaws that both Collodi's Pinocchio and Obama share are that both exhibit obnoxious, bratty, and selfish traits. If you are uncertain as to the validity of what I claim, read The Adventures of Pinocchio and watch some of Obama past press conferences or speeches. You can find plenty of them in the bowels of social media. Do that and you decide on the comparative analysis of behavior.

Now, for sure, there are distinct differences between the two characters. Pinocchio was a puppet and dreamed of being a boy. Obama is somebodies puppet who was a former neighborhood organizer who became a Senator that was placed in the White House. A socialist's dream come true. His dream, America's nightmare. When Pinocchio lies his nose grows longer. When Obama lies America's debt grows larger, our taxes increase, our individual freedom declines, and our nation grows weaker.

Pinocchio has been called an icon of modern culture and one of the most re-imagined characters in the pantheon of children's literature. Barack Obama has also been labeled by many as an icon for social change, redistribution of wealth, and government intrusion into individual lives. What is the biggest difference between the two? Pinocchio is a fictional character out of a children's storybook. Obama, on the other hand is a real person who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One is depicted as a puppet turned child. The other often acts as a child but is supposedly an adult. One eventually admits to his failings, the other has no failings.

The big story is not Pinocchio, his dream of becoming a boy nor his deviant behavior. Is he not one man's thoughts put into words and printed on paper? Was Pinocchio not created to play a role in a book? The bigger story is Obama. Who is he? What motivates him to do what he does? Who writes his story lines"? Will the final chapter of Obama leave us in wonder or despair?  At present his role resembles that of a villain  in a Stephen King novel. Now, what are your thoughts? Do Pinocchio and Obama share some commonalities and where do the similarities end? Whose alter ego is greater, Pinocchio's or Obama's?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherd and Sheep Sleep Part 3

Proponents of  Islam are actively proselytizing across America's cities and towns in search of converts. Expose's have been written and documented on video about Islam extremists recruiting on street corners, prisons and American mosques. Muslim extremists are even  training for jihad in isolated areas of the United States. What we see and read daily about events occurring throughout the world as they relate to Muslim persecution of Christians should serve as a wake-up call for America and America's elected officials. At stake is the future of Christians, not only in the Middle East and North Africa but also, in America. The facts speak for themselves. Was it not Fundamental Muslims that flew planes into buildings and killed thousands? Have we not witnessed bombings in Boston which maimed and killed many innocent bystanders? Have we not heard of the beheadings and vehicular homicides perpetrated by Muslims in America? These crimes were committed in the name of Allah, Mohammed or honor. Who were these victims? The victims were wives, daughters  and neighbors. Their crimes? Wearing western clothing,socializing with non-Muslims, filing for divorce etc.

Does this mean all Muslims are bad? Not in the least. There are good Muslims. I grew-up with and were friends with many immigrants from Syria, Lebanon and Persia. Unfortunately, the percentage of Muslims who support the extremist's jihad against Christianity is high enough to warrant concern. The Muslim community's outcry against the type atrocities previously mentioned are practically non-existent. Again, their silence brings into question not only their loyalty to America but their collective conscious.

Both Christian and Muslim share a common thread. They both share a particular ideology or belief      
 if you will, "I'm saved and unless you believe as I do, your not saved." This is what we might call the pathway to the theology of hate  Within this framework of theology of hate, the Muslim or Christian maintains that "unless you become a Muslim or Christian, then you go to hell." The big difference is that the Islamist's feel they have "an obligation from Allah to dispatch you to hell."

I do believe that Radical Islam is the greatest peril to America and Christianity in America. A close second and closing fast is the Federal Government's intrusion into America's Christian based faith organizations, businesses and churches. The truth of the matter, if the push to force churches into positions compromising its rules of faith and practice succeeds, and the church capitulates, there is no church or church institution the government will not seek to control completely.  Essentially, there will be no separation of church and state. "The Christian view of the church is that it must act in freedom. It must be free to stand apart from government and act as the conscious of the state and its citizens." If the church does not rise up against the government's demands, what will become of Christianity, much less the Church in America?

Government intrusion into the affairs of the church poses a growing threat to church autonomy and most basic religious liberties to include "freedom of speech, freedom to exercise religious beliefs and freedom of access." In light of government intrusion, one has to wonder if some of our pulpits are being filled with ministers who are intimidated by threats, such as loss of tax exemption status? How many of America's pastors have stopped exploring the message of the scriptures as it relates to issues that might be considered "politically sensitive?" Across America, "churches are being denied access to public facilities that are available to private groups...denied public funds that other private  organizations can draw on to help the hurting and underprivileged...denied uses of suitable property through arbitrary land ordinances and zone restrictions." These type government roadblocks are increasing.

 I am of the belief that without the Christian Church and people of good faith everywhere in all denominations acting as the conscience of our nation, our constitutional Republic will cease to exist as we know it. It is time we and America's leadership awaken from our slumber. It is time for action. We can no longer remain silent.We must advocate for the persecuted church Write your government representatives  and demand they stand up for religious freedom not only in the U.S. but around the world. Do this as the election cycle nears.

I have some final thoughts to present, and you the reader to ponder. If the Church does not take an active stand against the forces of Islam it will suffer at the hands of the proponents of that theology. If the Church continues ignoring the threat of secular liberalism and and falls prey to the temptation of multicultural inclusion it will lose its autonomy. If the Church were to acquiesce to societal and governmental demands that run contrary to Biblical truths then it becomes irrelevant. In the words of Jesus Christ, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and render unto God that which is God's."

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherd and Sheep Sleep Part 2

Have you ever wonder why our politicians, the mainstream media, and much of our population, to include Christian leadership have such a complacent attitude toward Radical Islam. Why do they and we, not confront Islamic forces of hatred? Does Islam not display a wanton disregard for individual liberties? Do they and we, not witness or hear of Islamic atrocities being committed against people of Christian faith somewhere in the world on a daily basis? The answers to these questions are yes.

The West and thus our nation's attitude has empowered our enemy to launch a full scale attack on the liberties free people cherish. You may ask, why would Islam want to attack and destroy us? Islam's grievance is the kindness and respect a man shows a woman, the justice practiced as equals under the law, and the mercies we grant our adversaries. Islam wants to subjugate the the West, and thus America, in order to impose their values and way of life on all non Muslims. They want to destroy all civilizations who do not recognize their God, Allah and his messenger Mohammed.

To destroy all civilizations, they must first target that civilization's Christian population. Muslims know that the West was founded, for the most part, on Christian principles. The Islamist knows that Christianity is the antithesis of Islam, therefore the jihadist must destroy all vestiges of Christianity to include all Christian believers. There is little doubt that jihad has been declared. Any public official or authority saying otherwise is either ignorant of world events, shortsighted or a fool. The slaughter of Christians has intensified, and the world watches, its leaders turn their heads, and the Christian's blood is spilled as if it were a sin offering. Our leaders appear to ignore the blood letting in order to appease those Muslims who will not be appeased. They are no better than those world leaders who ignored the Sudetenland invasion by the Third Reich in order to appease Nazi Germany and its leader, Adolph Hitler. How did that work out? Ignoring the facts resulted in little appeasement and millions of deaths. Has history not taught us anything?

Finally, a man who is both a patriot and political leader has stepped up to the microphone and expressed the views I hold, reference; the war on Christianity. Rand Paul stated during his address at the Values Voter Summit in Washington DC, October 11, 2013, that there is a "war on Christianity" that is being ignored by the Obama Administration and the mainstream media. From "Boston to Zanzibar, there's a worldwide war on Christianity."

"Christians are being attacked around the world, but you won't hear much about it on the evening news because the answer's not convenient, if it does not fit the narrative we have been told about radical Islam. The President tries to gloss over who's attacking and killing Christians. The media describes the killings as sectarian. But the truth is, a worldwide war on Christians is being waged by a fanatical element of Islam."

American tax dollars should not be appropriated to any country whose ruling government ignores those who wage war on Christians. As Rand Paul charged.."that's what's happening across the globe." As Christians, we should take a stand and fight against our tax dollars funding any country, for any reason that turns a blind eye to the persecution of Christians.

The destruction that approaches is Radical Islam and is aided by the silence of the Muslim community. The enemy has landed on America's shores. They now preach hate, recruit converts, condemn our religious beliefs, our laws and our way of life. They do this in our cities, our prisons and in their Mosques.

 I contend that those who remain silent, be it Muslims, political leaders, media, or the Christian Church itself while Christians are murdered and Churches burned are complicit by their silence

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Destruction Approaches While the Shepherds and Sheep Sleep - Part 1

 The next few blogs will be dealing with our battle against an ideological, theological and geo-political foe. One represents a painting of hate decorated by different nationalities who share a common ideology of hate and intolerance derived from one source: Islam. The other shares some similarities found in the painting but its evolution is systemic in nature and nurtured by indifference and denial.

The West and we in America, its citizens, our media and politicians alike have been wallowing in a state of ignorance, disinformation, shortsightedness, political correctness, indifference and denial for too many years. We simply do not understand the mindset and intention of our enemy. You ask, what enemy? The enemy is one that resides within our land and outside its borders. It is an enemy that is at war with Christianity (for that matter, any religion not of their persuasion), democracy and human rights.

The evil I speak of is the Muslim extremist who has and is perpetrating evil against innocent victims. He commits this evil in the name of Mohammad or Anwar al-Awalki or Bin Laden. You get the picture; the list of Islamic psychopathic terrorists bent on mayhem is seemingly endless. I do believe Islamic terrorists, both past and present were and to a large extent are all delusional if not borderline paranoia schizophrenic. They hid and are now hiding behind the cloak of Allah.

Why do they hate us? What have we done to offend the Muslim world? Simply put they hate us because we are defined in their eyes as 'infidels.' Under the banner of Islam, 'none is good except Allah; Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.' They murdered Jewish children in Israel, massacred Christians in Lebanon, killed Copts in Egypt, Assyrians in Syria, Hindus in India. You get the picture yet? They are miscreants, cowards and sexist's to the extreme. They masquerade as holy warriors who in reality are no more than barbarians with IQ's not much higher than a pig, who kill in the name of Allah.

Middle Eastern infidels have been paying the price for years. Now, infidels worldwide are paying the price for indifference and shortsightedness. What other religion films their disciples beheading priests, eating the hearts of an enemy, slitting the throats of adversaries, and stoning young girls? All these I have witnessed on the news or on various web sites. If you doubt my word, look for yourself. I caution those who search out the web sites. What they will witness will forever be imprinted in their minds eye.

Tolerating evil is a crime. Appeasing murders does not buy protection. It earns one disrespect and loathing in the enemy's eyes. Yet, apathy and political correctness is the weapon by which the West (which includes the United States), is committing what is tantamount to suicide. Political correctness along side apathy forms the cuffs that bind our wrists, by which Radical Muslims are leading us to our demise.

America and the West are doomed to failure in this war unless they stand up and identify the enemy. The enemy is Islam. The President, his Western counterparts, elected officials, an apologetic media convey through spoken and written word that all other Muslims, are supposedly moderates. Closer to the truth are the pictures of irrational violence in reaction to published cartoons or caricatures of Muhammad or perceived slights of Islamic Law. Irrational acts committed by deranged disciples of Islam are becoming more commonplace in the West. Why, are we, as Americans, unable to see what is happening outside our own contiguous borders? Do you, our President, and media not realize Christians are being systematically killed, churches burned, and  people driven from their homes, all in the name of Islam? If you don't know, you do now. If the President does not know, there is a problem in Washington and it needs to be fixed now. If the media does not publicize it, they are not doing their job, they need to begin publicizing it now.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Follow the "Yellow Brick Road"

Months prior to the the signing of the Affordable Health Care legislation I began to research the subject in depth, or as in depth as one could at that moment in time. I even taught what I had gleaned from my research to a select group of students in a Principles of Leadership class.

The more I read, the more I listen, the more research I do, the more I question the wisdom of the Affordable Health Care Act. I initially questioned the intelligence of Obama, Sebelius, Reid, Pelosi, Biden, and other supporting actors. Obamacare is a fiscal and health care disaster. Its like watching a bad movie with no end in sight, written by an anonymous director and starring a cast of bad actors. Over time, I began to wonder if Obamacare was a remake of the Wizard of Oz. It feels so surreal, yet real. Are we living in a world of make believe? The story line is actually scary. Anyone with foresight knows that a new health care system that relies on young, healthy people paying inordinate sums of insurance premiums is bound to fail. You may ask why would the Federal Government force young and healthy people to get insurance and pay high premiums? The young person's premiums are needed to offset the costs of the millions of people with pre-existing conditions (cancer, HIV, MS etc.) who will enter the pool at the beginning of the new year. I read where a limited plan under the Affordable Health Care Act will cost a healthy person upwards of $5800.00 per year. If a young person opts out, the insurers lose the young and healthy part of their risk pool. If the insurers don't get the ratio they need in the state-based exchanges they're going to be cost prohibitive, because you will have many more sick people and relatively few healthy people. When this happens and it will, insurance premiums will increase. Not only for the sick and lower class but for all of us. As of 1 January, the law requires that if premiums increase, they rise for everyone. This law in turn will push more of the young and healthy who feel they do not need the burden of expensive health insurance out of the pool. As insurance premiums rise uninsured Americans will choose to pay the mandated penalty which costs far less than the required premium. And should this occur, insurers will have to raise premiums even more to subsidize the expenses of the less healthy population they must cover under law.. This in turn, will cause additional people to forgo insurance and pay the fine. And the cycle continues. And, who could blame the young for opting out?

The above paragraph is but a condensed synopsis of Obamacare. If, one looks carefully at the product, does not one see a program that was bound for failure? There are some who claim that despite the promises and expectations of "cheaper and better care for all..." The Affordable Care Act has but one fail. The ultimate objective is a government takeover of the entire health care industry. Do you suppose there are people in Washington who knew Obamacare could not work and that it was too expensive of an endeavor for our economy to sustain? Do you suppose these same people knew we would have to go to a single payer system where the government controls everyone's lives? It appears to me that the likelihood of Obamacare suceeding is about the same odds as me winning a million dollar jackpot in a Las Vegas Casino while playing a penny slot machine.  I believe, that just maybe, Obamacare was born to fail. Its already failing according to many sources. And, the facts speak for themselves.

Did not Obama state in a 2003 address to the AFL-CIO "I happened to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country of the world, spending 14%  of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance  to everybody. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that's what I'd like to see. But as you know we may not get there immediately."?

I see two red flags in the above statement. The federal government is the "single payer" and "single payer" means bureaucrats will insert themselves into our personal decisions as they relate not only to our health but to our financial and personal lives.

Mr. Obama has said that the Affordable Health Care Act has nothing to do with the budget.. But over the next decade, this unpopular law will add almost two trillion dollars to the debt and will cost trillions beyond that. Now, if I can see the end result of the implementation of this program, why cannot the producers of this ill conceived health program recognize the same? The directors  may very well have known what they were doing. It appears the screenplay was planned, the script written, and the actors selected prior to the audition. I believe that a select few Washington Progressives Elitists and their marionettes intentionally led us down the "Yellow Brick Road," in order to facilitate a takeover by the federal government of  our health care system.

Enough speculation and intrigue for this posting. The reviews are in. The movie is bad. The public has spoken and it matters not. The show will go on. It is only a matter of which show we actually pay to see. One last thought; can you imagine Soros as the Wizard, Obama as the Scare Crow, Biden as the Lion, Reid as the Tin Man, Sebelius as Dorthy, and Pelosi as Toto?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

America Drowns while the Fire Burns and Leadership does Nothing

The fact that I am writing this blog and it deals with America's deficit is a sign of leadership failure within the Executive and Legislative branches of government. It is also an indication that our leadership has yet to figure out how to balance the checkbook. If they knew what they were doing our dependence on financial assistance from foreign countries would not be in the perpetual state it is. The truth be known, I have discovered something with less intelligence than life on the Red Planet. I have listened to Washington bureaucrats and liberal leaning commentators shrug off the national debt as if it were nothing to write home about. Our most esteemed leader, Obama himself, said "we don't have an urgent debt crisis. The only crisis we have is the one manufactured in Washington and it's ideological." Oh, really. I am now dumber for having listened to his absurd ideological statement about our economy not being in crisis. We have a spending problem in Washington. Our representatives have adopted a doctrine of idiocy when it comes to spending. I will attempt to clear the fog, fiscally speaking, on reasons why we are where we currently find ourselves.

Let me assure my readers that I indeed have some background in economics and finance. Limited as it may be, it is there. The study of economics and finance was initially my vocational goal.  That goal lasted one year. Following two semesters of economic theory and two accounting courses I changed majors. Unlike our President reality set in. I awoke from the dream realizing that persons other than yours truly, were probably better suited for managing other peoples money. If only our leaders would awake from their slumber and cease mismanaging our money. At least I awoke from the dream before it became a nightmare. I, unlike the President and some Congressional leaders, have learned through experience to manage money. Admittedly, some of what I learned was through the school of hard knocks. I learned to balance my checkbook following two bounced checks. I learned I could only write a check for what money was in my account, not the amount I thought was going to be there. If, I, a mere mortal, can learn to balance an account, why cannot the President and his Congressional elitist's balance a budget? The answer to that question is easy. It is a philosophy that has permeated Washington for too many years. "What's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable," has become commonplace in Washington, especially, during the current administration's reign. They think they know what's best for you and me. They think for us. They make decisions for us. They know what is best for us.They spend our money on behalf of us. Why not wipe our butts for us. The ledger indicates Washington does little to help us but a lot to empty our bank accounts. Let me show the reader why we are swimming in a sea of red. The facts will speak for themselves. I will even suggest ways to rid our nation of frivolous spending and begin balancing a budget.

Obama's idea of debt reduction is to print more money, borrow more money, contribute monies to both domestic and international organizations, and provide foreign aid to nations who align themselves against United States interests on practically every UN vote. As always Obama's debt reduction plan  includes raising taxes with most of the burden being placed on the backs of middle-class America, who comprise the majority of those who actually pay taxes. Currently, only 50% of Americans pay taxes. The majority of the rest of America are freeloaders with little or no work ethic. Obama and his economic advisers are of the opinion that the more money printed, the more money borrowed and the more taxes collected, the better stimulated the economy. It has been said by someone more cleaver than I, "if you spend stimulus money at Wal-Mart, the money goes to China...If you spend money at the gas pump, your money goes to Arabs"...etc. Who's economy are we stimulating? Not ours.

Our leaders continue to finance their deficit spending with economically disastrous policies (remember shovel ready jobs), while narrowing the tax base to build an unbeatable coalition of voters who believe they will never have to pay for benefits/entitlements they're receiving. President Obama and his merry band of liberal elite crusaders have deeply divided the country between the few who must pay for government and the many who are dependent on it. Never before in our country's history have so many people been so dependent on the government. Approximately one in five Americans depend on the government for food stamps, retirement benefits, health care, job training and a host of other benefits or entitlements and the numbers grow daily. All this at a cost of $2.5 trillion a year, which is more than we collect in income taxes. And all this is before the implementation of Obamacare. The national debt is like a forest fire. The more fuel we add the more intense the heat, the bigger the flames. Adding Obamacare to the national debt is fuel to be added.  One consumes vegetation the other a nation's future prosperity. It's either put out the fire or perish in the flames.

My suggestion for debt reduction follows: eliminate our President's legacy program (Obamacare); eliminate welfare and replace it with workfare; the United Nations needs to go the way of the League of Nations; cease foreign aid to those countries who oppose our way of life; implement a flat or fair tax; quit forcing government agencies to purchase supplies/equipment from minority owned businesses (may I add, at a much higher cost); streamline government functions; abolish the IRS; Abolish the EPA; stop importing oil(we have more than enough to supply our own needs); cease rail subsidies (few people ride the rail anyway); stop giving commercial boosts to "clean energy technologies;" stop giving grants to the enrichment of the arts and the likes of; remove food stamp subsidies from the Farm Bill (which is 80% of the bill); no more "pork barreling" programs; finally, eliminate duplication of functions within the government. My recipe for reducing the debt was easy enough, but then I am of this world. If only Barry, Harry, and Nancy, who apparently are not of this world could come down to earth and see the wisdom in addressing our debt.

Our current administration's managing of America's economy is nothing less than criminal. Increasing U.S.debt is detrimental to its future. It weakens us both at home and abroad. Dave Ramsey, a national financial expert has stated what I believe is the path to America's financial stability. He states; "The fact is that the government can get out of debt the same way you get out of debt. You quit borrowing money. You quit spending. You balance the budget. But to do all that, you'll have to make some sacrifices." Just maybe, the Obama family can scale back their vacation itinerary and Biden can play a few less rounds of golf.

 If our leaders are to turn off the debt spigot they must first recognize there is a debt problem that will not go away by ignoring it. We as a nation, the Chief Executive and United States Congressional Representatives, as a whole, must tighten our and their fiscal belts if we are to survive the ravages of debt. If we fail at restraint, debt will surely drown us in a sea of red. Its either abandon ship or balance the budget.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The King has Spoken, The Promise is Broken

The King has spoken. A gift he has given to all people's living in his kingdom. What is that gift that all persons residing in America are going to get, like it or not, citizen or not? Let's get this straight...We are now "gifted" with a health care program we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't. Purportedly, it covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor. But, provides for "16,000 new IRS agents." It was written by a committee whose chairman said he did not understand it. It was passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it and signed by His Majesty himself. Imagine, a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare is now showering us with yet another gift.  Is there a catch? Does it involve a bar of soap? The answer to the last two questions are literally "yes" and figuratively "yes." Yes, it must be paid for and yes the American public is being screwed. Think about it; health care being managed and financed by a country that's broke! What else could go wrong?

Hopefully, I will shed some light on a health care program that in itself illuminates little of the dark it was written in. You ask why would I choose to address this contentious and confusing issue? I actually asked myself the same thing. Could I, as a concerned citizen glean enough information about Obamacare to enlighten a few good people. I decided to go where not even our representatives dared go. I scratched the surface of the Patient  Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Let me sum up what I discovered. I learned that a lot of promises were made but few had substance. I am amazed that I along with most Americans simply do not understand what is going on. It has little to do with health care. It's about health insurance. And with Obama mandating a new government health insurance plan, it puts the federal government more in control of our health care decisions. Add that to the spiraling costs, the exodus of practicing physicians and we are faced with a recipe for disaster.

Remember President Obama's promise; "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period." President Obama was wrong when he said the Affordable Health Care Act would help our economy.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Obamacare "will cost 800,000 jobs." President Obama stated that if we liked our current health care plan we could keep it. Wrong again. The figures CBO show indicates that "20 million Americans" will be dropped from their employer-provided insurance and placed in the government run exchanges. President Obama said Obamacare would make  health care more affordable. Wrong again. As more and more provisions of Obamacare are implemented, health care premiums continue to rise. President Obama said Obamacare would save money and reduce the deficit. Ah, wrong again. The CBO shows the new health care plan will cost over $1.7 trillion over the next decade. Mr. President, you either misled us or you are sadly misinformed.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association claims that since the passage of ObamaCare that 49% of physicians will stop accepting Medicaid patients; 74% warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely; 83% have considered leaving their practices; 65% say rising health care costs are a direct result of government regulations.

In an article written by Nita Ghei I found it interesting that the same government regulations are in fact a regulatory burden on the poor. They will pay more not less. The Affordable Health Care Act "is going to make health care unaffordable to a shockingly large number of poor people." She goes on to say "the burden of regulation falls all too often disproportionately on the relatively poor, especially the working poor-the very people the law was supposed to help. Obamacare, sadly, is merely the latest and most painful hit from the regulatory onslaught of Washington."  I would add that working class middle America is but a step in line behind the poor. Obamacare was long on promises about helping the poor and working class, but it's delivering a regressive tax. The lower one finds themselves on the social economic ladder the higher the price in relation to income earned.

 To my senior friends and readers; Obamacare is a hazard to you and your health. Remember you are in that ever growing line. But in the pantheon of toxic issues none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceuticals. Most notably, Obama's estimable AFC regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries. This being the case, where is AARP? Are they not the ones who purports to speak for seniors? Why did they support a health care law that is detrimental to senior citizens? Do you think, as some people have acknowledged, it had something to do with windfall profits from Medicare cuts? Did you know that Medicare cuts will give AARP a windfall of "$1 billion" in insurance profits and preserve "$ 1.8 billion" that AARP already generates from its business interests?

To make matters worse and personalize my negativity towards Obamacare, my health care provider up and left her practice to join another medical group who will not be participating in the Obama gift giving program. Are you Mr. President, Mr. Reid and Mrs. Pelosi and Washington in general listening to the majority of the people? I think not. Are you reading the the paper? Are you listening to the news? Hello earth, where are you? Obviously, your out of touch with the citizens you are supposed to serve. The vast majority of Americans say "No Obamacare." Are you and the establishment listening? Do you care? The answer to both questions is probably no.

The kindling grows hot. The fire awaits fuel. The king is Barrack Obama and the gift that keeps on giving is none other than Obamacare. The  kindling is health care regulatory guidance. The fuel is massive debt. It is time to put out the flames before the fire consumes our health,wealth and freedom.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Cards are Marked, the American Dream is dying

Prior to the inauguration of America's "Anointed One", our free-market economy was for the most part the envy of the world. Ask yourself; if America was the envy of the world, why is it no longer so? Why change what has worked for the past 237 plus years? Why is America's "left" challenging a system that for the most part functions well . Why are Obama and his economic advisers so keen on controlling our nation's economy and its outcome? Why punish productivity? The answers to these questions may come as a surprise to many of my readers. The answers are simple. The facts,  as I see them, will support my assertions which admittedly are based on history, verifiable economic realities and a bias. I know what your thinking. Bias, me? Yes, its true. I am bias towards a system that made the United States a once great economic giant. I am bias towards a President who is an underachiever at best. At worst Obama is an economic nightmare for America's working class, both past and present.

The economic malaise under Obama is the result of his policies or dictates, if you will. Some of the policies raise constitutional questions. The results of these policies speak for themselves.  Our financial future is bleak. Our children and grand children's futures are darker still. I really don't think the "anointed one" cares who falls on the sword, be it an assembly line worker or a physician. Do you really think he cares? Think no further than the recent death of our Libyan Ambassador and his Special Forces Operators. Ah, let me not digress. This discussion can wait for another day. That day will come.

Back on point; employment sucks, national debt is at critical mass, entitlement programs grow exponentially, higher taxes are more certain than mail delivery, the cost of illegal immigration is alarming, health care prices will be rising as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now, "for the rest of the story."

For the followers of His Majesty and appointed minions these next few paragraphs will not bode well with the faithful. Did you know that the nation's unemployment rate is higher since Obama took office than it was under either Wild Bill or GWB?  Did you know that Obama's drilling permits languish at less than 30%? Wild Bill approved 52%. GWB more than 70%. Think about that when you are at the gas pump. The National Debt is staggering. Let me throw some numbers out; total debt as we speak is $16.7 trillion dollars and climbing. I will break it down even further. The population of the U.S is 317 Million. That is $52,862.47 per person and rising. The problem is confounded when one realizes that the debt increases by $1.9 billion a day. And we thought the King had a court of economic royalty. How about a Royal" Flush."

Let us get the record straight on what has actually happened following Obama's Ascension to the throne. For the first time in history the United States credit rating was lowered; Federal spending is highest since World War II (and rising); ditto for budget and federal debt (both rising); Employment is less than 50% of population working (lowest since 1983); Long term unemployment is at its highest since 1930's; Home ownership rate is lowest since 1965; Percentage of tax payers paying income tax is lowest in "modern era." ;  $330 billion is spent annually on select programs that benefit non-citizens that are here illegally; Government dependency is the highest in American history. Today's welfare exceeds $700 billion per year; Food Stamps/WIC recipients have increased by 16 million ( and rising) under the reign of Barack Obama.

President Obama often blames the opposition for policy failures (Not unlike Assad blaming the rebels for his misfortunes). The ever decreasing number of American tax payers are being forced to contribute more dollars to pay for costly government assistance programs. Welfare, food stamps/WIC, health care, problems associated with illegal immigration and myriad of other compulsory programs are hamstringing the taxpayers.

President Obama's report card on economics is cause for alarm. He is not going to abdicate the throne. Some how, some way, we must convince our elected officials that Obama and his fiscal and socialist policies are bankrupting the "peoples" treasury. If the trend continues unabated the king and his kingdom (our country) will suffer a great fall and neither Pelosi, Reid, nor the rest of his lieutenants will be able to put him (and possibly America) back together again. Unfortunately, Obama is not a character in a fairy tale. He is in fact, more representative of a fiend in a bad dream. In dollars and cents, he along with the support of his followers are wining and dining with our money.

Wake-up America. Why not a balanced budget? Why not a deficit reduction plan? Why not support the Keystone Pipeline construction project? Why support a health care plan that is yet another burden on the backs of middle class America? Why not enforce longstanding immigration laws? Why the increases on Federal Income Tax rates, Income/Payroll Taxes, Capitol Gains Tax, Dividend Tax, Death Tax, Internet Tax (proposed),  And the list goes on...

We have identified the problem; Obama and his merry band of thieves. We are now educated on Obama economics; punish productivity, reward slackers. Now, is the time to energize ourselves and infuse fiscal restraint back into Washington. If our representatives fail to listen to our voices replace them. To do otherwise is to subjugate oneself to future social and economic tyranny. Wake-up America before the nightmare, in fact, becomes reality.

Monday, September 16, 2013

All Aboard The Red Line Express

What started off as a bad few weeks for the Obama Administration has gradually gone down hill. Its like the little train that couldn't. To begin with, public support for Obama's Health Care Program continues to plummet (below 40%).  It makes you wonder if those persons who still support such a fiscal train wreck have pre-purchased tickets or were promised special perks to ride it. Oh, and then there is the matter of the AFL-CIO and their floundering support of Obama Care. Yes, you heard me right. The nation's largest federation of trade unions have serious reservations about the program. The AFL-CIO passed a resolution this past week criticizing Obama Care. Trumka now sees the devil in the details. One can only wonder why Trumka sees the error of his ways yet the majority of our Senators remain blind to the fiscal calamity Obama Care brings with it. Employees costs go up. Employers costs go up. Ultimately, many workers are abandoned.  I suggest the unions get off at the next stop. Adding insult to injury, the house voted September 12 to pass the "No Subsidies without Verification Act." This particular action was in response to the IRS plan to allow the use of "The Honor System" in reporting personal eligibility for subsidies under Obama Care. The vote was 253-147. It makes one wonder if these 147 who voted against the measure are possessed or simply like train rides to destinations unknown. And, the train ride continues.

September 11th brought with it memories of things past, but not forgotten by the public. Current Administration and the State Department employees and appointees (both present and past) could only hope American memories were short. I am not speaking of the Twin Towers. I speak of the "Benghazi Consulate" or as the State Department now prefers the "Benghazi Mission." Regardless of the nomenclature one chooses to use, the actions of a few of America's leaders were reprehensible. I question their leadership qualities. Why was the consulate or mission denied additional security as requested by Ambassador Stevens? Who ultimately denied the request? As I understand it the assassination of the Ambassador itself amounts to an act of war according to international law. If the perpetrators have been identified, and they have, why are they yet to be apprehended or remain among the living? Is there something the current administration is not telling the American public? Did the Benghazi attack of September 11, 2012 have something to do with arms shipments to Syrians rebels? Rumors are that it did. And the train ride continues.

Now, our administration is trying to gender-up public support  for a limited surgical strike on Syria. Do you Mr. President or Mr. Kerry really believe throwing a few tomahawks and bombs at Syria will bring peace to a turbulent Middle East? Mr. President and Mr. Kerry, you do realize there are more than a few fanatical Islamists who hate America and would love to destroy it? Fortunately, for us and not so for the administration, the public has spoken. The House of Representatives appears to have spoken. To make your train ride more uncomfortable Putin has stepped up to the platform and spoken. He has urged caution. Furthermore, Putin makes a valid point when he states that "It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America's long term interests?"  You, Mr. Obama and your talented group of confidants should have been the ones urging caution in Syria. If actions speak louder than words, and I believe they do, then you Mr. President will have to vacate your seat in the Presidential Rail Car. Why vacate the Presidential car? That car is reserved for leaders who feel a call to serve something bigger and more important than themselves. It is apparent that you lack the experience for the position of Chief Executive of the United States. The presidency is much more of a challenge than community organizing. Anyone with half a brain knows the Middle East is a cauldron, always has been, always will be. Democracy and Islam can never co-exist in harmony. I urge all Americans to steer clear of the "Red Line" express. Its ride is costly and fraught with danger, death and destruction. At the controls is the man of style and little substance. Encumbered as it is, the train keeps rolling.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Washington's New Dance of Choice

Washington's dance  of choice is presently Syrian Shuffle by quick stepping Barack Obama. Barack will be accompanied by a select few congressional leaders who will  join the Congo line in aimless abandon.  Syrian Shuffle currently lacks enough popular support to make an appearance on daytime television. This failure comes on the heels of the Libyan Limbo  and the Egyptian Two- Step. All three  share one common theme. Middle Eastern diplomacy is a tune that is unfamiliar to the President and his dance troupe.

I will point out why America should skip the Syrian Shuffle. Our dance partner poses little direct threat to America. This particular dance has more possible scenarios than band members. The post dance venue is likely to escalate into a brawl between superpowers: United States, Russia and China. What a dance that would be. Who do you suppose would win the Mirror Ball? Care to take a guess? I did not think so. There would be no winners.

To be sure, the President can dance around an issue with the best of them. The problem as I see it is simple. The President, his cabinet, aides and advisers have no clue to what makes Arabs, much less Islamic nation's people click. He and his advisers simply do not understand the Muslim mindset as it pertains to all Islamic countries. We as a sovereign nation and they as our elected leaders must see Islam for what it is. Contrary to popular belief, Islam does not encourage a respect for the dignity of all individuals. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world. Did you know that?

Did you know that peace and prosperity for one's offspring is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually the world? While Western nations tend to think that all religions live by a golden rule standard, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics- one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and enslave others. Did you think Islamists thought in terms of developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God?  Sharia actually advocates executing people who criticize Islam. To be sure, there are some Muslims who are peaceful..but they have an army that is willing and has already shed blood for the cause of Islam. Remember, the Twin Towers and its 3000 victims to name just one event?

Human rights in  itself  are reason enough for the U.S. to skip the dance and all future dances MC'd by Islamic clerics who routinely issue edicts or fatwas degrading and humiliating females. In Sudan Muslims openly practice slavery of non-Muslims. Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan execute children and stone woman for getting involved in 'wrong relationships.' In most Muslim countries girls in puberty are married off to middle aged men who are incapable of forming normal relationships because of religion. One would get the impression that Islamists enjoy watching others being brutalized, tortured and murdered. For those of you who do not believe me, look no further than the net. See for yourself. In North Africa, Islamists take pictures while non-Muslims are tortured then beheaded. They do this in the name of the omnipotent Allah.

I vote to skip the dance as should Woman's Rights Advocates, and our Nation's Leadership.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama's Own Reality Series

Say it ain't so America. Obama and his administration are staring in their own reality series? This made for TV series will make you laugh, cry and cringe with expectations of what is to come next.  In this reality series the main character is cast as a leader of the free world. Unfortunately, the series lacks depth, truth and star power. I rate it one star, though my progressive counterparts would surely disagree. Those who rate the series higher than one star are the same people who think Honey Boo Boo deserves an Outstanding Actress Emmy Award. Why do I make such an assertion? Look no further than the economy, an administration ripe with scandals, our President's disregard for the Constitution and a foreign policy that lacks strategic direction. The scandals, economy and to some extent strategic strategy will be dealt with in future blog posts.

There is a pattern of ambivalence by President Obama in his regard for the powers of the legislative branch in favor of administrative decision making without congressional input. Is this not in violation of the spirit of the Constitution's separation of legislative and executive powers of Congress and the President?  I dare say, it appears so. Likewise, the Obama Administration has often refused to support or enforce laws duly enacted by Congress.

The President has responsibilities delineated in the Constitution. Those powers do not include the authority to make laws or decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore. Nor does the President have the constitutional authority to appoint whomever he wants, when he wants. There are some liberals or progressives, if you wish, who would challenge what I have stated. Let us not quarrel over allegations. Let us mention existing federal immigration laws and the Administration's application (remember the Dream Act?) and selective enforcement of these laws. Has there been selective enforcement in the area of immigration? Do you think President Obama crossed the line of constitutionality when he gave four recess appointments to officials who were subject to Senate confirmation?

Do you know that the President takes an oath , pledging he "shall faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."? Let me refresh your memory. When Obama was inaugurated he, like his predecessors, took said oath.  Two questions:1. Do we need a President who will defend and exert their legitimate powers, recognizing that those powers are not arbitrary or unlimited?  2. Does our current President know his powers come with some Constitutional constraints? I, for one, am uncertain he does.

Thus far Obama's accomplishments as a President leaves little doubt as to his legacy. Unless he turns the light switch on he will go down in history as a nominal Commander and Chief who circumvented the spirit of the Constitution for power. Why concern ourselves with Obama's grab for power? Every American should be concerned about Obama's nearly limitless seizure of power, his abuse of authority, the cronyism, corruption, misinformation and disinformation and cover-ups of his administration. We all know, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."  Has power corrupted our sitting President? His actions indicate it has. Is it time to cancel this nightmare of a show? What do you think?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Death on Demand

I ask, who formed your most inward parts? Were you covered in your mother's womb? Are you thankful that you were wonderfully made? Was your frame hidden from God when you were made in secret? Are you a a Christian? If so, do the Ten Commandments have real meaning to all those believers who profess Christianity as their faith?

Can you believe there are Representatives of Congress and other political leaders that have refused to support providing health care to newborn babies who survived botched abortions. President Obama shared this sentiment by refusing to support health care for abortion botched babies while a member of the Illinois Legislature. Does that make the legislator or the President bad? Not necessarily. It does however, call into question their Christian faith and their obedience to that faith. All this being said, it is not difficult to see President Obama's position on the sanctity of life much less the respect for human life.

Ronald Reagan once said "Every legislator, every doctor, and every citizen needs to recognize that the real issue is whether to affirm and protect the sanctity of all human life, or to embrace a social ethic where some human lives are valued and others are not." By refusing to value the sanctity of all life, the abortionists, and thus the supporters of such procedures clearly support a culture of death.

The problem,  as I see it,  is this culture of death brings with it a class of individuals who believe that they are qualified to determine the value of other human life. Remember this phrase: "Life unworthy of life."  Have you ever heard of it? Probably not, unless you are a student of 20th Century history. "Life unworthy of life" was a Nazi designation for the segment of the population which had no right to live. I believe this concept forms an important ideology of secular humanism which permeates liberal politics.

I believe the progressive left is taking its cue from one of its own, namely Peter Singer.  Dr. Singer is a bio-ethicist and philosopher who teaches at Princeton. His ideas about abortion and infanticide follows: "Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping they exist over time. They are not persons therefore, the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee."

Do you see the picture I am drawing.  First it was abortion on demand, then late term abortion, finally we talk of a newborn who miraculously survives an abortion procedure only to suffer a death by neglect or the snip of a scissor. What is next?  Death by injection for the hopelessly disabled or the death panel for the elderly? Is the picture coming into focus? What vehicle will death arrive in next?

To the Christian who supports abortion,  I say seek the truth in the scriptures and the truth will set you free. To the denomination and its leadership I say put a halt to your support of abortion of any type.  If not, you are not representative of Christ's love and teachings. To the minister who speaks from the pulpit yet supports this type infanticide, You are an apostate.

Hitler killed 6 million Jews in his concentration camps, Stalin murdered 20-60 million Russians in his gulags, Mao executed 70 million Chinese citizens in his provincial prisons. We have murdered over 56 million innocent unborn babies for convenience sake. We as a nation, like Germany, Russia, and China have broken the 6th Commandment; "Thou shall not kill."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Floundering Ship

Are we, as the governed, being systematically suffocated by a government that appears to be no more than a ship floundering in the waters of ineptness? If not ineptness, what is the malaise in Washington a result of? Let us look no further than leadership on the ships bridge and among its crew. I am of the opinion, and constitutionally can express such, (at least at this moment in time) that the greatest American problem is leadership or the lack thereof. Why do I proclaim the obvious? The President,  his cabinet appointees, and his congressional minions have failed to produce a fraction of the leadership needed to minimally govern this nation's affairs. One would think that a Nobel Prize Laurete would use some historical hindsight when navigating our nation through the turbulent waters of the 21st century. "The decisions we make that will affect our future are based very much on what we have experienced and what we think we know about the past." Leaders may indeed be visionary or forward- looking. The question we must ask ourselves; Is President Obama's judgements based on history as he understands it?  Is his recollections of the past skewed? What writings of historical value were the most significant to his current decision making? Was it the Koran or the Bible that had the greater influence on his theological beliefs? Who influenced his social/economic agenda? Could the answers to the questions asked be significant? I think so.

When our recollections of the past are skewed or faulty, it leads to more skewed or faultier judgements. When the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are trampled upon in the name of expediency or convenience, individual freedom will dissipate. When a country's chief executive extols the virtues of Islam  while at the same time refuses to condemn the persecution of Christian minorities in Muslim nations, then that chief executive's professed religious belief systems are rightly questioned. I will answer the last question in the above paragraph with a question posed to you the reader. Examine the Obama agenda and the legislation the current administration has proposed, and in some cases successfully lobbied for. It does not take a political scientist nor a economists to figure out this last question. Do you suppose Jefferson, Lincoln, or for that matter Martin Luther King had significant influence on Obama's social/economic leanings? How about Marx, Ayers or Soros? One group cries out freedom for the people. The other mentioned group or the likes thereof shout out dominion over the people. Who knows what is best for a nation's citizens? Is it the nation's leader or its citizens?

Now ask yourself; who is the skipper of this floundering ship and what is ultimately its destination? We know its not Grumby at the helm and we are not sailing to Gilligan's Island. Do you suppose our current president, his administration and his supporters are steering us to the safety of a protected port or are we being driven into the eye of a storm? Will we be rescued or will we sink? Will the lifeboats of liberty come to our rescue or will we be drowned by the waves of tyranny?

Monday, August 12, 2013

America and the Tide

Just as lunar cycles and storm surge effect the ocean tides which in turn create shoreline erosion, so too does government intrusion erode democracy in America. I view this current trend of government involvement in our everyday lives as a pathway to tyranny. Thus, I begin my blogging experience. I am not naive enough to think I have anything to say that is original, profound or unique. Plato, Thomas Jefferson and Reagan I am not. Unlike many in the current Administration and some in Congress I possess no delusions of grander. I simply will express myself in hopes of witnessing a receding of the tides of tyranny or drown in its aftermath.

You are probably asking yourself who dares criticize the benevolence of a political apparatus who knows what is best for its citizens. Let me spare you effort. I am first and foremost a patriot and apologize to no one for being so. I am a constitutionalist not a revisionist. I am a fiscal conservative and a balanced budget advocate. I believe "socialism is the philosophy of failure, the greed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." I believe in a strong work ethic not the redistribution of wealth. Finally, and most importantly, I believe this nation was founded as one nation under God not apart from God. Currently, our constitutional rights are being usurped by a government run by elitists who espouse entitlement and encourage dependency on government instead of self. Furthermore, I believe the current administration is corrupt at worst or misguided at best. I believe the recent scandals are real. Real people died at the consulate in Benghazi. Real organizations were targeted by the IRS. Real citizens were spied upon by the NSA. "Fast and Furious" was a real operation run by DOJ which resulted in countless Mexican and American casualties. I believe in term limits for Congress and Supreme Court Justices. I believe a strong military is necessary if we are to survive these tumultuous times. I believe Islam posses the greatest threat to America and its way of life.

My future posts will expound on this, my first blog post. My day's final words follow: The hour is at hand. The tide is rising. Let us unite and hold the standard of liberty high above the waters of approaching tyranny.